Mommy’s Money



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Cum sit in Mommy’s lap. We need to talk about your spending habits~

Whether you struggle with spending too much because of an out of control findom fetish, or if you just generally spend more than you’d like to, Mommy wants to help you. When you spiral down into these destructive habits, you don’t just hurt yourself – You hurt Mommy~

I know you don’t want that… I take such good care of you… Because you belong to me… My little wallet~

All of the money you hold is Mommy’s Money. I am so generous to let you use it – And I won’t stop you, but you need to be more responsible with it. You can use however much you need to, in order to meet your necessities… But any excess belongs back in Mommy’s hands~

You’re my little money-maker… Droning on and slaving away with purpose… To give Mommy what’s hers after you’ve taken care of yourself. You’ll build better, healthier habits when you’re not just doing it for yourself~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

Open up
Feel my words
Whimper and moan
Droning on
Slaving away
All for Mommy Sammys
Be my little money-maker
Mommy’s Money~
Burning urge to send~
Give Mommy what’s hers
You belong to me
You are Mommy’s wallet
All of your money is Mommy’s Money~



Open up, my little wallet~
That is just what you are~
You.. Are.. Mommy’s.. Wallet~
Open up~
Open up wide for Mommy
Open up that pussy-mind… And let me in~
Feel my voice fill your ears… permeating your brain like a powerful stream of ether
Let the substance of my words seep DEEP into your body~
Like a vibrating… humming ray of buzzing pleasure~

Now I want you to think, for a moment, about us
As my lovely voice.. Pours into your ears…
As your pussy-mind.. Grips onto my big, strong, words~
Now put together a picture for me, in your mind’s eye
You can visualize this scene, if you can, or you can experience it somatically.. Or both~
The more you can envision AND feel this experience, the more pleasurable it will be for you

In this scene…
I am sitting right behind you
Whispering into your ear

Lightly tracing my nails along the skin on your back…
Sending chills up your spine… You may shudder or twitch…
My hot breath funneling into your ears… Some escapes and brushes past your hair…
You… and I… Are sitting on the floor
You are in front of me… You cannot see me… But you can feel my presence…
Right behind you
My warmth… My breaths… My fingertips… My nails…. All so soft…
Planting kisses all up and down your back…
There is no wrong way to react~
You can…. Let your head fall backwards slightly… Let out a little moan of pleasure..
Roll your eyes into the back of your head…
Curl your toes… Bite your lip… Everyone is different~
There is no right or wrong way to react to Mommy’s touches~
Just enjoy them while they last
Savor them
I am going to place both of my hands on your shoulders…
And slowly ease you backwards
And down…
And down….
Into Mommy’s lap~
I know you can’t see behind you… How much farther until you are resting comfortably on Mommy’s thighs… So I’ll give you a short and sweet countdown~ From 5 to 1… Being completely relaxed and laying down snugly and warmly with Mommy~
To ease this easy and gentle DROP
That’s right
Relax into Mommy’s commanding arms
Slowly lowering you down…
Safe in Mommy’s soft, strong hands~
Almost suspended in air, halfway between fully alert, and fast asleep
So close to Mommy’s body…. Feel my body heat~
And… 1~
DROP into Mommy’s lap
DROP almost in between Mommy’s legs~
Mommy will take good care of you now~
Whatever I say is undeniable reality~

Yes… Your head looks so calm and restful in between my warm, soft thighs…
I hope you don’t mind if I just…
Remove my top… And.. use your face… as a resting place… for my breasts…
That’s quite alright… Isn’t it~?
Now your head is encased by Mommy
Sinking down.. Into my thighs… In between them…
Gently smothered and blinded by my tits from above~
Yet… My voice is as clear as ever~
Whatever I say is undeniable reality~
The more you DROP
The deeper… More permanently rooted inside of your pussy-mind I become~
And from here… I can see that you are becoming aroused~
That’s quite alright~
As long as you can focus on what Mommy needs to say~
Do you think you can do that~?

DROP and replace your cute, flustered feelings with content relaxation
So you can focus on what Mommy wants to talk to you about~

I know you work so hard~
Always out.. Working, working, working…
So busy making money for Mommy~
You deserve some stress relief~
Relax, my dear~
Allow me to caress the sides of your face as I speak to you now~
Just focus on the warmth of my intoxicating underboob~
Take in Mommy’s scent…
It’s nice, isn’t it~?
Mommy takes such good care of you~

