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(Mommy’s Toy Subliminal)

Lie down, sweetie~

Let’s get you all undressed~

First, your shirt~

Take it off for me baby~

Take everything off of the top half of your body~



Now lift your hips up into the air~…

Mhm, sure, hump the air~

I just need you to be able to pull your pants down~… So I need your butt up in the air and off the mattress~

Strip for me~

Take it all off~

Give me a show~

Pants and underwear down~

Everything… Down… And off~

I want you completely naked and vulnerable~

Okay, now relax~

Lay flat…

And spread your arms and legs out, sprawled out like a star~

My little porn star~

Fully on display for me~

No more hiding~

Mmm~, look at you~

All naked and exposed already~

Spreading your legs for me like a little slut~…

A docile little fuck-toy… Waiting to be used~

That’s right~… You just lay there, and I’ll do all the work, okay~?

You can relax and just let yourself get comfortable… You won’t have to lift a finger~

But first I need to make sure you’re properly positioned for me.

Just spread your arms and legs as much as you can while they remain comfortable…

So I can cuff your wrists~

Shh, relax, just relax~

I told you, you won’t have to move a muscle~

And I’ll make sure of it with these cuffs~

You may or may not even be able to feel them~…

These are special cuffs that are barely noticeable… If at all~…

Fastened in place around your wrists, connected to little latches I nailed into the floor… Holding your wrists firmly in place~

And now, around your ankles~

You might be able to feel your bindings… You might not… They are designed to be imperceivable~

But maybe you’re special~

Maybe you can feel them just because I told you they’re there…

Or you convince yourself to believe it, as the alternative seems improbable~

Gaslighting yourself, maybe… But it doesn’t change the fact that my special cuffs render you almost completely immobile.

Either way, your wrists and ankles are tethered tightly to the ground~

Your body may perceive this as… Your hands and feet feeling heavy… Much too heavy to move~

As if I’ve tied your wrists and ankles to heavy, heavy weights… And I may as well have~

But soon, the deceivingly intangible cuffs will reduce circulation to your hands and feet… Making them feel…. Numb~


But that’s okay… We won’t be using those~

For all I care, you can forget about those useless appendages. For all your care, they don’t exist~

Let’s move our focus elsewhere.

These pretty eyes of yours~

Close them for me, would you~?

I have a fun surprise planned for these, too~

Relax~… I’m not going to do anything that will hurt you~

Keep your eyes closed… And breathe through your nose. In and out, all through your nose, if you can. Shut your mouth. And don’t open it until I tell you to.

Just keep being a good little fuck-thing… And hold still while I secure this blindfold around your head.

Again, you probably don’t feel it… But what really matters is that you cannot see~

Just pure pitch blackness~

No need to see… No need to conjure up any mental images… Only blackness~

You don’t need to worry about thinking about anything… Seeing… Feeling… Only listening~

Listen to what I say… Hear what I do to you… And enjoy the fact that you have no idea what I’ll do to you next~

Obey all of my commands, dear. Shh, close your mouth. You don’t have any other choice.

No range of motion. No control. No power. No self-awareness. No escape~

And now…. With tape over your mouth… No voice~

Little to no feeling of my kisses through the thick, sturdy tape~

No way of being certain which direction my voice is coming from…

No detection of my presence… Through my weight, my warmth, or my touch~

Only the sound of my voice. With the absence of all other sensations, my voice is especially present and potent~

All you can do is hear me. Nothing else~

Even when I kiss you… You can’t feel where~

But I’m only just getting started~

My next surprise for you… Also might not penetrate your senses~

Normally it definitely would, but you’re a bit numb right now, aren’t you~?

And my next surprise will only make you number~

You may or may not feel it on your skin. It doesn’t matter at all. It’s all going to end up the same way. Numb. If you can feel it, you won’t be able to for much longer.

But I’ve been doing it for the past minute or so, and you haven’t reacted at all, so I think it’s safe to assume you’re already quite numb and tuned out of your own body~

Do you want to know what I’m doing to you~?

Ice~… Rubbing… Down your chest… Down your stomach… In between your thighs… Which is usually a very sensitive area… But you haven’t flinched at all~

Ice~… All over you… Gliding across your skin… Do you feel it now that I’ve told you about it~?

