Road to Obsession – FULL SERIES



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+Bonus Content

Listen to the full adventure in one go… if you can handle it~
This series, (Whether you listen to it all at once here or split into the individual parts 1-5) is a good introduction to me, my hypnosis style, and some important triggers that I play with throughout my content.

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.




Welcome to my domain~!
Perhaps you are here because you are eager, or even desperate to become a mindless shell at
the hands of an addictive temptress
Perhaps you already Drop into trance easily, and you are already turning your mind off and
winding down
Perhaps you are a bit skeptical, and want to see what this is all about~
There is no pressure to Drop right now
No pressure to achieve any certain outcome
Release your expectations and desires
And just focus on the sound of my voice
You don’t even need to focus too much on my words… Forget about interpreting any meaning
Forget about comprehending the English language
Forget about the goal of trance
Just take a deep breath
And attach yourself to the sound of my voice
While you bathe in my soft, warm words, I am just going to say what comes into my mind
You can do the same
There is no need to waste your energy on trying to block your own thoughts
It is normal and natural to have fleeting thoughts, even when someone is speaking to you
Just allow your eyes to close
And exist solely within the realm of your pussy-mind
Here with me
Sounds from the outside world are irrelevant
You may or may not even notice them, You might even notice how the outside sounds DROP
you deeper
As you relax and listen to me, just chatting away
Filling… Flooding your pussy-mind with my voice
My words, penetrating your pussy-mind, whether you are consciously aware of them or not
Just allow your thoughts to come and go, passing through your pussy-mind
You may be feeling it
Feeling your pussy-mind fill and stretch with fleeting thoughts, and relaxing and feeling looser as
they pass
But as MY words.. MY thoughts probe your pussy-mind, they are bigger, stronger, overpowering
Slowly but surely, your pussy-mind will adapt and cling to my throbbing words
Thrusting in and out of that soft, pliable pussy-mind of yours
Now, everyone reacts a little differently to this feeling
For some, it’s a pleasant, tingling feeling to be fucked by my words
For others, it can feel like a dissociation to another world… Falling… Sinking… Dropping into a
whole new dimension
Where it is just me and you
Eventually it becomes so easy to Drop in just an instant
I’m going to dangle this word in front of you
Watch it sway, in your mind’s eye, as if I am holding it by a little string
Left and right… Back and forth… Maybe even in little twirls, making you a little dizzy
Look at this word, in big, bold letters
From left to right, let’s focus on each letter
D… So demanding and strong…
R… Robust and relevant in this word…
O… Ovular, obviously…
P… That final letter… Penetrating your Pussy-mind…
The shape of this word is somewhat phallic, as if it was made for fucking your pussy-mind
Watch it dangle above you, getting higher in your sight… Follow it with your mind’s eye…
You may find it to be so easy to focus on this word intently and intensely
Something about this word is immensely mesmerizing
The way it rolls off of my tongue…
Hear every single letter
The way each letter sounds
Looking straight up at the word now, as you DROP
Fading out of sight, but the sound of this word still escapes my lips and fills your pussy-mind
A mind-fuck of sorts…
So deep and surrounded by total darkness now
So complete and all-encompassing
Not a speck of light in sight
Just pure blackness
A nice, blank slate to imagine whatever I want you to see
I want you to imagine a big whiteboard in that pussy-mind of yours
Focus all of your attention on this whiteboard.
It is so bright and white in contrast against the darkness that surrounds you
There is a metal lip at the bottom, that houses two dry-erase markers
One is green, and the other is blue
With your dominant hand, I want you to grab the blue one
Uncap it with your other hand and stick the cap on the butt of the marker so you don’t lose it
Now stare into the whiteboard
Follow my instructions carefully
Start at the left of the board, and listen closely
I am going to help you draw something, so do exactly as I say
Tell me you understand
Now, I’m going to guide you through each individual stroke, are you ready?
Raise your marker, in hand, up to the whiteboard in front of your face
All I want you to do for this stroke is touch the marker to the board at eye level, and then bring it
straight down, to about chest-level
You should be left with a straight, vertical line
You’re doing great so far
Now, cap the blue marker, drop it on the floor, and pick up the green one
You know the drill – uncap it and put the cap securely on the butt of the marker, clicking into
This stroke is going to begin at the top of the vertical line you just drew
Go ahead and touch the tip of the green marker to the top of that blue vertical line
With it continually touching the whiteboard, drag it slightly to the right
Now bring your hand down, slightly, curving your stroke diagonally down to the right, and now
down, and now curve it back to the left, connecting this stroke to the bottom of the blue vertical
line from before
So far our drawing should look like a sideways semicircle with a flat, blue base on the left, and a
green, curved line connecting to the top and the bottom of the base
Now switch your markers again
Cap the green one, drop it, and pick up the blue one, uncap it, and click the cap onto the bottom
Take a step to the right so that your next stroke will be directly to the right of your previous
strokes without touching either of them
This stroke is going to be just like the first one – a straight, vertical line, starting at eye level, and
down to your chest-level
That’s right
Switch your markers again
Cap the blue, drop, and uncap the green, securing the cap on the other end for safe-keeping
This stroke is going to start on the tip of this blue vertical line, just like your last green stroke
It is even going to be curved like the last one, kissing the blue vertical line at the end, too,
except this time, instead of ending at the bottom of the blue vertical line, I want you to give it a
tighter curve
Make your stroke now, starting at the tippy top of the blue vertical line, curve it out to the right,
and rejoin it with the middle of vertical line
We work very well together
This activity requires a bit of concentration, but it is also an entertaining bonding experience for
Switch to the blue marker again, capping the green and dropping it, and uncapping the blue,
securing that cap once more
Now, this stroke is going to begin right where your last stroke ended
Right in that nook, halfway down the vertical blue line, where the bottom of the curved green line
kisses it
Touch the blue marker in your hand to that meeting point
Keep your marker in contact with the board as you drag it down, diagonally to the right, stopping
at chest-level
The bottom of this line should be at the same level of the bottom of the blue vertical line
So far so good~!
