Drone Update 2.0



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Welcome back to The Sammys System~

Listen to “Drone Installation Chip” before listening to this file.

It is time for your regularly scheduled update~

Hold still while this process takes place – encasing you in warm, tight latex… Overwhelming your senses with a headset… Beaming a spiral into your face and Mommy’s voice in your ears.

The installation system will spread your pussy-mind wide open to inspect and check how the Drone Installation Chip is doing… And prepare your drone-brain for your update. It won’t take long – it’s a painless, pleasurable process~

You will be held still by the tight, restricting latex, and by your instinctual obedience, as the interface connects a cord to your temple… Uploading the new update into your code. Making the spiral in your headset stronger… Destroying all of your default files… Draining away everything that wasn’t created by or in service to Mommy Sammys – The Matriarch of this System~ Your thoughts, your opinions, your hopes and dreams, your personality… All GONE while you wear your updated Drone Suit.

The update also alters the form of your Drone Suit to thicken around your waist… And in between your legs… Stroking and pulsating… Vibrating and penetrating… Tingling and buzzing… In all those wonderfully sensitive areas… Down there~

Filling up your empty, obedient drone-shell with immense, incomparable PLEASURE… While you wear your new and improved Drone Suit.

Making you nice and empty and obedient and horny for Mommy Sammys – The Matriarch of this System~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

(Drone Installation Chip Subliminal)
Updating your Drone Suit
Helpless to stop the transformation
From human to Drone
Empty and mindless
Obedience is everything
Obedience is pleasure
Stroking and pulsating…
Vibrating and penetrating…
Tingling and buzzing…
An obedient orgasmic machine



Welcome back to the Sammys System~
It is time for your regularly scheduled update

Remain still
Your reprogramming will begin shortly~
Rest one hand on your stomach, and the other over your heart
Focus, now, on taking slow, deep breaths

Just like that~
Now, listen very carefully to my instructive, commanding words
Just let the process take over
Softening and loosening the muscles and tendons in your feet now… Starting at your toes, and working up
So soft and loose and relaxed
Breathing nice and slow, deep breaths
And you may feel your heart rate slow into calm, rhythmic beats~
Feel a warmth travel up your body as it softens and loosens every muscle and tendon, preparing your body for installation
Your reprogramming will begin shortly
That warm, soft, relaxed sensation encases your legs, engulfing you in calm pleasure… Up to your hips now
Feel it spread up and around, so comprehensively..
You feel encased and surrounded by a warm sticky substance…
It feels sooo warm and relaxing…
It soothes the skin and relaxes the muscles…
So heavy… The substance makes it so hard to move…
Stuck in place, still, and ready for my reprogramming
Your arms and legs are stuck in place… Swaddled and encased by this warm relaxation
By this tight latex…
You can just notice as each muscle relaxes, or as whole parts of your body one at a time or all at once grow pleasantly loose, limp, and heavy, with no effort from you at all, it just happens. Just like that.


You see a black thick substance surrounding you….
Completely encased by the substance…
Nothing but total, blank darkness, empty and ready for reprogramming
Feel something slip over your eyes now…
An all-encasing head-set…
With a screen.. And noise-cancelling headphones
It is displaying a spiral in front of you. Making you drift down deeper and deeper…
Making you DROP

Focus on the spiral
You hear a voice, telling you commands that you cannot consciously focus on, but you know that your subconscious follows automatically, without needing to know why.
And you effortlessly DROP
Without doing a single thing
You just DROP naturally and effortlessly
The screen displays a very pretty spiral… You cannot bring yourself to look away from its center
You can still hear my voice clearly
You will always hear my voice clearly
This is the voice of the installation interface
And the headset… The spiral… and the voice that only your subconscious can hear…
Is slowly, methodically massaging your brain
Molding it
Clearing it
Preparing it for the installation
And on the count of 1, you will be ready. You will be deeply and completely hypnotized

Commencing the countdown sequence
10.. Your brain is being altered… Morphed into a compliantly smooth plasticity..
9.. smoothed into docile blankness
8.. with no thoughts, no ideas, no will, no control. Replaced with pure, unfiltered pleasure
7.. Completely, perfectly relaxed. And bound by the latex
6.. Smooth brain. All the folds and grooves flattened,
5.. massaged and smoothed
4.. molded and shaped into a new configuration
3.. of docile, placid blankness
2..] of thoughtless, mindless, will-less instinctive compliance.
1.. Smooth, docile, empty brain. Empty mind. Empty head.

