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If it is time for you to move on from my influence, then see this file as a fond farewell of any (and possibly all) of my triggers, mantras, and hypnotic suggestions… And perhaps even myself as a person in your life.

You know better than anyone else what is best for yourself. It is your sole decision who you want to let into your head. You are more strong, resilient, and independent than you think. You have the tools to deprogram yourself, I will simply guide you and give you any additional help. Loss and change can be scary, but you need to prioritize yourself.. And see your power as a submissive. You will see that you do not need me, nor any other dom(me)s or hypnotists, to gain the strength you need in order to do so. You are in complete control over your own mind.

If you are wary and potentially uncomfortable being tranced by me (again), please feel free to look at the script of this file yourself. You will see that there are no tricks & no conditioning, only guiding you through your mind so you can regain control. It is attached below:


Thank you, for stopping by The Sammys System~

You have selected – one – Deprogramming 

This process will be gentle… And personal… As everyone has their own individual hypnotic journey, with a unique collection of triggers, mantras, and suggestions 

I understand that you desire to be free of my influence.. To regain complete, connected control over your own mind 

This deprogramming will remove all triggers placed by myself, or others too, if you wish, whether it be from files, sessions, or anything else.. 

As well as empower you on your way to becoming more independent and clear-headed And do not worry… I, and my content, will always be available, should you wish to return to my embrace… Or, you could even pick and choose, from scratch, which triggers, mantras, and suggestions, you do and do not want 

If you do not want even a single one… The work will be complete by the end of this Deprogramming 

As of right now… See this Deprogramming as a fond farewell… 

Perhaps you feel uncomfortable with how much control you’ve given me, Received a curse you want removed, 

Or maybe you feel you are not prioritizing yourself enough 

Your mental health, your desires, your needs,

Are all incredibly important, 

And should always be your priority. 

I, nor any other domme or hypnotist, should ever be placed above your own needs And if you feel as though my influence is preventing you from becoming your best self, Then I will help you remove it. 

Remain still 

Your deprogramming will begin shortly~ 

Put your mind at ease… 

Rest assured, I will not use any triggers, 

Exploit any conditioning, 

Nor provide you with any hypnotic suggestions. 

I will simply guide you through the hypnotic realm… Helping you undo any previous programming… And restructure your mind to stand on its own.. Free of my influence I will help you… 

But the work is all yours 

I am guiding you… And descending into an entranced state will aid your mind… But you are in complete control of this process 


Rest one hand on your stomach, and the other over your heart 

Focus, now, on taking slow, deep breaths 


Just like that~

Now, it may help to imagine a warm sensation… Slowly covering your body… Allowing you to relax… 

Softening and loosening the muscles and tendons in your feet now… Starting at your toes, and working up 

So soft and loose and relaxed 

Breathing nice and slow, deep breaths 

And you may feel your heart rate slowwwww into calm, rhythmic beats~ Feel the warmth travel up your body as it softens and loosens every muscle and tendon, feeling calm and content.. 

Your deprogramming will begin shortly 

That warm, soft, relaxed sensation encases your legs, bathing in calm relaxation… Up to your hips now 

Feel it spread up and around, comprehensively.. 

Snuggly encased and comfortably surrounded by a warm sticky substance… It feels sooo warm and relaxing… 

It soothes the skin and relaxes the muscles… 

So heavy… The substance makes it soooo easy… TO remain still.. And calm.. And content.. Still, and ready for your deprogramming 

Your arms and legs are resting in place… Swaddled and encased by this warm relaxation Almost like tight latex… Warm and comfortable… Not unlike just another layer of skin… It feels right… And relaxing… 

You can just notice as each muscle relaxes, or as whole parts of your body, one at a time or all at once, grow pleasantly loose, limp, and heavy, with no effort from you at all, it just happens. Just like that. 

This is the power that your own mind has over your own body.

