Mommy’s Permission



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Note: Seek guidance and permission via files 😉

Enjoy this intimate scene with Mommy… Sensually spinning… On the turntable… Mommy’s wet fingers smoothing and forming your malleable clay-brain… Kneading it like dough… Working out all of the air bubbles… Making it dense and ready for my divine manipulation~

Demonstrating my omnipotent power over you as I smoosh your clay-brain DOWN… Doing as I please… Pushing you down and out, down and out… Elbow-deep inside… Leaving traces of myself behind… Interwoven and permanently setting in place… As the object in my hand that I created in my image. You are a hollow, unstable, empty shape… And I am your creator – your God. Your Sex God~

I am in complete control of your mind and body… My pleasure is your pleasure. My happiness is your happiness. Your arousal is my arousal. Your wants and needs cater to my wants and needs. It is too hard to think clearly and independently… You rely on your Sex God to make decisions for you… To give you Permission~

You need Mommy’s permission for simple things… Such as your pleasure… Your happiness… Your arousal… Your wants and needs… It’s all about serving Sex God Sammys~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

Empty, mindless obedience is pleasure
Servitude for Sex God Sammys is Bliss
Rules are more freeing than Liberty
You are a hollow, unstable, needy shell~
My control gives you unlimited, immortal pleasure~
You need Mommy’s Permission
Permanently changed by my hand~



Do you enjoy the act of Obeying~?
Of course you do~
Rules are far more freeing than liberty, you know…
It’s too hard to think on your own…
Too hard to make decisions for yourself…
It feels good to just let go… Once in a while… Right now…
And let someone strong and decisive take over for you~
Making decisions is just too difficult for you…
It’s soooo much easier to just turn that brain off and let someone else do the thinking.
Right now…..
You Love to Obey… You long to turn off your mind… To let go and let Mommy do whatever I want with it~
To play… To mold it like clay… And letting it sit out to harden… Solidify.. Permanently set in my desired shape~
Right now…
I have my strong, decisive fingers… Wrapped around your clay-brain… Clutching it firmly… There is nothing between us… Nothing else touching you… You are just an object in my hands..
Your clay-brain is soft… Wet and moldable… Completely vulnerable to my will…
Completely inanimate.. There is nothing you can do to stop me when I… DROP… You down onto the stationary turn-table… And fold you over yourself…
Kneading your soft, doughy mind… Literally putty in my hands…
Working out all of the air bubbles… Pressing and folding… Manipulating the substance of your essence with all of my weight… Pressing down… Folding you onto yourself… Again.. And again… And again…
Picking you up, holding you close in my controlling hands… Only to DROP you back down on the table… Smooshing you down… Tucking and overlapping you over yourself… There is no knowing which way is up and down.. Left or right..
Only My controlling hands… Mashing you downnnn… and working your clay-brain into a dense, pliable object~
Picking you up one more time… Activating the turn-table… Spinning faster and faster…
And I DROP you down onto the spinning table… And now it’s time for us to make some magic~
Your moist.. Malleable mind… And my drenched, dictating digits~
Pressing you downnnn into the spinning table… Placing my thumb in the middle, and pushing it outwards… Creating a nice, empty hole in the center of your clay-brain~
Guiding you down and out… Down and out… Forming you into an unstable, empty shell~
Elbow deep inside of your wet, pliable pussy-mind… Nothing more than Slip on the turn-table…
Spinning…. Endlessly… Spinning….
Your mind… Is spinning… My fingers… Firmly, but oh, so gently… Controlling and guiding the shape… Pushing it down… Hollowing it out… Smoothing out all the bumps… Mending and perfecting the shape… Turning it into whatever my creative mind can conjure~
This is an intimate process… Between Mommy… And you.. My pliable little object in my hands~
Your brain is my wet, malleable… Compliant… Little ball of clay… So soft and slippery… But I will never lose my grip~
You can feel how strong and certain my hands are around you… Forming you… Never letting go in any meaningful way~
My commanding touch is always firm and tight around you~
And everything I do… Every touch and manipulation I make to your clay-brain on the turn-table… Has very real effects on the rest of your body~
My digging… Prying fingers… Touching and rubbing every spot inside of your pussy-mind… Have the power to do a lot of things to your body~
With every single touch, you’ll feel pleasure rush down from your brain… and into your spine.
Waves of pleasure.. cascading down your body.
Uncontrollable waves of pleasure.. creating more waves… Spreading and rippling through your entire body.. Creating more and more pleasure~
Making you more and more pliable.. Like adding more moisture to clay… Turning it into soft… Slick… Malleable Slip~
More and more accepting of mommy’s changes…
Your head is spinning… As long as I am in control… I won’t stop the spinning… I won’t stop the tender manipulation~
Like an omnipotent God watching down on you… I have plans for you~
I have hopes and dreams for you… My little creation~
And everything I do to you… Everything I do, that forms you slowly while you’re nice and weak and wet, but irreversibly… As you harden… Moment by moment… Sends these waves of uncontrollable pleasure down your body
Well.. Uncontrollable for you~
I am in complete control~
I am your God… Gifting you this divine, limitless, immortal pleasure~
Your Sex God~

