The Stage Hypnotist



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The crowd around you eagerly waits for the doors to open. You look down at your phone to check the time. The show was supposed to start five minutes ago. Your date is late, too… and they were the one who raved and raved about this event – you weren’t so sure if you even wanted to come in the first place… Yet, here you are, alone, and you’ve already paid for your ticket, so you figure you might as well stay.

Finally, the staff open the doors and you follow the crowd as they flow through. You enter a dimly-lit room with a stage in front of hundreds of rows and chairs. Your ticket reads “B17.” You walk down the center aisle, looking side to side. You see each row labeled with letters… there’s “G… D…” and “B”. Surprisingly, seat 17 is right at the end of the row, beside the aisle you’re standing in. How convenient! You take your seat and check your phone again.
You received a text from your date: Family emergency. You’re not so sure about that, but you’ll let it slide. Right now, all you want is to turn off your brain for an hour and try to enjoy this show you never planned on attending.
The lights dim and the crowd quiets down. Bright, pink lights illuminate the stage in front of you .

“Hello, hello, Hypno-sluts~! Welcome back to my domain! If you’re new here, my name is Madame Marigold, and we like to do a little something here called ‘Erotic Hypnosis.’ I hope you all brought along a special partner – or partners, because tonight we’re going to have some hot, brain tingling fun. Who’s excited?
(Clapping and cheering)
Despite being in the second row, you struggle to make out the face of the woman in front of you, through a golden, face-distorting veil. You can, however, feel your eyes meet. You recognize this gaze… it’s old, familiar, comforting, yet arouses a small amount of anxiety… as you realize whose eyes you’re staring into. That’s right, you remember me. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve seen you, too~
I notice that you are sitting alone. You don’t know this, but this is uncommon for audience members at my shows. You stick out like a sore-thumb. You’re so lost in your thoughts of the past, that you don’t notice me talking to you right now, from the stage.
(Voice fading in)
“…Demonstration? Why don’t you come on up and join me up here on stage?” You look around, nervously, to see everyone staring at you. I’m looking down at you, expectantly, with my hand extended towards you, almost smugly grinning. What else can you do? You stand and make your way up. I enjoy watching you meekly approach – you can tell by the deepening smile on my face.
(Crowd cheers)
“Come along, dear, I won’t bite~
“Now, we’re going to pretend like we’re partners, can you do that?” You nod, but you are too timid to speak. It’s cute. I whisper into your ear: “It’s been a while, Doll.” Doll. You haven’t heard that name since high school. Not since I saw you last. I can see you looking at my body. I’ve got on quite an impressive golden gown, but judging by the way you flinch and jolt your eyes away when you realize I can see you staring, you’re probably not noticing the dress all that much.
“Good~ Take a seat in this loveseat for me – That’s right, get relaxed. Do I have permission to touch your arm? As you all know, consent is the most important part of Hypnosis. Always make sure your partner is relaxed and comfortable.
“Now, I’m going to help you raise your arm so that your hand is slightly above your head… (Just like the good ol’ days, eh Doll?) Stare at the middle finger on that hand for me, dear. Go ahead and look at it, focus on it…. If your eyes get tired, close them and visualize it for me.
“As you fixate your gaze on it you will notice that the other fingers tend to fade out of focus and your entire arm begins to feel heavier and heavier. (You’re dropping even quicker than you did that time in the school cafeteria~) The longer you concentrate on that finger the heavier and heavier your arm becomes. But you will not go into a deep state of relaxation until the arm has come all the way down. (I wonder if the “Euphoria” trigger I gave you that day ever went away~)
“Keep concentrating on that finger while the arm gets heavier and heavier and heavier. Notice that as the arm is getting heavier it is slowly coming down, down, down. But you will not relax into a deep and profound state of relaxation until the arm is all the way down. Going down, down, down, deeper, deeper, deeper. (That would be so fitting at an erotic hypnosis show, wouldn’t it, Doll~?)
“As your arm slowly falls, the rest of your body feels limp. The rest of your body wants to fall with it. But I want you to do me a favor and keep your torso tense and up-right, at least until your hand sinks all the way down, touching the loveseat. Down and down, down and down… Kissing the loveseat… now.”
“Yes, let your whole body drop now. Eyes closed. Breathing nice and slow. Sink into the loveseat and let all of your thoughts and worries fade away. It feels so good to do as I say without thinking. (Feels so good to be my Doll again~) And now we’re going to play a little game.
“Continue to sink for me, dear. Now wake up.. Now sink again.. Every time I instruct you to wake up, I want you to open your eyes for just a second before you close them again and sink even deeper than before. Sleep.. Wake up.. Sleep.. Wake up.. And sleep.. Sink deeper, deeper, deeper still, and wake up.. Sleep again for me, okay? This back and forth… It gives you a profound sense of.. Euphoria, doesn’t it? (That’s right, you remember. I can see it in your face, Doll. You always used to raise your eyebrows ever so slightly when those waves of pleasure came crashing in.)
“So deep and filled with Euphoria, from your scalp to your toes. Tingles running up and down your entire body. Every cell in your body craving more of this Euphoria. Very Good~! Wake up for Miss Marigold, open your eyes for just one second… and close them, go to sleep. Sink once more. Feel the Euphoria build as you feel your body sink. (Don’t be afraid to let out that moan, Doll… I can hear your whimpers. Let it out~)
“Yes, that Euphoria is so addicting, even as you wake up… And sleep again. Sink. Down and down and down… (After all this time… I don’t want to let you go again, Doll). My voice fills your body with all this addictive Euphoria (You’ll crave more). Every time you hear my voice from now on, you’ll feel that Euphoria build… And vice versa, every time you begin to feel this Euphoria for any reason at all, you will feel an intense need to hear my voice again. My voice is pure Euphoria. You want more. You need more. Listen, and feel the Euphoria (It was fun playing with you again, Doll. I’ll wait for you at the end of the show. Come find me~)
“Now, I’m going to wake you up.. For good this time. Notice now, the feeling of the loveseat below your body. Pay attention to the texture of the fabric, the way your body squishes down the cushioning, how uncomfortable it may be in certain spots. Feel the slight breeze of the room, the light murmurs scattered through the crowd.
(Turning towards the crowd: “Yeah, I hear you!) I’m going to count down from 5, and by the time I reach ‘1’ I want you to open your eyes. You can sit up, or I can help you if you need me to. You sank very deep for me.
“5… Feel more aware of your surroundings… 4… Listen to my voice becoming louder… 3… Consciously aware of your physical body once more… 2… Allow yourself to let your body move and adjust as it needs to… And… 1. Awake and ready to take on the night! (See? That was fun~ I’ll see you soon for more~)
“On with the show! Thank you for your, help, Doll~”


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