Road to Obsession: Part 1 – DROP


November 25, 2022

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The beginning of a fantastic and erotic adventure. Step one: Discover the joy and ease of Dropping into your subconscious mind. This skill seems important for later…

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.




Welcome to my domain~
Perhaps you are here because you are eager, or even desperate to become a mindless shell at the
hands of an addictive temptress
Perhaps you already Drop into trance easily, and you are already turning your mind off and
winding down
Perhaps you are a bit skeptical, and want to see what this is all about~
There is no pressure to Drop right now
No pressure to achieve any certain outcome
Release your expectations and desires
And just focus on the sound of my voice
You don’t even need to focus too much on my words… Forget about interpreting any meaning
Forget about comprehending the English language
Forget about the goal of trance
Just take a deep breath
And attach yourself to the sound of my voice
While you bathe in my soft, warm words, I am just going to say what comes into my mind
You can do the same
There is no need to waste your energy on trying to block your own thoughts
It is normal and natural to have fleeting thoughts, even when someone is speaking to you
Just allow your eyes to close
And exist solely within the realm of your pussy-mind
Here with me
Sounds from the outside world are irrelevant
You may or may not even notice them
You might even notice how the outside sounds DROP you deeper
As you relax and listen to me, just chatting away
Filling… Flooding your pussy-mind with my voice
Mywords, penetrating your pussy-mind, whether you are consciously aware of them or not
Just allow your thoughts to come and go, passing through your pussy-mind
You may be feeling it
Feeling your pussy-mind fill and stretch with fleeting thoughts, and relaxing and feeling looser
as they pass
But as MYwords.. MY thoughts probe your pussy-mind, they are bigger, stronger, overpowering
Slowly but surely, your pussy-mind will adapt and cling to my throbbing words
Thrusting in and out of that soft, pliable pussy-mind of yours
Now, everyone reacts a little differently to this feeling
For some, it’s a pleasant, tingling feeling to be fucked by my words
For others, it can feel like a dissociation to another world… Falling… Sinking… Dropping into a
whole new dimension
Where it is just me and you
Eventually it becomes so easy to Drop in just an instant
I’m going to dangle this word in front of you
Watch it sway, in your mind’s eye, as if I am holding it by a little string
Left and right… Back and forth… Maybe even in little twirls, making you a little dizzy
Look at this word, in big, bold letters
From left to right, let’s focus on each letter
D…Sodemanding and strong…
R…Robust and relevant in this word…
O…Ovular, obviously…
P…That final letter… Penetrating your Pussy-mind…
The shape of this word is somewhat phallic, as if it was made for fucking your pussy-mind
Watch it dangle above you, getting higher in your sight… Follow it with your mind’s eye…
You may find it to be so easy to focus on this word intently and intensely
Something about this word is immensely mesmerizing
The way it rolls off of my tongue…
Hear every single letter
The way each letter sounds
Looking straight up at the word now, as you DROP
Fading out of sight, but the sound of this word still escapes my lips and fills your pussy-mind
Amind-fuck of sorts…
So deep and surrounded by total darkness now
So complete and all-encompassing
Not a speck of light in sight
Just pure blackness
Anice, blank slate to imagine whatever I want you to see
I want you to imagine a big whiteboard in that pussy-mind of yours
Focus all of your attention on this whiteboard.
It is so bright and white in contrast against the darkness that surrounds you
There is a metal lip at the bottom, that houses two dry-erase markers
One is green, and the other is blue
With your dominant hand, I want you to grab the blue one
Uncap it with your other hand and stick the cap on the butt of the marker so you don’t lose it
Nowstare into the whiteboard
Follow my instructions carefully
Start at the left of the board, and listen closely
I am going to help you draw something, so do exactly as I say
Tell me you understand
Now, I’m going to guide you through each individual stroke, are you ready?
Raise your marker, in hand, up to the whiteboard in front of your face
All I want you to do for this stroke is touch the marker to the board at eye level, and then bring it
straight down, to about chest-level
You should be left with a straight, vertical line
You’re doing great so far
Now, cap the blue marker, drop it on the floor, and pick up the green one
You know the drill- uncap it and put the cap securely on the butt of the marker, clicking into
This stroke is going to begin at the top of the vertical line you just drew
Go ahead and touch the tip of the green marker to the top of that blue vertical line
With it continually touching the whiteboard, drag it slightly to the right
Nowbring your hand down, slightly, curving your stroke diagonally down to the right, and now
