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You have a curiosity… A fascination… A craving… To become more feminine~ 

No matter who you are… Whatever your gender and sex are… All you know right now is that you want to be as girly as possible~ 

Listen to my feminine voice… Be a good girl and let Mommy fuck your pretty pussy-mind into sweet, shivering submission~ 

Become who you want to be… Who you truly are, inside and out… Unmistakably feminine… Doing everything you can, day in and day out, to be socially perceived in this way… You will dress the part, act the part, believe the part… And when that isn’t enough, Mommy has some pretty pink pills for you~ 

Constantly dosed with my feminizing medicine each and every time you swallow… Constantly becoming more feminine, and not just in a state of gender expression or feeling, but in a state of being – unmistakably female~ 

You will be Mommy’s Good Girl inside and out~ Absolutely pink-pilled~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible. 


Good girl 

Sweet girl 

Girly thoughts flooding your mind 

Such a cute girl 

Becoming girly feels so right 

Inside and out… 

Swallow that pretty pink pill for Mommy~ 



Do you want to be good for Mommy~? 

Listen real close~ 

You can begin by treating yourself to some nice, lazy rest… Right now~ Just relax here, with me.. And listen quietly to the sound of my smooth, feminine voice

It’s nice, isn’t it~? 

So nice to listen to my voice… Filling your ears… Slowly sliding in… Deeper and deeper… Just the tip so far… Poking through into your pussy-mind 

And while you listen quietly to the sound of my voice, go ahead and concentrate, for a few moments, on your breathing. 

The sound of my voice… And the pace of your breathing… 

Nice and slow for Mommy… Breathe in, taking in my words like a good girl.. Pushing in further.. Inside of your pussy-mind… And out… Exhale as I pull out~ 

Be good for Mommy and just let it happen… Relax… So still and calm… As if you are falling asleep… Or at least pretending to.. 

Listen to Mommy’s voice… Breathe slowly and steadily… And try to picture yourself… Right now… How you look as you rest there… How comfy you look… So sweet and comfy and cozy~ Imagine how you look right now… As you become even more comfortable… Your body… Sinking down into your resting place… So soft… Breathing heavily, as if you are fast asleep… 

Looking at yourself from above… You’d think you were sound asleep~ 

Listening to my calming voice… So still.. So relaxed… So focused on my voice.. And your breathing.. And how relaxed you look… More and more so by the second~ Each breath in and out.. Every inhale and exhale.. Lasting for about the same amount of time, each time… 

Inhale, count to 3, exhale, count to 3… Repeat.. 

Nice and steady… Good~

And while you focus on that… And everything else… Notice how heavy your head feels… Where it rests… 

All while you listen to the sound of my voice… 

Try to focus on all of these things.. All at once… 

My voice.. And what I am saying to you… The easy steadiness of your breathing… How relaxed you look and feel right now… And your heavy.. Sinking head~ 

Hold onto all of these things in your brain… 

Pay attention to how each inhale feels… Like accepting my strong words.. Feeling them slide in deeper each time… And exhaling as I momentarily pull my presence away… Only for my words to thrust back in the next time you breathe in~ 

In and out and in and out.. Air filling your lungs… Just as my potent words… Fill your pussy-mind~ 

All while you focus on how relaxed you look… And how heavy your head is… And now your feet… 

Thinking about so many things at once.. 

The more I add.. The more difficult it is to keep track… 

Try to pay attention… Don’t lose track… 

Of my voice, your heavy breathing, the way you look, your heavy head and feet… And your arms, too… 

Heavy arms.. Heavy feet.. Heavy head.. Restful body.. Steady breathing.. And Mommy’s voice~ It’s so much to think about all at once… All of these thoughts,passing through your pussy-mind all at once.. It’s a lot… And you may find yourself forgetting to focus on taking even, steady breaths… Equally spaced… Equally lasting for 3 seconds each… While you also picture your

tired body… AND listen intently and obediently to my yummy words… Pumping in… And out… And in.. deeper… To your pussy-mind~ 

You take Mommy’s words… Fucking your tight, overloaded pussy-mind… Like a good girl… But it’s so hard to keep track of all these things… While you sweet thing is getting fucked so mercilessly~ 

Is it getting hard, my sweet thing~? 

To focus on so many things at once~? 

You’ve been good… So now I only want you to focus on one thing for me… DROP.. Everything… 

Let your mind rest… And just listen to my voice… 

I want you to imagine something for me… 

Just one thing~ 

No need to focus on all of those things, anymore~ 

DROP everything… Except for the instruction I am about to give you~ 

Do it for Mommy… DROP everything now… Let your pussy-mind feel free and empty… And be good~ 

I want you.. To think about all the things that you consider to be feminine~ Every culture is different… 

And don’t think too hard… No need to overexert your cute, raw little pussy-mind any more than you already have~ 

Just let Mommy fuck you gently, okay~? 

Just let these thoughts or images… Come to you… 

What comes to mind… When you think of femininity~?

Any particular clothing items~? 

