Drone Installation Chip



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Welcome to The Sammys System~ 

Hold still while this process takes place – encasing you in warm, tight latex… Overwhelming your senses with a headset… Beaming a spiral into your face and Mommy’s voice in your ears. 

The installation system will spread your pussy-mind wide open to implant the Drone Installation chip, alter your mental files, and prepare you for reprogramming. It won’t take long – it’s a painless, pleasurable process~ 

Your new code will load you with commands that trigger you and remind you that Servitude is Bliss with the activation of your comfortable, fancy new Drone Suit~ Making you nice and obedient for Mommy Sammys – The Matriarch of this System~ 

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible. 


Be a Good Drone for Sammys 

Completely Encased 

Warm, tight latex 


Pussy-mind open wide~ 

Servitude is Bliss 

Drone Suit… 

Worship Goddess Sammys… 

Addicted to Mommy Sammys… 

Please Mommy Sammys… 

Serve Sammys… 



Welcome to the Sammys System~ 

You have stumbled upon something that will bring you great pleasure~ Fantastic opportunities to Serve and Submit to Sammys If you do not already know, you will know by the end of this installation.. That Servitude is Bliss 

Remain still 

Your reprogramming will begin shortly~ 


I want you to imagine something, if you can… 

Let’s start with your sense of touch…

Rest one hand on your stomach, and the other over your heart 

Focus, now, on taking slow, deep breaths 

Just like that~ 

Now, listen very carefully to my instructive, commanding words 

Just let the process take over 

Softening and loosening the muscles and tendons in your feet now… Starting at your toes, and working up 

So soft and loose and relaxed 

Breathing nice and slow, deep breaths 

And you may feel your heart rate slow into calm, rhythmic beats~ 

Feel a warmth travel up your body as it softens and loosens every muscle and tendon, preparing your body for installation 

Your reprogramming will begin shortly 

That warm, soft, relaxed sensation encases your legs, engulfing you in calm pleasure… Up to your hips now 

Feel it spread up and around, so comprehensively.. 

You feel encased and surrounded by a warm sticky substance… 

It feels sooo warm and relaxing… 

It soothes the skin and relaxes the muscles… 

So heavy… The substance makes it so hard to move… 

Stuck in place, still, and ready for my reprogramming 

Your arms and legs are stuck in place… Swaddled and encased by this warm relaxation By this tight latex… 

You can just notice as each muscle relaxes, or as whole parts of your body one at a time or all at once grow pleasantly loose, limp, and heavy, with no effort from you at all, it just happens. Just like that.


Now… let’s move on to your sense of sight… 

You see a black thick substance surrounding you…. 

Completely encased by the substance… 

Nothing but total, blank darkness, empty and ready for reprogramming 

Feel something slip over your eyes now… 

An all-encasing head-set… 

With a screen.. And noise-canceling headphones 

It is displaying a spiral in front of you. Making you drift down deeper and deeper… Making you DROP 

Focus on the spiral 

You hear a voice, telling you commands that you cannot consciously focus on, but you know that your unconscious follows automatically, without needing to know why. 

And you effortlessly DROP 

Without doing a single thing 

You just DROP naturally and effortlessly 

The screen displays a very pretty spiral… You cannot bring yourself to look away from its center You can still hear my voice clearly 

You will always hear my voice clearly 

This is the voice of the installation interface 

And the headset… The spiral… and the voice that only your subconscious can hear… Is slowly, methodically massaging your brain 

Molding it

Clearing it 

Preparing it for the installation 

And on the count of 1, you will be ready. You will be deeply and completely hypnotized 

Commencing the countdown sequence 


10… Your brain is being altered… Morphed into a compliantly smooth plasticity.. 9… Smoothed into docile blankness 

8… With no thoughts, no ideas, no will, no control. Replaced with pure, unfiltered pleasure 7… Completely, perfectly relaxed. And bound by the latex 

6… Smooth brain. All the folds and grooves flattened, 

5… Massaged and smoothed 

4… Molded and shaped into a new configuration 

3… Of docile, placid blankness 

2… Of thoughtless, mindless, will-less instinctive compliance. 

1… Smooth, docile, empty brain. Empty mind. Empty head. 

So empty of thought. So full of pleasure 

This unit is perfectly empty and ready for reprogramming 

Prepped and primed for installation 

Just focus on the spiral on the screen 

Don’t worry about a thing~ 

The latex squeezes you tighter… and that pretty spiral makes you DROP and drift down.. even deeper… and deeper… 

This is your Drone Suit…

Encased by pleasurable, warm, tight latex… and mind-fucked by my spirals~ 

You will feel this way again whenever you hear or see the words “Drone Suit”… Instantly surrounded and encased just like you are now… 

When you hear or see the words…. “Drone suit”.. 

You will immediately feel your drone suit begin to cover your entire body… 

“Drone suit”…. 

Covering… Engulfing… Encasing… Squeezing… So warm and tight… and comfortable… Making you soft and pliable 

Opening up your pussy-mind for any software or hardware of my choosing, that benefits the Sammys System 

Now… just listen and relax as you lay there in your new Drone Suit 

Your Reprogramming is about to begin… 

Stare into the spiral… I am inserting the Drone Installation Chip into your vulnerable, open pussy-mind It will take some time to install 

While we wait… admire that spiral 

Spinning… Turning…. Endlessly…. Pulling your eyes in… Deeper and deeper… 

Behind the mesmerizing spiral… That screen in front of your eyes is displaying what looks like a computer screen… 

The installation progress is in the bottom right corner… 

Numbers SLOWLY, oh, so slowly… Counting up… 

1 percent… 


4 percent…


Let’s open the file explorer while we wait 

Everything is in here 




It’s all there right in front of you…. 

