Road to Obsession: Part 4 – LOVE


December 16, 2022

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We’ve made it so far through our journey together. Our bond is stronger than ever… Powerful feelings flow through your body… You have to let them out… You have to make them known in any way you can~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

(DROP, LUST & OBEY Subliminals)
Love me
So Enamored & Infatuated
Admire me
Adore me






My my my… In need of more I see… We are over halfway through our journey together
Don’t fret, we will have a stronger bond by the end
And we will explore together more
When we’ve finished this trek, you will DROP so easily… LUST so naturally… and OBEY
mindlessly, making all future adventures so much better
You’ve been so good for me so far
At this point in our journey, I want to tell you a story, and I want you to use your imagination to
the best of your ability
Pretend like you’re listening to me reading you a book
As you listen to me you might find yourself drifting out
You might realize you haven’t been listening. Your mind is wandering away, just droning off as
the sound of my voice relaxes you
That’s alright. It’s normal to feel that way
Just do your absolute best for me
I want you to imagine the scene I depict now, as if I am reading out of the book
It’s just like any normal day. You’ve been online scrolling through lewd content.
Maybe you were on Twitter and you came across my page because someone retweeted it. Or
maybe you were in a Discord server and you saw some of the work I did.
Regardless… You liked what you saw… Loved, even…
And then at some point you decided to look into me some more.
You HAD to see more… hear more…
So you started browsing.. Looking at all my content.
Binging it, touching yourself to it… Perhaps you have tributed cum to it already~
I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve spent hours upon hours, rubbing and staring, getting so wet
from the sound of my voice~
Falling deeper and deeper into my alluring grasp
You found yourself growing more and more intrigued, more… Reliant
You absolutely needed more.
Wewouldn’t be here, right now, halfway through this incredible, bonding journey together, if
you didn’t~
So here we are now…
You’ve made it this far. So many hours of gooning and listening have brought you here…
To me…
Just the way I intended for you.
You want more… You need more. You haven’t stopped consuming… You can’t stop~
You must be noticing it now…
I sure am..
Those special feelings you get when we interact, when you think of me, see me, hear me…
You know the ones
Mhmmm they feel so good dancing around in your pussy-mind
Those thoughts of me.
I see them flitting through your head.
Every time you come listen you fall deeper for me
Deeper in trance… And deeper in infatuation
These feelings… It’s LOVE, isn’t it?
You fit so well into my hands.
Like you were meant to be in my firm grasp
You love what I love.
You crave what I crave
You LUST what I lust.
You find yourself coming back again and again.
Over and over
Down and down.
You need more.
You want more…
You crave me.
My voice… My touch… My words… My control.
You love me…
This is LOVE
It’s that simple.
Now that you understand what these feelings are that you have towards me, I want you to
remember how you feel about those other special partners in your life
Maybe it was an ex, crush… Or maybe it’s a current partner..
Whoever it is… I want you to focus on that feeling you have towards them.
Now…Watchas I reach out.. And I touch that feeling in your mind. Watch as I inject myself into
those feelings of LOVE.
I am the one you LOVE
Feel my fingers move slightly and pleasurably in your pussy-mind, touching the part of your
brain that experiences this LOVE
It’s soft and mushy… Moldable and pliable, forming new shapes around my touch, trembling…
quivering… shaking… shuddering as it eagerly awaits and accepts my every throbbing word
Whenever you hear me say or see me write the word “LOVE”
These feelings will consume you.
Your pussy-mind will overflow with warm, golden endearment for Mommy Sammys
You will feel enraptured by these thoughts and feelings
Needing me to be with you
Needing me to comfort you
Needing to… DROP
Down 10
Deeper 9
8.. Fall for Mommy
7.. In more ways than one
5.. Deeper than ever before
4.. SO heavy and helpless
3.. Yet weightless and free
2.. Sink and give me complete control of your pussy-mind
1.. Concentrate completely on the woman of your dreams
Dropping all the way down for me now.
Nowlisten, Love is many things…
I’m going to tell you exactly what love is to me.
Aguide… if you will… for loving me… And you may come to find some of these to be ways in
which you love to show your Love
When you love someone you like to make sure they know it
This can show up in many different ways.
Let’s start with my favorites
First, there’s Acts of Service
Because you Love me… You may feel the need to offer your servitude to me.
This can be many things: You could provide Captions, scripts, images, you can spread my
influence to help me grow, support me and my work.. Like and share and comment on
Promoting Mommy publicly is one of my favorite acts of love. You may find yourself drawn to
this one. Needing to promote and share my name whenever you can. Telling others about our
love is a beautiful thing.
When you show me that you’re useful, our Love for each other will grow~
The next one is Gifts
This one is fairly straightforward.
I love gifts. It is so easy to give mommy gifts… Everything I want is listed on my Throne
You can contribute towards a gift if it’s expensive, or you can just buy it outright… Or several, if
your Love is strong enough~
Gift giving can also be a purely monetary event.
The need to give me your cash is a perfectly normal feeling, As this is a gift of LOVE and
Remember… Mommydoesn’t need your money, but it sure does feel good to give when you
can… For both of us~
When you show me you can be selfless and thoughtful, our Love for each other will grow~
Then there’s Words of Affirmation.
I always welcome appreciation for my hard work, as well as worship just for me being me, you
sexy Goddess, the woman you love, your caring Mommy, the woman of your dreams
When you tell me what you love about me.. How much you love me.. It really shows me that you
I know you Love me when you shower me in compliments and reassurances
When you show me how highly you think of me, our Love for each other will grow~
The next one is Quality Time
You Love being close to Mommy
