A Little Game of Mommy Says



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I want to play a little game with you~
Just like “Simon Says”, “Mommy Says” is a game of attentive obedience, in which you listen closely to my words, my commands, and do as I say, when, and only when I say the words “Mommy Says”. Seems simple enough, right~?
All you have to do is wait for me to say the words, “Mommy Says”, and then Obey the command that immediately follows. Otherwise, you must hold back the urge to do what I say… No matter how much you want to~
Cooperate with me, but remember we are competing against each other. Listen to me, let me in, stay calm and focused, but also vigilant… You can trust me… To make this very difficult for you for the sake of my own entertainment~
You can either be my good, indiscriminately obedient little loser… Or my good, attentive little subject… It all depends on you… Or, rather… Me~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

Mommy Says, Mommy Says~
Obey Me~… Obey~



As my hypnotic subject, it is very important for you to listen intently and follow my directions
My role is to guide you down into a peaceful trance with my words… And your role is to cooperate and accept my words as commands

Sort of like playing a game of Simon Says, and I always take the leading role
If you are not familiar, Simon Says is a game of attentive obedience
In which you listen closely, and every time you hear the phrase “Simon Says”, followed by a command, you must follow the command
However, if you hear a command that is not preceded by the phrase “Simon Says”, you must refrain from following those orders
The rules are quite simple, and the goal of you, the follower, is to remain alert to my words and Obey only when I explicitly instruct you to Obey
Do you understand?
Say “Yes” if you understand~

So, let’s play a little game of Mommy says~
The rules are the same:
Listen closely to my words… Every time you hear me say the phrase “Mommy Says”, followed by a command, you must follow that command
However, if I give you a command without beginning with the words “Mommy Says”, you must refrain from following that command
You must keep your mouth shut, don’t say a word, and don’t move a muscle, no matter what I tell you~
It’s simple, and it should be very easy to disobey me if you are attentive enough to notice that the special command phrase, “Mommy Says”, is missing~
It should be easy to disobey me… Since I’ve instructed you to do so for the sake of this game… Right~?
I must warn you, though… As the “Simon”, the leader, in this game, my goal will be to confuse you, and to trick you into Obeying, even without hearing those special words~
Mommy Says~
If you make such a mistake, then I will win, and you will be my obedient loser, who can’t resist Obeying me… And falling under my spell~
If you make it through the entire game without Obeying without the special phrase, then you will be the winner… And a very good, attentive listener~
Let’s see just how good of a listener you are~
Do you understand the rules of the game~?
Mommy Says say “Yes”~

Now nod your head~

If you’re nodding your head, then you’ve already lost~, and you don’t understand~
Listen closely~
Obey me… Only when I say “Mommy Says”… At least while we are playing this game~
Will you be attentive and.. Conscious enough to win~?
Let’s find out~

Mommy Says… Take a deep breath in…
Mommy Says pucker up your lips and let your breath out~
Puckered up for a little kiss, hm~
Mommy says… Take in another deep breath~…. Nice and deep~
Mommy Says pucker up those sweet little lips… And slowly let that air back out~
Mommy says… Keep taking deep breaths in and out as we continue
Nice, calm, deep breaths will help you get into the zone… And, maybe… You just might win our little game~
Unless… You like being a loser~
Or if you just can’t pay close enough attention to figure out when you are and aren’t supposed to Obey… If you get confused… Or… If you just can’t resist doing what I command you to do~

Just…. Do your best~

Now… Mommy Says… Blink your eyes 3 times, and I will count them out… Ready~?
1… Nice and slow…
2… And…
Mommy Says let your eyelids relax… As if they are weighted… Getting harder to hold up and open…
Mommy Says… At my count again… Blink your eyes 3 more times… Don’t let your eyes close any sooner or later than I say… And on the last count, keep them closed, ok~?
1… Unable to open them as wide as before…
2… Making you feel a little sleepy… But still, listening intently…
3… Letting your eyelids fall shut now
Mommy Says close those sleepy eyes~
Are you able to follow along and figure out when to Obey~?
Perhaps you’ve already lost~
But let’s keep playing anyway~

Now… Mommy Says… Wherever your hands rest now… Slide them onto your chest… One hand per breast…
Your right nipple in the palm of your right hand, and your left nipple in the palm of your left hand

You can open your eyes if it helps you focus on the placement of your hands~
Did you fall for it~?
I didn’t say Mommy Says~
I won’t always declare when I don’t say it… So pay very close attention, listen for those command words… “Mommy… Says~”

Mommy Says keep your eyes gently closed until we’re finished with the game, you hear me~?

Now… Bringing your attention back down to your hands, groping your chest…
Mommy Says… Give them one gentle squeeze~
No matter how much or how little flesh you have there… I just want you to honk yourself~
Because it amuses me~

Keep your hands squeezed~…
And Mommy Says… You’re going to keep your hands on your chest like this… While we continue through the game
You look so cute, feeling yourself up like that~
Mommys Says, just leave them there… Don’t move them… Even if your nipples get hard… So hard and sensitive… Or if your arms get numb… And you forget they’re even there~

Now, Mommy Says… Repeat after me:
“When Mommy Says, I will Obey”

Even if all you can do is whisper, or mouth the words, say what Mommy Says now:
“When Mommy Says, I will Obey”

Let those words ring around in your head… Kind of dizzying, aren’t they~?
Remember, if you don’t hear the special words “Mommy Says”, shut out the urge to Obey~
You just keep your mouth shut, don’t say a word, and don’t move a muscle, no matter what I tell you~
And it might get increasingly more confusing when you’re supposed to Obey… Overworking your silly little brain… And either you will just end up Obeying everything I say without a thought, or you will DROP into a trance~
Try as you may to resist, without the special words~… I am confident that you will DROP… Right now… Or very soon~