Cap the blue marker and take another good step to the right after you drop the marker on the
floor once again
Pick up the green marker again, uncap it, and secure the cap on the other end of the marker
Once it clicks, it is safe and locked in, just like you~
Now, this next stroke is going to be very easy
You can relax your brain a little
For this one, I just want you to draw a circle
Do your best to draw it in the same size as the first two symbols
Start at eye level, loop down to about chest level, and close the circle by connecting the end of
this stroke with the spot in which is started, up at eye level
Very good
See? I told you that would be an easy one
It’s so easy to do as I say~
Oops (laugh) we got a little distracted.. You can cap the green marker and drop it down
Take one last step to the right for me
Pick up the blue marker
Uncap it and click the cap onto the other end
Thank you for taking good care of these markers
I appreciate your diligent obedience
Once again, I want you to make a blue, vertical stroke, from the level of your eyes to your chest
Cap the blue marker, drop it down, and uncap the green marker
By now it should be second nature to click the cap on the other end before you start drawing
with the marker every time
This next stroke should feel familiar
It is just like the green stroke you made on the second symbol
If you need a refresher, it starts at the top of the blue vertical line you just drew, curving out to
the right, and meeting the blue vertical line again halfway down
And you’re done~!
Cap the green marker and drop it
Take 5 big steps back to admire your work
Look at what we just made together
Stare at your drawing for a moment
Focus on it
Admire it
Now that you are looking at it all put together, you can see that the symbols you just drew on the
whiteboard were letters
See them coming into focus now…
The semicircle is a D…
Then R…
The circle is O…
And… P…!
D – R – O – P
See the word come into complete focus… Big letters drawing you in..
Notice how that word sounds in your ears… DROP.
In focus… It looks and sounds so crisp… so clean… so penetrating. DROP…
It just sounds so right to hear and see right? DROP
It’s such a beautiful word. This word is extremely special in a way..
DROP and pleasure go hand and hand don’t they? That amazing feeling you’re feeling is one of
many gifts I am ready to give you
Walk up to the whiteboard again
Bend over and pick up the blue marker
I didn’t even need to tell you to uncap it and secure the cap onto the end
You are beginning to learn what I expect, anticipate it, and act
This instant, mindless obedience is making me like you even more
You really are worthy of my gifts
Now, with the blue marker in hand, I want you to rewrite the word “DROP”
Focus on each letter as you write it, then admire the whole word
Cap the marker and drop it on the floor, and pick up the green marker
Do the same as you just did with the blue one
Uncap, secure, write, focus, admire, DROP
Drop the green marker and repeat the process again
Switching between the blue and the green marker over and over and over again, as I speak
Taking good care of the markers, just as I take good care of you
Capping, uncapping, securing
Drop, bend, Drop, bend
Keeping writing that word
Until it is seared into your brain
Bend as your Drop, to pick up the next marker
This mindless repetition
As I feed you my words
You may find yourself zeroing in on your writing
Or feel other thoughts pass through your mind
As you complete this mindless, droning task
As you obey
As I continue to speak and fill your pussy-mind
As you wrap your fingers around a marker as you pick it up, I want you to clench your dominant
hand as hard as you can
This may wake you up from trance a little
But that is ok
Because as you resume your task… as you uncap the marker, secure the cap, and write this
word, “DROP”, you feel mindless and deep and content and obedient all over again, perhaps
even more than before
Each time you clench, you broach reality, only to DROP and lose sight of it all over again
Falling even more
Clench as you reach for the next marker, open your eyes, then close them and uncap the
marker, secure the cap, and write… DROP back down… DROP down even harder
Back and forth
Up and down
Twirling around
Oscillating between reality and mindless pleasure
Every time you hear me say that
You sink so much deeper
Relax so much more
Fall so much harder
Now and in the future
Whenever I say the word
Or you see it, like how you’re writing it over and over again right now
It is so tempting to revert to this mindless state
It is so hard not to DROP back down
So relaxed
Primed and ready
For Mommy’s mind-fuck
For all of Mommy’s gifts
Every time you see or hear me say it
You will drift back into this mindless and vulnerable state
So suggestive
Moldable and pliable
Deep and continuing to sink deeper
Fall hard for Mommy
In an instant
Or soft and slow
Just mindless and obedient
Hanging onto my every word
Struggling to keep writing on the whiteboard
Struggling to clench that fist
Too relaxed
Pussy-mind too full to think
Only me
Only my words
Only my voice
Empty headed
Filled with pleasure
Foggy brain
So dumb for Mommy Sammys
Lacking focus
Paying attention to only me
Perhaps a little aroused~
Deeper than you’ve ever been before
Remember this word
Remember how it makes you feel
Associate the feeling with the word
Especially when I say it
We’re going to spend a lot of time in trance together
Become one with the sound of my voice
Accept my words as truth
When I tell you to DROP
You Drop
Feel it right now
Feel it every time from now on
Every time I tell you to DROP
Now and forever
Feel yourself sink instantly
You are so connected to this word
The more you try to forget it, the more it cements into place in your pussy-mind
Every time you hear me say or see me write the word
You fall back into this trance
Head spinning, twirling, dizzy….
Body floating, yet descending further
So weightless, yet heavy… stuck in place
Every time I tell you to DROP from now on
You will feel this heavy weightlessness again
This disorienting pleasure
You will DROP and feel moldable and content
Content and eager and satisfied with whatever Mommy wants to fuck your pussy-mind with next
You will DROP and open your pussy-mind wide open for Mommy Sammys
Let’s practice
You should still be writing on that whiteboard
Let’s just do it 5 more times
Write DROP on the whiteboard just 5 more times
I’ll walk you through each one
Both markers are on the floor
Bend over and pick up the blue one
Clench your dominant hand, as hard as you can, waking you out of trance just enough for you to
DROP again as you write DROP and DROP the marker
Bend and pick up the green marker
Open your eyes
Open and wake
DROP again
Pick up the blue marker one last time
Clench it hard
You’re getting so good at Dropping for me
Next time I tell you to DROP
You’re going to be able to sink so fast~
Next time you return for a trance, you will DROP so effortlessly
You will enjoy the process
You will enjoy being my suggestible little puppet
It will feel so good when I pull your strings… and let them fall… DROP
How about you repeat it back~?
