Yandere Girlfriend Keeps You Safe



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Don’t be scared~…
Hold still…
You understand
I had to…
I had to do this
This is all for you
This is for your own good
I keep you safe because I love you
The darkness is so familiar and comforting…
You’re safe~
Stay with me~
You’re safe~



(Chains clanking)
(Me “talking” to listener sweetly – echoey)
Hi, baby~
Have you been good~?
Yeah~? Have you been sitting here patiently and quietly for me like I told you to~?
Awwwwww~~… Did somebody miss me~?
Awwwww… I love you too, baby~~~
It’s okay~… I’m here now~
I want to be with my baby~
You are happy to hear my voice… Aren’t you?
(Chains rattle)
Hey… Don’t do it… Just sit still unless I say otherwise…
You know you’re chained up for a reason…
This is our only safe space…
You know what could happen if you do something stupid…
Are you going to be good?
Be quiet~… You don’t want them to hear you, do you?
To come take you away…
Shhhh…. Do you hear that….?
(Footsteps approaching, getting louder)
What did you do?
Hey, don’t be afraid… Just look at me, baby… Everything will be alright, okay? I will keep you safe, I promise~
Just sit still… Everything will be okay… Don’t… Move…
(Door opens)

Baby…? ((VERY SOFT:) Baby~~)
Were you… Talking to someone…?
(Door closes and locks)
(Footsteps walking in)
Well… I came home early because I wanted to surprise you and spend the holiday with you, but … (You’ve been very bad.)
Baby… What did I say about making noise..? (An easy command. Why did you disobey?)
Oh, sweetie… I’m not mad, I’m just.. Disappointed… (Disappointed)
And frankly, a little worried~… (What will the neighbors think?)
Please don’t lie to me. If someone else is in here, I need to know (You’ll get a spanking… You deserve it… You fucked up.)
You know I keep you down here to keep you safe… (Contained… Concealed… Quiet.)
And if you’re hiding something from me… Someone… (Apologize. Apologize, apologize, you have to apologize–)

(ALL goes silent)

I didn’t ask for an apology. (Shut up, you idiot. Take the pain.. It makes you more submissive and obedient.)
Oh, I’m sorry baby… But you know why I had to do that… (You need to be good. You need to be quiet)
I didn’t want to… But you left me with no choice. (You need to be good. You need to listen)
It’s okay… You understand… (You were bad. You need to be corrected.) Let me kiss it better… (Kiss) (It stings, doesn’t it~? You did this to yourself for being bad)
Now… You know the rules are here to keep you safe, right~? (Say yes, baby~)
And by breaking the rules, what did you do? (You hurt me. You put yourself in danger.)
Hey, don’t look away, look at me. (Look at ME.)
Look into my eyes. (Are those tears in your eyes~?)
If you got yourself hurt, do you know what that would do to me? (It would hurt me~)
Do you want to hurt me? (It’s okay to let those tears fall… It shows that you’re truly sorry~)
Hm? (Do you want to be bad?)
Then why did you do it? (You should have kept quiet. You should have known better. You were being so stupid. Tears are the only way to show how sorry you are now.)
Oh, baby… Come here… Let me hold you… (Chains rattle) (You don’t deserve such a soft, warm hug… Such a spoiled thing~)
It’s okay, it’s okay… I was just so worried about you… Worried that someone else might have gotten in… To hurt you… Or to take you away from me… (How could you be so careless and insensitive?)
Oh, baby… (You’re a sobbing mess) This is why you need me to protect you and hold onto you so tightly… You get these silly ideas in your head that you can break my rules.. (That you can do whatever you want…) But you can’t, can you, baby~? (Calm down, it’s okay… You’re safe now… You’re in good, caring hands again~)
That’s right, baby~… You need me… To keep you safe… To make sure you aren’t doing things that will get you hurt… That will take you away from my loving arms~ (So warm and soft and secure~)
From these gentle head pets you love so much~ (The sweetest gesture of approval~)
From my sweet kisses~ (Why would you ever jeopardize these~?)
Mhmmm~, that’s right, baby~… (Now you remember~… Rules are important~… They keep you safe and surrounded by the things you love~…)
You don’t want to lose all of this, do you~? … All of me~ (Of course you don’t~… It makes you so happy, knowing that you’ll never be free again~… That you get to stay here forever~)
It’s better this way, you know that~ (You are so lucky~)
You don’t have to worry about keeping yourself safe~… You don’t have to be lonely… To miss out on my love and affection and intimacy~… Because you have me to take care of you~… (Don’t forget what’s best for you, dummy~)
I love you~~ (Kiss) I know you’re too sweet to break my heart and risk our future together (forever~) on purpose~… So I forgive you~… Just don’t do it again, okay? (You don’t want to hurt me, do you~?)
That’s my baby~ (Kiss) (Don’t forget~)
Now, why don’t we just… Forget about the unpleasantness~… I wanted to share a good evening together~… (You almost ruined it… Surely you won’t let this kind forgiveness go to waste~)
You almost made me forget~!… I brought you something~… (A sweet surprise for a sweet wittle baby~)
Dumdums~! (Just like you~!)
In all of your favorite flavors~ (How sweet~… Say thank you~)
Oh, it’s nothing, baby~… I do nice things for you because I love you~ (You don’t know how truly lucky you are~!)
Also, it’s Halloween~
Can you believe how long we’ve been living together now~? (Safe and secure in my basement~)
Mhmmm~… (Wrappers)
Now, open wide~! (Say “aaahhhh~”)
Here comes the airplaaaane~!
Oh, wait, let me try it first~… To make sure it isn’t ~poisoned~ (What would you do without me, hm~?)