Listen, dear~
We need to have a little chat about your spending habits
Don’t worry~
Mommy isn’t upset~
Mommy cares about you~
And Mommy wants you to be safe and mindful when you are spending her money~
That’s right~
Allll that money in your account… In your wallet… It is all Mommy’s Money~
Did you forget~?
Mommy is so kind to let you use it~
But ultimately…. It is mine~
It belongs to me~
All that money you have… It is Mommy’s money~
You work so hard
Every day
For Mommy
Always slaving away
To make Mommy’s Money~
You deserve a nice facial massage with Mommy’s pillowy breasts
For being such a good little money-maker for Mommy~
Really… Every cent belongs to Mommy
But I have been so kind to let you use it for yourself~
I just worry about you~
I worry that you spend it on frivolous things~
Do you spend Mommy’s Money on anything… Unhealthy~?
On anything… that would upset Mommy~?
I won’t be angry… From now on, it is best that you ask my permission for all of the purchases you make with Mommy’s Money
Of course, it is ALWAYS permissible to send Mommy’s Money… To Mommy~
That should be obvious~
Even if you can’t help yourself and SEND until that account reaches ZERO~
The only thing that matters is that you were responsible, and put Mommy’s Money where it belongs~
In MOMMY’S pocket~
Tell me you understand~
Repeat after me:
“My money is Mommy’s Money”

“My money is NOT my Money”

“My money is Mommy’s Money”

“Mommy’s Money is Mommy’s Money”

Very good~
Don’t you go forgetting again~
How about this~:
And really try to remember it this time~
In fact, let’s engrave this phrase into your forgetful little brain:
“Mommy’s. Money.”
It’s like.. You’re my property~
You have been marked~
AND… You are a physical investment of Mommy’s Money~
If you are backed by MY money~
Doesn’t that make you… ALL mine~
Essentially an account for Mommy to withdraw from whenever I want~?
My name is written right there~
See~? It says “Mommy’s Money”
Right there, engraved into your brain
Now you will never forget again
That you are merely a holder for Mommy’s Money~
That phrase sounds so good~
“Mommy’s Money”~
From now on…. Since it is now engraved into your brain…
Whenever you hear me say that…
“Mommy’s Money”~
Or even simply just write it out~
“Mommy’s Money”~
You can feel that engraving activate on the flesh of your pussy-mind~
It might give you a slight burning sensation~
Or just a small urge to give Mommy… Mommy’s Money~
And that small urge… Will grow and grow and grow until you cannot keep Mommy’s Money for yourself~
Almost like guilt… For hoarding Mommy’s Money… WHen Mommy does so much for you~
Mommy holds you like this… In my lap… Making you feel so much pleasure~
Mommy takes good care of you~
Mommy lets you hold and spend Mommy’s Money…
The least you could do is let Mommy know what you do with Mommy’s Money
Mommy wants to make sure that you are spending it wisely~
And when all of Mommy’s precious investment’s needs are allll taken care of… The rest of Mommy’s Money should return to Mommy
It only makes sense~

And every time you see me write or hear me talk about “Mommy’s Money”…
You will remember this truth
Accept this as truth… Beyond a shadow of a doubt…
Whatever I say is undeniable reality~
Everytime you see or hear the words “Mommy’s Money”…
You will remember that the money you hold and spend every day…
Belongs to Mommy Sammys
You should be very thankful that you are allowed to use Mommy’s Money
And that inkling… That subtly burning where I engraved this phrase into your aching brain… will grow stronger and stronger until you return that money to its rightful owner
That money you hold and spend every day…
Is Mommy’s Money~

Do not neglect to take care of yourself… But remember that the money you use is Mommy’s Money~
Never again, will you forget that unhealthy spending habits directly harm your hypnotic Goddess
The more responsibly you can use Mommy’s Money, the more you can return to Mommy~
Making Mommy happy will make you happy
Pleasing Mommy will please you
IF you are ever uncertain if a purchase you want to make is healthy or necessary, you must ask Mommy if it is okay to use Mommy’s Money
And Mommy may refuse
Be prepared to OBEY and accept that~
To OBEY Mommy’s decisions
It is Mommy’s Money, after all~

You may notice that quiet burning in your brain right now~
I have said the triggering phrase, “Mommy’s Money”, enough times to activate it
You may feel that growing urge to send Mommy her money right now~
And stronger…
You may already be ACHING to return Mommy’s Money… TO Mommy~
As much as you can possibly afford to part with, leaving just enough for you.. Mommy’s property… To take care of yourself~
But you know… It is ALL.. Mommy’s Money.
I won’t hold you back any longer~
I will help you wake up
So you can go satisfy your growing urge~
To give me
Mommy’s Money~

I’m going to count back up to 5 now, and I am going to help ease you up out of my warm lap~
For now~
I know you will be back in my lap soon~
But for now~
I will count
Starting with little old… 1..
Lifting you up just enough to off of my lap, moving my breasts out of the way… My strong hands on your back, pushing you UP~
Up and up and up
Halfway between a deep sleep and full, upright alertness~
Almost there
And 5
Go on ahead and return Mommy’s Money, dear~


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