Naughty Nurse



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It wouldn’t be special or unique if you had any nurse fetishes or fantasies… They work diligently to take care of you… While you whine and gawk… Trust me, it isn’t subtle~

I will be your nurse today, and I do not have the patience for perverted patients like you. No, I will not give you special treatment. No, I will not make all of your fantasies come true. I won’t even touch you more than I already have to, as your nurse… I will simply do my job – Help you heal, rest, and do what I can to alleviate your pain.

I can eradicate your pain entirely… Making your whole body… Completely numb~

And I will walk away… I do have other patients to see, you know. You will be left alone… Numb, afraid, alone… Nothing~ Numb nothingness without your nurse~

But that’s not all I am capable of…

From cold, to straight up sadistic… I’ll teach you a lesson for being so insufferable~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

Degenerate pervert
Fucking sicko
Codependent, helpless little shit
Numb and helpless
Pathetic pervert patient
Pain IS pleasure~
Numb without me, painful pleasure with me~



Hello, how are you feeling?
I see you’ve been hurt pretty badly… Full-body casts are never fun…
Unable to move those arms and legs… Just stuck in place in those stiff casts… And dependent on your nurse to do every little thing for you
Just great
Don’t you worry… I’m the most qualified nurse to see and treat patients like you…
Someone helpless… Someone hopelessly stiff and paralyzed… Unable to do anything independently… But with those disrespectful, wandering eyes…
I don’t know what sort of nurse fantasies you have… But I promise you… No nurse is going to want to touch you in any unnecessary ways
What? I’m not going to waste my emotional energy lying to you… Especially right now…
I need to give you a catheter
I won’t lie.. This will hurt.. And it is not going to be fun… But I would much rather do this than empty your bedpan every few hours.
Hold still… Oh wait – you can’t move, even if you wanted to
I need to spread your legs open a little
Mhm, I know it hurts when I move them, but it needs to be done. Don’t think your whining is going to make me stop doing what is necessary to take care of you
You have full-body injuries. They’re going to hurt
I hear this all day, every day. Your pain isn’t any more special than any other patient’s

Now, I’m pushing your legs apart… Gently, just for you.
And lifting your medical gown just enough to do what I need to do
I can see that look on your face. Don’t get any gross ideas.
This is a completely professional setting… And I am just doing my job
I have the catheter here… You can look at it if you want, if it makes you feel any better about it going inside of your body… It’s long, skinny, yellow, with a little ball at the end, which will go up your urethra and into your bladder… So you don’t piss all over yourself
Yes, this is going to be quite uncomfortable
But it must be done

The ball-end pressing up against the opening now….
.. Huh? It’s a bit late for numbing gel right now

What, I go get it and risk you giving me a piercing headache and a big mess to clean? I don’t think so
This catheter is going inside right now, and then it will be over with, ok?
No more stalling
Just.. Pushing it right in… It’s already inside of your urethra now… Deeper and deeper… I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that inappropriate comment about sounding…
Ugh, stop getting aroused, you’re only going to make this more difficult – I’m not touching you down here like this for fun, pervert
At least now you realize you bitched and moaned over nothing…
And…. It’s all the way in, to your bladder now. See? This catheter was the least of your concerns

Degenerate pervert

Huh? No, I wasn’t talking to you, I’m just recording my personal notes on my little handheld recording device.
Oh, don’t be so sensitive. I’m doing a lot for you.
Don’t you worry about a thing
The only thing that should matter to you is healing
Just relax and get your rest while I finish hooking up your catheter to a fluid bag.. I’m gonna set up a pretty long tube so I can set your bag up here.. And I hopefully won’t have to peek in between your legs again..

(Pager beeps) Oh, I’ll be back, I need to go attend to this-

(Silence, only heartbeat monitor for 1 minute, faster while I’m gone)

Oh, shit.
I totally forgot to pull your gown back down
You’ve been completely exposed this whole time-
Nobody else walked in here while I was gone, did they?
Uh- I can’t tell if that look on your face is supposed to be embarrassment, or… Ugh.
You’re sick.
And not in the way most of my patients are

Fucking sicko.

