Eavesdropping in the Counselor’s Office



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Your girlfriend has been seeing a campus counselor for a while now… She has some confidence issues, but she’s (almost) confident that she might not be seeing just any ordinary professional. Her unsureness and suspicion sure are intriguing to you… But there’s no way a school counselor would be doing anything unsavory… Right…?
Surely it’ll be ok to listen in… It’s for your girlfriend~!
You’re just looking out for her… You’d do… Anything… For her~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

(I-It’s this way, Baby….)
(Um.. Are you sure you’re okay doing this?… I don’t wanna get you in trouble…)
(I… I think… She’s doing something to me… But… I don’t know… I’m probably just… Overreacting… Or something… Right?)
(I’m probably just… Paranoid… Y-You don’t have to…)
(…. Are you sure?)
(You’re too good for me… Thank you… Um… Ok.. You can sit on this bench and just… Listen in… Really closely… And when I’m done, tell me if she said anything w-weird, okay?)
(Okay… Here I go…)

(Hey hey…)
Hello~~! How are you, my dear~?
(I’m good, how about you?)
[Door closes]

Oh I’m doing just fine, dear~
Take a seat… I just gotta send off this email.. And then… We… Can… Begin~!
Alright, you’ve got my full attention, dear.
How are you doing? Anything new since I last saw you?
(Mmmm…. Uhhh, I.. Bought this shirt.. I’d been putting off buying it for a while…)
Ah~! It’s lovely~! And I have to say, I don’t feel like this is something you would have worn when you first started seeing me, do you agree?
(Yeah that’s true)
Do you feel like your confidence has grown?
(Yeah, I do)
I think so, too~
You said you’d been putting off buying it, why’s that?
(Um… Well I didn’t think I could pull it off… Until I… I mean well I… I still feel a little… Embarrassed… In it… It’s really tight, but… Like, I’m facing my fears, you know…)
Wow~! I’m so proud of you~! Stepping out of your comfort zone is a great step for building confidence~
And honestly, you look really beautiful, you are perfect just the way you are, my dear~
(Thank you~!)
It’s just the truth~! You are a beautiful and bright young woman, and I am here to help you see that~!
Speaking of, how is your coursework going?
(It’s going a lot better, I think, that breathing technique you showed me has helped me calm down a lot before exams)
Good, good~

Do you still want to keep working on your confidence today?
(Yeah… I still think I have a ways to go… Like, with the way I act and stuff… I think I could be more… Assertive about what I want… If that makes sense?)
Absolutely~! I can help you advocate for yourself~… Is that what you mean?
(Mhm… Is that okay?)
Dear, this is your session. Your time. Anything you want is okay~
Good girl~ (Uh–)
DROP, dear~ (Wha–)
Shhhhh, it’s time to relax now~ (I…)
Look at you… Your eyes are glazing over already~… You really are getting better and better at this~ (Ahhhh…)
No need to try to think of any responses… You can just use “Yes ma’am” and “No ma’am” like usual, okay~? (Yes ma’am)
(Deep breath)
Are you nervous about something? (N-No, ma’am)
I sense a little bit of hesitancy… Is there anything you need to share before we go deeper today? (No ma’am)
Are you sure~? Transparency is very important in this process, dear (Yes ma’am)
Have you done everything I asked you to do last time~? (Yes ma’am)
So you brought your little loved one with you here today~? (Y-Yes ma’am..)
On the bench? (Yes ma’am)
Good girl~~ (NnnY-Yes m-ma’ammm)
And you will continue to do everything I ask of you, yes~? (Yes ma’am)
Very good… DROP… And OBEY… (Yes… Ma’am…)
Go blank for me, dear~… (Ye….)
Close your eyes now, relax in your seat while I go let your little loved one in~ (Mmmmm…)


Well hello there~
Thank you for waiting so patiently while your girlfriend is in session
You must care about her very much~ (Yes ma’am)
Come on inside… I’ve got a much more comfortable seat waiting for you~
That’s it~
One step at a time~
And… Right here, there’s another chair next to your girlfriend~ (Ba…by…)

