My Wish is Your Command: 2 – Your Second Wish


July 28, 2023

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It is clear to a mystical being who can see into your psyche that you’re lonely and desperate for intimacy… Or maybe it’s obvious just by looking at or interacting with you in general… Either way… You’re lucky – By some miracle, the all-powerful Genie who can do, create, and have anything in and out of existence… Thinks you’re cute~!

She is so fond of you, that for the first time in her eternal life, she is willing to bend her only rule… For you. You’re different, you’re special, you’re not like any of the other humans~

In a wholesome turn of events, you find your Genie reciprocating your deepest intimate feelings… Seeing you as something other than just her Master. She likes you a lot – Willing to offer her infinite company. She… Loves you… Even though you’re a naïve human who can’t even see into your own psyche~

It’s illogical, it’s absurd, it’s… The most amazing thing that could ever happen to you. It’s too good to be true~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

(The First Wish Subliminal)

I know what you truly want
Better than you do
You want me…
You want to be mine, and mine alone
Don’t think
Wish for it
Just Love me



You’re not like any of the other humans I’ve served~, you don’t waste any time thinking too hard about your wishes. You know exactly what you want~
You’re so… Zealous, So impulsive… So ready to DROP your defenses and be vulnerable with me~
You’re.. My favorite Master I’ve ever had~

I have granted many, many wishes before… I’ve had to help so many people make so many avoidable mistakes~
Some people spend hours, days, weeks,
Agonizing over what to wish for to make the most of their opportunity.
And you know what happens every single time?
They always go back to that first gut instinct
That instinctual wish from the heart that they wanted to deny
Thinking that it wasn’t grand enough to waste a wish on.
Or, they wish they had just asked for it in the first place, actually wasting their next wish in turn, on something they should have just wished for to begin with
And I don’t usually give out THREE whole wishes like I gave you~
People who waste time on such things… Starting “small”, avoiding what they truly want out of… Hm, timidness? Embarrassment, of their truest desires, thoughts, and fantasies~?
When, as you know, it’s important to RELAX and trust me to give you what you want~… Because all I want to do.. The reason why I EXIST, is to give you pleasure~
Anyone who doesn’t realize that would miss out on a lot of fun, huh~?
People like that… Aren’t very smart, from my experience~ Even by human standards~
The power to have literally anything… Is right in front of you~…. And I will gladly give you the world~… Without judgment~
I’ve grown quite fond of you, you know… There’s something about your empty-headed, naive, innocence that just draws me in like flame to the moth… Oh dear~, I mean, moth to the flame I’m still getting used to your English sayings~

But my point is… I love how you already know what you want~
You don’t waste any unnecessary energy or time, overthinking your own desires.
You know, that when you RELAX, your desires naturally flow through you, even down in all of the deepest caverns within your mind, which you can’t always access~
But I can see right through that dense mind and locate the strongest desire, no matter how DEEP inside it resides~
That’s why it’s so vital to trust me~… I KNOW what you really want… Most of all~… Very possibly more than you do~

We can avoid all that anguish, that self torture that drags on and detracts from the pleasure..
That would inevitably end up spoiling all of the fun you could have had right from the start… Just like all of those other silly humans~
I know you’re not as silly as all the others were, right~?
You’ve figured out that the key is to DROP your worries and lean into your natural, mindless, amorous tendencies~
No need to think, just know that wherever your subconscious mind takes you is the truth, which I can see much clearer than you can. Yes…. That. That right there, is what you truly want~

I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me~
The way your eyes look so…enchanted~
The way your heart beats a little bit faster when we’re…

I can feel how much you… wish to be close with me~
Already dreading the reality you’ll have to return to after your third wish… Where we say goodbye..
Mmm, you’ll miss me~…
Not just sexually, no, I can tell you want more…you need more…