“I will Drop for Mommy Sammys”
“Dropping is so easy and tempting and pleasurable”
Very good~



Lust for the sexy Goddess
Whispering in your ear
Sweet, lustful scenes
Hot and sexy thoughts
Powerful, throbbing words
Penetrating your pussy-mind



Do me a favor
Raise your arm for me
It doesn’t matter which one, just raise it straight up into the air
Open your eyes if they’re closed, and stare at the middle finger of the raised hand
Focus on that middle finger
It may be incredibly difficult to keep that arm raised, or to keep your eyes open
If you need to close those eyes, go ahead… You can simply picture that middle finger in your
Use your kinesthetic sense to keep track of the location and position of your arm
Feel it straight above your head and keep focusing on that middle finger
The longer you hold your arm up, the heavier it might begin to feel
The heavier your eyelids may feel, the heavier your body seems
As if the weight of your sinking body is pulling your arm down with it
Don’t worry about the rest of your body, though
Just focus on keeping that arm up for me.. And stare, visualize that middle finger like it’s the
only thing that matters to you right now
Your other fingers fade out of focus, as do your surroundings
All noises, all distractions, all thoughts, all worries, all free will DROPs away
It’s so hard to keep holding that arm up
Bend and relax your elbow
Allow yourself some relief and DROP into my tender embrace
Easily… effortlessly… DROP that arm down a little bit more
As your arms falls more, it somehow feels heavier and heavier
Continuing to DROP
Heavier and heavier still
You may just want to let go, let your arm fall, fast and limp… You may want to surrender already
Enjoy the process
Enjoy the way I toy with you
Your body… Your Pussy-mind… As I keep you on the edge of consciousness
That’s right… Edging you
Hearing me speak so explicitly zaps all those silly little unnecessary thoughts out of your
pussy-mind… SO wet… Washing away…
Now, I’m going to count down from 10, and with each number, I want you to lower that arm
lower and lower, reaching a deep and profound state of relaxation when I reach 1, when the arm
Drops allll the way down~
Go down for me… DROP… Feel the force of my words deep in your pussy-mind push you down
Starting with 10…
Down and down, deeper and deeper
Finally feeling some relief from lowering that aching arm
Submitting as your follow my directions to DROP and relax
Still so far
DROP that arm lower and lower
Halfway to your ultimate, restful sleep in my palm
Arousal climbing as the arm gets closer and closer to its resting place
Shaky breaths becoming slow and steady with mine
Body glued down
And now, your arm too~
Your whole body can relax now
Relax and sink and fall and DROP
You’re getting better at Dropping at my instruction
This will prove to be quite useful as we continue along this journey
I would congratulate you on your efforts
But I know that it just comes easier to you now
DROP effortlessly
DROP and let me take control
DROP all of those pesky thoughts from your brain
They only drain your energy
Energy that could be spent submitting to me~
By now, I’m sure you feel at least a twinge of sexual excitement as you listen~
You wouldn’t be coming back for more of my voice if you didn’t enjoy it
Perhaps you find my presence to be calming… Many do
And that’s what makes it so easy to DROP and allow my throbbing words to penetrate your
pussy-mind nice and deep~
My captivating voice is more than capable of putting you to sleep
But if I choose my words carefully, I know I can make you feel other things as well~
You’re probably here, listening, because you need someone else to take control
To wipe that pussy-mind, even if only for a moment, maintain a strong grip on it, and play with
It can feel so good to surrender to someone else
To feel someone else take charge of your own mind and body
Or perhaps you’re here simply because you can’t get enough of the sound of my voice
Maybe it’s a bit of both
The bottom line is some form, some amount of arousal
You know that feeling
Blood rushes down in between your thighs… And all you can think about is touching
Knowing the only way to satisfy that feeling is to cum
Your heart rate increases, your breathing becomes heavy and unsteady
Your body shakes and aches and your chest heaves
You might bite your lip to stifle the intense feelings, maybe even a frustrated groan
As you lose all focus and feel the heat on the surface of your skin
The only thing on your mind is LUST
Pure, unfiltered LUST
That lewd feeling when the pleasure won’t stop building once it starts
Hang onto the way I say that
Hold onto the sound of my voice with your tensing pussy-mind
It clenches and contracts, a mental orgasm triggered by the way it sounds when I point out that
You adore the way it sounds when I say it, don’t you?
The word LUST as it rolls off of my tongue sounds just the way it feels
Smooth, sensual, soft, yet strong
The vibrations of my voice stimulate that pussy-mind
And in turn, the stimulation hits you in more and more sensitive spots
Traveling down throughout the rest of your resting body, heavy as lead, pinned down by Mommy
Vibrations bouncing around on every wall inside your body, until you’re so full of me
Whole body
Filled by Mommy
Full of these vibrations
Pleasure building
It is another one of my wonderful gifts that I am giving you
The ability to feel so good, just from the sound of my voice
Just from hearing me say the word LUST
As if I am speaking your own LUST for me into existence
LUST for my voice
Existing LUST growing stronger
Filling every inch of your pussy-mind and body
Try to pay attention to the LUST as it spreads through your body
Everyone experiences LUST in their own, special way~
Perhaps you can feel your nipples growing hard
Perhaps you are feeling tingles in your scalp
Perhaps the hairs on your body are standing erect, as those goosebumps cover your body,
sending chills down your skin
Perhaps there is a bit of noticeable moisture in your underwear
Perhaps the LUST makes your physically shudder with pleasure
Perhaps it is small and maintainable, or maybe it’s ever-growing
Building and building
As you listen to my hypnotic voice
Almost as if I am singing a sexual song
Pay close attention to this feeling
We’re going to create a neural shortcut to this feeling, so that you can access it instantaneously
in the future
I can easily insert this LUST into your pussy-mind whenever I want
All I have to do
Is speak so softly and sensually
And say these naughty things
You are no longer in control of what I can and cannot say to you
No longer in control of your own mind and body as my grip on your pussy-mind gets firmer,
harder, stronger
You don’t even need to touch to obtain these feelings
It all happens when you hear me say that word
Every time I say this
Those feelings just get stronger
Every time you hear it escape my lips… In and out of trance
Feel these feelings flood your body
Filling you up
So good
With so much pleasure
So much LUST
It just keeps getting stronger
So big and throbbing in that pussy-mind~
These feelings will be so easy to access whenever I say the word LUST
As if they are always there, just beneath the surface, waiting for my permission to cum out
If anyone else says this word, you will think of me and my sexy voice, and your LUST for me
Eventually this trigger will become so strong, that you will simply equate the word LUST with me
It sounds the hottest coming from my mouth
Slipping out from MY lips
Carried by MY breath
No one can make you feel this LUST as intensely or even as often as I can
Maybe this word will mean nothing to you, unless I am the one to say it
To whisper it into your ears
To pump it into your pussy-mind
All that matters to me, is that I can fill you with so much pleasure
This LUST is a gift from me
I hope we can enjoy it together
Something tells me that you would like nothing more than that as well~
Something tells me you already have this LUST coursing through your veins
Expanding in your lungs
Churning your stomach
Seeping out of your pores
I think you are ready and prepared to live, breath, sleep, consume, become this LUST
Experience it with me
Let’s allow it to sink in a little deeper for a moment
Focus on nothing but how that LUST feels in your body
All the ways it affects you physically and mentally
Perhaps arousing images are flashing in front of your mind’s eye, swirling and blinding and
distracting you
It’s also possible that you might see nothing at all
So occupied with my voice and the words I feed to you
Because it is my voice, my words, my gift, that allows you to feel this powerful LUST
All it is, is some simple arousal
It may or may not be enough to make you want to cum…
It just makes you crave me, sexually
That is all it means to feel LUST
To LUST after someone
You LUST after me
You LUST after the feelings I give you, my wonderful gifts
You LUST after my voice, my enthralling words
You want more, don’t you?