So she calls you “Baby”, hm~?
That’s cute~
I think I’ll do the same, “Baby”~
Remember that, okay, Baby~?
When I say “dear” I’m referring to your girlfriend, and when I say “baby”.. I’m referring to you~
Understand, dear~? (Yes ma’am)
Understand, baby~? … Here’s where you say “Yes ma’am~” (Yes ma’am)
Now then, Dear and Baby… Let’s set some expectations for this session

It is important that you both follow my instructions to the best of your abilities
We all have one common goal here today – to help build our Dear’s confidence
Isn’t that right~? (Yes ma’am)
You do want that for her, don’t you Baby~?
Say “Yes ma’am”~ (Ye… Mmmm..)
Every time I address you… It’s “Yes ma’am”, understood~? (Yes ma’am)
When I speak to you, Dear, you say “Yes ma’am”~ (Yes ma’am)
And when I speak to you, Baby, you say “Yes ma’am”~
And if it’s ambiguous… If you’re unsure who I am talking to, you can assume I’m talking to you both and you can both say “Yes ma’am”~ (Yes ma’am)
Mhmmm, you catch on quickly, Dear~ (Yes ma’am)
You’re such a smart cookie, Dear~ (Yes ma’am)
And there will be periods of time when it will be more beneficial to our cause for you to repeat other phrases… You will know what to say because I will explicitly instruct you to repeat after me (Yes ma’am)
But all other times… It’s “Yes,, ma’am”~ (Yes ma’am)
I want to hear it out loud, even if it’s just a little whisper or a half-response~ (Yes… Mmm)

Let’s start right now~ (Yes ma’am)
Dear, scoot closer to Baby for me, will you~? (Yes ma’am…. *Grunt*)
Now, both of you, repeat after me~…. (Yes ma’am…)
“I will DROP so deep…” (I will… Drop… So… Deep…)
“I will OBEY without a peep~” (I will Obey… Without a peep…)
“Like a sleepy sheep~” (Like.. Uh.. Seepy… Sheep…)
“A follower sheep” (Follow… Sheep…)
“I am soooo deep~~” (Soooo…. Deep….)
Very good~ (Ye….Z..Mm…)

Now, Baby~… Turn to your right and look at your beautiful girlfriend~
Sitting peacefully there on her chair, facing you… Her eyes softly shut… Gently fluttering… Every short glimpse at her pretty eyes underneath fills you with her own feelings… The windows to her soul, as they say… Stare into them… And let her blissful pleasure fill your own body~
So calming… Sitting here with her… So intimate… Feeling so vulnerable together…
Your eyes may feel a little bit heavier just from looking at her heavy, vacant eyes
It’s a good thing to feel this empathetic bond with your girlfriend~ (Yes ma’am)
Now, Baby… Let those heavy eyes sink down to her lips… See how the bottom lip trembles and quivers~? Doesn’t she look so cute when she’s blissed out~? Wouldn’t you like to see her this happy every day~?
You can make that happen, you know~
Lean in closer to her… Give her a little kiss~ (Mmmm…. )
That’s it Baby~
Very good~
Let me hold the both of you by the backs of your heads and just…. Push you in together~…
You’re such a cute couple~ (Mmm, Yms… Mmmm…)
You can relax~… You should be comfortable with each other~… Slip in a little tongue~… Show each other how much LUST you feel~ (Ys… Mam….)
Your arms are so limp by your sides, Baby~… Your hands are being so lazy and wasteful~… Don’t you want to touch your beautiful girlfriend~?
Here… I’ll put your hands where they need to be… Let’s put lefty… Here… On the outer side of her thigh… (And righty… Right… Here, just on her upper arm, under her shoulder, for now… Just hold her~
Hold her body as if you are holding it in place… And now kiss down her chin… Onto her neck… Feel how she quivers~
She’s very sensitive on her neck, aren’t you dear~? (Yes ma’am)
Kiss her neck like you’re in love with it… Every breath in is full of her scent… Nothing but her scent… Like she is your life-line… She is the air you breathe… She is everything to you right now~
Smell her hair… Glide your lips along her warm skin… Make her feel good~
Hold her while she twitches in pleasure~
Don’t stop pleasuring her… Don’t stop showing her how important her pleasure is to you~
Watch how her chest heaves with every shaky breath… Riddled and rattled with pleasure… See how tiny little bumps are rising on her skin… You’re making her feel very good~
Sexy in her own skin~
This is your job, Baby~
Worship her
Admire her for the Goddess she is~
Tell her she’s beautiful… Sexy… Make her moan~
Look at her… Make her feel seen… Listen to the beautiful music she makes… Fueled by her pleasure~
Listen to her… Give her what she wants~
Let it happen, Dear~… This is what you deserve~ (Yes Ma’am… This is what I deserve…)
And Baby… This is your purpose… To please her~
Look at her… See her squirm… She loves this~

