Needy Boy



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It’s a much needed vacation together… Somewhere nice and warm and relaxing… But the weather keeps us inside. At least we have each other, to have, to hold, to hug, to kiss…

And I am much bigger than you are… Taller, stronger, smarter… We get some looks, but you love being wrapped up tight in my arms & cleavage… Well, you don’t really get a say on the matter, but I’m sure you enjoy it – it makes me feel very good, after all~

You do as you’re told because you’re Mommy’s Good Boy… But sometimes you can be quite forgetful. It’s okay, I love doting on my silly little boyfriend… All it takes is a little bit of gentle correction~

Just you and me in my sheer, silky little dress… Breaking in the hotel bed with sweet, sensual cuddles… The rain tapping on the window, tempting our lazy urges… Making the air hot and humid… And no obligations~

You’re lucky to have a perfect girlfriend like me, and I love you very much~

Gosh, isn’t this just typical…? 

We finally get away for a vacation… A proper tropical retreat… I book us a nice hotel and get everything arranged for us… and then, when we finally get here… 


Nothing but rain. This is our first evening abroad! We were supposed to go out and explore… I was going to take you to this lovely little restaurant on the coast; one I found online… 

But… I guess we’re spending the first night in the room, honey. 

Just our luck. I wanted to treat you so, so badly… I do love spoiling you… But, it’s okay. We’ll just have to make the best of it. 


I suppose we could start actually unpacking… It’s not particularly fun, but, it’s gotta be done… And we did bring so many bags… 

Mm-hmm~ …Yeah.. And I know it was tough for you, sweetie, trying to carry all those big, heavy suitcases through the airport, getting them loaded up into the taxi.. You were struggling so much… 

I know it can be frustrating sometimes, being so much weaker than me… But it’s alright. I don’t mind. You did your best, and I’m very proud of you~ (kiss) 

We got so many looks, didn’t we darling? …A cute, short, slim little guy like you… and me, a perfect, tall, full-bodied woman… We really do make quite the pair… Mhmm~ 

You’re so lucky. Having such a perfect, pretty girlfriend… Someone so tall, so strong and powerful… All the boys are so jealous of you, trust me. I can see it in their eyes. And I know you love it. 

You do, don’t you. You do love it~ 

You don’t find it emasculating. You don’t find it strange. You love the way it makes you feel when we’re out together. 

Look at me. Look up into my eyes, little one. 

(Whisper:) You love it. You’re a good boy. And you love being my good boy~ (kiss)

Awww, look at you, getting all embarrassed and flustered… 

Honey, I know what embarrassment looks like. Trust me, you’re getting flustered, I can see it plain across your face. There’s no use hiding it, and we’ve talked about this. You should let out all your feelings, you shouldn’t keep things bottled up. You never need to hide anything from me~ (kiss) 

Mhmm~ Such a pretty little face… 

Does this feel nice, huh? …The way I’m tracing you with my fingers… Cupping your chin… Lightly passing a thumb across your lower lip… 

Ooooh~ …Good boy… My good boy… 

I must admit, I am quite partial to making you squirm. Since I am so much stronger than you, I may as well use that strength, don’t you think? 

(Whisper:) Kinda like this~ 

Oooh!~ Oh there we go! Pinned so easily to the wall, aww… What a helpless boy… Now you’re really squirming, aww~ Ssh-sshhh~ Settle down… settle down… Good boy, there’s a good boy… 

Allowing yourself to get trapped so easily… My my… 

…Oooh… Oh, are you really trying to escape? Honey, I’m just playing with you. Calm down a little.

And besides, what use does it do? Struggling like this… 

You’ve never beaten me before, darling. What makes you think this time could be any different? 


Sweetie, what do you mean? … You really think that you used to be stronger than me? 

…Oh, darling~ 

I think you’re having another one of your little mis-rememberings~ 

That’s just not possible, is it? 

I mean… you, overpowering me...? …It’s laughable. 

I think this curious notion must have come from a dream, or something. 

Because sweetie, you’ve never beaten me in one of our little play fights. 




I have always, always won, and you, have always, always lost. 

You have never beaten me in one of our play fights.

Say that back to me. Come on now… Show me you haven’t forgotten any of our special memories. That would break my heart~ Say, ‘I have never beaten you in one of our play fights’…. 


