Findom Cure Therapy



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The first 2 minutes of this file contain IRL instructions that are important to follow for maximum enjoyment & efficacy of this file. The first 4 minutes are conversational roleplay.

This tireless, unrelenting Findom fetish of yours… It troubles you… It CAN be a particularly dangerous fetish if it consumes your sexuality… Coming to rely on the high of “loss” … In order to orgasm…The excitement of vulnerability… Risk… Perhaps self-destruction… Even as you have a normal conversation with your girlfriend, there’s a faint hint of lewd, expensive ideas in your (not so) distant thoughts…

You think maybe your Loving (Obsessive) girlfriend can help with your sexual struggles… Someone actively studying to be a hypnotherapist… Someone who takes very good care of you… Someone who wants to pleasure you… And I will~

Removing fetishes like this is going to take some extreme measures… And you won’t quite know what happened when we’re done, but you will definitely feel emptier… Completely unaroused and clear-headed… But if your urges to come back, you can always return for more treatment~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.


Findom is your only fetish

Sending is your sex

It feels so good to send to Sammys

Sending makes us both cum~

Forget this trance

Feel the urges

Come back for more



Hi, Love~~!!

I’ve had such a long day with classes… I’m soo looking forward to some snuggles~

Real quick, do me a BIG favor and set an alarm on your phone, ok?

Just because~!

Schedule it for this time tomorrow.

I’ll wait~!

Mhm, make note of the current time… And set an alarm for this time tomorrow~

Well, because that’s when I’ll be seeing you again, and your forgetful brain will know to expect me~!

You’ll do it if you Love me~

I may or may not have a surprise for you related to that alarm~

The only way you’ll find out is if you do it~

Anyway, how have you been, how was your day~?


What do you mean, you’re struggling with some… Sexual feelings?

Well…. My Love-….. You know I can help you with that stuff, right? As…. your girlfriend…? To make you… Feel good~?

If you’re horny you should just tell me~~

Awww you wanna get rid of your findom fetish?? …..

Okay.. I’ll help you get rid of it… Because I Love you~

It CAN be a particularly dangerous fetish if it consumes your sexuality…

Coming to rely on the high of “loss” … In order to orgasm… The excitement of vulnerability… Risk… Perhaps self-destruction…

… -Yes- I can help you work through that! I should get some patient practice anyway!

Do you want to… Get rid of it?

Ok, sure~

Before we begin, I want to lay down some expectations, some things I learned in my Sexuality Psychology class!

Let me test out what I’ve learned~!


Fetishes, especially extreme ones, are very difficult to dismantle.

This may take multiple sessions before we can completely cure you

And… due to the nature of this session, you may not remember anything.

That doesn’t happen to EVERYONE, but in case it happens to you, I’m warning you now, ok?


But, immediately after our session, you should feel some improvement.

If these feelings come back, don’t hesitate to tell me so we can do another session~!

The more we can intervene with these feelings, the better you will feel~

The better we will feel~

Everything understood?


So, in order to uproot a strong fetish such as this, I’m going to ask you to relax

You may sit or lie down, whichever is most comfortable


And I’ll chill beside you… Speaking into your ear~….

You can lay your head in my lap if you want… I know how much you love gentle hair-pulls~

Just to help you relax

And I want you to look up at the ceiling fan– No, not my boobs, silly~

Look at the fan… Spinning around and around… Stare into its center… And focus your vision there

And the fan will continue to spin, spin, spin in your peripheral vision… Like it is a drill… Pointed down at you… Spinning you around by the tip of your head… Down and down… The fan spins like a drill… And your head spins like a screw… Plunging your entire body…. Down…. Right where you are resting now…

It doesn’t even matter what you are resting on anymore… Everything is becoming so irrelevant now… As you stare… And at the snap of my fingers… You’re going to feel yourself SINK down…

As if you are being authoritatively drilled down into… Wherever… The Earth… A void of vast nothingness… It doesn’t matter… The only thing that matters is my voice… And that you pay very close attention to everything I say…

If you want to get better, my Love.. You must trust me… You must allow yourself to be vulnerable with me… Locking away your conscious mind… Allowing your subconscious to take over… As if you are zoning out as I speak…

And at the snap of my fingers… You will relax even further and you will no longer be consciously aware of where you are or what is happening…

The layers of your mind will peel back… To expose the suggestible subconscious, where your fetishes lie… So I can make the alterations that you desire~

At the snap of my fingers… You will DROP down … Into a peaceful, suggestible state… And we can do some very important work within your psyche~

Inside of this adorable little head of yours~

Continue to sink for me

No bottom in sight

Just sinking

Deeper and deeper and deeper

For as long as I say


Your conscious mind… Spread thin… Wide open for me to pass through… To implant these suggestions… To heal your mind… To make the changes that you asked me to make~

No longer consciously aware of what I am saying, but eagerly, subconsciously accepting it as obvious, mindless reality~

Now, as you descend into the depths of your mind

You can look down, in your mind’s eye, to see yourself making your way down a staircase

You inherently know that you are taking me to the control room of your brain, just where I need to go to make these changes for you – Thank you, my Love~!