Let’s cover you back up…

Come on, you need your rest

I’ll turn off the lights… And close the curtains… There’s nothing interesting to look at anymore
You can’t even see me, thank god
Close your eyes… And.. Count sheep, or whatever you need to do

Codependent, helpless little shit-
Yeah, fine, I’ll talk you down. It’s not like I have hundreds of other patients to see

Ok, um…
So, yeah, keep your eyes closed…
Listen to… Your heart monitor…
And concentrate on making it slow down…
Breathe nice and slowly…
Breathe in as deeply as you can… Fill in your lungs completely until you can’t take in any more air… And then quickly suck in some more
Hold it….

And let it all out…..
Breathe in… Expand your chest as big as you can…. Until you can’t take any more air in… Suck up some extra air….
Hold it
And breathe out…
And your heart rate is already slowing down… Hear the beeping on the monitor already decreasing in pace…
Surely you can continue to guide your own breathing from here… You’re much too dependent
I’m here to help you, not do EVERYTHING for you…
Just keep breathing deeply…
And maybe pay attention to the fact that you could not move a single muscle even if you tried…
Your arms and legs… Resting at the sides of your body in those stiff casts…. Even the thought of moving them is excruciatingly painful…
Don’t move them… Don’t even think about moving them…
Just remain completely still… Because that’s all you CAN do
And adjust your breathing to match the monitor… Maybe two beeps per breath… In for two.. Out for two… Maybe more… Depending on how much air your lungs can take… Just.. focus on keeping them even…

Your pain is keeping you from resting? Really?
Ok, fine, I have something that can help you with that

Don’t get any lewd ideas… I just need to shift your body slightly… So I have clear access…
To your buttock… For a quick little injection…
-Don’t—- Say a word, you’re meant to be resting
And soon, you will notice, your entire body will go completely numb
And you will have no reason to complain to me
You will be NUMB, and you will be ASLEEP, understood?

Mhm…. I can see the effects, myself…. Your smug, annoying little face is relaxing into a neutral, slightly less annoying face~
You can probably feel it…. Your jaw relaxing… Teeth unclenching… Your tongue loosening and falling to the bottom of your mouth… Which is hanging open slightly…. Nothing to stop the drool from seeping out~
Slowly becoming completely limp and NUMB~

Yes.. Numb and helpless….

You do realize that this means that when I inevitably need to leave this room again, you won’t be able to call or buzz for me, right~?
If you come to need me for anything at all… If your fluid bag needs to be swapped out… If you begin to choke on your own drool… If your lungs spontaneously fill with fluids…
You will be too numb and unanimated to call for help~
But this is what you wanted, right?
As that numbness continues to spread throughout your body, it replaces your pain
Now you can rest soundly without distraction~
And everything will probably be just fine~

Awwww, what’s the matter~? Not having fun anymore?~ I thought you loved unpleasantries..
I saw how pathetically aroused you were when I was…How did you put it?
“Sounding” you? Even though I’ve done absolutely nothing to excite you
Make up your mind little pervert patient~
Do you love it or hate it? Does it turn you on, or scare you?
And listen to that~! Not a single peep from you~
This total, all-consuming numbness will rid you of any excuses not to rest while I check in on someone more grateful than you.
Someone who doesn’t whine or make eyes at me while I do my job…
Or gets their tiny dribbling messes all over their catheter.
And you’ll see what it’s like without me taking care of you…. As this numbness consumes your helpless, frail body~

Pathetic pervert patient

(Heartbeat monitor speeds up, nothing but, for another minute)

(Through door) No, trust me, you don’t want to come in here, this patient is a massive, tumorous pain in the ass
Yeah, I’ll come check on that sample in about 20 minutes, thanks
(Door opens, walk back in)

Oh, what’s gotten into you?
What’s wrong?