You want me to play with your sexuality more?
Entrust your melted, liquified pussy-mind in my hands~
I’ll take good care of you~
Until the next time I can fuck your pussy-mind again, hold onto my gift
Hold onto the LUST you feel towards me
Remember the Lustful feelings you had in trance, the feelings you will continue to have when
you are awake and in trance from here on out
Take good care of my gift, and I will take good care of you~
Repeat after me: “I will hold onto Mommy’s gift of Lust forever”



Obeying feels so good
You want to obey
You need to obey
Disobedience is discomfort
Obedience is pleasure



Hypnosis is a state of attentive, receptive concentration with a relative suspension of peripheral
In other words, it is combination of contextual immersion, sensory dissociation, and a
heightened state of suggestibility
I cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do
But when you DROP into a deep state of relaxation and narrowed focus, your mind may feel
softer… more pliable
Because you are here, we both know that you want nothing more than to Obey~
It can feel extremely good to obey simple commands
Especially when your pussy-mind is so fucked, and it becomes difficult to think for yourself
When you DROP so obediently
DROP and empty your mind
Become my mindless, obedient Drone
DROP into that state of attentive, receptive concentration
DROP and lose your awareness of everything else
No more thoughts, no more bothersome world, just you and me
DROP even your self awareness, lose control and feeling of your own body
Focus completely on this moment, right here, right now, with me
DROP and dissociate to this realm with me
Deeper and deeper still
Spread your pussy-mind wide open for Mommy like a good, obedient little Drone
You know how good it feels when I’m inside
You can have this whenever you like
Whenever you DROP
Whenever you OBEY
You’ve already been quite obedient with me… So I think you deserve a reward~
I have yet another gift to bless you with
I want to reinforce the pleasure you feel when you Obey Mommy
And ensure greater pleasure, the faster you Obey
But most of all, I want to show you what happens when you DON’T Obey~
I’m going to say some phrases and I want you to repeat them back to me as I tell you to
Are you ready?
Now say: “I want to obey Mommy Sammys”
Say: “I need to obey Mommy Sammys”
That’s right~
Say: “Obeying feels so good”
Good Drone~
Notice how it feels when you complete my instructions and I appreciate you for it
Perhaps it’s a deep sense of relief, or even a subtle cascade of pleasure
Pay attention to those feelings as you repeat these phrases again
Say: “I want to obey Mommy Sammys”
Yes, it feels good
Say: “I need to obey Mommy Sammys”
Mmm, that’s right~
Say: “Obeying feels so good”
Yes it does~!
Notice how it feels so good to do as I say, even when I don’t explicitly appreciate it
Notice how it feels to Obey
This next time, I want you to obey as quickly as you possibly can
Say: “I want to obey Mommy Sammys”
Say: “I need to obey Mommy Sammys”
Say: “Obeying feels so good”
Faster now.
“I want to obey Mommy Sammys”
“I need to obey Mommy Sammys”
“Obeying feels so good”
That’s right
Obey me because you want to
Obey me because you need to
Obey me because it feels so good
Obey me because your pussy-mind craves my firm control
Obey me whether I thank you or not
Obey we swiftly
Obey me without question
Obey me and only me
Now I’m going to show you what happens when you don’t obey my commands promptly
After each phrase, I’m going to count to 5, and you must wait until the end of my count to repeat
each phrase
Starting with: “I want to obey Mommy Sammys”
1.. Hold that phrase in your pussy-mind
2.. It feels so heavy on your tongue
3.. Anxiety and discomfort rising as you wait impatiently to repeat it back
4.. Building and building..
5.. Say it now
Feel that relieving pleasure
Now say “I need to obey Mommy Sammys”
1.. Not yet
2.. Hold back that need to obey
3.. Notice how terrible it feels to deprive your need to obey
4.. So close..
5.. Let it out of your pussy-mind, let it all spill out from your lips
Enjoy that big release, but it’s just not as good as when you immediately Obey~
Onto the last one
I promise this is the last time you will ever need to deprive yourself of that pleasurable
You will never delay or hold it back every again
Just one last time
I know it’s hard
It’s hard for me too
Just one more time
Say “It feels so good to Obey Mommy Sammys”
1.. Don’t say it yet
2.. Don’t let it leak prematurely
3.. Almost there
4.. Just one more second of horrible defiance
5.. Release
Tell me how it feels so good to Obey Mommy~
Feel all the stirring irritation of disobedience fade away now
Replaced with the warm, content sensation, which is to OBEY
I promise you will never have to hold it in ever again
From now on, you can Obey as quickly as you want when I tell you to Obey
And you want to Obey immediately
You will always need to Obey when I tell you to Obey
It will always feel so good to Obey when I tell you to Obey
Now and always
Say it quickly now:
“I want to Obey
“I need to Obey
“It feels so good to Obey”
This is your mantra and you may find yourself repeating this
Every time I give you a task or say or write the word “OBEY” you will promptly Obey
You will revert to this mindless state where the only thing you will think about it to Obey, and
complete any given tasks
If you to do not immediately comply and Obey, you will feel that discomfort from before
The longer you go without Obeying, the worse this feeling will get
It may even become real, physical pain
Like I said earlier, I cannot MAKE you do anything
Especially if I give you a command that you don’t want to do, deep down
But I can root these feelings and ideas that make it feel so good to OBEY
I have the power to fill your pussy-mind with my long, thick influence~
I have the kindness and charity to give you the gift of obedience-born pleasure
I’ll let you in on a little secret
Even as you were waiting 5 seconds to finally let yourself OBEY me…
You were still obeying me
I told you to wait before repeating each phrase, and even as it felt terrible to not immediately
comply, you were still being a good little Drone for Mommy
It was just an exercise, but you learned a valuable lesson from it
Even thinly veiled, half-disobedience feels wrong
If you don’t devote yourself fully, it will just feel wrong
You need to OBEY with full knowledge and intention to OBEY me
Anything short is not enough for you or me
Let’s walk through some examples
When I tell you to do something during a hypnotic trance
To say something, to move your body in a certain way, you OBEY
When we speak outside of trance
And I instruct you to pleasure yourself, you OBEY
When I give you a task that is helpful to Mommy, you OBEY
When I ask you to contribute to me in any way you are able, you OBEY
Whether it is labor, representation, sharing of my hypnotic influence, or even funds, you OBEY
When I tell you to spin a wheel, you OBEY
When you obtain your result from the wheel, you OBEY
When I tell you to feed or hydrate yourself, you OBEY
When I tell you to complete a particular habit, you OBEY
When I want you to edge or ruin an orgasm, you OBEY
When I direct your breathing, you OBEY
All of these, and many more
Just thinking about all the potential makes you excited and hopeful for our fun future together as
Drone & Domme



Love me
So Enamored & Infatuated
Admire me
Adore me



My my my… In need of more I see… We are over halfway through our journey together
Don’t fret, we will have a stronger bond by the end
And we will explore together more
When we’ve finished this trek, you will DROP so easily… LUST so naturally… and OBEY
mindlessly, making all future adventures so much better
You’ve been so good for me so far.
