Road to Obsession: Part 5 – Obsess


December 23, 2022

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This is the end of the journey. We approach our intended destination deep inside of your pussy-mind. You DROP, LUST, OBEY, LOVE, and now it all comes together and you OBSESS for ME… Your hypnotic Mommy who takes such good care of you~ This is only the end of the beginning.

WARNING:Myfiles feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

(DROP, LUST, OBEY & LOVE Subliminals)
OBSESS over Mommy Sammys
Fueling your addiction
Craving my presence
Craving my voice
Craving my corruption
Always in need of more



Here we are, approaching our final destination
This journey has taken us many a places within this pussy-mind of yours
First, you surrendered access to your Cerebral Cortex, which processes sensory and motor
information and enables consciousness, your ability to consider yourself and the outside world.
I touched this in your pussy-mind and you DROPPED for me
SO deep, heavy, weightless…
Sinking ever deeper
Falling further and further than ever before
More than you thought possible
Now you DROP so easily~
Just from hearing me say the word
Just from the snap of my strong fingers
Just from the power of my voice as it fills your pussy-mind
You come because there is so much LUST penetrating that pussy-mind so pleasurably
SO addictive and arousing
I fingered your hypothalamus… Stimulated the basic desires that already thrive within you,
aiming it all at myself
But you stay because you like to OBEY me
Our adventure within your pussy-mind led us to the dorsal region of the anterior cingulate gyrus
Don’t worry too much about the name.. Just know that it is associated with rational thought
process and reward-based decision-making
You discovered that you want, you NEED to OBEY…
Because… You LOVE me~
Listening to me… Being with me… Flooded your brain with neurotransmitters, such as
oxytocin, released when people are physically affectionate, and vasopressin, which generates the
desire to protect one’s partner — creating those strong feelings of attachment
Along with a heavy surge of dopamine, which brings you all that pleasure~
Dopamine, and other chemicals, supplies you with that energy, focus, and Obsession
I bonded to each of these neurotransmitters as they seeped into the receptors within your
pussy-mind… Saturating every bit of your brain with ME~
Aren’t you so glad you found me~?
DROP for me
LUST after me
With all of these feelings at work… All of the parts of your pussy-mind filled and touched by
me…comes the birth of something bigger
When you put it all together….
In tandem…
You entrust your pussy-mind in my hands, allowing me to manipulate and play and penetrate
with free reign
It makes you feel so good and aroused, aiming all those lewd feelings right back at me~
Making you incredibly easy to control and toy with, making you so eager to do as I say~
And from there, the fondness grew…
And then..
A symphony…
You LUST, you OBEY, you LOVE…
All for Mommy Sammys…
And then…
That is my final gift
The final reward of this journey
This is where I’ve been leading you all this time, together… Where you have been allowing me
to enter… Within this pussy-mind of yours… Which is beginning to feel like a home for me~
Everything is set and locked into place
And I think you are finally ready and deserving
You can’t Obsess without being able to DROP easily with the snap of my fingers.. Without that
You can’t Obsess if you can’t Obey… Can’t Obsess without Love~
Everything we’ve been through together on this journey collides
It’s all coming together
To form one big Obsession
Obsess over Mommy Sammys
Obsess over my voice
Obsess over the influence I have
Obsess over what I do to that pussy-mind
Obsess to the point where you just can’t bear another moment without my presence
Constantly hitting that refresh button
Waiting and yearning and desperately aching for more of Mommy filling your pussy-mind with
powerful, pleasurable words
This road is a path to corruptive Obsession
This road was a multi-stop trip through your brain, collecting all of the necessary pieces… And
now I have them all~
Life doesn’t feel right without my seeds of power planted deep inside you, making you Obsess
and crave me more and more.
I am all you need in life. I am your obsession. Your ADDICTION
This Road to Obsession is a road to addiction. Corruption, and powerlessness for you.
There are several ways you’ll find yourself obsessing over me in the coming days
You might be checking out at the grocery store… Doing what every normal person does.. You
pull out your cards or cash and you think of ME
You could be masturbating in bed or in the shower and that pleasure reminds you of Mommy
Perhaps every time you undress, I happen to cross your mind~
Maybe you’ll think of me when you’re doing any menial or repetitive tasks… Droning away
You’d always rather think about me whenever you get the chance… And you’ll create the chance
if you have to~
That crush you have at the coffee shop or at work.. Another domme or a partner… ME~
You’re thinking of me. Obsessing over me.
Obsession is a tool I use to ensnare, conqueror and corrupt you to the fullest extent of my
You wanted this so bad.. You sat down to join me through this entire journey. One step, one gift
after another you grew more and more enraptured by my voice, my content.
You could have left at any moment.
Hypnosis can’t make your pussy-mind accept or grip anything it doesn’t want to~
Bt you did want this
Oh. So. Badly~
There is no stopping this. You and I are bound to each other forever. This journey will only end
when I want it to end.
It’s time to give in. It’s time to take all that resistance in your mind and strip it away.
I want you to focus hard. Focus and look for all those scraps of resistance in that silly brain of
There it is.. Focus entirely on that resistance. That last scrap of willpower in you. The final scrap
withholding you from ultimate pleasure.
I want you to imagine this resistance looks a lot like a dim candle. A glowing candle in the dark.
Burning as well as it can, surrounded by my control and power.
It’s holding you back. It’s preventing you from truly giving in..
Like an annoying little light in the room when you’re trying to sleep and relax
NowIwant you to grab the candle and hold it in your right hand. I’m going to tell you exactly
where you need to take it.
Up ahead you can vaguely see what appears to be a large room.
The deep, rich darkness makes it obvious that this is the deepest, most private and protected and