Everything… Looks normal… Except for your heart rate… Which is going back to normal now…
In fact, it’s slowing quite a bit~
Dropping… Right back down to where it was before I left…
Like my presence calms you…
Um… Weird…
I haven’t exactly been the most soothing nurse.
Is it the numbness? Did it frighten you? You want it to stop?
I see~
This could prove to be quite entertaining for me… I could surely use it after five 16-hour shifts this week…
And you certainly could afford to be taught a lesson…

Here… I know you can’t even feel it… But I am giving you another injection… This one will restore feeling to your nerves… Making them even more sensitive than usual, actually…

Oh, yeah, don’t worry, there won’t be any residual effects from multiple injections in a short timespan, you’ll be fine

See~? All of your feeling is returning to you now…. It may feel like cascading tingles… Raising every hair on your body… Tugging at every little pore on your skin… Forming cobble-stone-like, sensitive goosebumps all over your body~
You’ve never been more aware of your body before now… Never more sensitive to touch than you are at this moment…
Every little breeze in the room… You can feel my breaths as they escape my mouth… Even at a safe, perv-proof distance… The vibrations of the soundwaves that emanate from my vocal chords as I speak right now…

Trial one of this new formula is a smashing success~!
Oh, don’t look so scared, you’re fine!
You actually appear to be really enjoying yourself~
Don’t lie to me~
Don’t lie to yourself~
I don’t even have to touch you… And you’re a very happy patient~
You can’t even move… Can’t do anything to manage these intense feelings…
It is VERY amusing~
Watching you struggle in your stiff casts… Unable to even squirm from the pleasure…
The pain is simply too strong to ignore~
Associate it with the pleasure~
You know you really can’t have one without the other~
You can’t know pleasure if you haven’t learned PAIN~

Pain IS pleasure~

And they said it couldn’t be done~….

And aren’t YOU the perfect patient to be my very first subject~?
No way of defending yourself… And so insufferably perverted and whiny… Your word would never stand a chance against mine~… A brilliant, celebrated nurse~

What does it matter, if it’s approved by the hospital, it works, doesn’t it?
(Cut off by pager)
Ah, I have another patient in need down the hall… I don’t want to miss ANY observations on my new creation…
I’m going to numb you up again
Shifting your ultra-sensitive… PAINFUL, yet excited body… And this injection will pinch more harshly than usual… When you’re hopped up on my latest concoction~
Yeah- Feel that pinch in your right buttock- It should hurt a lot~
And then the numbness replaces is almost instantaneously~
How fun~… Toying with your sense like this~ The wonderful, manipulatable nature of the human body is JUST why I became a nurse~

Anyway… As the numbness consumes you yet again… And I leave you alone again, completely helpless… I want you to remember…
How Cold and uncomfortable it is without me, getting lost in your own little world of nothingness… No energy to even entertain yourself in your own mind.
You depend upon me… To come back and restore the feeling to your body… I am the only one capable of doing so…
And even when you realize that, you’re so helpless you won’t even know what to do.
You can’t get up to find me…
You won’t be able to call out for me, let alone speak.
You won’t even be able to fantasize about me.
That’s right~ no perverted fantasies, no warm tender moments, not even daydreams of anything cruel or sad.
You’ll be completely numb.
You ARE completely numb~
Numb without your nurse… As I walk away from you now…
I am your sun, your moon, your sky.
I am your only tether to this world… Your only hope of feeling anything ever again…
To me, you’re almost like an imaginary pervert.
You only exist when I let you~
When I give you what you need in order to feel and function again~
And you only exist when I’m near you.
It’s your own fault for giving me the idea… When you needed me to walk you through FALLING ASLEEP
Oh, so utterly dependent on me… You panic and your heart beats faster when I leave… Only regaining your senses when I am near…
Otherwise? Blank, empty, and numb.