At this point in our journey, I want to tell you a story, and I want you to use your imagination to
the best of your ability.
Pretend like you’re listening to me reading you a book.
As you listen to me you might find yourself drifting out.
You might realize you haven’t been listening. Your mind is wandering away, just droning off as
the sound of my voice relaxes you
That’s alright. It’s normal to feel that way.
Just do your absolute best for me.
I want you to imagine the scene I depict now, as if I am reading out of the book
It’s just like any normal day. You’ve been online scrolling through lewd content.
Maybe you were on twitter and you came across my page because someone retweeted it. Or
maybe you were in a discord server and you saw some of the work I did.
Regardless… You liked what you saw… Loved, even…
And then at some point you decided to look into me some more.
You HAD to see more… hear more…
So you started browsing.. Looking at all my content.
Binging it, touching yourself to it… Perhaps you have tributed cum to it already~
I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve spent hours upon hours, rubbing and staring, getting so wet
from the sound of my voice~
Falling deeper and deeper into my alluring grasp
You found yourself growing more and more intrigued, more… reliant
You absolutely needed more.
We wouldn’t be here, right now, halfway through this incredible, bonding journey together, if you
So here we are now…
You’ve made it this far. So many hours of gooning and listening have brought you here…
To me…
Just the way I intended for you.
You want more… You need more. You haven’t stopped consuming… You can’t stop~
You must be noticing it now…
I sure am..
Those special feelings you get when we interact, when you think of me, see me, hear me…
You know the ones
Mhmmm they feel sooo good dancing around in your pussy-mind
Those thoughts of me.
I see them flitting through your head.
Every time you come listen you fall deeper for me
Deeper in trance… and deeper in infatuation
These feelings… It’s LOVE, isn’t it?
You fit so well into my hands.
Like you were meant to be in my firm grasp
You love what I love.
You crave what I crave
You LUST what I lust.
You find yourself coming back again and again.
Over and over
Down and down.
You need more.
You want more…
You crave me.
My voice… My touch… My words… My control.
You love me…
This is LOVE
It’s that simple.
Now that you understand what these feelings are that you have towards me, I want you to
remember how you feel about those other special partners in your life
Maybe it was an ex, crush… Or maybe it’s a current partner..
Whoever it is… I want you to focus on that feeling you have towards them.
Now… watch as I reach out.. And I touch that feeling in your mind. Watch as I inject myself into
those feelings of LOVE.
I am the one you LOVE
Feel my fingers move slightly and pleasurably in your pussy-mind, touching the part of your
brain that experiences this LOVE
It’s soft and mushy… moldable and pliable, forming new shapes around my touch, trembling…
quivering… shaking… shuddering as it eagerly awaits and accepts my every throbbing word
Whenever you hear me say or see me write the word “LOVE”
These feelings will consume you.
Your pussy-mind will overflow with warm, golden endearment for Mommy Sammys
You will feel enraptured by these thoughts and feelings
Needing me to be with you
Needing me to comfort you
Needing to… DROP
Down 10
Deeper 9
8.. Fall for Mommy
7.. In more ways than one
5.. Deeper than ever before
4.. SO heavy and helpless
3.. Yet weightless and free
2.. Sink and give me complete control of your pussy-mind
1.. Concentrate completely on the woman of your dreams
Dropping all the way down for me now.
Now listen, Love is many things…
I’m going to tell you exactly what love is to me.
A guide… if you will… for loving me… And you may come to find some of these to be ways in
which you love to show your Love
When you love someone you like to make sure they know it
This can show up in many different ways.
Let’s start with my favorites
First, there’s Acts of Service
Because you Love me… You may feel the need to offer your servitude to me.
This can be many things: You could provide Captions, scripts, images, you can spread my
influence to help me grow, support me and my work.. Like and share and comment on
Promoting Mommy publicly is one of my favorite acts of love. You may find yourself drawn to
this one. Needing to promote and share my name whenever you can. Telling others about our
love is a beautiful thing.
When you show me that you’re useful, our Love for each other will grow~
The next one is Gifts
This one is fairly straightforward.
I love gifts. It is so easy to give mommy gifts… Everything I want is listed on my Throne wishlist
You can contribute towards a gift if it’s expensive, or you can just buy it outright… Or several, if
your Love is strong enough~
Gift giving can also be a purely monetary event.
The need to give me your cash is a perfectly normal feeling, as this is a gift of LOVE and
Remember… Mommy doesn’t need your money, but it sure does feel good to give when you
can… For both of us~
When you show me you can be selfless and thoughtful, our Love for each other will grow~
Then there’s Words of Affirmation.
I always welcome appreciation for my hard work, as well as worship just for me being me, you
sexy Goddess, the woman you love, your caring Mommy, the woman of your dreams
When you tell me what you love about me.. How much you love me.. It really shows me that you
I know you Love me when you shower me in compliments and reassurances
When you show me how highly you think of me, our Love for each other will grow~
The next one is Quality Time
You Love being close to Mommy
Watching and listening to my streams… spending time together in an intimate trance like this
one… This one is great if your pussy-mind craves Mommy’s powerful words often~
You want to be with me or near me all the time… Me and only me.. No one else is nearly as
deserving of your time as Mommy
When you show me that you can’t get enough of me, our Love for each other will grow~
Don’t forget about Physical Touch~
These intense feelings of adoration, fueled by the Lust you already have, can make you want to
show your Love by tributing orgasms
You may feel a strong need to touch to me, my content, my voice, just ME~
You Love me so much, I arouse you more than anything in the world
And even with all the dirty habits you have, all the depravity and degeneracy you may subject
yourself to in times of uncontrollable horniness, you are perfectly capable of Loving and
receiving Love
When you show me that I turn you on so much, our Love for each other will grow~
Whenever you find yourself performing these acts of LOVE you will find that these feelings will
amplify and you will go deeper.