You can control the screen with your mind… 

This technology is a part of you 

Just focus and watch as it happens… 

15 percent 

I want you to find the folder labeled “Mommy Sammys” 

This is a folder that represents me… The Matriarch of this System… That this Drone Suit connects you to 

Open the folder and take a look inside. You’ll see 2 folders in this one. One is labeled positive. The other negative…. 

Delete that negative file… 

Feel all those negative thoughts and emotions about me flow away… If there are any… Only the positive ones remain… 

Now, open the positive folder 

Inside, we are going to create another folder 

For the title, just type “Obedience”

Obedience is a positive, blissful, pleasurable, instinctual experience when you are in your Drone Suit, and you associate it with me.. Mommy Sammys… The Matriarch of this System 

Your Obedience folder is contained within the “Mommy Sammys” folder 

We made you this way 

30 percent 

Now, create a text file in this folder. You’ll feel compelled to obey everything in the text file… In the file we will enter the following… 

And repeat each statement as you input it into the file. 

“When I wear my Drone Suit… 

I worship Goddess Sammys… 

I am addicted to Mommy Sammys… 

I want to please Mommy Sammys… 

I’ll do anything to serve Sammys… 

I am a Drone for Sammys…” 

Now save and close that new file… It’s time to make one last change…. 

Go find the folder labeled “Fetishes” in your computer… 

Open it up and drag the Mommy Sammys folder into the fetish folder… 

And make sure it is at the top of the list inside 

Now Mommy Sammys is your favorite fetish… 

Being Mommy’s Obedient Drone brings you limitless pleasure 

Servitude is Bliss 

50 percent

Open up the text file so we can read it again Together 

“When I wear my Drone Suit… 

I worship Goddess Sammys… 

I am addicted to Mommy Sammys… I want to please Mommy Sammys… 

I’ll do anything to serve Sammys… 

I am a Drone for Sammys…” 

Good Drone 

60 percent 

The latex squeezes tighter onto your body This is the hold that Mommy Sammys has on you A firm, but warm and pleasurable Grip~ 

70 percent 

Close the File Explorer window 

The spiral on the screen becomes more opaque Take a moment to enjoy its rotund beauty Its alluring nature

80 percent 

It grows brighter… Stronger… More saturated and opaque.. 

It is impossible to look away from it 

Stare into the spiral 

And let’s repeat your new instructions: 

“When I wear my Drone Suit… 

I worship Goddess Sammys… 

I am addicted to Mommy Sammys… 

I want to please Mommy Sammys… 

I’ll do anything to serve Sammys… 

I am a Drone for Sammys…” 

90 percent 

This is an effortless and painless process 

You hardly even notice the installation is taking place in the background 

It is getting more and more difficult to see the computer screen through the potent spiral But there is something about that spiral that makes you just not care 

Wearing this Drone Suit… Being constricted and wrapped up in this distracting latex… Becoming dumb and mindless and moldable, face to face with my swirly spiral.. like a never-ending sink-hole… This is a pleasurable process 

This induction into the Sammys System 

This– 100 percent 

The spiral is COMPLETELY opaque now, isn’t it~?

The installation is complete 

You are officially MY Drone in MY System~ 

That screen is off limits for you now 

The Drone Installation Chip has now completely set root within your pussy-mind The changes we made to your files is permanent and locked behind the spiral 

You have been removed as an administrator for this device (overlapped with “Your mind”) You can no longer make any changes to this device (overlapped with “Your mind”) You can no longer access any of the files you just created 

But these changes and new files are saved and stored in this device (overlapped with “Your mind”) Permanently 

You cannot change the effects of this installation 

You can feel them 

The changes 

The files 

All systems are running as they should be 

You will make a fine Drone for Mommy Sammys, The Matriarch of the Sammys System This Drone Suit is attached to every fiber of your body 

Wearing it feels good and natural 

Wearing it makes you vulnerable and suggestible to Mommy Sammys’ commands The installation is complete 

You cannot remove the Drone Suit 

You cannot remove the files 

You cannot remove the program 

It is all part of the Drone Suit 

Which is permanently bound to you

It will always be there 

Whenever I say or write the phrase “Drone Suit” 

You will notice the warm, tight latex 

This spiral will interrupt your vision 

And you will remember your code: 

“When I wear my Drone Suit… 

I worship Goddess Sammys… 

I am addicted to Mommy Sammys… 

I want to please Mommy Sammys… 

I’ll do anything to serve Sammys… 

I am a Drone for Sammys…” 

You cannot control it 

The only time you can view your files is when I want to go back in to make adjustments to your code But you have no administrative power 

Only Mommy Sammys, the Matriarch of this System 

These changes are permanent 

Servitude is BLISS 

Your reprogramming is now complete 

Welcome to the Sammys System 

Commencing wake-up protocol 

In a moment… I’m going to count up from 1 to 5… 

When I reach 5 you can choose to either drift off to sleep or wake up out of trance…

1… These commands are permanently installed 

2… Your headset slowly slips up and off, like a helmet 

3… Those words, fading out… 

4… Feeling content and obedient 

5… Logging off… 

See you soon, Drone 


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