And look at this shirt~!
Did you know she just bought this for herself~? I mean, before you overheard her say it a few minutes ago~?
You should be the one buying your girlfriend special things, not her~! She deserves to be spoiled… To feel sexy and confident… That’s your job~ (Your job)
But look at it~ (Look…)
Did you notice it on your own~?
Did you take any time to notice that it’s new, or how she looks in it~?
Don’t you think she looks beautiful~? (Yes ma’am) I know I do~
Look at her, Baby~
She looks so good in the color black~
It’s a confident color~
I think… Deep down… Her confidence is growing… We just need to bring it to the surface~
Look at her, not me~
Look at the feminine, black straps… Stretched over her shoulders… Wider at the top… Tapering inward where they meet the body of the top, on her outer breasts… That adorable sweetheart neckline… Accentuating the roundness of her breasts… Dipping in the middle where they squish together…
These are such beautiful breasts~ (Yes ma’am)
They deserve to be worshiped, don’t you think~? (Yes ma’am)
Take a closer look, Baby~… Lean in real close to your pretty girlfriend… Feel the alluring pull of her cleavage… Heaving up and down… Feel her body heat… As you get closer and closer… Staring straight down into her chest…
Dear, push Baby’s head down into your chest… Into your cleavage~ (Yes ma’am~)
Mmmhmmmm~… Her gentle, loving hand on the back of your head… Pressing you in to her squishy breasts~
Does it feel good~? (Yes ma’am)
Her gentle embrace… Her gentle heat, warming your face… The submissive position of your body~
Letting yourself be vulnerable in her arms~
Now let me move your arms again… Putting your hands…. On her breasts~
Feel the silky fabric beneath your palms… In between your fingers… It feels nice, right~? (Yes ma’am) Your thumbs, rubbing her hard nipples, poking through the smooth fabric~
Her breasts jiggle and suck you in deeper as she trembles in pleasure~
It feels good to make her feel good, doesn’t it, Baby~?
And when you reach the bottom of the canyon in between her breasts, give it a lick~
Worship her cleavage like you’re in love with it… Every breath in is full of her scent… Nothing but her scent… Like she is your life-line… She is the air you breathe… She is everything to you right now~
Push Baby in deeper, Dear~ (Yes ma’am)
Drop~… Baby… Into the encasing embrace of your beautiful girlfriend~

You belong to her now~
You are her helpless little Baby~ (Mine~….)
You look like the type who needs a strong woman to take charge.. Isn’t that right, Baby~?
Do you think that’s true~? (Yes ma’am~)
Baby should be the timid, subservient one~ (Yes ma’am)
Stand up, Dear~ (Yes ma’am)… Leave Baby… Let Baby keep sitting on that comfy, stable chair~… Baby needs to stay down~… Baby is too dizzy to stand right now~ (Yes ma’am)
Look, Baby~… The bottom of her shirt tapers down into a point, bottom and center~
It’s like one big heart~… A celebration of the the female body~ (Yes ma’am)
The lower sides of her tummy are exposed… Handles of Love~ (Yes ma’am)
Dear, why don’t you grab Baby’s hands this time, direct them~ (Yes ma’am)
Mmmmm~ Warms hips in your hands~
Give them a little squeeze~
Run your hands up and down her waist… It’s okay if her shirt lifts on the upstrokes… I’m going to make you learn and memorize every millimeter of her body~
Look at her… (Look) Love her… (Love) Worship her… (Worship) Her beautiful body~
Oh~… You’re getting a bit excited there, Dear~… Directing Baby’s hands all over~….
Feel her body, Baby~… The small of her back… Her strong ribs… The ridges of her spine… The sweat under her breasts… Handfuls of the outer sides of her breasts… Oh~… Her armpits as well~…
What is there not to admire~? She’s perfect~ (Yes ma’am)
She knows it too~… Her confidence is growing already~ (Yes ma’am)
All you have to do is let her do whatever she wants with you~ (Yes)