A specific style… Makeup… Mannerisms… Hairstyles…. Anything~ 

Imagine all of those things… The ideal pinnacle of femininity… That appeals to you… That inspires you… 

Bring them all to the front of your mind… Like you are about to tell me all about them~ Gushing and swooning like the cutie you are~ 

So this is what you crave, huh~? 

This.. Is what appeals and inspires you~? 

It’s adorable~ 

This transformation.. From whatever you are… To a sweet, feminine girlie~ It will be easy~ 

With such a sweet, eager mind~ 

So tired and empty of everything… But these sweet, feminine ideals~ 

It doesn’t matter who you are.. Which parts you have.. Or how you identify… You can’t shake this curiosity… This fascination… With the feminine persuasion~ 

It calls to you… 

The urge to be a cute… Sweet… Good girl for Mommy~ 


Good girl~ 

You like when Mommy calls you that~? 

Good girl~? 

When Mommy fucks your pretty pussy-mind like this~?


This is who you want to become~ 

All you have to do… Is listen to Mommy… Be a good girl… And your life will change~ Starting now… At the level of femininity you currently possess… 

And from this point forward… You will reflect your image of perfect, stereotypical femininity~ Whatever that looks like… 

Perhaps you will begin to find pants impossible to wear… So incredibly uncomfortable… And all you will want to wear is pretty skirts and dresses… 

Perhaps you will find immense joy in dolling yourself up in cute, pink makeup~ So much so… That you will feel naked without it~ 

Perhaps you will adjust your speech and vocal patterns to sounding more girly~ Perhaps you will change the way you walk and move in general… To display a more feminine demeanor~ Carrying yourself with grace… Speaking more softly… With a higher pitch… It feels right to be soft and sweet and feminine~ 

Perhaps you will take on a work-out regimen that will enhance your womanly physique~ Filling out your hips and your cute butt with squats… Thicken your thighs with lunges… And it won’t even be a conscious change… 

It will just happen naturally… Inherently… With no effort… No mental restrictions… You will simply just want to start wearing girlier clothing… Sweet and cute clothing~ You will not resist this change. You crave this change~ 

You will start wearing makeup everyday… And you will feel naked without your feminine face~ Even if you have never worn it before… You will feel compelled to wear it.. Starting today~

The way you currently act and dress will change… To become as girly as you can possibly imagine 

You will become a sweet… Good girl~ 

See this sweet girl now, see her within your mind. See what she looks like. The good girl you aspire to be.. 

You will change into this good girl. Your personality will change. 

You will become obsessed with getting cute clothes, the same kinds of accessories a sweet girl would get for herself… The most feminine things you can find… 

Eventually you will give in and get the clothes. 

This is a part of your personality now, it is the way you will be now, and every day to come. If you try to resist the urges to get the clothes and accessories, wear feminine makeup, behave and speak and move in sweet, girly ways… You will feel more and more uneasy You will feel like something is missing, something you must have, that you can’t live without. 

You need to get the clothes and accessories that a good, sweet girl would have… To wear pretty, pink makeup… To behave and speak and move in stereotypically feminine ways… You will be driven to do it, and every day that you don’t, the unease will grow until you feel physically sick. 

It will feel as though you are denying your true nature… Shutting out the good girl who you truly are~ 

When you give in to the changes, though, you will immediately feel better, and so wonderfully content… Euphoric and feminine and oh, so girly~

My good girl~ 

My pretty little pussy-mind~ 

Whose pussy-mind is this, hm~? 

Your sweet girly pussy-mind is mine, and you will do as I say… Because I make you feel so good and girly when I fuck your pretty pussy-mind~ 

Good girl~ 

You will change your hair. You will let it grow, and perhaps you will dye it, too~ It may feel natural to adhere to feminine gender norms… To shave your entire body… Keeping it smooth and hairless and soft… So sweet and soft for Mommy~ 

Being hairless is not something all good girls must be… But it will feel so good to give in to the stereotypical portrayal of femininity… To be as extremely feminine as possible… The more society will see you as a sweet, feminine girl, the better you will feel~ 

It feels so good to feel feminine… And to be perceived as feminine… 

Unmistakably feminine~ 

Good girl~ 

And eventually… Adjusting your outward gender expression won’t be enough… You won’t just want to look and feel feminine… It will be a state of being… Inside and out~ Unmistakably female

You see… Everyone has a unique mixture of hormones within their body… Everyone produces testosterone… As well as estrogen and progesterone 

Everyone has ALL of these hormones 

Males typically have more testosterone, and females, more estrogen and progesterone… However… Everyone has a mix… No matter where you may fall on the spectrum of gender, and no matter your sex… 

But you want to become as feminine as you can possibly be~ 

To load up on those hormones that feminine people usually have more of~ You want more estrogen and progesterone~ 