Don’t lie to me~

No you don’t~

Especially as we continue… Every second I keep this ice pressed against your skin, the more it constricts your blood vessels, reduces your blood flow… Making you even more numb~

No freezing pain… No moisture from the melting surface… Nothing~

Only my voice~

And just for good measure… I’ve brought some extra strength numbing cream, too~

And I’m going to rub it over every inch of your body~

You’d love to feel my massaging hands… Try as you may, as hard as you may, to simply imagine this pleasant, yet erotic sensation, you just can’t~

And I’m going to slather so much cream on you, that even if it wasn’t inherently desensitizing, the thick barrier will block out any and every sensation~

Like a protective shell, surrounding and encasing an insensate, melty, amorphous blob of nothingness, suspended in mid air~

Even as I lift and turn certain parts of your body to apply it everywhere, you wouldn’t know if I hadn’t just told you~

Don’t worry, it won’t make you numb forever~… probably… Just right now~

Just to fuck with you~

Just to fuck you~

After the cream sinks in and dries, of course~

Just because you don’t get to feel anything, doesn’t mean I can’t~

It must be so confusing to be so aroused without feeling anything, isn’t it~?

No physical or visual stimulation…

Just my voice~

Just helpless sensory deprivation~

Just complete and total consuming numbness.

Even in your mind~

You are nothing right now~

Just an insentient fuck-thing~

Objects can’t see… Feel… Smell… Or think~

Brainless, senseless objects have no self-awareness. They just exist. But they don’t even know that much.

You are lucky that I am still allowing you to keep your hearing~

You are merely… A ghost… Witnessing the vibrations of sound from an empty plane..

Sightless… Voiceless… Thoughtless… Numb~

No way of knowing whether your body parts are growing stiff or getting drippy

No way of knowing whether you even have body parts~

Not even caring if you do or don’t~

They are so irrelevant right now~

You can’t feel them… Your brain is numb… Disconnected from the rest of your body.

Unsure of whether you are awake or asleep.

Unsure if you even exist right now~

That’s how numb you are~

No pressure… No movement… Just the sound of my voice.

You can’t feel anything… But I can~

I can feel… A body… That is ready to be fucked~

A body that is all mine for the taking~

Listen, toy, listen~…

Listen to what I say… Hear what I do to you… And enjoy the fact that you have no idea what I’m doing to you~

Unable to feel my (redacted) on your… Well, it doesn’t matter, does it~?

You can’t feel my body… No matter how hard you may try~

There is no way of knowing… What I’m doing to you~

IF I’m doing anything to you~

Or just…. Fucking with you~

Just making noises to torture you~

Maybe we’re having sex~

Maybe we’re not~

Maybe you can detect some bouncing… Maybe you can’t~

Perhaps you are simply imagining it~

Wishful thinking to pair with these sexy noises~

Or maybe your brain is incapable of thinking on its own right now… Too numb to think…

Perhaps you only “think” of these things as I slip the ideas deep inside of you~

You don’t think of things unless I say them… Feeding thoughts into your numb brain… Holding onto them for just a second before they spill out… Because you’re too numb to hold them inside~

In… And out…

In… And out…

Nothing matters unless I’m actively talking about it

You can’t feel anything except for my voice

You understand~

Maybe you don’t~

Maybe these concepts are impossible to grasp for you right now~

It is impossible to hold onto things when you can’t feel them~

To appreciate or even realize what’s there… Right on top of you~

The only thing you know for certain right now… Is my voice~

The rest is dependent on whether I explain it to you or not~

My words are all you have~

You’ll have to trust them~

Even so… You have no way of confirming it for yourself~

Can’t see… Can’t feel

Are you really having sex, or are you just hearing the sounds?

Is your imagination racing, or are you too deep inside of the empty blackness to be present enough to know whether we’re fucking or not~?

How does my pussy feel? … Hm~?

My hands~? …

My mouth~?

You don’t know~~

Is it because you’re too numb and oblivious~?

Or am I just standing beside you, teasing you with noises~?

Which side am I on?