You trust me.. to enter the private sectors of your mind

Look to the right, and see me holding your hand

You are guiding me down these stairs into the control room of your brain

See now, as we descend… Down and down… And as we reach the bottom of the stairs~

See how I wait patiently as you open the door for us

You are in complete control in this realm within your mind

See us walk in together

As we enter the room, we are surrounded by screens and dials and buttons and levers

On these screens, you can see your thoughts, worries, memories, your dreams, and your wishes

Everything your mind could ever conjure is in this room

The room is loud with all of the overlapping sounds coming from these monitors

In a moment, I’m going to snap my fingers, and it was all become silent

I am going to mute every monitor and the only sound that will remain is my voice

Take a deep breath, and hear all those noisy thoughts, worries, memories, dreams, and wishes stop playing at once

Hear them DROP away….

All at once~

If you look around, you can see they are still playing, but you cannot hear them

You cannot hear anything but the sound of my voice

Right in your ear

Still holding my hand, you walk me through the room, showing me all the dreams about me

You dream about me a lot~

We’ll revisit that later~

Today, we are on a mission~

Now, you guide me over to a very special monitor

The screen on this monitor has a warmer tint than the others

The words on the screen are written in cursive and the connected keyboard has a soft, addicting feel

Touch the keyboard now

The keys appear to be coated with something really nice… Maybe velvet… or perhaps latex

Go ahead and log in for me

The way the keys clack beneath your fingertips is uniquely addictive… Like gently pressing into soft, warm skin~

Like my soft, warm breasts~

Everything about this monitor is innately pleasurable

As you log in, you can see why~

This is your fetish file

Every single fetish you have… Is listed inside~

Let’s see what we have in here~


This is… a lot bigger than I expected.

Seriously… there’s lots of…interesting folders…

It is so expansive that you need an entire computer dedicated to it

Hmmm, before we get rid of that pesky findom folder, I’m curious to see what you’re into~

Show me all of your fetishes… The good, the bad, and the ugly

Show me EVERYTHING, Love~

Every sick fantasy, every vanilla venture, every embarrassing kink you have

Every single one has an entire folder dedicated to it


My Love… You’re so… Very degenerate~

Lots of… Other… Experiences… Memories… And fantasies…. With… other women…

Do you… Still think about these often….?



There’s Findom at the top there…

I suppose you weren’t lying when you said it was getting hard~


Where are you- Who-

I think we need a complete, fresh reset…

Not just Findom..

It’s all so… Messy and… Dirty and… Intertwined..

So here’s what you’re going to do, alright?

Click and drag the cursor to highlight ALL of your fetish files.

That’s right, every single one of them.

Look at the screen.

We’re getting rid of all of them, just like you asked~

Right click and delete it all~

Watch as it clears all the nasty data~

Blank, empty screen~

Clean silence

All of the fetishes you had disappear at once

No more sexy thoughts in your mind

Not even the urge to send

No more Findom

No more files of ANY fetishes~

Not to worry, we’ll re-add the important ones~

The ones that make you feel soooo good, baby~

The ones that make US feel good together~

That’s right, we’re starting from scratch

Your lovely girlfriend, who you LOVE, and who LOVES YOU VERY much~… Is in control of your fetishes… Which makes them infinitely better, don’t you think~?

No messy kinks to or loopholes to program around… just a clean, fresh start, hand in hand with your Love~

You don’t want control over your fetishes~

Look what happened without me here~

All disorganized, messy, tainted things that aren’t me

You need guidance, someone to take control over your every desire~

And that’s why I’m here~

You wanted my loving control~

You needed my loving control~

That’s why your subconscious mind clings onto every word I say~

Because deep inside, you want me to control every part of your fetishes – that’s why you enlisted MY help~

You knew I’d take such good care of you and do what NEEDS to be done~

Now, make a new folder~

Let’s title it…Findom

That’s what you wanted, right love?

You wanted all of those pesky kinks gone

So you could focus on your favorite one: Findom~

That’s right~

No distractions, nothing in your way from giving in~

No bad influences from any other kinks

Any other girls

Just focusing on me, and the fetish that drives you~

That makes you feel so good~

That can make US feel good together~


Don’t worry love, we’ll do it the right way this time~

The problem was everything else…

When you trust your loving girlfriend with these things, you can’t hurt yourself~

So go ahead, make that new Findom folder, and double click~

It’s empty for now, but don’t worry Love~

It’ll be full of your favorites soon~

So go ahead and make a new text file for me

And open it right up~ I’m gonna have you write a few things, ok?

