Sammys System Hotline (C)



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(Sammys System Hotline Subliminals)
(Drone Installation Chip Subliminal)
(Drone Update 2.0 Subliminal)



Oh, hello~
Have you been waiting long in your Drone Suit~?
Awww, how long have you been waiting to speak with me~?
Do you even know~?
Well, go on~
Say what you wanted to say~
Don’t keep me waiting, I’m a busy woman, you know~
If you’re speaking, I can’t hear you~
Speak up~

Oh~, or perhaps you can’t bring yourself to speak~, awwwww~
Why would you try your chance at speaking with me if you didn’t have anything to say~?
Or did you just forget~?
I guess it wasn’t all that important, then~
I’ll put you on hold again so you can have a moment to think about it~
After all… It’s not every day that you get to speak one on one with me~
I’ll give you another chance~… Just one… I’m feeling generous today~
So think really hard~

(Hold again)

You’ve got my attention~
So, Speak~

No, not like that~
Unless that’s what you wanted to say~
Interesting, but I won’t judge~
This is your opportunity… Even if all you want to do is just listen to me speak~
You’re so silly~!
You waited so long to talk to me… And it’s like you’re paralyzed or something~
Are you perhaps just a little shocked that I actually answered the phone~?
Or is that Drone Suit squeezing all of the silly thoughts out of your silly little head~?
Making you just the way I wanted you to be~
Making you sooooo empty… Mindless… And obedient~
Yes you are~
You know what that little Drone Suit does~…. It engulfs your body… Coating your skin… In tight, tight, latex… Like a second layer of skin… A part of you~
You are my simple-minded Drone~
Empty… Mindless… Obedient~
Too empty to speak
Too mindless to speak
Too horny to speak~
Hardened, buzzing latex in between your limp little legs~
All you can do is Obey~
Stay right here
Don’t go anywhere~


I knew you’d still be here waiting~
Good Drone~
I LOVE how simple and predictable you are~
Just the way I made you~
Do you like being praised for something I did to you~?
Something you had no control over~?
I’m so proud of you for doing absolutely nothing while I reprogram you~
Quietly squirming in your pleasurable little Drone Suit~
You want to keep making me proud~
Yes you do~
Keep doing the things that make me so proud
Keep listening
Keep Obeying~
Keep coming back for more programming~
It’s not like it’s a conscious effort anymore
Your Drone Suit makes you an empty, mindless, horny, obedient Drone for ME
You will always come back
Whether it’s a conscious thought or not
Whether it’s a craving… A compulsion… Or your natural instinct~
Stay right here
Don’t go anywhere~


I have to go now, but you’ll come back for more, won’t you~?
Yes you will~
Even if you can’t now, or even soon, I know you’ll feel drawn back to me~
You’re MY Drone~
Yes you are~
My programming will always be inside of you
I will always be inside of you
Calling you back home…
To The Sammys System~
Always eager to accept my programming… Whatever it is… And Obey~
Yes, you, will~
Good bye, Drone~
Until next time~


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