Awww, don’t be shy, it’s okay~
It’s not like I mind at all~
I’m.. honestly flattered that a cutie like you has become so…smitten with me~
But rules are rules… Although…
I… I have a confession to make… but you can’t tell anyone, okay? I don’t want anyone else taking advantage of yo-… Er, of what I’m about to tell you…
So keep this between us… It’ll be our special little secret, alright?
Good, cutie~
Now… I know I said that you can never wish for an intimate relationship with me
But that was…stretching the truth.. a little bit~
You see, I’m not going to let just anyone be with me… Especially a human…
It’s just not a good fit, with the difference in intellect and, you know, power~
It has to be someone…special.
Someone who’s…cute~
And adorable~ And so good at listening, like they don’t even have thoughts of their own when I’m speaking~
Someone who pleases me~… Despite having inferior intelligence~ (Or maybe because of it~)
Someone who could even grant a few wishes of my own…and is eager to do so~
Sound like anyone you know~?
But I hope you understand why I had to tell that little white lie~ I hope that makes sense to you..
I can’t have just anyone begging… Well, wishing to be in a relationship with me… To protect myself~
Because you know, I can’t deny a wish~… A Genie has no choice but to fulfill the desires of their “Master”~ So I had to just cut out the opportunity entirely~
Never in a million years, did I ever think I’d ever want to bend or break my only firm rule~
But you… You’re.. Different~.. You’re special~
You make me feel.. Vulnerable.. For the first time in eons~.. Like I can trust you.. Like I wouldn’t mind if you do wish for my companionship
I just couldn’t keep that secret from you anymore~
It had to be…you~

So, I just wanted to put that out there
Ultimately, it is up to you~… You have to wish for it~

But you know what~? If we do become… Involved~… If we vow to… Be together~… Well, I don’t make commitments lightly in my eternal life~… And if your wish is to be life partners… Then that’s what we would be~
And honey~… If you didn’t know, “eternal life” means I am immortal~
I can offer you eternal company, and you know I can make anything happen~
All of your deepest desires, every impossible thought and fantasy~
If we.. Intertwine our lives~… I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted~
For as long as you live~

That is a strong desire overwhelming that little head of yours~
Say no m– Uh – Think no more~! Your wish is my command~!
I will be by your side forever, my darling~
It feels so surreal~, who would have thought such a pairing was possible~? A Genie and a human? I certainly didn’t~
And thinking logically about those incongruencies and incompatibilities and impossibilities would probably hold one back from such an exciting outcome
But Master – Should I still even call you that~? Hmm, but Cutie~, when it comes to LOVE, sometimes you just need to take the PLUNGE~
Thinking on it too hard would have just muddied the waters.
Gotten you confused, filled with self doubt, thinking that this…us… could never be…
But you acted on what you…no…what we… wanted.
We were both so desperate to be together, without really knowing it,
And now… because you listened, and opened up your heart to us, now we can be together for a long…long time…forever~
I can’t fathom the idea of leaving a cutie like you…My master…my world…
Our lives are forever intertwined… To think logic would prevent us from starting something so special~…
I don’t regret breaking my rule for you one bit~… Some boundaries are meant to be crossed for the right people~

Mmmmm~! Our Love is already so strong that it’s got you completely empty headed, huh? Such a lovesick little cutie~
To anyone looking in on us, it would be hard to tell who’s the Master, and who’s the Genie~
I bet you would do just about anything for me right now, wouldn’t you?
Mmmm, I don’t need much from you, dear~… I just want to remember this moment, the beginning of our blissful eternity together~
This is a monumental wish, could you say it out loud for me, darling~? I want to remember it~
You want me…you want to be with me…you want to be mine, and mine alone…so say it~ Wish for it~
Oh, right, let me hold your hand and feed your silly brain the words so you don’t have to think~…
“I want you”
“I want to be yours…. And yours alone”
“I wish for your eternal connection”

Anything for you, cutie~
I will do everything in my power to make our wish a reality, my dear~

Well, onto that third wish I promised you, “Master”
It feels kind of strange to call you that now~
But I’m not going to cut your reward short just because I already gave you what I would never give anyone else~
Remember, no need to think too hard, your next wish will come to you, and I will be here by your side when it does~
If there’s anything you learned today, it’s to just trust your instincts, okay~?
So far, they’ve been just perfect~

I have a feeling your next wish will be… A pleasurable gift for the BOTH of us~
Take another minute to stretch, darling~
The consummation of our new relationship is going to be… Intense~
But you’ll enjoy it~… You wouldn’t wish for it if you wouldn’t like it~
It’ll help you feel secure and bonded~
But most fun things begin with thorough, awakening stretching~
Stretch out, cutie~, warm up your muscles… And we’ll get to the really fun part later~


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