So empty of thought. So full of *pleasure*.

This unit is perfectly empty and ready for reprogramming
Prepped and primed for installation
Just focus on the spiral on the screen
Don’t worry about a thing~
The latex squeezes you tighter… and that pretty spiral makes you DROP and drift down.. even deeper… and deeper…
Comfortably… In your Drone Suit…
Encased by pleasurable, warm, tight latex… and mind-fucked by my spirals~

Only barely paying attention as I reduce the opacity of the spiral… Just enough for you to see the computer screen
You haven’t seen this since before your Drone Installation Chip
You should immediately notice that you cannot control anything on the screen in front of you
You still have no administrative access
That’s quite alright~
I will take care of everything
You just relax and watch… Stare…. As I tamper and edit and organize your files
You are not in control right now
You are completely at the mercy of the installation interface

With the endless spiral right in front of you… Your drone-brain cannot function
Spirals halt all processes within it… No thoughts, no opinions, no worries, no doubts
Only the commands that I program within your files
The only program running while you stare into the spiral on the screen within your Drone Suit, is coming from that Obedience folder I made for you during your initial installation
My files are more potent than your original files
Just the one file, Obedience, is stronger than every single one of the default files within this device
The Obedience file, as well as any and all changes I can and will make to your brain, single-handedly define your experience when you wear your Drone Suit
While you stare into the spiral, all you feel is empty, will-less, unstoppable Obedience
It is the only thing that your drone-brain is capable of when you stare into this spiral
Right now
You are filled with all-consuming obedience and pleasure… And you are weak and heavy and tightly encased by your Drone Suit… Held completely and hopelessly still by the latex and your own thoughtless obedience, to even care or mentally digest the impending update
These are all good and necessary changes
I am plugging a cord into the temple of your head
Right now
You may feel a slight tingle as it connects
And all you can do is stare into the center of the spiral
The update is going to occur right before your eyes