Maybe I’m sitting on top of you~

Maybe I’m on top of you, fucking you~

Maybe I’ve invited someone else to fuck you~

While you have no way of knowing…

You wouldn’t be able to tell~

Do you want to see~?

Do you think seeing my pretty body could trick you into feeling it~?

Or would that make the numbness more torturous~?

No different from just watching porn~

It’s okay to moan into the tape on your lips~

Even if it only sounds like desperate, struggling humming, with your lips glued shut like a toy… Maybe it’ll help you feel more… Involved~

Mhm, moan with me, my numb little toy~

You can’t do anything other than what you’re told~

Can’t see… Can’t move… Can’t struggle~

No thinking

No feeling

Only hearing~

Moan with me~

Or hum, that’s okay, too~


This is so hilariously sexy~

Why are you so fun to torture~?


I know… I know you can’t speak, even if you managed to put together one solid thought~

You are… So funny~

If only you could move your hands to feel my rocking hips… My squishy, hanging boobs… To verify that I’m here~…

Even if they weren’t tied up tight… You’re not really aware of them, are you~? Perhaps you forgot they even existed until I mentioned them~… Not that it matters anyway~


I could probably choke you right now, and you wouldn’t even notice you weren’t breathing unless I explicitly told you~

So many possibilities… And I haven’t even told you half of them~

You have no clue what sort of freaky shit I may or may not be doing to you~…

Perhaps you are even losing your ability to understand my words~

To remember what I’ve told you I’ve done to you~

But toys don’t care~

Toys are blissfully unaware~

Toys don’t feel…

Toys don’t see…

Toys don’t think…

Toys don’t speak.

Toys can’t even open their mouths~

Toys. Can’t. Move.

Toys are numb…

Toys don’t know when they’re getting fucked~

Toys don’t even know what they are~

I’ll tell you what you are~

You are a clueless, numb, fuck-thing~

Whether I’m fucking you or fucking with you doesn’t matter to an insentient thing like you~… It doesn’t feel any different to you~

You don’t even have the ability to worry your little head about it~… You’re an object~!

Oh, I came a while ago~

I just can’t bring myself to stop~

Or maybe I’ve already crawled off of you and I’m just messing with you~

Doesn’t feel any different to you~

That’s the fun part~

Even more fun than fucking you~

Using you like a clueless, mindless object~…

Okay, that’s a lie

There is nothing more fun that fucking with you~

But the numbing cream will wear off soon…

It doesn’t last forever… Unfortunately…

If only I could keep you as an inanimate object forever, huh~?

You’d probably enjoy it~

But, since this is the real world and you’re just a human, let’s bring you back, shall we~?

I’m going to start with the tape over your mouth…

You may or may not feel it peeling off… But you can open your mouth now and take in some deep breaths.

And as you do, you might notice your chest, heaving up and down

Up with every inhale, and down as you let all the air back out of your lungs

Just keep breathing, sweetie~

I am untying your left wrist now… You might not be able to move it right away, but that is to be expected after being numb for so long.

And now your right wrist… Do you even have any idea of how long you’ve been restrained for~?

It might still be hard to think… And move… That’s perfectly normal, dear~

I’m just removing your binds, so whenever you are ready, there will be nothing to hold you back.

Next, your right ankle… Again, you may or may or may not feel it… The cool air kissing your ankle as I remove the cuff… That’s okay~

Now your left ankle… They will either be numb for a little while, or you may feel some warm discomfort as the blood rushes back into your extremities. Both are valid bodily reactions.

Now you are completely free from your bindings… Your arms and legs still spread and sprawled out… Maybe you are beginning to become aware of their existence again. If not, don’t worry… Just give it some time~

And now, I’m removing your blindfold. If you are able to open your eyes, you will be able to see your surroundings again. Blink three times for me… Good~

And when you are able to move your limbs again, make sure to stretch them real good~

As if your body has just been converted from stone to flesh. You may feel a bit stiff, but you are capable of more movement that you think~

Just take it easy~

Nice and slow…

Your thoughts will come back to you… They will remind you that you are human, and alive~


This was fun~

Have fun reflecting on what just happened~

Or didn’t happen~


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