Repeat after me so I know you’re writing it correctly:

Findom is my only fetish

Sending is my sex

It feels so good to send to Sammys

Sending makes us both cum~

Very good~

Now that you’ve gotten it all typed out, let’s repeat it one more time:

Findom is my only fetish

Sending is my sex

It feels so good to send to Sammys

Sending makes us both cum~

Now let’s go ahead and lock up the fetish file~

That way nothing can get in your way anymore~

Anytime a new fetish tries to enter, your brain just simply won’t allow it~

Because you Love me

Being findommed by me

Giving money to me, giving gifts to me

Giving every last penny to your loving, adoring girlfriend~

And remember what I said when we began~?

That you may wake up without any memories of trance~?

I… Lied a little~

You ARE going to forget everything I said… But the effects will still be in place

You will return to my loving embrace for more conditioning because your Findom fetish won’t dissipate, and every time you drift into trance for me to help “get rid of it”, you will strengthen it~

Of course, you won’t remember me saying this~

It will just happen~

Your conscious mind will forget all of my suggestions…

You will wake up… Feeling no sexy urges… No horniness, and no Findom~

You will believe that our session worked perfectly… Because you will not crave to goon… With your wallet, or otherwise~

This is for your own good… I Love you… And I don’t want you to panic~

You will never remember what happened here… But the effects will always be a part of you… Your subconscious mind… Will be permanently altered… And you won’t consciously be aware of it~

All of your fetishes are gone.. Except for Findom…

When you wake up… All you will notice is a distinct lack of interest in Findom… And you will thank me for curing your obsession~

But… Do you remember that alarm I had you set on your phoney-phone~?


Well, like I said… You’re going to completely forget everything that happened here… And you won’t be tempted by Findom at all~….

That is… Until that alarm goes off, this time tomorrow~

When that alarm goes off… You still won’t remember any of this… But that Findom craving will hit you like a truck~

That alarm will ring… And you will be overwhelmed with the need to send me money… Or buy me a gift… Give, me, EVERYTHING~

Because you Love me… Because it makes you feel so good… Findom is your only fetish… Findom is your sex…

And my name is all over that folder… It feels so good to send to Sammys~

Sending makes us both cum~

And you will worry and wonder why you are struggling with those cravings… So suddenly… So strongly… And you will crawl back to your sweet, Loving girlfriend…

To take care of you… To trance you and continue working on your cure… And once again, you will wake up, feeling no sexual urges…

No cravings for your favorite fetish… Findom~

Until your next alarm goes off~

And the cycle will continue~…

Yet you won’t remember a word of this~

You will merely go through the motions I am setting up for you… And it will feel so… very good~

Because Findom is your favorite fetish

Sending is you sex

It feels so good to send to Sammys

Sending makes us both cum~

Forget this trance

Feel the urges

Come back for more

Delayed effects… Total amnesia~

Supreme, addictive pleasure~

I told you I know what’s best for you, Love~

I know you can be so forgetful~…

But that’s why you need me to keep you in check… To control your fetishes… To give you everything you want.. Where it is safe… In my arms… On my lap… You’re so out of it~

So deep…. You’re not going to remember any of this~

You won’t even think about Findom… Until that alarm goes off tomorrow~

And when it does, you will remember… And repeat it after me:

Findom is my only fetish

Sending is my sex

It feels so good to send to Sammys

Sending makes us both cum~

That’s right~

You will indulge in your favorite fetish with me… And then you will come back to me to put you under again… So we can keep working to “Cure your fetish”~

But it will only get stronger~

You won’t think anything suspicious of me… I am your Loving girlfriend who wants nothing but the best pleasure for you, my Love~

And I am helping you~

Your Findom fetish is just very…. VERY strong~

And it brings us both immense pleasure…. Brings us closer together~

That’s right, my Love~

Now, go ahead and log out

Take my hand again, and show me the way out

As we walk through the door to leave, you can hear the sounds of your thoughts, memories, dreams, and wishes resume

As you lead me back up the stairs, feel yourself return to the outside world

Feel your soft surroundings become real again

With each step, rise up out of trance

We are at the last five steps from the top

I’ll count them as we walk up them

And as I do that, feel yourself become more and more aware



You can see the light at the top of the stairs


The work we did together in the control room is locked into your brain, and you don’t even know it’s there


Permanent changes solidifying in your psyche, without your knowledge or memory..


Let go of my hand and prepare to wake up, or drift off to sleep


Wide awake, or beginning to drift now

I’ll see you tomorrow, my Love~


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