down, and now curve it back to the left, connecting this stroke to the bottom of the blue vertical
line from before
So far our drawing should look like a sideways semicircle with a flat, blue base on the left, and a
green, curved line connecting to the top and the bottom of the base
Nowswitch your markers again
Cap the green one, drop it, and pick up the blue one, uncap it, and click the cap onto the bottom
Take a step to the right so that your next stroke will be directly to the right of your previous
strokes without touching either of them
This stroke is going to be just like the first one- a straight, vertical line, starting at eye level, and
down to your chest-level
That’s right
Switch your markers again
Cap the blue, drop, and uncap the green, securing the cap on the other end for safe-keeping
This stroke is going to start on the tip of this blue vertical line, just like your last green stroke
It is even going to be curved like the last one, kissing the blue vertical line at the end, too, except
this time, instead of ending at the bottom of the blue vertical line, I want you to give it a tighter
Make your stroke now, starting at the tippy top of the blue vertical line, curve it out to the right,
and rejoin it with the middle of vertical line
Wework very well together
This activity requires a bit of concentration, but it is also an entertaining bonding experience for
Switch to the blue marker again, capping the green and dropping it, and uncapping the blue,
securing that cap once more
Now, this stroke is going to begin right where your last stroke ended
Right in that nook, halfway down the vertical blue line, where the bottom of the curved green
line kisses it
Touch the blue marker in your hand to that meeting point
Keep your marker in contact with the board as you drag it down, diagonally to the right, stopping
at chest-level
The bottom of this line should be at the same level of the bottom of the blue vertical line
So far so good~!
Cap the blue marker and take another good step to the right after you drop the marker on the
floor once again
Pick up the green marker again, uncap it, and secure the cap on the other end of the marker
Once it clicks, it is safe and locked in, just like you~
Now, this next stroke is going to be very easy
You can relax your brain a little
For this one, I just want you to draw a circle
Do your best to draw it in the same size as the first two symbols
Start at eye level, loop down to about chest level, and close the circle by connecting the end of
this stroke with the spot in which is started, up at eye level
Very good
See? I told you that would be an easy one
It’s so easy to do as I say~
Oops… Wegot a little distracted.. You can cap the green marker and drop it down
Take one last step to the right for me
Pick up the blue marker
Uncap it and click the cap onto the other end
Thank you for taking good care of these markers
I appreciate your diligent obedience
Once again, I want you to make a blue, vertical stroke, from the level of your eyes to your chest
Cap the blue marker, drop it down, and uncap the green marker
By nowit should be second nature to click the cap on the other end before you start drawing with
the marker every time
This next stroke should feel familiar
It is just like the green stroke you made on the second symbol
If you need a refresher, it starts at the top of the blue vertical line you just drew, curving out to
the right, and meeting the blue vertical line again halfway down
And you’re done~!
Cap the green marker and drop it
Take 5 big steps back to admire your work
Look at what we just made together
Stare at your drawing for a moment
Focus on it
Admire it
Nowthat you are looking at it all put together, you can see that the symbols you just drew on the
whiteboard were letters
See them coming into focus now…
The semicircle is a D…
Then R…
The circle is O…
And… P…!
See the word come into complete focus… Big letters drawing you in..
Notice how that word sounds in your ears… DROP.
In focus… It looks and sounds so crisp… so clean… so penetrating. DROP…
It just sounds so right to hear and see right? DROP
It’s such a beautiful word. This word is extremely special in a way..
DROPand pleasure go hand and hand don’t they? That amazing feeling you’re feeling is one of
many gifts I am ready to give you
Walk up to the whiteboard again
Bend over and pick up the blue marker
I didn’t even need to tell you to uncap it and secure the cap onto the end
You are beginning to learn what I expect, anticipate it, and act
This instant, mindless obedience is making me like you even more
You really are worthy of my gifts~
Now, with the blue marker in hand, I want you to rewrite the word “DROP”
Focus on each letter as you write it, then admire the whole word
Cap the marker and drop it on the floor, and pick up the green marker
Do the same as you just did with the blue one
Uncap, secure, write, focus, admire, DROP
Drop the green marker and repeat the process again
Switching between the blue and the green marker over and over and over again, as I speak
Taking good care of the markers, just as I take good care of you
Capping, uncapping, securing
Drop, bend, Drop, bend
Keeping writing that word