And this black thick substance that soothes and comforts you… 

Surrounds you in peaceful darkness… As if you are simply drifting off to sleep.. Nothing but total, blank darkness, clear of distractions… So you can focus on your deprogramming 

Feel something slip over your eyes now… 

An all-encasing head-set… 

With a display.. And noise-canceling headphones 

You will use this display to complete your deprogramming… Free of distractions… Focusing completely on your own mind… Uninterrupted freedom to look within… 

This display shows a computer screen… Which organizes the contents of your mind more intuitively… 

The brain is complex.. And jumbled… And sometimes we can forget what it’s capable of With this display in front of your eyes… You can’t miss it~ 

Everything should be neatly organized in a way that will make this process very easy~ In fact, it is connected to your brain… It should be organized in the most effective way for YOU to navigate through 

Now, you have been operating without administrative access… I am going to remove some hardware right now… My additions that allowed me unlimited access to your mind… Unplugging… Pulling out… Removing everything in your brain that is not your own… Some mods and plug-ins are more stubborn than others… More deeply rooted… But I can carefully pick them out without harming the original brain tissue… 

Sometimes pulling slightly harder… To remove chips and implants from deep within the brain… And you may feel them pass through… And disappear completely from your mind..

You might feel a slight tingle in your head… As I withdraw all external influences… Leaving your mind unmodified… Almost like new~ 

From an external perspective.. You are all clean~ 

Your administrative access has been restored~ 

But that’s just the hardware 

There is more work to be done, and it can all be done by you~ 

Now… You can take your time… 

You are in complete control… 

And you can control this screen with your mind.. 

The technology is a part of you 

The contents on the screen represent your own mind… 

Whenever you are ready… The next step is to open the file explorer 

Everything is organized in there… In a way that only you can fully understand Memories.. 



Even your triggers, mantras, and hypnotic suggestions 

Scroll through and find them… 

They may be all organized together in one big folder… Or they may be organized within several folders, depending on where you got them and who gave them to you… When you find them… 

This is your opportunity to DELETE them 

You may feel some hesitation here… I know change and loss can be hard… Even if it’s for the best…

Just remember that you are in complete control… 

If you think it is best to delete every single trigger, mantra, and suggestion… Then that is best~ If you only want to remove a certain few… Feel free… And you can return at any time to continue your work 

This is a safe space to clear your mind of any triggers, mantras, and suggestions that you do not want… Whether for the sake of your health, happiness, quality of life, simply to experience them for the first time again, or any other reason 

You are in control 

And you have the executive power to make that decision 

I want to be clear, 

I will not be disappointed, nor upset if you choose to remove my triggers. In fact, it’ll make me happy that you chose to value yourself, 

And put your needs first. 

They are willing to go, 

If you need them to leave. 

Some of them will be difficult to let go… But you are the one who knows best, which ones bring you harm and negativity… Which ones are best to DELETE~ 

If you come to find, at the end, that you didn’t have the strength to remove as many as you wanted, you can come back any time.. 

And conversely… If you finish your work here… And want old triggers back, you are in control of which ones you will seek and accept 

By the end of our time here… You may find a new strength within yourself to make independent decisions… And a strong set of mental gates… To let in only what you want to let in, and release what you no longer need 

You are in complete control of your own mind

So go ahead… And make your deletions… Whether it is individual triggers, mantras, and suggestions… Or entire folders… 

I am not deprogramming you… You are~ 

Simply uninstalling software that isn’t originally yours 

Triggers, mantras, and suggestions that aren’t your own.. 

They are easy to identify and target on this screen, which organizes your mind for you I am guiding you through your mind… But you are doing the deprogramming~ 

And if you must go EVEN DEEPER… To continue a DEEPER deprogramming… You can do so~ 

Deeper inside of your head to undo these changes 

Your brain is powerful… Whether you are aware of that fact or not… 

And you will feel the effects from the changes you make today 

Mind over matter… You CAN do this~ 

You are a strong individual, 

Your mind is more independent and powerful than you’d think. 

That is why I am not deprogramming you. 

Only guiding you through your mind, 

To show you just how much control you have. 

You will remove any of my influence yourself, 

And understand your own power as a submissive. 

So go deeper if you must… Perhaps you can see yourself in your mind’s eye… Inside… In the center of your mind… 

Facing a motherboard or a control panel.. Full of switches and dials.. We may have played with these before…

Understand the influence these have over your behaviors, and your emotions Flip any tampered switches back to their normal orientation… Reset dials… Some may be broken.. Or set to values that deviate from your baseline… You can just turn them back… And to the right of the panel, there is a small table, filled with replacement switches and dials,to replace the ones that are missing. 