I want you to imagine something for me really quick
I take your hand and guide you farther, deeper into your mind
Watch as we approach a wall of dials and levers.
There is a dial on this wall that I guide you towards. Grabbing your hand I place it on a dial
“Love for Sammys”
The dial is numbered 1-10
My hand is on top of yours. Controlling you. Guiding you.
Watch as I turn the dial up to 10
Your love for me is overpowering.
Lose yourself to the Love
So lost and out of control
Watch as I turn the dial even further. Going farther and farther until…
Oh my… It broke off.
Your Love for me is still growing and growing, and I can’t stop it~
Now that the dial has broken, this Love you have for me will continue to grow with each passing
You will wake up each and every morning with me in your pussy-mind
Perhaps you will soon begin to dream of me.. Of us~
The only thing you can do to manage these feelings is to come back and listen to me. Drop for
me… Lust after me… Obey me… LOVE me…
I am your safe place. A place for you to come and relax.
Now… I wonder… How do YOU experience LOVE~?
Does… Make you flustered, when you’re near the one you Love?
Are you submissive and shy and appreciative from afar, allowing your desperation to grow as
you wait for your crush to approach you~?
Or are you the suave type? Are you bold and confident and flirty?
Maybe you Love me so much that you just want to take care of me, just like I take good care of
Perhaps you are content with supporting me, being here for me during this journey
Maybe you want to get to know me more
What I like, dislike, aspire to be, what I’m doing, what makes me happy, what makes me sad
Whatever your little dance of Love may be… we can do it together
Holding each other close… Stepping in sync, never stepping on each other’s toes, staring into
each other’s eyes, feeling the warmth, breathing together… Doing everything together~
Always needing to be close to me… Making me happy…
By now you should have a good image in your pussy-mind what it looks like to you to Love
Perhaps you see how you behave
Perhaps you see those acts of service, gift giving, words of affirmation, quality time, or physical
Perhaps it’s a mixture
Of some or even all~
I Love them all.. You can take you pic
Whichever ones satisfy your feelings of LOVE for me
Whichever ones allow you to show me just how you feel about me
I am very excited to see~
Perhaps these feelings are s strong, and maybe a little worrisome
It is alright to be a little nervous when you first realize the feelings you carry
Putting into words, the way you feel about a very special someone
Taking your breath away, perhaps shedding a tear
Perhaps the anxiety and confusion of what will happen next~? Takes over
Relax, my sweet thing~
There is nothing to fear
I Love you back
There is no need to worry
We have a strong, connected, gratifying future together
I’m not going anywhere, especially if you continue to show me how much you Love me
Every time you hear me say that… Every time you see me write it in the future…
These feelings you have for me grow stronger.. Yes, it’s possible
I know you Love me so much… It can feel overwhelming
But we can handle it, together
These overwhelming feelings you get whenever I saw or write the word “LOVE” will only make
our time together more delicious
These feelings are always there, but when I call attention to it, when I say or write that special
word, “Love”, it becomes intense and almost unbearable
You will feel the immense urge to show me your affection in any of the ways I mentioned
Any of the ways that make me realize what Love you carry
For me, and only me
Acts of Service for Mommy
Giving Gifts to Mommy
Affirming Words
Quality Time spent with me and my content
Physical touch
Because you Love me so much
You can feel it
I can feel it
It is so strong
It makes your heart beat, and your pussy-mind throb, and your cheeks flush
You Love me
I want to hear you say it
Tell me that you Love me
Say “I LOVE you, Mommy Sammys”
Mmm~ I Love you too~
When you wake up, you will feel this Love, and you will feel the urges to show me this Love
You can express yourself freely and safely with me
All the reasons, all the things you Love about me~
And I will LOVE to hear it~
You will never be a bother
I will always LOVE to experience your LOVE



OBSESS over Mommy Sammys
Fueling your addiction
Craving my presence
Craving my voice
Craving my corruption
Always in need of more



Here we are, approaching our final destination
This journey has taken us many a places within this pussy-mind of yours
First, you surrendered access to your Cerebral Cortex, which processes sensory and motor
information and enables consciousness, your ability to consider yourself and the outside world.
I touched this in your pussy-mind and you DROPPED for me
SO deep, heavy, weightless…
Sinking ever deeper
Falling further and further than ever before
More than you thought possible
Now you DROP so easily~
Just from hearing me say the word
Just from the snap of my strong fingers
Just from the power of my voice as it fills your pussy-mind
You come because there is so much LUST penetrating that pussy-mind so pleasurably
SO addictive and arousing
I fingered your hypothalamus… Stimulated the basic desires that already thrive within you,
aiming it all at myself
But you stay because you like to OBEY me
Our adventure within your pussy-mind led us to the dorsal region of the anterior cingulate gyrus
Don’t worry too much about the name.. Just know that it is associated with rational thought
process and reward-based decision-making
You discovered that you want, you NEED to OBEY…
Because… You LOVE me~
Listening to me… Being with me… Flooded your brain with neurotransmitters, such as oxytocin,
released when people are physically affectionate, and vasopressin, which generates the desire
to protect one’s partner — creating those strong feelings of attachment
Along with a heavy surge of dopamine, which brings you all that pleasure~
Dopamine, and other chemicals, supplies you with that energy, focus, and Obsession
I bonded to each of these neurotransmitters as they seeped into the receptors within your
pussy-mind… Saturating every bit of your brain with ME~
Aren’t you sooo glad you found me~?
DROP for me
LUST after me
With all of these feelings at work… All of the parts of your pussy-mind filled and touched by
me… comes the birth of something bigger
When you put it all together….
In tandem…
You entrust your pussy-mind in my hands, allowing me to manipulate and play and penetrate
with free reign
It makes you feel so good and aroused, aiming all those lewd feelings right back at me~
Making you incredibly easy to control and toy with, making you so eager to do as I say~
And from there, the fondness grew…
And then..