Until it is seared into your brain
Bend as your Drop, to pick up the next marker
This mindless repetition
As I feed you my words
You may find yourself zeroing in on your writing
Or feel other thoughts pass through your mind
As you complete this mindless, droning task
As you obey
As I continue to speak and fill your pussy-mind
As you wrap your fingers around a marker as you pick it up, I want you to clench your dominant
hand as hard as you can
This may wake you up from trance a little
But that is ok
Because as you resume your task… as you uncap the marker, secure the cap, and write this word,
“DROP”, you feel mindless and deep and content and obedient all over again, perhaps even more
than before
Each time you clench, you broach reality, only to DROP and lose sight of it all over again
Falling even more
Clench as you reach for the next marker, open your eyes, then close them and uncap the marker,
secure the cap, and write… DROP back down… DROP down even harder
Back and forth
Up and down
Twirling around
Oscillating between reality and mindless pleasure
Every time you hear me say that
You sink so much deeper
Relax so much more
Fall so much harder
Nowand in the future
Whenever I say the word
Or you see it, like how you’re writing it over and over again right now
It is so tempting to revert to this mindless state
It is so hard not to DROP back down
So relaxed
Primed and ready
For Mommy’s mind-fuck
For all of Mommy’s gifts
Every time you see or hear me say it
You will drift back into this mindless and vulnerable state
So suggestive
Moldable and pliable
Deep and continuing to sink deeper
Fall hard for Mommy
In an instant
Or soft and slow
Just mindless and obedient
Hanging onto my every word
Struggling to keep writing on the whiteboard
Struggling to clench that fist
Too relaxed
Pussy-mind too full to think
Only me
Only my words
Only my voice
Empty headed
Filled with pleasure
Foggy brain
So dumb for Mommy Sammys
Lacking focus
Paying attention to only me
Perhaps a little aroused~
Deeper than you’ve ever been before
Remember this word
Remember how it makes you feel
Associate the feeling with the word
Especially when I say it
We’re going to spend a lot of time in trance together
Become one with the sound of my voice
Accept my words as truth
When I tell you to DROP
You Drop
Feel it right now
Feel it every time from now on
Every time I tell you to DROP
Nowand forever
Feel yourself sink instantly
You are so connected to this word
The more you try to forget it, the more it cements into place in your pussy-mind
Every time you hear me say or see me write the word
You fall back into this trance
Head spinning, twirling, dizzy….
Body floating, yet descending further
So weightless, yet heavy… stuck in place
Everytime I tell you to DROP from now on
You will feel this heavy weightlessness again
This disorienting pleasure
You will DROP and feel moldable and content
Content and eager and satisfied with whatever Mommy wants to fuck your pussy-mind with next
You will DROP and open your pussy-mind wide open for Mommy Sammys
Let’s practice
You should still be writing on that whiteboard
Let’s just do it 5 more times
Write DROP on the whiteboard just 5 more times
I’ll walk you through each one
Both markers are on the floor
Bend over and pick up the blue one
Clench your dominant hand, as hard as you can, waking you out of trance just enough for you to
DROPagain as you write DROP and DROP the marker
Bend and pick up the green marker
Open your eyes
Open and wake
Pick up the blue marker one last time
Clench it hard
You’re getting so good at Dropping for me
Next time I tell you to DROP
You’re going to be able to sink so fast~
Next time you return for a trance, you will DROP so effortlessly
You will enjoy the process
You will enjoy being my suggestible little puppet
It will feel so good when I pull your strings… and let them fall… DROP
Howabout you repeat it back~?
“I will Drop for Mommy Sammys”
“Dropping is so easy and tempting and pleasurable”
Very good~
Nowthat I know you understand, it’s time to wrap up our session
You did very well
I commend you for taking my directions as well as you have
You’re a good Drone~
You DROPsorapidly and easily for me now
Getting deeper and deeper each time…
But I can also wake you up just as fast
It may feel impossible to wake up when you’re so deep and relaxed and enjoying your time in
You may not want to wake up
Trance is just so pleasantly weakening
This is not a goodbye, nor an end
You can just come right back for more
I must go now, so I will help ease you up from this deep trance
Start by opening your eyes for me
Your vision may be foggy, unfocused
You don’t need to worry about concentrating just yet
Just listen as I ease you back up
Just open your eyes and keep them open
Pick something to focus your vision on
Again, it may still be blurry
Just keep staring
And slowly but surely, it will come in to focus… clear as day
Blink 3 times for me
1.. 2.. 3..
Take a deep breath
Wiggle your fingers and toes
Look around the room and identify 3 things
Say them out loud
Nowwiggle your arms and legs
Shake off any lingering sleepiness
I enjoyed our time together
I’ll see you soon


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