All You Need to Know About Shock Inductions



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This is a short, fast-paced course on Shock Inductions. There is an exam at the end to test your understanding. Try not to fail.


(Clock ticking)
(Door opens & closes, footsteps moving across the room)
Good evening, everyone, find your seats, shut your mouths, and listen
This course is “All You Need To Know About Shock Inductions”
If you got lost and this is not where you are supposed to be, get out of my classroom now
I will be locking the doors when the block begins – I do not tolerate tardiness or truancy.
Those of you who arrived early: congratulations, you have accomplished the bare minimum.
I will set your expectations now: I do NOT give special praise. Do not kiss my ass.
Just focus on not failing my class. That is all you need to do. It WILL require extraordinary focus and effort, so try not to slack off.
I do NOT offer extra credit – Just do what I say, when I say it.
Alright… (Footsteps back to door) Now class is officially beginning…. (Door locks) Now.
(Footsteps back to front)
I won’t repeat myself… Let’s just get started… We have a lot of material to cover…
Let’s skip introductions… It’s really unnecessary… You don’t need to know anything about me for me to teach you. This is NOT a class about ME.
I am your Professor, and that is all you need to know.
And I do not care to get to know any of you, either.
We are not on a first or last name basis. We are NOT equals, and you will not refer to me as such.
In fact, you will not refer to me at all.
You will shut up and absorb my lessons like good little students.
By the end of this course, you will be very familiar with the effectiveness of Shock Inductions.
There will be a 100 question exam at the end. Most students fail miserably.
Also, no questions, and no bathroom breaks. Obviously.

Now, I need a volunteer.

No one?
That’s fine, this time you’re wasting is just eating into your exam time… The quicker you cooperate, the more time you’ll have to complete it.
Okay, fine… I’ll choose a volunteer myself~….
Uhhhh…. You. You there~
(Footsteps approaching)
Mhmmm, I’m talking to you~…–
(Knocking interrupts)
Mmmh, seems like someone didn’t make it to class on time~… Just ignore it… Come on, stand up.
Hurry up, I’ll push you along… Move along
Now, just stand right here and look out at the class
Look at all your peers… They’re going to watch you help me give them a little demonstration
Are you ready, my little guinea pig?
Are you getting a bit of stage fright?
Turn and look at me…
Now… In order to demonstrate a “Shock Induction”, I’m going to fit a shock collar around your neck.
That was a joke
Obviously. I’m not going to harm a student, are you stupid?
Just (SNAP) relax…
Here’s a chair for you, guinea pig
Do NOT, close your eyes…
Just listen to my words… You are here to learn, after all~… NOT to doze off in my class~… Unless you want to fail~…
Pay close attention to me now…
Don’t,, make me repeat myself.
Now look out at the class
No time for feeling shy
Just Obey.
Look at them and repeat after me.

“Just Obey”
“Like a Dazed Dummy~”

Everyone, nod if you agree that my little guinea pig here looks and behaves like a Dazed Dummy
Mhm, obviously.
And why do you think that is~?
Did you catch the moment in which I used the hypnotic technique?
The moment when our little Dazed Dummy here had no choice but to DROP~?
To Obey…
To comply…
To relax…
To sit…
To DROP into a trance-like state
Before your mind even had a chance to process what was happening~
Shocked into submission~

As you can see, Shock Inductions do NOT include the application of electrical shock, despite the name… Although, that would be quite fun, and might work for some, that’s not what we’re doing here today~… Obviously.
Since it is such a rapid method of induction, it is typically a good idea to follow it up with some further deepening, unless the subject is just that submissive and obedient~…. But this method is used a lot in situations when there isn’t a whole lot of time to dedicate to a slow, gentle DROP~… Such as live stage hypnotist shows, or… Classes such as this one. Obviously.
Especially when we still have an exam to complete~

Speaking of which, I will now hand out the final exams… I believe that should be all you need to know about shock inductions, my dear subjects~
Again, it is 100 questions, and you have about 15 minutes left within the block.
This is the last class in this room for the day, and I am not going to stay late. Again, no special treatment. This is the real world.
I will collect your exams in 15 minutes, whether you are finished or not.
You should have no problem completing the exam if you listened like you were supposed to~
Come on, open your eyes, slackers.
The clock is ticking!
Your scores will be posted by the end of the day.
Good luck, guinea pig~


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