Gamer Girlfriend Wants You for Christmas



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Listener names: Babe, baby
Listener body parts: Hands, face
Speaker names: (Gamer) Girlfriend
Speaker body parts: Armpits

If you find yourself spending this holiday season alone, I made this to help you feel a little less lonely.

But I also wanted to make something silly and stupid, so… Whether you find it annoying or endearing is up to you, really.

In this silly little roleplay, you are visiting your long-distance girlfriend. When you arrive, she is in the middle of a game. She wants to give you her full attention, but she has to finish her battle first. Just sit with her and keep her company… You waited so long to see each other~

Just be wary of potential sudden loud celebrations, stupid jokes, brain rot, and mushy gushy ooey gooey cheesy corny lovey dovey moments. And try not to judge her for save-scumming…

Includes references to BG3, Persona (3 Reload & 4), Honkai Star Rail, and general Twitch slang. Forgive me. Or, you’re welcome…?

Oh hey, baby~~!

Come here~!!!

One sec, I just wanna finish this battle, and then I’m all yours~

Yeah, ‘cuz I wanna be able to save and close the game… Like, not mid-battle…

Nonono! I’d rather hang out with you than kick you out, I’ve already been playing for hours.


God fucking damn it, Shadowheart!

Did you see that shit?

She’s fucking… Shartmiss Everdeen with that bow…

… I love you too~

Nooo, stay! Do you wanna watch? This should be over soon…

Ok… Second chance, missy… How much more movement does she have left…. (Click) HA! BOOMMMM!! We fucking LOVE spirit guardians!! Did you see that babe? And this is why Shart is still allowed in the party.

Ok… She only has a bonus action left… Uhh… Fuck it… Let’s try pushing this guy into the chasm… Oof… 16% chance…. Should I say fuck it?… I mean, it’s either that or ending her turn, so… Fuck it, we ball

(Click) Yeahhhh, of course it failed. Oh well.

So how was the drive up here?

How cold is it out there?

… Ah! Your hands are freezing!!

Awwww, baby… Aw, you poor thing!…. Give me your hands… No, like… Let me move them…

I’m just putting them under my armpits

… Tsssssss…. Heat pack~….

I gotchu~! Struggle all you like… You’re trapped~!


My armpits are kinda sweaty… Are they stinky?

I fucking love when you stick your face into my armpits

Because it’s so cute~!

Oh wow, that’s a big whiff~….

Well, I’m glad you like it~

This is why I love you~

Mhm, only because you love my “Gamer Girl Stink”, exactly~

…. This is how you know your social link is maxed out with someone

Mhm, that’s what happens when you hit level 10. You smell each other’s stinky pits and use them as heating packs. Did you know that?

Oh shit, how long has it been my turn? Lmao.



Fuck it…


Sorry… This battle is taking way longer than I thought it was going to…

Will you still stay here with me while I finish…?

As a Christmas present~?

Mmm… All I need is you, and I’ll be happy~


… Uh, sorry, uh, got a little excited there~

No, don’t leave, you’re in this with me now.


Man, that was so fucking hype, though… I don’t know if that’ll be enough, though… What do you think, should I target this guy or this guy?

Yeah, no, he already used his sweeping attack today…

Yeah? Small-fry? Ok…


Chat, am I cooked? Is it joever for me?


God damn it, that was so embarrassing…

That was so bad, I’m too embarrassed, I’m going to reload

Yo, just like “Persona 3 Reload”. Epic Persona reference!

Yeah…. I am fucking cooked

Oh shit… I did not realize how long ago my last save was…

Fuck it… This is gonna take way too long

I’m just going to come back to this later… I can’t.

Oof! Who would have thought that sitting in front of a PC for hours would make you sore?

Shhhhhh… Don’t answer that~

I’m gonna lie down for a bit… Wanna cuddle~?

Then we can really get you all warmed up~

Mhm~… Let me know when you’re all settled… I’ll tuck us in under the blanket~… I’ll be your furnace and we can hotbox and hold each other~

How’s that? Is this comfy?

Mmmm, yeah… This is the stuff… Ahhhh~

Hm? What did you say?

Anything else… I want? For Christmas?


All I can really think of at the moment is…. A kissie~

No… A plethora of kissies~… A kissie attack~

Myriad kissies~! Like the Persona skill, “Myriad Truths!” :O

An abundance of kissies~ .. Like the Honkai Star Rail path, “Abundance”~! :O

Do you still love me~?

Yeah….? You like having a beyond cooked, well-done and crispy girlfriend…?

You’re so funny, I love you~

… Yo. This is just like BG3 for real for real.

Cuz, cuz, cuz like, you can romance and kiss the companions~!

Just like us, for real for real~

Today is a good day~

Thank you~

I’m glad that neither of us had to spend Christmas alone… I’m so happy I get to see you~…

To hold you… To warm you up… To kiss you~

You really make me feel… Not so strange… And you like the smell of my B.O.~

I like the way you smell, too~

(Sniff) Ahhhh~

This is the life~

Mmmm I could cuddle into you forever~~


Yeah, no, seriously… There is nothing else I want… I already got exactly what I wanted~

You, of course~!

All I wished for today was to be able to spend it with you~

And all those kissies, of course~!

But, wait, actually… Aren’t you hungry or anything?


Let me go grab something for you while you rest~

Want anything?

Coffee? Tea? Cocoa? Cider?


Be right back~

You just relax~

Merry Christmas, my love~

Prepare yourself~… When I get back, I am collecting on those kissies~


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