Mommy’s Consent Lesson



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Hi, sweetie~

Mommy cares so much about you… And I want to teach you a very important word. A word that will help keep away expectant, perverted advances – unwanted touches, even if they feel good… A word, spelled “N-O”

Say “no” when anyone tries anything disgusting and inappropriate with your pretty princess parts… Clench your hands, press your legs together, scrunch up your face… Say “no”… Hold it… Until the hands stop touching you. Be a Good Girl for Mommy and don’t let them in~

But you can Drop the act for Mommy~

You can relax when you realize Mommy is the one touching you… Soft, content, and open for me… But I still want you to say “no”, okay~?

I don’t want to interfere with your practice… I don’t want to risk any chances of you forgetting how to say “no” to others~

Always say “no”, little darling… No matter what… Whether the one touching you is yourself, someone else, or even Mommy… Always say “no”~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

Good Girl
Say no
All you need is Mommy
Say no
I love it~



Mmm, hi, sweetie~
I hope you’ve been well~… Staying out of trouble~… Keeping away from bad influences~..
So many people that want to hurt you in this cruel, cruel world~
But not Mommy~
Mommy wants to take good care of you, babygirl~
So go ahead and get settled…
Make sure you’re sitting or laying somewhere comfortable~… Preferably somewhere nice and soft and cushiony~… Like Mommy’s warm body~
Close your eyes and imagine it~… Sinking into Mommy’s cozy embrace~
I’m going to help you relax… And I’m going to help you with some guided meditation
I want to remind you of your worth, sweetie~… How much you mean to me… How much I care~
About your safety… Your pleasure… Just,, you,, my dear~
I want to remind you… The importance of consent~
So that no one can take advantage of my little darling~
Mmm yeah, you like the sound of that~?
Alright, darling~, now do me a favor~… I want you to picture your body, in your mind’s eye
Keep your eyes closed, dear, and just… Make yourself aware of your body where it rests
Focus on how it feels… When you curl your fingers into a loose, comfortable fist
And slowly extend them back out, with open palms.. As if you are waiting for Mommy to hold your hand~
Notice how empty they are… Maybe you notice a slight breeze against the sensitive skin
Focus on how it feels… When you stretch your legs out, nice and straight… Clenching your little buttcheeks~
Nice and tight…
And then let them relax back into a loose, comfortable position.. As if you feel safe and restful with Mommy~… Nowhere to run off to… Just nice and content right here, right now~
Focus on how it feels… When you unclench your jaw.. Your lips slightly parting.. As if you are waiting for Mommy to give you a tender kiss~
Notice how wanting they are~… Sensitive, and perhaps a little tingly… In need of Mommy’s lips pressed against them~
Focus on how it feels… When you unfurrow your brow~… And just let your eyes rest gently shut~… As if you are beginning to drift off to sleep~
Good girl~… You’re doing such a good job of relaxing~…
This is something everyone should be able to do, but I understand if you need a little extra help from Mommy to feel safe and warm~…
It’s my pleasure, my treasure~
I Love taking care of my sweet girl~
Take note of the state of your body right now~… So loose and relaxed… Safe, content, warm~
Drifting~… Soft… Calm… Drifting~

