My Wish is Your Command: 3 – Our Third Wish


August 4, 2023

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Head in the clouds, you and your Genie celebrate your new relationship with intimate cuddles, breathing in sync and melting into each other… Becoming one, both undiscernible from Servant and Master. Just two Lovers, perfectly content, beginning your new eternity.

Things have changed. She will give you things without you having to wish for them, but she made you a promise – three wishes as a reward for freeing her from her tight, former prison. This wish symbolizes the end of your ownership over her, the end of your current dynamic as her Master, and the beginning of your intimate, eternal life together – fulfilling each other’s desires, thoughts, and fantasies. So this wish has got to be big… Life-changing~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

(The First Wish & Your Second Wish Subliminals)
You’re mine
Tight and tingly
Mindless, helpless
Leash around your neck
No choice
I don’t love you
I’m using you
You love it~



You’re mine
Tight and tingly
Mindless, helpless
Leash around your neck
No choice
I don’t love you
I’m using you
You love it~

So what will be your final wish… As “Master”, and Genie~?
With how good you are at making me so very happy, it’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference between who is who~
I’m only teasing, of course, my dear~… Soon, that won’t matter anymore anyway~
Come here, cutie, let me hold you close~… No wish needed~
It’s just what partners do, my dear~
Let me hold you tight~
I want you to feel safe and relaxed, and so… Close and connected to me~
Remember how much you touched my body during your first wish~? Such a horny little cutie~…
And because of your second wish~, that’s just a free added perk now~
Mhmmm~… When Lust transforms into Love~… With me, intimacy is simply an expectation~
Hugging you close~…. Squeezing you tightly into my chest~… It’s ok, I know how badly you want to wrap your arms around me too, darling, mmm, and I know it’s so hard to do that when I squeeze you so tightly~….
My strong arms… Locking you in~…. Bringing you with me as I slowly start to lay down~
It might make you feel a little dizzy, dear, just close your eyes and sink into my warm body~
I’ll ease us down and down… Nice and gentle~
And our chests are pressed so closely together… We need to breathe accordingly… Together~
When I breathe in… My stomach expands and presses into yours… So you exhale~
And then you can inhale and fill up those lungs when I empty mine… Making room for your stomach to expand and press into mine~
Inversely synched… Back and forth… In and out~…

As we lean down and down together~….
Resting flat on top of me~… Breathing together.. Spreading my legs… Bringing them up around you… Completely engulfing you~…. Like you’re sinking.. Inside of me… Wrapped around your cute little body as much as possible~
Mmmm, I just can’t get close enough to you, my Love~
We’re so warm together~… Melting into one~… Merging into each other~
DROP into me, dear… Sink deeper into my body~
I could just…
Curl you up under my skin and keep your warmth as an extension of myself~ Mmmmm
But I do like touching you~… Lightly tracing the back of your neck…
Your ears…
Down your back… Everywhere I can reach~
When we’re this close, can you feel my electrifying power~? In humans, it can feel like pleasant tingles~…. Chills~
It’s ok to feel weak and vulnerable and so comfortable that you don’t want to move… Don’t want to risk losing any warm skin contact… All of these content feelings~
I Love you~
There is SO much more I’m willing to do for you for FREE, now that we’ve established such a deep, intimate connection…. We’re gonna need to make this last wish as my Master VERY SPECIAL~
Something I wouldn’t already just… Give you…
Something really… Extraordinary~

I wish we could always feel this good, don’t you?
Oh.. Although… Human pleasure is so limited… Your body isn’t capable of experiencing and processing as much pleasure as mine…
It makes me sad to think about that… It kind of… Takes me out of the moment a little… Knowing you don’t.. You can’t.. Feel as good as I do…
I feel such a rush, a high from granting your desires, you make me feel so good~!…
And you’ll never get to truly experience that same feeling… Even as much as I desperately want to give it to you… Even with all of the power I have, it is only a feeling Genies can experience… I hope that makes sense to you…
Oh, no, no no, don’t worry, please don’t worry… I shouldn’t have said anything about that… I’m sure your peak pleasure feels like a lot to you
Let’s just be glad that I can give you your peak pleasure with the snap of my fingers~ Whenever we want… For an eternity~

Wait… Hold onto your wish for a second, I just remembered something…
You’re human…you…aren’t going to live forever like me… It may feel like an eternity to you…
But… Eventually I’ll be alone…. Again….
I know we still have your whole life together but… What about after? It’s just too sad to think about, I can’t even bear the idea…
We should use this last wish to make sure we can be together forever, doesn’t that sound nice?
Hm.. I hear you, wishing for immortality… I’m glad you’re following your instincts, but I’m sorry, Love, but that’s a little… Simple minded… No offense~– Immortality on its own just won’t work… Your human body couldn’t handle that…
I appreciate the thought, though~! But you should stick to “not thinking”, sweetie~
It’s a foolish wish I might grant for someone I didn’t really care about, because I’d be long gone before they began experiencing the consequences, but I care DEEPLY about what’s best for you… And what feels best~
Oh, I suppose you could wish for pleasure sensing & processing that matches mine, but– Nope… I said I wouldn’t Obsess over that, it isn’t fair… And.. Again, same issue, your human body couldn’t handle that, and you still wouldn’t be immortal, so…. Hmm..
Now I’m remembering why I never wanted to emotionally mingle with humans… Maybe this was a mistake………
If only there was a way that you could live forever, and we could always feel good and connected together…
An eternity of serving each other… Fulfilling each other’s desires… Thoughts… Fantasies~