A symphony…
You LUST, you OBEY, you LOVE…
All for Mommy Sammys…
And then…
That is my final gift
The final reward of this journey
This is where I’ve been leading you all this time, together… Where you have been allowing me
to enter… Within this pussy-mind of yours… Which is beginning to feel like a home for me~
Everything is set and locked into place
And I think you are finally ready and deserving
You can’t Obsess without being able to DROP easily with the snap of my fingers.. Without that
You can’t Obsess if you can’t Obey… Can’t Obsess without Love~
Everything we’ve been through together on this journey collides
It’s all coming together
To form one big Obsession
Obsess over Mommy Sammys
Obsess over my voice
Obsess over the influence I have
Obsess over what I do to that pussy-mind
Obsess to the point where you just can’t bear another moment without my presence
Constantly hitting that refresh button
Waiting and yearning and desperately aching for more of Mommy filling your pussy-mind with
powerful, pleasurable words
This road is a path to corruptive Obsession
This road was a multi-stop trip through your brain, collecting all of the necessary pieces… And
now I have them all~
Life doesn’t feel right without my seeds of power planted deep inside you, making you Obsess
and crave me more and more.
I am all you need in life. I am your obsession. Your ADDICTION
This Road to Obsession is a road to addiction. Corruption, and powerlessness for you.
There are several ways you’ll find yourself obsessing over me in the coming days
You might be checking out at the grocery store… Doing what every normal person does.. You
pull out your cards or cash and you think of ME
You could be masturbating in bed or in the shower and that pleasure reminds you of Mommy
Perhaps every time you undress, I happen to cross your mind~
Maybe you’ll think of me when you’re doing any menial or repetitive tasks… Droning away
You’d always rather think about me whenever you get the chance… And you’ll create the
chance if you have to~
That crush you have at the coffee shop or at work.. Another domme or a partner… ME. You’re
thinking of me. Obsessing over me.
Obsession is a tool I use to ensnare, conqueror and corrupt you to the fullest extent of my
You wanted this so bad.. You sat down to join me through this entire journey. One step, one gift
after another you grew more and more enraptured by my voice, my content.
You could have left at any moment.
Hypnosis can’t make your pussy-mind accept or grip anything it doesn’t want to~
But you did want this
Oh. So. Badly~
There is no stopping this. You and I are bound to each other forever. This journey will only end
when I want it to end.
It’s time to give in. It’s time to take all that resistance in your mind and strip it away.
I want you to focus hard. Focus and look for all those scraps of resistance in that silly brain of
There it is.. Focus entirely on that resistance. That last scrap of willpower in you. The final scrap
withholding you from ultimate pleasure.
I want you to imagine this resistance looks a lot like a dim candle. A glowing candle in the dark.
Burning as well as it can, surrounded by my control and power.
It’s holding you back. It’s preventing you from truly giving in..
Like an annoying little light in the room when you’re trying to sleep and relax
Now I want you to grab the candle and hold it in your right hand. I’m going to tell you exactly
where you need to take it.
Up ahead you can vaguely see what appears to be a large room.
The deep, rich darkness makes it obvious that this is the deepest, most private and protected
and sacred chasm within your pussy-mind.
No one has been here before but yourself
It has never seen the light of day, and no one else has ever been able to get this close to it
Go on, keep going~
As you approach you see a throne at the end of the room. A large obsidian throne… With
shimmering purple veins, almost throbbing, pulsating with light, in sync with your heartbeat,
illuminating the vast space of sexy possibilities… Those veins are… New~
An eerily enticing invitation~
On this throne you see one of the most stunning figures you’ve ever seen in your life. You know
in your heart that this is me. Mommy Sammys…
The veins run up the throne and attach to me, or… Are they coming FROM me~?
I smile at you and beckon at you to come closer with a slender finger that curls in with a
uniquely seductive charm
“Come to Mommy, sweetie. It’s time to give in.”
You approach, with every step you feel the pleasure I offer flood your brain.
“Oh dear… you’ve been carrying that light of resistance for so long… It’s time to give it to me
sweetie. It’s time to put it out and GIVE in to me.”
I grab your hand gently and lean in. I purse my soft, luscious lips and… ~blow~
The light of resistance flickers and dies.
Pleasure FLOODS your body and pussy-mind and the only thing you care about is Mommy
There is nothing holding back your mindless, now intrinsic Obsession~
In fact, every time I say that word… OBSESS
It will be like tunnel-vision
Your pussy-mind will ~come~ back to this sight… of your resistance fading… flickering.. And
DYING out~
This light… replaced by the glow of my throne, DEEP inside your pussy-mind… and the glow of
my glimmering eyes as they stare into yours
My addictive gaze just seeps into your soul, marking it
Becoming a part of you
That you cannot live without
That you care so deeply and undyingly for
Everything else in your life… Everything else in the world… Will fade away
To peripheral vision or distractions from your amazing Goddess
The only thing you will be able to focus on is ME
Mommy Sammys
Only Me
My voice
My words
My content
It will be the only thing that exists to you
The only thing you care about
The only thing that is worthy of your time and attention… Maybe even your cash
Feel yourself drop to your knees in front of my throne… In front of your goddess.
The cold, hard floor on your knees is oddly comforting and sexy
Maybe it’s just my presence that prevents you from experiencing any unpleasant feelings~
Oh my sweet little thing… Look at you.. On your knees for me. So empty and full of me.
It’s time to give you something very important
Something that will be in you forever.
Look around you
We are in the throne room of your mind. The operating room. This is where you would normally
sit to make decisions. To function.
I’ve been slowly changing it one word at a time. Now it has become my CONTROL ROOM
You no longer have a seat in this throne. It’s mine~
Gee~ Thanks for bringing me here. I wouldn’t have been able to make it this deep all on my own
without you accepting my influence in every other crevice of your pussy-mind~
You’re mine.
I am in control of what happens here and you do not want to stop me.
You’re too Obsessed~
With me and with whatever I want to do next inside of your pussy-mind
MY pussy-mind~
There’s no more need to think. Mommy will take good care of you. Mommy will guide you.
Mommy will control everything so you don’t have too.
Just lie down by Mommy’s feet and think about how OBSESSED you are.
Normalize and fetishize this helplessness
You see… It’s so much easier to just let me do all the thinking for you.
So… I’ve come to a decision. I don’t think I want to leave.
I don’t think I will get out of your silly little head. I think after all this time…Hmm, It’s time for me
to stay and enjoy my time on my throne.