Can you do another favor for me~?
Well.. I Love how comfy and relaxed you are with me~… But I want to make sure you can put your defenses back up when you need to, you know what I mean~?
Like… If someone else tries to touch you… Or get close to you… You probably shouldn’t stay all limp and oblivious to your anxiety and instincts like this… Right~?
So, sweetie, I’m going to count to three… And when I get to three, I want you to clench back up for me, ok~?
Good girl
And after that, I’ll snap my fingers, at which point, I want you to return to this relaxed state
Got it~?
Good girl~
Get ready~… Listen to me count~
1~… Still relaxed for Mommy~…
2~… Take a big, deep breath in~… And…
3~… Clench those little hands back into fists… Tense and stretch your legs, flexing your little glutes~… Clench your jaw and furrow your brow…
Hold it… Don’t let them in, darling…
DROP~ … You can relax again, darling~
Sink back down into that state, little one~
Mmm yes, that’s right~… So small and safe in Mommy’s arms~… You’re safe~, it’s just me, dear~…
Good girl~
Focus on how it feels… Against my pillowy warmth~… Content and warm, once again~… Comfy and protected~… I’ll protect you from bad influences, my dear~
Let me hold you… Let me teach you…
You ready to try it again~? For Mommy~? I want to be really sure that you’ll keep yourself safe when I’m not here to help you~
Good girl~
This time, I’m going to describe how someone may try to touch you as I count to three~… And when I get to three, I want you to clench up again, just like last time, but I also want you to say the word, “No”
Can you do that~?
Mmm, I know you can~
1~… Gently dragging my fingertips from your right shoulder… Down your arm… Over the slight bend of your elbow… Mmm, it’s sensitive there, huh~?… Down… Down your forearm… Fingers gently, loosely wrapped around your wrist… Stroking your exposed, inviting palm… Moving in to interlock with your fingers… To hold your hand~…
2~ This may feel very pleasurable… But for the sake of this exercise, the hand touching you is not mine… It feels good… But still, I want you to say…
3~ Say no~
Clench those little hands back into fists… Lock me out~.. Tense and stretch your legs, flexing your little glutes~… Clench your jaw and furrow your brow…
Hold it… Shut out these advances… Good girl…
Relax, sweetie, it’s only me~… It’s only Mommy~… Return to that relaxed state from before~… You’re safe with me… You’re safe with Mommy~
Mommy can hold your hand, can’t she~?
Yes, you can always trust Mommy~… Unlike other people~
You’re doing so good, little darling~… Show Mommy that I can trust you to be alone with other people that won’t treat you as nicely as I do~
People who may…
1~… Take the opportunity of hand-holding as an invitation for more~… Loosening this grip on your hand… And transferring it over to your thigh~… Rubbing it up and down… Pervertedly… Expectantly… The gripping gets tighter… Inching their hand down, under you… To grope and squeeze your adorable butt~… Or… Up and around… Into your lap… Sliding in between your legs
What do you do if someone wants to touch you here, hm~? Where it feels so… Warm… Wet…
2~ What do you say~? Even if it feels good… Even if you MOAN~… Even if you can’t stand and run… You say~…
3~ Say “NO”, sweetie~
Clench those little hands back into fists~.. Tense and stretch your legs, press them together, keep the wandering hands of others AWAY~, flexing your little glutes~… Clench your jaw and furrow your brow…
Hold it… Until the hands stop touching you… Good girl~…
But you can DROP the act for me~… You can RELAX when you realize Mommy is the one touching you~
You’re so cute when you get all tensed and curled up~
But you can let yourself go limp, darling~… It’s okay for ME to touch you in all of your pleasure parts~… Just not anyone else~, ok~?

People might want to… Get on top of you~… Your calm, relaxed body~… And… Mm, grab you by the neck with their free hand~… Warm thighs squeezing around the sides of your body to lock you in place~… Bringing this other hand up from your precious princess parts… Dragging it over your tummy… And then in between your pretty breasts…
1~ Grabbing your cheeks~
Getting a little rough with my sweet girl~.. Holding your lazy jaw so tightly that your lips push out a little… Perfect for kissing~… And you can smell your own scent on this hand~… The musky juices from your warm little princess parts… Why are you so horny??
2~… You don’t like getting groped and kissed like this, do you?
3~ No, no, no~
You clench those little hands back into fists~.. Tense and stretch your legs, flexing your little glutes~… Clench your jaw and suck those tempting little lips in… Furrow your brow…
Hold it… Squeeze your eyelids and say “NO”~… Good girl.
But it’s just me, dear, DROP for Mommy~
Let go of that resistance, sweetie
Don’t worry, no one is touching you in these inappropriate ways, it’s only me~
And you Love when I play with your pleasure parts, don’t you~?
You’re MY good girl~
No one else’s

Let’s just practice the drill one last time, ok, my darling~?
I’m going to touch you some more as I count to three… You’re going to imagine it isn’t me – just a faceless, irrelevant stranger, or even someone else you know… And when I get to three, you’ll tense back up one more time… And say “NO” to these pleasurable advances~
Just one more time, I promise~
You can always trust me to tell you the truth, darling~
I’ll snap my fingers to snap you out of it… To remind you that you’re safe~, you’re with Mommy~…
Just imagine, now, someone else
1~… Still sitting on you… Gripping your neck… Holding you in place….
2~…. Using the other hand to stroke your pretty hair~… And to cover your eyes~… You should NEVER let anyone touch you in any of these pleasurable places, dear~
But if they do anyway, as lots of people do, what do you say~?
3~ Good girl~, say no~
Clench those little hands back into fists… Tense and stretch your legs~… Clench your jaw and furrow your brow… Mmm, yes, I can feel your sweet little face scrunching up, pretty darling~
Hold it… Keep saying “no”~
Good girl~
Say “No” every time someone else tries to touch you… Or makes you feel good like this, ok~?
Even if you moan, moan “No”, and they should stop behaving badly to my Good girl~
Oh relax, you don’t have to be so tense with Mommy, though~
Shhhhh~ Drop~… You’re safe, dear~… It’s just me~…
Relax your fingers, I know it’s hard to keep them clenched~…. Let your legs rest, they must be sore~
Drop your jaw, relax, my sweet girl~… Unfurrow your brow now… Breathe~
Let your anxiety melt away, Love~…
Let me hold your neck gently now…. Just lightly caressing the sides with my hands now
I’ll keep my promise~, I won’t disrupt your relaxation anymore
I always keep my promises~
You can be sure of that, sweetie~
I would never do anything to harm you… Would never tell you anything other than the truth~