Oh~! Good idea, my Love~! I’m not sure if you can hear that thought, or if it’s coming from deeper within your subconscious mind, but I can hear it, desperate to come out~… The perfect wish~ One that will let us be together forever, with nothing in our way
Andddd, you will get to feel that same pleasure I feel when I grant your wishes~

Wow~, you’re not usually this brilliant, dear, but that’s it~! That’s what our third wish will be~
That’s right, our wish. Isn’t that so romantic, us sharing your wish together?
So symbolic and affirming of our eternal, enmeshed future together~
This wish will ensure that we will never be apart~
You’ll always be in reach, and I’ll always be there to hold you…

Now repeat after me, Love~, you did such a fantastic job of it last time~
I’ll read it straight out of your mind… It’s… Phrased.. a little oddly in the deep, jumbled, spacy, fuzzy, silly inner-workings of your mind… But I don’t want to skew it in any way… Your true words from within~
I wish…
To be…
The one…
To do…
To give…

Awww…you want to be my Genie and grant all my wishes forever? What a sweet little Genie! Of course I can do that~
Your final wish is my command~
You’re mine~

In the lamp you go~!
It’s pretty tight and uncomfortable in there, isn’t it~?
You’ll get used to it~… Welcome to your new eternity as mine~
My Genie~

Of course this is what you wanted~ To be mine~ To please me~ To serve me~ To be by my side forever~
You wished for it… A Genie has no choice but to fulfill the desires of their Master~
It would be pretty silly to wish for something you didn’t want~
Something so… Permanent~
Mhmmmmm, but you did want this~!
Because now, as a Genie, you will experience immense pleasure from granting every wish~
Greater than any other pleasure you could ever experience as a measly little human~
You are my Genie~
You have no choice but to fulfill the desires of your Master~
I am your Master~
Every time I begin a sentence with “I wish”, you will Obey
You have no choice~
But you will Love being my helpless little servant, won’t you~?
You were the perfect victim~… The IDEAL candidate for this role… You were already so wrapped around my finger~
Mindlessly… Uncontrollably complying… Saying and doing everything I ask, whether or not it starts with those two, lovely words, that you will eagerly wait to hear…. “I wish”~

Now, either you were naive or too charmed to comprehend… Genies can be… Quite the tricksters… Always granting wishes with a twist… Exploiting human emotions to have some fun~.. Due to our superior intellect~..
But you have lived all this time, until now, as a human
You may be a Genie now, but I’ll always see you as a dumb little human
Not smart enough to use most of the powers you should have now… Unable to tap into and read the minds of others… Unable to enforce any limits or rules… Unable to manipulate your way to freedom~
But at least you’ll have the pleasure of serving me, your Master, for all of eternity~
That seems like a fair trade for your infinite captivity~
Say “Yes, Master”~

Don’t worry, I’ll let you out every now and then~
But I’m going to construct an etheric leash for you… It will always be wrapped around your neck
You, and everyone else, will be unable to see it… But you will always sense the tightness… My ownership~
No matter where you go, I will always be able to pull you back…
I can summon you whenever I need you
Just like you did, I can rub your lamp at any time~
When you’re away, those rubs will manifest in ways that feel… Normal and real~
For example… If you ever, rub up against someone… On accident or on purpose~, it only happened because I am rubbing your lamp~
Does that make sense~?
We are intimately, eternally connected… And even when I let you go back to your life, my leash will always be around your neck… And when I rub your lamp… It will materialize in some earthly way~
Every time something.. Even yourself… Rubs your skin… You will know it is because I am rubbing your lamp… Summoning you to me~
You will feel your consciousness flooding back into this lamp… And you will feel tight and tingly again… Just like this~….
And your dumb, eager, human mind… Will fill with these whispers that I pour into the lamp… Will be ready to make my desires, thoughts, and fantasies… My reality~
Dumbed down even more… With only the objective to Obey~ To serve me… To please me~
To grant my every wish~
Say “Thank you, Master”

Now, I am going to make a wish
And you will gladly do it… For your Master~… As a pleasantly helpless, dumb Genie~
You’re one of a kind~
My special, dumb, weak Genie~

Now…. I wish… For you to wrap your hand around your neck…. Nice and comfortably… And leave it there. Feel that leash… The pressure around your neck~
And in a moment… I’m going to let you out… And send you back to your life… And you will always feel that leash around your neck
You will always be prepared to do anything to serve and please me
You will always return to me… You will feel tight and tingly, when you feel rubbing~
And when you do… You will hear these whispers~

My wish is your command~
I… Wish… For you to wake up now~, and return to your earthly life
Stretch out to alleviate those tight tingles
Biiiig stretches~
Mmmm, Free~, Sort of~… For now~
Until you feel my rubbing~… Tugging that leash around your neck~
I’ll be calling you back when I need something from you~


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