Mhmm~ …There you go. That’s a good boy. (kiss) …My sweet, forgetful boy… (kiss) 

I know it can be hard sometimes, but remember how we practiced? …Just empty your mind of thoughts. Let my words wash over you. You can trust my words, sweetie. You can always trust your girlfriend’s words. 



There we go. You remember now, don’t you. You’ve always been weak. Which is why you’ve always needed to rely on me… 

But it’s a good thing I love doting on you, isn’t it baby? 


Right. Okay. I think I’ve teased you enough for now. So take my hand baby. Let’s go and get comfy on the bed. 

Mhmm… There we go, come sit with me… I love breaking in new hotel beds… And face me, darling… that’s it… cuddle up against the pillows… let’s get some quality time together. 

I want you to just relax, let that heart rate slow… And take in my beauty, for a moment or two.

Listen to the soft patter of the rain against the bamboo walls of the resort… and look into my eyes. 

Good boy, there we go. Nice and deep. Deep into my bright, beautiful eyes… 

Let’s just take a moment to breathe. To destress. We’ll start unpacking after we’ve had some personal time. 

I know how much you love fawning over my body, after all. And who am I to deny my perfect boy…? 

Mhmmm… I could never… I could never deny you my perfect face, and my soft, smooth skin… my full, pouty pink lips… 


(Whisper:) Good boy. Press your finger against them, sweetie. 

Go on, don’t be shy… 


…Oooh~ …Feel how soft they are. Trace them, let me kiss each and every one of your beautiful fingertips… Mhmm~ 


Good boy…

Bring your hands down the sides of my face… over my cheeks, and under my chin… Mhmmm~ You’re so lucky… Having access to such an angelic, perfect girl such as me… One who lets you touch her like this…. 


Yeah, you’re so, so lucky… Lucky to have me… Lucky to be with me… No-one else would care for you like I do. I think we both know this. It’s obvious. 


Bring your hands down lower, honey. All the way down my body. 

Down over my shoulders, round the curves of my big, soft boobs through this sheer, silky little dress… Down my waist…. Mhmm~ 

…And onto my smooth, bare thighs… Still glistening just a little from the tropical humidity outside… 


Good boy… rub your palms up and down… up and down my soft, shiny thighs…Mm-hmmm~ 

Good boy… There’s a good boy… Massage my thighs, sweetie… You’re doing such a good job… Oooh… you love massaging my thighs, don’t you… You love making me feel good… Mhmmm~ 

(Whisper:) Nothing makes you feel better, than making me feel better~ (Kiss)

Mhmmmm~ Ooh… oh your hands feel so good… I’ve trained you well, haven’t I darling? 

Rub, rub, rub… Oh~ …Mhm… honey, bring your hands back up again, alright? Squeeze my boobs, there’s a good boy, don’t be shy… 


Oh, yes… Knead and squeeze my full, perfect breasts… Ungh~ …Good boy… Oh… this gives you such a rush of pleasure, doesn’t it? 

Mhm… Yes it does…Yes it does… Oooh… You really are the luckiest boy… Having a goddess like me take an interest in you… Remember when we first met? …How anxious around me you were to begin with… 

How you kept stealing glances at my cleavage… And how you finally got to squeeze a pair of boobs for the very first time… Uh-huh~ 


Oh, no, sweetie… you’re being forgetful again… 

Nuh-uh, ooh~ ..Don’t give me that look… 


You never felt any boobs before mine. My perfect, full breasts are the only breasts you’ve ever squeezed… Remember? You told me that so long ago… Before me, sweetie, there was no-one. You were anxious, and awkward, and helpless. And now you are whole, because you are with me. There is only me. Only Mommy. 


There we go. Wipe away those thoughts. Just accept my words. You know they’re true, after all. 

Yep… Oooh… awwww, yep, there we go… 

All better. 

That’s good. 

Good boy. 


Ooooh… Oh, just look at the way my soft, warm boobs squish between your fingers… Oh, gosh… You’re doing such a good job, honey, I really do love you so, so much… (kiss) 


Yes… okay, ease off your squeezing for now… Just trace your fingers around the nipples… Oh… Feel the weight of my breasts… And don’t be shy, you can look into my cleavage, I know how much you enjoy it… Look as much as you want, honey… You don’t need to be shy, I promise… They’re all for you… All for my special boy…. 