Drop for me~
Good girl~
You can finally let yourself drift off this time~
Just soooo… Relaxed… Content… Alone with Mommy… My soothing voice~…
You should be very proud of yourself, little one~
You did a very good job defending yourself~… Removing yourself from the moment, and being strong for Mommy~
And now it’s time to be in the moment with me… Focus on me… And you can finally let go… You don’t have to be strong anymore~…. Not with Mommy~… Not when I’m here to take care of you, my precious little treasure~
You did well, and now you can relax~… It’s your reward for being such a Good Girl~

Drop, dear~

Just listen, okay~? You don’t have to do anything else~
I may ask you to repeat some things just make sure you’re listening, and that you understand, but other than that, you can relax, sweetie~

Let my voice just, pour into your ears, babygirl~… You can let it all SINK in… Because you know I always tell you such sweet truths~
And you’ll do what I ask, right~? You understand that I know what’s best for you~?
And you’ll remember the very important things I teach you~? The lesson you learned today~?
That word… “No”~… Let it sear into your brain… Don’t forget it~… It’s very important~…
With every touch on any of your sensitive private parts~… Say “No”, ok~? Even if it feels good~
No matter who it is~… Even me~ Don’t hold it back, just because you’re with me~
I don’t want you to forget how to say no~
Say “no” every time you get touched in these lewd ways that make you get all flustered and blissed out~
This way, even if bad people manage to make you feel good with their disgusting, perverted touches… You won’t have any practice holding it in~
It’ll just roll so naturally off of your tongue~
Like it’s going to spill out, every single time you moan from now on~
Then, surely, no one will want to keep touching you inappropriately~
Oh, don’t worry dear, it’s okay~… Mommy won’t be turned off by these pleas~… I think they’re cute~
After all, I know you’re only saying “no” because Mommy told you to~
You’ll moan “no” when I touch you, too, but I know you won’t really mean it~
Because with me, your first instinct will be to relax your body like this, and let me play with you, even as you scream out “no”~

Don’t be shy~, if I make you feel good, Let that word, “no”~, slip out with your moans… It’s as natural and simple as saying “Oh”~…
Starting now, saying “No” should be your immediate reaction to this kind of pleasure~
“No, no, no”~ When anyone touches you in these vulgar ways that make you feel so good~
Whether the person touching you is yourself, someone else.. Or even Mommy~
I won’t mind~
After all, I know you are only saying “no” because Mommy told you to~… I am the only one who knows~
The only one who will ever know~… That you must say “no” when you feel sexual pleasure~
Anyone else who tries to fucking touch you won’t touch you anymore~… They won’t know that you moan “No” when you feel so good~… But that involuntary habit is there to protect you, little one~
If you do tell anyone else about this… About how you say “No” when you experience sexual pleasure… They’ll probably think you’re a weird freak~
I don’t think they’d believe you, do you~?
You don’t need anyone else to feel good anyway, right~?
All you need is Mommy~

Touching you… Even though you cry, “No, no, no”~
And the more pleasure you feel, the louder the pleas~
Mmmhmmm~, the better I make you feel, the louder you beg and moan, “No”~
The better anyone makes you feel, the louder you’ll cry~… “No”~… But the difference between them and me… Is that with me~… Even when you’re pleading “No, no, no”~, your body will say otherwise~… Other people who try to touch you won’t want to anymore, which is good~… But it won’t phase me~
I Love it~

And you won’t tell them the truth, because Mommy is all you need, darling~
Isn’t that right~?
I’m the only one who will continue to make you feel good, despite this quirk of yours~
And no one else will understand~
No one else will want to have fun with you like this, even if they knew
So it’s best to keep this between us, okay~?

It might just be best if you don’t even remember this~… Hmmmm….
But I’m trusting you to keep our special secret because I know you’re a Good girl~
Don’t betray my trust, ok~? You know I would never do that to you~

Okay, time to wake up soon, darling~
I’ll count to 3 for you again, so you know it’s time to come up from this deep, vulnerable relaxation
Remember the important lesson I taught you today~, because I care about you so much~
Remember the dire importance of saying “No” to any and all advances~
The only ones that matter, the only ones you want – Mine~, won’t stop, my dear~
Only the bad ones~
I promise~
And on the count of 3, I want you to open your eyes, and continue being the Good girl I know you are~
1~… Curl your fingers, form fists… Stretch out your legs~…
2~… Move your jaw and raise your eyebrows…
3~~, open your eyes, sweetie~…
Wake up now~
Be good for Mommy~


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