Give her everything she wants
Touch her body all over, make her feel beautiful~
Examine every millimeter of her body~… A splendid work of art composed of billions of masterpieces~ (Yes)
A gorgeous Goddess… In this little black, silky top… And anything she wants to wear… And also… When she wears nothing at all~ (Yes)
Did you know she has a tiny little heart tattoo right above her navel~?
I told her to go out and get that… As a gesture of appreciation for her body~ (Yes ma’am)
Her tummy~
Kiss her tummy~
Appreciate her tummy… Worship her tummy… Like you are in love with her tummy~
All the way from the bottom of her sternum, to the top of her pubic bone~
Worship her thoroughly~
It’s what she deserves~ (It’s what I deserve…. Yessss)
It feels so good to make her feel good~ (Yes… Mmm….)
To worship every single piece of her… (Worship) Every fiber of her being~ ( Worship)
I want you to learn and memorize every millimeter of her body~
Keep going…


Slump back into your chair, Baby~
And Dear… (Yes ma’am~?) Pull down your skirt~ (Yes ma’am)
Watch, Baby~ Watch her hips sway as she shimmies the skirt down past her butt~
Don’t look away for a second~
You couldn’t look away from such a beautiful Goddess even if you wanted to~
Isn’t she just enrapturing~?
Very good, Dear… Now stand in front of Baby~ (Yes ma’am)
Look, Baby~… Look at those curves~… Like a beautiful upright bass… Towering over you, the way it should~ (Yes) It is your job to play it~ To make it sing~
Let me drill this into your brain~
She is above you~… You exist to make her feel happy… Sexy… Confident~… We both know that she knows this too… Deep down… Her worth is not tied to you… Your worth is tied to her~ So show her how sexy and perfect she is~ And then maybe… Just maybe… She’ll keep you around~
Get down on your knees, Baby~
Bend all the way down~
Kiss her feet~ (Gigs) Kiss the toes that peek out through her open-toes shoes… (Gigs) Kiss her heels… (Gigs) Kiss her ankles~ (Kiss kiss~) Kiss her shins… Her calves… Don’t miss a single millimeter~
Kiss her knees~
Mmmm you like knee kisses, Dear~? (Yyyyyessssmammmm)
See, there are so many ways to please a woman, Baby, you just need to devote yourself to finding them~… Completely devoted to her pleasure~
Now kiss her thighs, Baby… Don’t be selfish and only kiss her inner thighs and race to the top~… No… Kiss her thoroughly… Everywhere~… It is your job to make her feel good… Not the other way around~…
Mmmm, kiss every millimeter of her thighs, Baby… Let me hold your head so you don’t stray off course~…
Turn around, Dear~ (Yes ma’am)
Kiss the crease where her bottom connects to the back of her upper thighs~
Burrow your face in there, Baby~
And work your way up… Kissing her sooooft ass~
Your entire face… Sinking into the pillowy flesh with each kiss… With the help of my commanding hands… Holding your head… Guiding you…
Lick these stretch-marks, Baby~
Lick every perfect millimeter of your girlfriend’s beautiful body~
Obsess and worship every tiny masterpiece~
Let your Lust drool out of your mouth… Press your confidence into her body with your lips~
Feel it draining from your body, Baby… Seeping into hers with every kiss… Combining with hers… Becoming hers~
Growing stronger and rising to the surface… Her confidence… Let it outgrow yours~
Keep going~


Turn around again, Dear, look down at Baby~ (Lit..tle.. Baby~)
Now, Baby… Focus on her pretty pink panties~… Clinging to every tempting crevice~
There’s some moisture creeping through in the middle there~
You did that~
It feels good, doesn’t it~? (Yes ma’am)
It feels so good to make her feel good, hm~?
You could really devote yourself to this~… To her~… To pleasing this beautiful, confident woman~
You will~~…
Kiss her pussy~
Go on~

