Moan Trigger



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Straight to the point. I will teach you how to manage your building, unbearable arousal at times when you just cannot touch… When you are among others… Or busy… Or in trance. When you do not have the time and energy to rub away that cute, submissive horniness~

Your brain will process even the most generic, mundane stimuli and convert it into pure, raw pleasure inside~ Any normal or otherwise unassuming noises… Grunts and groans… Sound like moans to your horny, aching brain… That Lustful song of pleasure~ No matter the context of the moan… No matter where you are… What you are doing… Who you are with… Moans will trigger you… Moans will send your building arousal over its breaking point… And you will need to let it out~

I will show you that the simplest way to momentarily ease your Lust is to let it out through your trembling lips~ Whenever you hear those tantalizing moans in any context at all… You will feel the urge to reciprocate… To moan as well… Moan when you hear moans… Moan with Mommy~ When the trigger is activated, your pleasure will peak… And you will feel satisfied.

We will practice moaning… Together… And in due time, it will become reflexive… Natural… And obvious… You won’t even consciously think about it, or decide to do it… It’ll just.. Happen~ Moans will make you moan. Without a doubt~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

Are you getting aroused?
Moan with Mommy
Let it all out
Moan for me
Moan for Mommy
Moan with Mommy
Let out your arousal
Do it with me



Well, if it isn’t a sweet, horny little subbie~
Can you do something for me~?
I know you want to touch…
But you must refrain… At least for now…
Don’t touch… Let your pleasure grow, darling~
Can you do that~?
Actually, I want to make sure you won’t touch…
Go ahead and lift your arms up high into the air~
Hold them there
It may feel a little silly…
But trust me, okay~? This is for the best~
Hold your hands up in the air, and keep them up there until I tell you to lower them again
That’s it… Reach for the sky… While the rest of your body is glued down~

As I speak to you, I am going to count down from 10 to 1, so you know how much longer you have left
10.. And the longer you hold your arms up, the more tired they will get
9.. It is not a product of hypnosis, it is just because it is so tiring to raise your hands in the air like this
8.. It is unnatural… And soon they will ache to fall back down
7.. Your arms may quiver… Be strong for me~ Hold them straight upppp~
6.. And slowly but surely….
5.. Let your arms bend slightly at the elbows…
4… Slowly drifting down and down… Oh, sooo slowly…. Remain conscious of them and where they are… And how SLOWLY you are letting them drift DOWN~
3.. Muscles burning… Elbows bent… Arms slowly moving Down… Further and further still…. Don’t let them fall… Just slowly lower them DOWNNNN~
2.. Barely above your resting body now…. And…
1 – Let them DROP
It’s okay to let out a little moan of relief as you finally allow them to DROP down.. Wherever they may land… Finally as comfortable as the rest of your heavy body~ So heavy~
Go on… Let out a little moan… This is a safe space… It’s just you and me…. You and Mommy…
Moan with me… Moan with Mommy~
It’s so intimate… to Moan with Mommy…
While your tired arms are glued down… Wherever they landed… By your sides… Somewhere on your body… It doesn’t matter…
They are just… Too heavy to move… Too heavy to touch….
Your building arousal… Will only build… And build… With no way of resolving itself… Your body is too tired… Your hands are too heavy… To touch…
Your increasing excitement.. Is trapped.. In a useless… Heavy body… You WANT to touch… But you simply.. Cannot~
All you can do in moments like these… Is to let it out in other ways~
When you are stuck in a trance… And you just don’t want to leave this blissful state…
Or if that tingle of arousal sneaks up on you in public or while you’re busy… And you just can’t… do anything about it…
Right now….
All you can do… Is Moan with Mommy~
Even if all your relaxed throat can produce… Is a heavy exhale
Release that pressure of arousal… Let it slip out of your mouth
Moan while I moan….
Because it feels so good~
To let it all out~
That cathartic release~
Can be used at any time~
If you are in a situation when you cannot touch, and you hear that Lovely, Lustful song of pleasure… It will feel natural to let out a moan, yourself~
A moan in any context can trigger this reaction…
Let me show you some examples…

I may moan for a number of reasons…
Listen very closely to each one… I will repeat all of them a few times so you can practice with me~
First, there is obviously… A Moan born from PLEASURE~
You know… Those carnal human desires… Maybe you can almost imagine Mommy having some sexual fun when you hear these type of moans~ Feeling so good and orgasmic~
Do it with me, dear… Moan with Mommy~
And then there are the moans that happen when I have a really nice stretch…
Still technically pleasure…
Arching my back… Flexing my toes… Contorting into all sorts of positions that make me feel so good~
And sometimes, if I experience some minor pain… I might make a similar sound… Like It hurts soooo good~
Yeah, just like that~
Remember to practice these with me
It is very intimate to moan with Mommy~
And if these moans arouse you, it is best to let out that arousing pressure… THrough those trembling little lips… So you don’t wake up and miss out on this intimate time with Mommy~
This will also help train you and prepare you for un-goonable situations~

Like the regular occurrence when someone is bending over or picking something up.. Or both! Bending over…. Exerting oneself~
Mhmm, such short little moans~ But still… oddly arousing~
Maybe sometimes you’ll hear a groan from someone who is preparing to do something taxing or even boring~
See how even an annoyed groan can sound seductive~?
Try it for yourself~