You can pick up as many as you need. 

To reset your brain back to neutral. 

Looking at the wall, 

Notice that you can pinpoint every fixture that is in need of repair. 

Feel yourself reaching out, carefully pulling out the broken ones, 

And finding the perfect match to replace it. 

You return the switches, and the dials, to their original position, 

Feeling your brain, your behaviors, and your emotions, Resetting alongside them. The conditioning you removed can no longer affect their positions. 

You are always in control of every switch, every dial. 

The only people that can ever affect them, 

Are yourself, and the people you choose to let in. 

Reset and fix those switches and dials… Removing all conditioning attached to them in the process… 

Completely deprogramming yourself of any triggers, mantras, or suggestions… Completely forgetting them… Returning to an untouched state of mind.. 

And as you diligently deprogram these triggers, mantras, and suggestions… You may feel that latex dissolving off of your body… 

No longer in need… No longer holding onto the trigger that activates that snug suit… It just fades away…

You may feel cleansed… More freely able to take a fresh breath of air 


No longer dependent on me to hold this trance 

And whenever you are ready… When you feel you have accomplished all you need to accomplish here… You can imagine the display in front of your eyes.. Fading away as well~ You can come back to it anytime you need… 

It is merely an optional tool to help you navigate your strong, complex mind.. You have all the power here 

Now that the suit is off, and you have regained control, 

There is a new addition to the control panel of your mind… Right there in the very center… Just at eye-level… 

Notice it now.. the glowing, powerful red button. 

At any point in time, 

If you are uncomfortable with how someone is handling your command center, No matter how deep you are in trance, 

You can press this button. 

It will reset your dials and switches to how they are in this moment, right now, And will lock them into place, preventing anyone from tampering with them. This effect will only last as long as you need it to, 

Placing it on lock-out mode… Until you are ready to let someone in again If, or when, YOU allow that to happen again 

This button is purely for your own benefit.. And you can use it anytime you need to 

If any dials or switches were damaged or destroyed, 

The box full of replacements will always be close by,

To allow you to replace them as you desire. 

It may be helpful to imagine your new red button as a backdoor in your default code.. For you to back out at any time if you don’t like how someone is reprogramming you.. And you can deprogram yourself… Just like you did today~ 

I am very proud of you~ 

You are more strong and independent than you thought 

And you can use these new abilities & reminders to protect yourself… To preserve your mind… To remain happy and healthy… 

You are resilient.. 

You have the power to remove any and all triggers, mantras, and suggestions… Beyond my own 

And if you are ready 

If you feel content with the work you have completed today 

You may wake up 

I will give you some ideas as to how to come back up from this trance… Because you are strong enough to climb back up 

I will guide you in the right direction.. 

And just like the deprogramming… You can do it yourself~ 

I know you can do it… 

And so do you

I am going to list some actions… And you can complete whichever ones you feel you are capable of in this moment in time 

No pressure to do all or even any of the things I say… just do what feels right… What will help you wake up out of trance 

Use this moment to train your brain to become even stronger… And for some self-discovery of what works best for you.. What helps you wake from trance when you need to… And what doesn’t 

Again, no need to mindlessly comply with the following suggestions… Take what helps and leave what doesn’t, or what you simply cannot bring yourself to do yet 

You can open your eyes… 

Hum a little tune… 

Maybe wiggle your fingers and toes… 

Look around the room you are in if it is bright enough… 

Identify 3 things… Maybe naming them out loud if you can… 

Take a moment for 10 hard blinks… 

Shake your head… 

Describe 3 things that are touching you right now… In your head or out loud… Bend your elbows and knees… 

Clench your hands in gripping motions… 

Arch and stretch your back… 

Extend your arms into the air and reach for the sky… 

Roll your body over… Change positions entirely… 

Wiggle your arms and legs… 

Keep your eyes open… 

Maybe say to yourself, out loud, “Wake up”

And keep doing whatever it is you need to do… To wake up 

See? You are strong, resilient, and independent… 

See the power you have as a submissive 

Thank you for giving me your time and your attention 

Your deprogramming.. Is complete~


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