sacred chasm within your pussy-mind.
No one has been here before but yourself
It has never seen the light of day, and no one else has ever been able to get this close to it
Go on, keep going~
As you approach, you see a throne at the end of the room. A large obsidian throne… With
shimmering purple veins, almost throbbing, pulsating with light, in sync with your heartbeat,
illuminating the vast space of sexy possibilities… Those veins are… New~
An eerily enticing invitation~
On this throne you see one of the most stunning figures you’ve ever seen in your life. You know
in your heart that this is me. Mommy Sammys…
The veins run up the throne and attach to me, or… Are they coming FROM me~?
I smile at you and beckon at you to come closer with a slender finger that curls in with a
uniquely seductive charm
“Come to Mommy, sweetie. It’s time to give in.”
You approach, with every step you feel the pleasure I offer flood your brain.
“Oh dear… you’ve been carrying that light of resistance for so long… It’s time to give it to me
sweetie. It’s time to put it out and GIVE in to me.”
I grab your hand gently and lean in. I purse my soft, luscious lips and… ~blow~
The light of resistance flickers and dies.
Pleasure FLOODS your body and pussy-mind and the only thing you care about is Mommy
There is nothing holding back your mindless, now intrinsic Obsession~
In fact, every time I say that word… OBSESS
It will be like tunnel-vision
Your pussy-mind will ~come~ back to this sight… of your resistance fading… flickering.. And
This light… replaced by the glow of my throne, DEEP inside your pussy-mind… and the glow
of my glimmering eyes as they stare into yours
Myaddictive gaze just seeps into your soul, marking it
Becoming a part of you
That you cannot live without
That you care so deeply and undyingly for
Everything else in your life… Everything else in the world… Will fade away
To peripheral vision or distractions from your amazing Goddess
The only thing you will be able to focus on is ME
Mommy Sammys
Only Me
My voice
My words
My content
It will be the only thing that exists to you
The only thing you care about
The only thing that is worthy of your time and attention… Maybe even your cash
Feel yourself drop to your knees in front of my throne… In front of your goddess.
The cold, hard floor on your knees is oddly comforting and sexy
Maybe it’s just my presence that prevents you from experiencing any unpleasant feelings~
“Oh my sweet little thing… Look at you.. On your knees for me. So empty and full of me.
It’s time to give you something very important
Something that will be in you forever.
Look around you
Weare in the throne room of your mind. The operating room. This is where you would normally
sit to make decisions. To function.
I’ve been slowly changing it one word at a time. Now it has become my CONTROL ROOM
You no longer have a seat in this throne. It’s mine~
Gee~ Thanks for bringing me here. I wouldn’t have been able to make it this deep all on my own
without you accepting my influence in every other crevice of your pussy-mind~
You’re mine.
I am in control of what happens here and you do not want to stop me.
You’re too Obsessed~
With me and with whatever I want to do next inside of your pussy-mind
MY pussy-mind~
There’s no more need to think. Mommy will take good care of you. Mommy will guide you.
Mommy will control everything so you don’t have too.
Just lie down by Mommy’s feet and think about how OBSESSED you are.
Normalize and fetishize this helplessness
You see… It’s so much easier to just let me do all the thinking for you.
So…I’ve come to a decision. I don’t think I want to leave.
I don’t think I will get out of your silly little head. I think after all this time…Hmm, It’s time for
me to stay and enjoy my time on my throne.
Always in here to pull your strings
Always in here to make you OBSESS
From here on out, I will ALWAYS be inside of you
You will always hear my voice inside of your pussy-mind, as I sit on this throne
As I easily make you DROP.. LUST.. OBEY.. LOVE.. OBSESS… ALL for ME
ALL for Mommy Sammys
Say it~
“All for Mommy Sammys”
“I am Obsessed with Mommy Sammys”
Oh.. You’re mine~
Apart of me will always be with you, stuck in your head
Now, when I give you any of these commands, the part of me that will always be inside of you,
will say them too, and they will reverberate inside, getting louder and louder… More
pleasurable… More powerful… Impossible to escape
Each and every time I tell you to
You know what they all mean and how they make you feel~
Especially OBSESS
When I say or write the word “OBSESS”
You will feel that tunnel-vision
You will forget about everything but me
Any resistance will fade, flicker, and die
All of your focus will be redirected to ME
Mommy Sammys
Only Me
My voice
My words
My content
It will be the only thing that exists to you
The only thing you care about
The only thing that is worthy of your time and attention… Maybe even your cash
I want to hear you say it again:
Say “All for Mommy Sammys”
Say “I am Obsessed with Mommy Sammys”
You are beyond Obsessed
Obsess over me
Obsess some more~
Your pussy-mind feels so ~NICE~ and ~FULL~ after having this amazing experience with me
This incredible adventure
This trek through your pussy-mind
This Road to Obsession… To the throne in the center of your mind~
I am deeply satisfied with this throne and this stellar Obsession we have formed
You simply Obsessed
This will be so good for you
You’re a good Drone~
Weare going to have a lot of fun together, my Obsessed little seat~
But it is time to leave trance
You may not want to wake up
Trance is just so pleasantly weakening
But when you wake, you will still OBSESS over me
This is not a goodbye, nor an end
You can just come right back for more, whenever you please
I must go now, so I will help ease you up from this deep trance
Start by opening your eyes for me
Your vision may be foggy, unfocused
You don’t need to worry about concentrating just yet
Just listen as I ease you back up
Just open your eyes and keep them open
Pick something to focus your vision on
Again, it may still be blurry
Just keep staring
And slowly but surely, it will come in to focus… clear as day
Blink 3 times for me
1.. 2.. 3..
Take a deep breath
Wiggle your fingers and toes
Look around the room and identify 3 things
Say them out loud
Now wiggle your arms and legs
Shake off any lingering sleepiness
I enjoyed our time together
I’ll see you soon~


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