Enjoy it~
You asked for it~

Numb without me, painful pleasure with me~
You asked for this, poor idiot~
(Door shuts)
(Heart monitor speeds up)

(Recordings begin to play, looping)

(Door opens)
Oh shit.. I left my hand-held in here… Oops~
I’m just going to let that keep playing… It has quite a… Humorous effect on you~

I won’t even ask if you’re ready… I’m already injecting you with the new concoction…
I’m here with you… And this overbearing, painful pleasure is once again overtaking your sad, empty numbness~
Gasping for air, huh~? Don’t forget to practice that steady breathing I walked you through earlier~
It’s funny… When you’re numb, you can’t bring yourself to speak… For obvious reasons… But are also unable.. Under these more intense conditions~
Paralyzed by numbness without me… Only to be paralyzed by painful pleasure with me~
But knowing how painfully perverted you are, even by my blatant disgust by you… You’re probably enjoying this very much~
Some odd mixture of fear and pleasure… So painful~
I LIVE to inflict this kind of pain~
And if you aren’t already… You will soon come to be addicted to the pain that I bring upon you~

ADDICTED… And unable to function in either state… Numb nothingness in my absence… Pained pleasantness in my presence~
Spreading across your skin now… Your skin feels tight… Too tight for your body… Like perpetual tingles and chills… But shuddering and squirming is painful, your poor pervert~
You can’t speak, but… I know exactly how you’re feeling… I can see every single micro-expression… Every hesitant movement of your pained body~.. The frantic, confused nature of your eyes in this moment…

And all of these injections I’ve been giving you…
With such contrasting effects…
Oh, it’s not easy on your body~
Yeah… I lied~
The way they interact in your body… When I pump them into your bloodstream… One after another… Battling for dominance…
Multiple injections… Making you soooo dizzy~
So dizzy and easy to confuse and manipulate~
And even after this heightened-sensitivity concoction wears off… This is still the way life will be for you~
Snapping back and forth between empty numbness and painful pleasure, depending on your proximity to me…
Let’s be honest… From the very beginning, you were overly attached and dependent on me… Such is the relationship between a patient and their nurse… But for you, on a whole other level…
You have a very perverted… Addictive… Dependent personality… Perfect for my little test subject~ My lab rat~
And even after this concoction clears from your bloodstream and its effects fade away… You’ll still be a dependent mess~
Numb when I’m away… Pleasant pain when I’m near~

I didn’t even need to do anything… This is just how you are, dear patient~
From the moment I set foot in your room… You were helpless, and in need of guidance… You enjoyed the pain and insults I hurled your way… Despite my disgust… You latched onto me… This was your doing.
You asked for everything that has happened.
Come on, don’t be afraid…
Didn’t you WANT this~?

Aw you filled up your fluid bag
I can see you’re nervous… Afraid… But frankly, there’s nothing you can do about it~
And… My shift is about to end~
Normally I’d tell a patient that everything will be alright… But with you, I”m not so certain~

In just a few minutes, my shift will end… And I will walk away… I will leave you here like this… Desperately aching for my presence… Hopelessly numb until I return~

The clock is ticking… And I’m not going to wait around for you… You’re just another patient to me~
While to you… I am everything~

Every step I take away from you
Is like Turning down the volume of your life~
You can feel everything
Slip away with me
It’s like your whole world is leaving this room
Leaving you with nothing
No emotions of your own
No will of your own
No thoughts of your own
Just completely numb without me.

And when the next nurse comes in to take care of you, you won’t be able to be a disrespectful little pervert… Because you will be numb~
You won’t mutter a word about this to anyone… About my.. Alternative treatment… About our experiment… You won’t be able to… You will be numb… Apathetic… Empty… Sad… You will be nothing~… When I am gone~

My shift is almost over… And I am only 10 steps away from leaving this room…
I’m going to count them out… And when I leave… You can either wake up from your little entranced state and live out your lonely numbness… or finally get that rest you so desperately need~

Again, I’m not even going to bother asking if you are ready… I’m not staying any later than I have to
I’ll just count out my final steps away from you… And be free from your insufferableness~
Sear the sound of my cruel words into your brain, and miss me when I’m gone~
(Recording end)

1.. Every step I take away from you
2.. Is like Turning down the volume of your life~
3.. You can feel everything
4.. Slip away with me
5.. It’s like your whole world is leaving this room
6.. Leaving you with nothing
7.. No emotions of your own
8.. No will of your own
9.. No thoughts of your own
10.. Just completely numb without me~

(Door close)

(Heart monitor speeds up and fades out)


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