Worship her panties like you’re in love with them… Every breath in is full of her scent… Nothing but her scent… Like she is your life-line… She is the air you breathe… She is everything to you right now~ (Yes yes yes yes yes…)
Doesn’t it feel so good~? (Yes! Mmmm)
Pull your panties to the side, Dear, let Baby kiss your pussy… At least this once~ (Yes… Mmmm~)
Show Baby what happens when your confidence is fueled by Baby’s complete devotion.. Submission… Absolute belief in your perfection, Dear~
How much this turns you on~
How Baby’s rightful place is at the bottom~
Push Baby in deeper, Dear~ (Yesssss…. )
Grind on Baby’s face~ (Yes… Yes…) Use Baby the way you want to, Dear~ (Mmmmhmmmm) It doesn’t matter what Baby wants… (Yes ma’am mm)
Her pleasure always comes first~

Now, Dear… All of your barriers are broken and your natural confidence can shine through~
(Yes… Confident…)
There’s my beautiful girl~…
Now… I’m going to count to 5… And when I reach 5, two things are going to happen
First, Dear, you’re going to open your eyes and feel extremely confident… You’re going to say anything and everything that comes to your mind (Yes ma’am)
And Baby… You’re going to Obey everything that she says~
Okay~? (Yes ma’am)
On the count of 5, you are going to be completely at her mercy, Baby~
Since your confidence has been drained and… Repurposed~
You need a strong, confident woman to take charge~ (Me)
On the count of 5… Be ready to Obey her~ (Obey)
1… This is going to happen… And you have no power of confidence to stop her…
2… Girlfriend Dearest is going to dominate you, Baby~
3… Girlfriend Dearest is going to take exactly what she wants… Nothing less~
4… So assertive, Dear… Advocating for power over little Baby here~
5… And I am letting go and stepping away…

(Thank you, Baby~)
(Stick your tongue out, Baby, that feels so… Goooood~)
(Fuck… Fuck… Fuck…. Ah… I don’t wanna…. Stop~)
(Put a finger inside of me, Babyyy~)
(Do it now~)
(Mmmmm ffuckkk…. Keep your tongue out… On my c-clit… I’m gonna… C-cum… I… Move your finger in and out… Let me grind – Don’t stop… Don’t change what you’re doing… You keep doing exactly what you’re told until I c- Until I.. I- Ohhhh fuck…. Feel me tighten around you, Baby)
(Th-that was… The best orgasm… I have ever had…. )
(Fuck… Let me look at you Baby… Let me hold your face… Stand up~)

(Mmmm Baby~… Mmm… You.. Are.. So.. Cute~!)
(You’re so good for me~… So obedient and.. Just.. Hold still… Stay where you are and just… Listen… Really closely…)
(Repeat these words after me, Baby~)
(Ok, Baby~? …. Say “Yes ma’am~”)
(Say all of the words that I whisper into your ear~)
(“I am timid and subservient to women”)

(“Submission is my mission~”)

(“This is my blissful prison”)

(Mmmmm very good, Baby~! Again~)
(“I am timid and subservient to women”)

(“Submission is my mission~”)

(“This is my blissful prison”)

(“I am timid and subservient to women”)

(“Submission is my mission~”)

(“This is my blissful prison”)

(Good, Baby~ )

On that note, we are just out of time~ (Mm!)
Get off of Baby, Dear~ (Mmmm but I don’t want to~ )
Get off. (Ah, sorry ma’am!)
You can talk to Baby like that, but not me (Understood)
It’s still “Yes ma’am” when you’re talking to me (Ah, yes ma’am!)
Confident doesn’t mean disrespectful. You can take out all of that energy on your little lover.
(Mmmm I plan to~)
You hear that, Baby~? Let it all sink in~… Your reality of timid, eager submission has just begun~
(You did so good, Baby~!)
(It’s time to wake up now though, okay~? Take some big breaths… And let’s go get you some water~)
Bye now, have fun~
(We will~!)
(Yes we will, Baby~)


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