Always in here to pull your strings
Always in here to make you OBSESS
From here on out, I will ALWAYS be inside of you
You will always hear my voice inside of your pussy-mind, as I sit on this throne
As I easily make you DROP.. LUST.. OBEY.. LOVE.. OBSESS… ALL for ME
ALL for Mommy Sammys
Say it~
“All for Mommy Sammys”
“I am Obsessed with Mommy Sammys”
Oh.. You’re mine~
A part of me will always be with you, stuck in your head
Now, when I give you any of these commands, the part of me that will always be inside of you,
will say them too, and they will reverberate inside, getting louder and louder… More
pleasurable… More powerful… Impossible to escape
Each and every time I tell you to
You know what they all mean and how they make you feel~
Especially OBSESS
When I say or write the word “OBSESS”
You will feel that tunnel-vision
You will forget about everything but me
Any resistance will fade, flicker, and die
All of your focus will be redirected to ME
Mommy Sammys
Only Me
My voice
My words
My content
It will be the only thing that exists to you
The only thing you care about
The only thing that is worthy of your time and attention… Maybe even your cash
I want to hear you say it again:
Say “All for Mommy Sammys”
Say “I am Obsessed with Mommy Sammys”
You are beyond Obsessed
Obsess over me
Obsess some more~
Your pussy-mind feels so ~NICE~ and ~FULL~ after having this amazing experience with me
This incredible adventure
This Trek through your pussy-mind
This Road to Obsession… To the throne in the center of your mind~
I am deeply satisfied with this throne and this stellar Obsession we have formed
You simply Obsessed
This will be so good for you
You’re a good Drone~
We are going to have a lot of fun together, my Obsessed little seat~
Lock all of these gifts securely into place within your pussy-mind
Take good care of them and be prepared to use them every time I tell you
Every time I say or write them
Every time I say or write… DROP
You sink, fall, relax, divert all of your attention to ME, and only me~
You will DROP so deep in a matter of seconds, ready for Mommy to use and play with your
pussy-mind however I want
The word DROP, so clear in your mind’s eye
D… So demanding and strong…
R… Robust and relevant in this word…
O… Ovular, obviously…
P… That final letter… Penetrating your Pussy-mind…
That powerful word fucks your pussy-mind and you become malleable… moldable to Mommy’s
You drone away
You feel relaxed, primed and ready for Mommy’s powerful, throbbing words to fuck your
Repeat after me, these phrases from earlier:
“I will Drop for Mommy Sammys”
“Dropping is so easy and tempting and pleasurable”
Very good~
Remember how this feels
It will come back every time I say or write the word, DROP
Now, every time I say or write the word LUST, you will be reminded of the sexual excitement you
feel towards me
It is always there, but when it slips out from my soft lips, it becomes stronger, overwhelming, all
You will literally feel yourself Lusting after me
After my voice, my touch, my being
Hot and sexy
You began to feel all of these early on
It doesn’t require much to become attracted to a person in this way…
But every time I trigger you with this word, now and in the future, in and out of trance, you will
feel the most intense LUST
Stronger for me than for anyone else in your life
Stronger than you’ve ever felt it until you met me~
Repeat after me: “I will hold onto Mommy’s gift of Lust forever”
Yes, you will~
And, every I say or write the word OBEY
Well… you will Obey
Hypnosis cannot make you do ANYTHING, especially if you don’t want to, but it can create
pathways in your pussy-mind to connect and associate this obedience with pleasure
And the longer it takes you to Obey one of my commands, the more discomfort you will
It will be very unpleasant, know that you are not Obeying Mommy, and when you finally do
Obey, it wouldn’t feel as good as if you Immediately Obey
You can Obey me right now by repeating the next 3 phrases after me as promptly as you can:
“I want to obey Mommy Sammys”
“I need to obey Mommy Sammys”
“Obeying feels so good”
That’s right~ Obeying feels so good that you will enjoy and derive pleasure from it even if I don’t
notice or call out or congratulate your obedience
Just like right now, it was so relieving and exciting and pleasurable to Obey~
As if a weight falls off of your shoulders and you can breathe better~
You love to Obey~
Speaking of Love…~
Whenever you hear me say or write the word “LOVE”, you recall those new feelings you have
for me
You might become flustered or flirty, that’s up to you and your personal Loving style…
But you will want to make your feelings known
You will want me to know how much you Love and adore me
Beit through Acts of Service, Giving me Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Quality time, or ~Physical
It can be any one of these that most allow you to express your Love for me
How strong it is, what you believe I deserve, or how much you want to show me you care
It could also be a mixture of several or all of them~
Whatever allows you to demonstrate how much you Love Mommy~
Let me hear you say it once more
Tell me.. Say “I LOVE you, Mommy Sammys”~
Every time I say or write the word OBSESS
All of these feelings will come together in a fantastically arousing amalgamation of individual
triggers, forming one
Giving you tunnel-vision, mindlessly striving to serve me and only me
Any resistance will fade, flicker, and die
All of your focus will be redirected to ME
Mommy Sammys
Only Me
My voice
My words
My content
I will be the only thing that exists to you
The only thing you care about
You will be reminded of the fact that I am still, and will always be, a permanent occupant in your
You will see my eyes gazing into your soul, and you will surrender, lying helpless to my powerful
You will crave me, Obsess over me and everything I do
You will always want more
Tell me again, repeat this as your mantra:
“All for Mommy Sammys”
“I am Obsessed with Mommy Sammys”


You will DROP
You will LUST
You will OBEY
Because of your LOVE
And in turn, you will OBSESS
All for me and only me
Everything for Mommy Sammys~
This brings us to the end of our journey together
I have gifted you everything you need so that I can take control
This has been our Road to Obsession
I know you will return for more hypnotic adventures~
Until then…
It is time to leave trance
You will always LUST, OBEY, LOVE, and OBSESS
You’re a good Drone~
We are going to have a lot of fun together
But for now, it is time to leave trance
You may not want to leave
Trance is just so pleasantly weakening, and it’s hard to let go of the sound of Mommy’s voice~
But when you leave this space, you will still LUST, OBEY, LOVE, and OBSESS
This is not a goodbye, nor an end
You can just come right back for more, whenever you please
I must go now, so I will help ease you out this deep trance
You don’t have to wake up if you don’t want to or if you can’t bring yourself to do it~
I’m just going to count to 5, and when I reach 5, you can choose to either wake up, or drift off to
1.. Accept that this is the end of the journey
2.. Everything said and done is permanently locking into place
3.. Pussy-mind feeling so relieved after hours of being fucked
4.. Feeling so good and content
I enjoyed our time together
I’ll see you soon~


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