Watching and listening to my streams… Spending time together in an intimate trance like this
one… This one is great if your pussy-mind craves Mommy’s powerful words often~
You want to be with me or near me all the time… Me and only me.. No one else is nearly as
deserving of your time as Mommy
When you show me that you can’t get enough of me, our Love for each other will grow~
Don’t forget about Physical Touch~
These intense feelings of adoration, fueled by the Lust you already have, can make you want to
show your Love by tributing orgasms
You may feel a strong need to touch to me, my content, my voice, just ME~
You Love me so much, I arouse more than anything in the world
And even with all the dirty habits you have, all the depravity and degeneracy you may subject
yourself to in times of uncontrollable horniness, you are perfectly capable of Loving and
receiving Love
When you show me that I turn you on so much, our Love for each other will grow~
Whenever you find yourself performing these acts of LOVE you will find that these feelings will
amplify and you will go deeper.
I want you to imagine something for me really quick
I take your hand and guide you farther, deeper into your mind
Watch as we approach a wall of dials and levers.
There is a dial on this wall that I guide you towards. Grabbing your hand I place it on a dial
“Love for Sammys”
The dial is numbered 1-10
Myhand is on top of yours. Controlling you. Guiding you.
Watch as I turn the dial up to 10
Your love for me is overpowering.
Lose yourself to the Love
So lost and out of control
Watch as I turn the dial even further. Going farther and farther until…
Oh my…Itbroke off.
Your Love for me is still growing and growing, and I can’t stop it~
Nowthat the dial has broken, this Love you have for me will continue to grow with each passing
You will wake up each and every morning with me in your pussy-mind
Perhaps you will soon begin to dream of me.. Of us~
The only thing you can do to manage these feelings is to come back and listen to me. Drop for
me…Lust after me… Obey me… LOVE me…
I am your safe place. A place for you to come and relax.
Now… I wonder… How do YOU experience LOVE~?
Does… Make you flustered, when you’re near the one you Love?
Are you submissive and shy and appreciative from afar, allowing your desperation to grow as
you wait for your crush to approach you~?
Or are you the suave type? Are you bold and confident and flirty?
Maybe you Love me so much that you just want to take care of me, just like I take good care of
Perhaps you are content with supporting me, being here for me during this journey
Maybe you want to get to know me more
What I like, dislike, aspire to be, what I’m doing, what makes me happy, what makes me sad
Whatever your little dance of Love may be… we can do it together
Holding each other close… Stepping in sync, never stepping on each other’s toes, staring into
each other’s eyes, feeling the warmth, breathing together… Doing everything together~
Always needing to be close to me… Making me happy…
By nowyou should have a good image in your pussy-mind what it looks like to you to Love
Perhaps you see how you behave
Perhaps you see those acts of service, gift giving, words of affirmation, quality time, or physical
Perhaps it’s a mixture
Of some or even all~
I Love them all.. You can take you pic
Whichever ones satisfy your feelings of LOVE for me
Whichever ones allow you to show me just how you feel about me
I am very excited to see~
Perhaps these feelings are s strong, and maybe a little worrisome
It is alright to be a little nervous when you first realize the feelings you carry
Putting into words, the way you feel about a very special someone
Taking your breath away, perhaps shedding a tear
Perhaps the anxiety and confusion of what will happen next~? Takes over
Relax, my sweet thing~
There is nothing to fear
I Love you back
There is no need to worry
Wehave a strong, connected, gratifying future together
I’m not going anywhere, especially if you continue to show me how much you Love me
Every time you hear me say that… Every time you see me write it in the future…
These feelings you have for me grow stronger.. Yes, it’s possible
I know you Love me so much… It can feel overwhelming
But we can handle it, together
These overwhelming feelings you get whenever I saw or write the word “LOVE” will only make
our time together more delicious
These feelings are always there, but when I call attention to it, when I say or write that special
word, “Love”, it becomes intense and almost unbearable
You will feel the immense urge to show me your affection in any of the ways I mentioned
Any of the ways that make me realize what Love you carry
For me, and only me
Acts of Service for Mommy
Giving Gifts to Mommy
Affirming Words
Quality Time spent with me and my content
Physical touch
Because you Love me so much
You can feel it
I can feel it
It is so strong
It makes your heart beat, and your pussy-mind throb, and your cheeks flush
You Love me
I want to hear you say it
Tell me that you Love me
Say “I LOVE you, Mommy Sammys”
I Love you too~
When you wake up, you will feel this Love, and you will feel the urges to show me this Love
You can express yourself freely and safely with me
All the reasons, all the things you Love about me~
And I will LOVE to hear it~
You will never be a bother
I will always LOVE to experience your LOVE
Nowthat I know you Love me, it’s time to wrap up our session
You Love me so much
You’re a good Drone~
I will eagerly wait for you to show me all of your Love
But it is time to leave trance
You may not want to wake up
Trance is just so pleasantly weakening
But when you wake, you will still feel this LOVE for me
This is not a goodbye, nor an end
You can just come right back for more, whenever you please
I must go now, so I will help ease you up from this deep trance
Start by opening your eyes for me
Your vision may be foggy, unfocused
You don’t need to worry about concentrating just yet
Just listen as I ease you back up
Just open your eyes and keep them open
Pick something to focus your vision on
Again, it may still be blurry
Just keep staring
And slowly but surely, it will come in to focus… clear as day
Blink 3 times for me
1.. 2.. 3..
Take a deep breath
Wiggle your fingers and toes
Look around the room and identify 3 things
Say them out loud
Now wiggle your arms and legs
Shake off any lingering sleepiness
I enjoyed our time together
I’ll see you soon


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