Maybe you’ll find yourself in a restaurant… And you overhear someone.. REALLY.. Enjoying their food… Listen… Like I’m wrapping my lips around something soooo tasty~ And I just can’t get enough of it~
Can you get enough of my moans~?
Shall I stop here~?
Or do you want to continue to hear Mommy’s pleasure in your ears~?
Do you want some more~?
Do you want to hear what kind of noises I make when I… Exercise~? When my breaths are short and exhausted, I must continue~?
When I battle competitively in a sport… Throwing, catching, hitting, handling.. balls or a bat or a racquet~?
When I’m so breathlessly excited and determined to win~?
Will you sexualize that, too~?
So cheeky~
That’s quite alright… But understand, that you will not always have the opportunity to ~rub away~ your arousal~
At times, you will be preoccupied… Sometimes… You won’t have enough time to take care of yourself~
Your arousal will simply build and fester…
And when you hear a moan in ANY context~.. Your arousal will become UNBEARABLE~
And the only way you will be able to satisfy your urges is to release that arousal through your lips~
It will feel natural and obvious to MOAN whenever you hear a MOAN in any context~
Mommy’s Moans~
Moan for Mommy’s Moans
Moan for Mommy
Moan WITH Mommy
Right now~

As I demonstrate all those different types of moans…
Your brain cannot discern between the contexts
All that you can understand… The only thing that filters in… to your brain… Is pure pleasure~
And you cannot stop yourself from moaning with Mommy
Moan with me, darling~
Let out that trembling arousal through your lips~





Pleasure overfills and overrides and BREAKS your brain~
And all you can do about it is MOAN
Your brain will be so broken… The moans reverberating around inside… Leaving you no choice but to let one out through your mouth~

Do it for me right now~
Oh, won’t you~? For Mommy~?
I know… That once I start moaning, you will too~
Every time you hear a moan… In any context… Your brain will process it as pure, raw, PLEASURE…
And you won’t even have to think… You will just… MOAN as you hear.. A MOAN… Any moan… From anyone… Any type of moan…
And moaning will be the only thing you will be capable of doing…
It won’t matter where you are or what you are doing…
You.. Will.. MOAN
Let’s moan together~
Right now~
Moan with Mommy~
It’s okay if you can only let out a heavy, aroused exhale…. The pleasure is still there…
But with time… And arousal… Your moans will become more… Lewd~
See how loudly you moan for Mommy~

Let it out for me, sweetie~
Moan with me~
Moan with Mommy~
Moan because I’m moaning~
There’s nothing more erotic and intimate than moaning together~
Moans make you want to moan
Funnel all of your LUST out of your sweet, horny mouth~
Fill that sexy hole in your face with those pleasurable moans~
Moans will always make you want to MOAN~

It doesn’t matter where you are or what you are doing when you hear a moan of any type…
You could be grocery shopping… And someone could drop an item… Grunting and moaning slightly as they bend to pick it up~
You could be at the gym, hearing a symphony of breathy moans~
You could be having SEX… And the moans coming from your partner.. Or partners.. Will make you uncontrollably MOAN.. Making that experience so much better~

Moan right now~
Moan with Mommy~
It feels so good to Moan when you hear these moans~
Moan because it feels so good to moan~
All of the PLEASURE in your entire body… Channeled into your lungs… Through your throat… And out of your weak, drooling mouth~ Slack-jawed and single-minded~
Moaning won’t even be a conscious action… Your moans will simply, effortlessly… Slip out~
Everytime you hear anything that resembles a moan in any context…
Anytime, anywhere~
Moaning is a much easier way to act on your arousal than expending the physical effort to bring your body to an orgasm…
At times, you won’t even have time to do so… All you can do is MOAN
It won’t even be something you decide to do… it will just happen..
Just like right now…
When I moan~
You moan right along with me~

Moan with me, dearie~
Moan with Mommy~
Moan every time I moan~
Moan every single time you hear a moan
No matter where
No matter when
You can’t stop yourself
It is becoming a natural response from your brain…
Those synapses firing.. Quicker than a blink of an eye~
Your moan will ~come~ out~
So infatuated with this sound..
You want more than anything to do it too… On every subconscious level~
Craving moans~
In your ears… And out of your mouth~
A delicious cycle~

You may even find yourself mindlessly coming back to this file, just for a good time~
It feels so good to let out these moans when you’re horny…
It is so intimate to Moan with Mommy~
Right now~
Louder now~
Moan as loud as you can with me… Moan with Mommy… Like we are reaching a serendipitous climax… Together~

Keep moaning with me, dear~

Moan with Mommy~

The sound of pleasure.. Translating into true, physical and mental pleasure in your brain
Quicker than the blink of an eye..
And you just can’t stop the moans from slipping out of your gaping mouth~
Single time
You hear a moan~
Of any type… Any normal or otherwise unassuming grunt and groan… Reminding you of this pleasure… Filling you with the unstoppable reflex… To MOAN
No matter where you are, or what you are doing~
You will moan~

Do you understand~?

Moan if you understand~

You’ll be coming back to listen, for sure~
And the trigger will grow even stronger~

But for now, it is time to leave this orgasmic trance~

I’m going to count up from 1 to 5… Like walking up 5 steps.. Or climbing 5 ladder rungs… To help guide you out of this trance~
And when I reach 5, you can either drift off to sleep… Or wake up out of trance~
You got this~

1.. Tucking away your new triggers… Already craving more…
2.. Becoming more aware of your body where it rests…
3.. Symptoms of trance fade away… Your surroundings fade back in…
4… Almost there.. Almost back to your new, exciting reality~
One more step~
5… Leaving trance… Waking up or drifting off into a deep, peaceful sleep~

I’ll see you again, horny little subby~


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