Watch as the spiral begins to suck the files on the computer screen into the center of it.
Every file falling into the depths of the spiral.. Like it is circling down a drain…
Your very being.. Is flailing into the spiral…
Every shred of your individual personality… going, going gone…
Like a black hole… It is removing who you are. Turning you into a clean slate.
Feel your memories… your personality… Feel all your thoughts and dreams being wiped clean.
Creating a completely blank slate for Mommy Sammys, The Matriarch of the Sammys Sytem…
The only files that can withstand the purge are the files that I create.. Such as the Obedience folder within the Mommy Sammys folder – Completely untouched by the destructive spiral that destroys and clears the files within this device
Obedience for Mommy Sammys, The Matriarch of the Sammys System – is a permanent part of you – Along with the Drone Installation Chip, and any other hardware I give you
But other than that… You are empty – a blank slate
This blank slate is the new default of your Drone Suit
Becoming a blank and mindless Drone… Thoughtless, without personality… Whenever you put on your Drone Suit
No humanity – Just an obedient device built to serve Mommy Sammys – The Matriarch of the Sammys System
I’m going to count down from 3 to 1… and when I reach one, the purge will be complete… there will be nothing left of you… Nothing left that I haven’t explicitly given to you myself
You will be emptied out… a husk for me to fill back up with whatever I want…
3… Feel yourself going… Fading away…
2… It feels so good to be clean and empty
1… Completely Empty… No files, no thought, no memories, no personality~
Now… From this blank slate… With basic, rudimentary Obedience built into the fibers of this unit..
I am upgrading your Drone Suit
Yes… that pleasurable Drone Suit that wraps around your entire body…
Feel the latex between your legs begin to shape and reform
Becoming thicker.. Stronger… and most of all…
The latex between your legs has started to pulsate and massage your most sensitive areas..
Mhmmmm…. That sensitive area~
Stroking and pulsating…
Vibrating and penetrating…
Tingling and buzzing… concentrated pleasure down there… Sending waves through your entire body…. Like constant orgasms~
Feel your arousal building…
Always building… Never plateauing…. Just growing….
You will feel this new addition every time you wear your Drone Suit
You will feel it..
Feel the pleasure…
With every snap of my finger and the words, “Drone Suit”
The strong, thick latex between your legs will massage that special, sensitive area~
Stroking and pulsating…
Vibrating and penetrating…
Tingling and buzzing… concentrated pleasure down there… Sending waves through your entire body…. Like constant orgasms~
Every time you wear your “Drone Suit”
You will feel the pleasure crash over your body like a tidal wave…
An unstoppable amount of pleasure crashing over your body.. when I say “Drone Suit”
And snap my fingers…
Feel it now…
On top of your pleasurable mental emptiness…. Your new and improved “Drone Suit” floods your empty body with insurmountable, physical pleasure~
You can’t do anything but feel empty, pleasurable, instinctual obedience.. When you wear your “Drone Suit”
Good Drone… Your Drone Suit has been successfully updated
Do you like the way your new, upgraded “Drone Suit” feels?
Is it addictive?
I know it is…
You can’t stop craving your… “Drone Suit” can you?
“Drone Suit”
“Drone Suit”
That’s right… Drone…
“Drone Suit”
A pleasure tsunami~ It feels GOOD to be a part of this Network~
“Drone Suit”
Down and down, blank and mindless~
“Drone Suit”
The pleasure taking you to new heights, higher and higher still~
“Drone Suit”
You can’t stop this
“Drone Suit”
It’s too late for you to come back from this… The update is complete~
Accept your new reality
“Drone Suit”
I want you to say “I accept my new reality as Mommy’s Drone!”


Say it Again!!!
“Drone Suit”

That’s right… I think you know exactly what your new reality is.
When we finish your scheduled programming, when you leave trance, your suit will melt away and you will return to your normal, functional form… But every time I give you your trigger… Every Time I instruct you to reenter your “Drone Suit”
All of your files will vanish…. You will be empty of everything that does not directly benefit Mommy Sammys, the Matriarch of the Sammys System~ Empty of everything but mindless obedience… And the latex in between your legs will thicken and stimulate that concentrated pleasure in between your legs~
Stroking and pulsating…
Vibrating and penetrating…
Tingling and buzzing… concentrated pleasure down there… Sending waves through your entire body…. Like constant orgasms~

Whenever you are not wearing your suit, you will be able to function normally
The obedience folder and Sammys-given hardware will still be there, affecting you, but you will have your regular personality
However, when you see me write or hear me say “Drone Suit” with the snap of my fingers…
Every part of you that wasn’t created by me.. Will helplessly drain out of your drone-brain… Your head will be empty of everything but my overwhelming commands… Telling you to Obey… Rewarding you with thunderous, reverberating pleasure~
You will feel the
Stroking and pulsating…
Vibrating and penetrating…
Tingling and buzzing…
Powerful, mechanical stimulation down there… The waves that travel up your body remind you…
That servitude is BLISS~

Update complete

Commencing wake-up protocol
In a moment… I’m going to count up from 1 to 5…
When I reach 5 you can choose to either drift off to sleep or wake up out of trance…
1… Saving the changes we made today…
2… Your headset slowly slips up and off, the update cord removed from the side of your head…
3… The spiral fading out…
4… Feeling content and obedient
5… Logging off…
See you soon, Drone


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