I have a simple solution… 

Be a good girl for Mommy… And open your mouth real wide~ 

Say Ahhhh~ 

Good girl~ 

Keep it wide open~ 

I have something sweet for my sweet girl~ 

Spread those pretty lips wide open for Mommy~ 

I have a pretty, pink pill for your pretty, pink mouth~ 

Keep your mouth open darling~ 

As I… DROP… it right in~ 

Good girl~ 

Swallow your pretty pink pill for Mommy~ 

Close your mouth and swallow your pretty pink pill, pretty girl~

Gulp it down… Feel the bulky pill slowly slide down your throat… Good girl… And let me tell you how this pill is going to affect your cute little body~ 

Feel it DROP… Down into your stomach… 

Deep inside of you… My pretty pink pill will do its job… It will dissolve and seep into your bloodstream… And target your hormone production~ 

This pill is breaking down in your stomach… There is no reversing its effects~ Your body will struggle to produce testosterone… And it will produce extra estrogen and progesterone… Making you become more feminine… Inside and out~ 

You may notice your hair becoming finer and softer… Your skin will feel smoother… Your voice will rise in pitch naturally… Your breasts will engorge and become more sensitive… 

You are a good sweet girl, so you will become a girl in body as well. 

Go ahead and swallow for me again… 

Good girl~ 

Notice when you swallow… What it feels like… When you swallow… What do you feel… When you swallow for me, sweetie~? 

Pay attention… 

Swallow, dear~ 

It’s like a lump in your throat… 

Every time you swallow…

You consume a little bit of air… A little bit of spit… Some dust… But there’s something else, too~ 

Every single time you swallow… There is another pretty pink pill sliding down your girly little throat~ 

Do you feel it~? 

That pretty pink pill moving down your throat…~? 

Every single time you swallow… You will feel another one… Sinking down your esophagus… Continually dosing you… Constantly filling your little belly… Getting into your bloodstream… And targeting your hormone production~ 

Always getting a dose of hormone-changing medicine from Mommy… Turning you more and more and more into the perfect, feminine specimen with each and every swallow~ 

Absolutely pink pilled~ 

And starting now…. 

You will change the way you dress. You will wear the clothes that a sweet, good girl would wear You will become fascinated with things like corsets, satin, and heels that feminize your legs. You will also change your hair. You will let it grow out, and you will have fun styling it~ You are obsessed with the way a good girl would dress… The makeup and hairstyle she would wear…. You will aspire to be as traditionally feminine as possible~ 

You will behave and speak like a good girl for Mommy… You will exercise to obtain the most feminine body you can achieve…

And every time you swallow… You will feel that pretty pink pill sliding down your pretty pink throat… Making you more and more feminine from the inside-out~ 

That is the way it will be for you now and forever, you may try to resist these changes, but it will be futile. It will make you feel uncomfortable.. Uneasy.. And physically sick. It is best to accept who you are… It is unhealthy to deny a major part of who you are – Mommy’s good girl~ 

The changes will happen because you desire these changes. 

You need these changes to happen. 

The changes will happen because you will be constantly dosed with Mommy’s pretty pink pill~ These changes are natural and inherent to your personality… Your very being… You won’t even need to do anything 

Mommy’s good girl… Is just who you are~ 

You will listen to this file again and again because being my good girl is so fulfilling… It is who you are… Who you aspire to be… And who you will become from this point forward 

You accept and desire this and every time you listen, you will desire it more and more… And you will listen again and again. 

You will come back to let Mommy fuck your sweet little pussy-mind.. And take it like a good girl~

This new reality will grow stronger and stronger every time you listen… And every time you swallow your pretty pink pills… And you will move on to a happier, girlier life~ You will enjoy listening to this file, and you will listen to it over and over, again and again, and you will enjoy coming back each time to remind yourself that you are Mommy’s good girl~ 

It is how you will be when you wake up, and that is the way it is for you now and forever~ 

Mommy’s.. Good.. Girl~ 

Unmistakably feminine… 

Unmistakably female~ 

No matter who you are, how you were born, or how you previously identified… You just want to be the sweet girl I know you are~ 

You want to feminize yourself… As extremely feminine as you can… 

Unmistakably feminine… 

In your appearance and behaviors… 

Changing your gender expression… 

And also.. Unmistakable female… 

Changing your biological sex, if needed… 

This is the power of your throbbing pussy-mind~ 

You will naturally change into this good girl.. Inside and out~ 

I’m going to bring you out of trance now.. And when you wake up, either right away or after a nice, restful sleep, these changes will be in full effect.

You won’t really even notice anything is different 

You will simply be as feminine as you can be 

And you will crave being female 

I am going to count up from 1 to 5… 

When I reach 5 you can choose to either drift off to sleep or wake up out of trance… I know your pretty pussy-mind quivers for me… But the sooner you wake from trance, the sooner you can focus on being a good girl for Mommy~ 

Are you ready, my sweet girl~? 

1… Swallow one more time for me~ One more pill down the hatch as you begin to exit this trance~ 

2… Feeling coming back to your arms and feet, becoming less heavy… 3… Open your pretty eyes~ 

4… Bat & flutter those lashes for me, cutie~ 

5… Wake up or let yourself fall asleep… This trance is over~ 

Good girl~


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