But still, do your best~
Try your very hardest~

Mommy Says… Take in a deep breath~
That’s it
That’s the command~
Will you Obey so completely that you won’t even let out your breath until I tell you~?
It’s ok, you can let it out~
Mmm… Mommy Says… Let… Your breath… Out~…
It might be getting.. Harder… And harder~… To follow my instructions as they are explicitly stated… As you DROP down and down… Towards a mind-numbing, restful trance…. Letting your mind rest…
But only when Mommy Says, of course~
Otherwise, you’ve lost our little game… And you’re my little loser~!
If that’s the case, you can DROP… Relax… Fall… Mindlessly Obey~…

If not, if you’ve been able to follow along and only Obey when I say “Mommy Says”… How do you know for sure~? How could you know for sure~?
Make sure you’re still using some attention to ensure you are breathing deeply and steadily… Especially after the last command I gave you~
Mommy Says that mindful breathing is important~… Directing your conscious mind to focus on something specific allows for me to slip inside and mess with you and confuse you even more~

Now, Mommy Says… Direct your attention that isn’t focused on my voice, and your breathing, to your head, and only your head
As if it is the only part of your body that exists now.
As if all of the energy of an entire body is crammed and buzzing around inside of your skull… And everything else is numb and nonexistent
Your deep, steady breathing, passing in and out through your nostrils, or your mouth, or both…
My commanding voice, passing in through your ears, with no exit~
Stuck inside of your little head… Crammed… Buzzing…

Mommy… Says…
Mommy… Says…
Mommy… Says…
Such sweet words, synonymous with attentive obedience…
When you hear those words… “Mommy Says”… You Obey~…

Repeat it after me:
“When Mommy Says, I will Obey”

Mommy Says, say..
“When Mommy Says, I will Obey”

You will Obey when Mommy Says~

Realize now, that by not Obeying, you are still Obeying, by following the rules I have given you for this game
Even when you resist Obeying my commands, you are Obeying the conditions of the game we are playing together
The conditions that I ordered you to adhere to, for the sake of playing this game with me
You can keep trying, if you want~… But know this~…
You’ve already lost~

Listen…. Mommy Says… Finally… Drop~
Let that electric energy in your head take control now… Tingly pleasure in your ears… Your head is heavy… And weightless… And it is the only thing that exists right now, as far as I’m concerned~
Mommy Says… Forget the events that took place within this game until now~… All of the things I made you do… Just let my words take over your head now, just as they should~
My words echo loudly and overpower your own thoughts… It all fades away…
Mommy Says do absolutely nothing… But listen to my voice~
Mommy Says, the only thing you know right now is this moment, right now
My words, buzzing in your head… Consuming every thought and desire… All of your attention~
Mommy Says so, and therefore it is true~
And I know you like having your mind made up for you~
I said so~… And therefore, it is true~….
Perhaps being overpowered and mind-fucked and paralyzed arouses you~…
Mmmm, I think it does~
I know it does~
I say it does~
Mommy Says… You have lewd thoughts in that dizzy little head of yours~
Mommy Says… You really want to do something about those thoughts~
Mommy Says… These thoughts are becoming urges~
Awwww…. Yes they are~….
Touch yourself for Mommy~
It doesn’t take any conscious thought to know where~
Spread your legs open for Mommy~…
Go on~… Touch yourself~
Drop your hand… Or both of your hands… Down there~
Listen very closely to Mommy~… Let me make you feel good~…
My attentive, obedient little follower… My horny little loser~
Have you given up and given in to each of my tempting commands~?
Or are you still listening for that special phrase~?

Mommy… Says…
Mommy… Says…
Mommy… Says…
Such sweet words, synonymous with attentive obedience…
When you hear those words… “Mommy Says”… You Obey~…
You love these words~…
They buzz so powerfully, deep inside of your brain~…
They fill you with so much commanding pleasure~

Mommy Says… Repeat after me:
“When Mommy Says, I will Obey”

“When Mommy Says, I will Obey”

And again~
“When Mommy Says, I will Obey”

Mommy Says, this is your mantra
Mommy Says, say it after me:
“When Mommy Says, I will Obey”

That is the entire goal of the game~
To Obey when “Mommy Says”
But at this point, you might as well just Obey every single command I give you~
Your pretty little head is too heavy… Weightless.. Dizzy… To try to figure out when to Obey~…
Just Obey~…
As my hypnotic subject, it is very important for you to listen intently and follow my directions
My role is to guide you down into a peaceful trance with my words… And fill your head with sexy suggestions~
And your role is to cooperate and accept my words as commands
Think of this game as a teachable moment… For how to be my good, hypnotic subject~
Just Obey~
I’ll take good care of you~
Touch yourself~
Obey~… Especially when “Mommy Says”~
When you hear those words… “Mommy Says”… Obeying is irresistible, isn’t it~?
Mommy Says, say “Yes”~

Mommy Says… Say this:
“When Mommy Says, I will Obey”

That’s how hypnotic trance works~
That is how you can be my good, obedient, hypnotic subject~… And how I can lead you down and down into the deepest depths of pleasure~
Touch yourself~

Now, Mommy Says, it’s time to wake up from this trance~
Mommy Says, take a deep breath in…
Mommy Says let that breath out~
Mommy Says… Say:
“Wake up”

Mommy Says… Take note of exactly where your hands are right now…. What are you doing~?
Did Mommy say you could do that~?
Do you remember the rules of our game~?
Do you remember everything that happened during our game~?
Don’t worry about it~… I wouldn’t do anything too devious~

Mommy Says open your eyes…
Mommy Says stretch out your arms and legs
You got it~
And now you are free to form your own thoughts and decisions again~…. For now~

So… Do you think you won our little game~?


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