There we go… 

There… we… go…. Oh… 


Don’t they look so wonderful in my little dress? 

I took extra care when I packed for us, sweetie… I’ve brought along all our best clothes and accessories, I can assure you… Clothes to show off our best features…. I think you’re going to really enjoy what I chose for you, I’ve really outdone myself when it comes to packing for our little trips… 


You’re gonna love it~ Mm-hmm! 


Oh… oh, what’s that, sweetie? 


You.. you want to know why you didn’t pack your own stuff for our trip..? 

Um… sweetie, I’m… I’m not sure I really understand… 

…What do you mean? 

Hmmm… No, no I just don’t get it. Sweetie, you don’t make decisions like that, do you? You’ve never made decisions like that. Decisions are something for me. Not for good boys like you. They’re not necessary for you. 

Mommy knows best, after all. I always know best. We both agree on this. So don’t be silly. I love you, and I can’t have you fumbling or getting all confused… So it’s far better to leave control to me. You need me to take care of you. 

Yes, you do, sweetie~

You need me to take care of you. 

Read my lips, baby… Read my soft, pouty pink lips… Watch them closely… (Kiss) 

(Whisper:) Mommy knows, best…. 

Mommy… knows… best… 


Mommy… knows… best. (kiss) 

Mommy… knows… best…. 

Good boy. 

Bring those hands back down my sides, baby… Mhmm… And over onto my thighs… Gosh… You do love exploring my legs, don’t you sweetie… These soft, perfect thighs in particular… My my my

That’s it… Nice firm rubs… Be sure to make me feel really, really good, baby… That’s it… 

That’s it… Squeeze your girlfriend’s body… Let the pleasure wash away all those strange feelings in your head… 


Oh, gosh, just look at your little face… Come here, darling. Come here… Let me wrap you up in a big, big hug… 

Oooooh~ There we go… All safe and snug…. Cuddled up with me on the bed… Good boy… There’s a good boy… I’ve got you, I’ve got you… No need to think, or to struggle with any confusing, conflicting memories… Just do as you’re told. Let me love you, little one. And love me back. Give me everything, sweetie, and I’ll take care of you. I’ll take care of you the way you need to be taken care of. 

Murmuring encouragement into your ear… Lightly nuzzling you… Kissing you… Pressing my lips against your face… Holding your close and feeling your heartbeat, as I scratch your back for you… As I stroke the back of your neck… Looking after you… My perfect little boyfriend… Mhmm~ (kiss) 





There there… I’ve got you… I’m proud of you… 

Good boy… That’s my silly little boy… You love when I tease you. Because you know what it means. 

You know that it means I love you. That I like playing with you. And you love being with me. It’s so nice being with me, isn’t it honey? All your worries and concerns just melt away…

…Nothing but a soft, empty head. Thoughtless and dependent, and that’s okay. I really do love taking care of you, after all. I don’t mind holding your hand… Both literally, and, metaphorically~ 

You are mine. You are dependent on me. And that’s okay. I’ll always hold your hand, nice and tight. Feeling you clutch me and look to me for approval… That’s what perfect relationships are like, little one. Someone always needs to be in charge. 

And for us, that’s me

It’s always going to be. 

And I always want to be here for you. Making sure you’re safe. That you’re protected… And you really are so small, and so weak… You need someone like me. A girl who is powerful. A girl who isn’t afraid. A girl… who knows best. 

…Best, for you. (kiss) 

…For us… 


So just allow your hands to explore me as we embrace. Feel my breath in your ear, and on your neck, as we relax and listen to the rain outside… 

There’s no need for thinking. Don’t try and remember what it was like before me, you’ll just confuse yourself. 

It was bad before me, little one. There’s nothing of any note worth recalling from back then. There never even was a ‘before’, really… None of it matters.

Only we matter. What we have. You and me. 

Your life works best, when it revolves around… me

And that’s all there is to it. There is only me. 

Only Mommy. 

No thoughts. 

…No thoughts. 

Just submission. 

Sweet, intimate, sensual submission. 

I’ve got you, sweetie. 

You’re a very good boy, and I’m proud of you. 


Now let’s cuddle up a little longer, and then we can start unpacking.

…Don’t worry, I’ll tell you where everything needs to go. …There’s a good boy~ (kiss)


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