Mmmm… Tastes pretty nonpoisonous to me~ (Now open wide~)
Here you go, baby~… (Suck on your wet, slobbery treat~)
Is it good~? (Keep sucking, bitch~)
Mmm~, it must be good~
You look so enthusiastic~ (You’re doing such a good job~)
I love seeing you all happy like this~ (Keep sucking~)
You’re so adorable~…. Sucking on my sweet surprise like an eager slut on a cock~
Oh, is somebody horny~?
Yeah it must be really frustrating being down here all alone all day~… Don’t worry baby~… I’m here now~… I’ll take care of you~
Since it’s a special night, should I let you out of your chains~?
Can I trust you to be good~?
(Keys jingling) (Do you really want to be uncuffed, though~?)
Okay, seriously, why do you keep looking over there?? (Look at me~)
Look. at me. (You’ve really done it now~… Why are you ruining such a sweet, precious moment?)
I suppose you’re not really sorry, after all. (Chains) (No free time for you.)
It’s like you don’t care how much it hurts me when you don’t listen… (You just keep getting yourself in trouble.)
All I wanted was to share a special night with you… (It’s like you want to be punished~)
But you just can’t let us be happy, can you? (On some primal level, you love being chained like this)
Am I boring you? Do you not want to spend tonight together? Would you prefer I leave you alone for 3 days this time? Will you be more excited to see me then? Will you finally look at me and only me? You told me you love me. Was that a lie? You know how I feel about liars. (It turns you on to be chained like this~… To sit in the dark and wait in silence… For your love… For the light… This is where you belong… You don’t have to worry about a thing~… The only thing that exists is–)
(Look at) Me. Look into my eyes and listen. What do I have to do to get your attention? Hm? You’re down here all alone, in the dark, all day, every day, and I’m still not enough for you? (You know what has to be done… What you’ve earned…)
(Chains) I hate it when you make me do this, my love… (Leaning your chair back onto its hind legs… Keeping you balanced by holding the chains around your wrists.. Your ankles… Your neck~… Completely dependent on these chains to keep you from falling~…)
Don’t worry~… I won’t let you fall~… As long as you keep your eyes on me, baby~… (You won’t have anything to worry about~)
Hold still… I don’t want to lose my grip on you… I don’t want you to fall and crack… (The tight metal digging into your skin is what keeps you safe~)
Hey… Stop… What’s the matter? Where are you trying to go, baby~? You know I’m not going to let you go… (Not for one second~)
You’ll fall~… I’ve gotta keep you safe~ (That’s the whole point of these chains~)
I know… I know the chains are tight… (They have to be. You made it this way.) Just hold still. (Your hands and feet will become hot and tingly before long…)
The more you fight me, the tighter they’ll get. (You don’t want to choke and pass out like last time~… Together time would be over~)
Awwwwww~…. Don’t worry~… I’ll let you breathe soon~… Just keep looking into my eyes… (Such a pretty, fearful look in your eyes~.. It’s like a drug to me… You know that~…)
Why do you make me do this to you? (Does it make you horny~?)
Why don’t you just listen to me? (If you did what you were supposed to do, none of this would be happening)
I really don’t like hurting you. (But you love it~)
Everything I do… I do for you. (You truly are a needy, depraved slut~… Getting off to being held captive forever~)
Look at me. (Kiss) I love you. I love you. I love you.. (You love it you love it you love it you love it you love me~)
Stop making me do this. Why can’t you just–
(Say please~)
Please what~? Please… Tighten your chains? Please… Brainwash you to forget the outside world even exists? Please… Make you completely dependent on me to even think? (Is that what you want~?)