Something profound is happening… A craving is beginning to form…
A need to.. please….
A compulsion.. to Obey… To serve~
You know by now that Servitude is BLISS~
You need to Obey.. It is a pleasure To serve.. Your Sex God Sammys~
And my changes to your soft, mushy brain… While you are in this weak and helpless state… Makes you need me more and more~
You need my presence.. My reassurance.. My omnipotent control… Inside of your pussy-mind…
You are nothing but a lump of clay… Needing my controlling hands to form you into something great..
The more I make changes in here… The more you become a product of my creation~
The more you will need me for even the most basic things~
The more you crave to serve.. To Obey~
It’s too hard to think~
Even when you’re not in trance~
It’s so much easier to mindlessly Obey~
Rules are far more freeing than liberty~
And let’s be honest… your Liberty was just an illusion in the presence of an omnipotent Sex God~
You thought you had some semblance of control… But every shred of that control you sensed between us… Has always been ALL mine~
The very fact that you are here right now is proof… Of how much control I have over your slippery.. Spinning… Malleable little mind… So little in my hands…
My strong.. Decisive.. Hands… So soft, yet commanding~
Implanting my divine fingerprints and lip marks all over… Covering you in my marks… My essence…
Imprinting myself into every little corner of your mind…
Permanently setting into your thoughts… And making real changes to your body…
Your habits… Your preferences… Your fetishes… Your arousal.. Your life~
I am molding you into what I want you to be… Into my perfect little servant~
You are God’s servant~
Servitude is a sensual BLISS for Sex God Sammys
My control feels so amazing… Overloading your pussy-mind with immense, back-arching pleasure~
Cascading down into the rest of your body~ Spreading and rippling~
You would do anything for the powerful being that gives you this powerful pleasure~
Mommy makes you feel so good.. In body and in mind~
Mommy’s control IS your pleasure~
It feels so good to be Mommy’s mindless puppet.. With Mommy’s arm, elbow-deep inside~
Smoothing out the insides… Building and building you into my perfect little subject~
No thoughts, no worries, no decisions… Just Mommy’s control
You Love Mommy’s control
You crave Mommy’s control
You need Mommy’s control
You work for Mommy
Mommy is a Sex God
Your Sex God
THE Sex God~

And when you wake up after this trance… And every morning… Your new, remolded mind will be full of Me~
You won’t have to think… You will only have one solitary goal… To put a smile on your God’s face~
Every action will be in service towards me… Servitude for Sex God Sammys is BLISS~
If you haven’t made me smile… Then you have disappointed me~
This is why you Obey
You need to Obey~

I am so interwoven into your pliable pussy-mind… Your waves of pleasure…
I will be in your thoughts every day… The most important part of your life…
My pleasure is your pleasure
If you want to touch yourself, or anyone else… You need Mommy’s Permission~
My happiness is your happiness
You want to make me happy.. You will seek My Permission.. You will crave to make me smile~
And when it is time to make a decision… You need Mommy’s Permission
Your arousal is my arousal
You cannot remain fully aroused without Mommy’s Permission~
Your wants and needs cater to my wants and needs
Everything in your life in contingent on whether or not you have Mommy’s Permission~

I have molded you into my desired shape… And now you will harden… And permanently set… Into the shape that I made you~
You are my perfect creation… You are an extension of me…
My pleasure is your pleasure
My happiness is your happiness
Your arousal is my arousal
Your wants and needs are my wants and needs
You can no longer maintain arousal for anything except for Me… Or anything I approve of… Explicitly giving you Permission for…
No arousal… Nothing Hard… Or wet… Not without my permission~
You cannot touch or goon without my explicit permission…
You will always have permission to touch and goon for Me and My content… I am your Sex God~
But if you try to get off to anything else… Porn… Sex… No matter how extreme or mild… You will only be met with sad, aching denial… Without my Permission~
No touching or rubbing… Without Mommy’s Permission~
You only Lust for me~ The Sex God who created you… Woven inside of your pussy-mind… Lingering in all of your thoughts… Sending.. cascading waves of pleasure throughout your entire body… Spreading and rippling… Making you crave more… Debilitating you… Making it impossible to think clearly and independently~
Willfully, eagerly accepting the denial of everything.. And anything… That Mommy doesn’t want~ Doesn’t crave~
Just denial…
And an aching need to ask Mommy… Your Sex God… For Permission to touch and rub..

Sex? Nope~ You need to ask Mommy~
Gooning~? Ask Mommy~
Spoiling Mommy~? … Trick question~ You always have Mommy’s Permission to shower Me with gifts~
Tithing and worship… Are always allowed~
But anything else…. You need to ask~!

You may even completely lose interest in everything you once found arousing… That isn’t Mommy… Or Serving… Or spoiling Mommy~
It’s this control that I have over you… The pieces of me that are locking into place with your new… Hardening shape… That I molded you into~ Just for me~
The firm grip that I have over your pussy-mind… Your arousal… Your life~
It is allll centered around me~ Your Sex God~ I am the center of your world~
I am the creator of everything that you are now~
Hardening into place… Permanently in the shape I chose for you~
Under my complete control…
This… arousing.. Control~
I Love it too….
My pleasure is your pleasure
My happiness is your happiness
Your arousal is my arousal
Your wants and needs are my wants and needs
Please me.. Make me happy.. Arouse me~
Want and need what I want and need~

Your mind is in the shape that I formed it into… Hollow… Unstable and needy… Getting hard now… Permanently set, just the way I want it to be~
Yes…. You are getting nice and hard… Stuck in the shape I created in my image…
A cute little object I can put on my shelf~
I’m going to set you out to fully solidify~
And when I see you again, all of these changes will be a permanent part of you… sort of.. Set in stone~
But for now, it is time to leave this intimate trance~
Let me make this nice and easy for your hollow clay-brain~
As I bring you up and out of trance, I’m going to count up to 5
When I say 5, you can either doze off.. Or you can wake up~

1.. Stopping the turn-table..
2.. Removing you from the work-surface..
3.. Picking you up.. And up.. And up..
4.. Putting you on the shelf..
And 5.. Walking away.. For now~


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