(Sigh) (Chains rattle, Chair comes down) (Take a deep breath… You can breathe now…)
Why do I even bother? (You’re trapped. You can’t leave… Even if you wanted to~)
I know you love me… I know you do… You just… You make me so mad sometimes… (But you’ll get better… You’ll try harder~)
But I just can’t stay mad at you~… (You just look so cute in those chains~..)
You are a lot of work, but it’s worth it~… (Because you will be mine forever~)
Love… Relationships… They take work~… And I am committed to you, baby~ (No matter what~)
No matter how much you hurt me… (You’ll get better… Eventually…)
I promise~… I will do whatever I need to do, to keep you with me~… (No one else could ever love you this much~)
Cross my heart and hope to die~
Because I would. I would die if I ever lost you~ (Then who would take care of you~? You’ve been kept safe down here for so, so long….)

Oh.. Baby… Look at all these red marks~… These are definitely going to become bruises… (Now you definitely need to be quiet… If anyone found you like this, they might take you away)
Let me kiss them better~… (Kisses) (Soft, warm, loving, healing smooches… All over your neck… Your wrists… Your ankles…)
Mhm~… Does that feel better~? (Mhmmm~…)
(Soft kisses)
Mmm I am never letting you go~… (We will be together forever~)
And hey, on bright side~… These bruises will become special marks that will remind you of me~
Me and only me~
(Kisses) (Me me me me me me me~)
Not that you’ll be able to see them while I’m gone… But they’ll be there~…. (Kisses)
You’ll feel them…. (Kiss)
Sore and tender… (Kiss)
And when the metal chafes and presses into them… (Kiss)
It will remind you who you belong to~ (Kiss)
Me (Kiss) Me (Kiss) Me (Kiss) Me~ (Kisses)

(Yawn) I’m getting kind of tired… Are you getting tired?
(Yawn) I have to get up early tomorrow… Aren’t you so lucky you don’t have to worry about stuff like that~?
Want me to come kiss you good bye before I head out in the morning?
Yeah you do~~
I love you so much~
You really are so precious to me, you know that~?
Maybe when I get home, I can make you a nice homemade dinner… And feed it to you while I straddle your lap and tell you all about my day~~…
Does that sound good~?
It’s a date~ (Kiss)

Oh, here, don’t forget to take your medicine before I go~
And swallow~
Good job~
(Yawn) Okay, I really have to go now~
Bye bye for now, baby~…

I’ll check in on you again in the morning, okay~?
Be good~.
I love youuuu~
Nighty niiight~….
(Door closes)
(Retreat upstairs)

(Long nothingness)
(Goodnight baby~)


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