One of the Girls



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(Outdoor ambience, knock, door opens)
Hiiii! Ohmygod, hi, yessss, come inside~
(Door closes)
I am SO excited you could make it~! We are going to have soooo much fun~!!

…. Oh, uh, the other girls couldn’t make it
Yeah, it’s a bummer… Yeah, none of them… I know, right?
But you’ll still stay, right~? You still wanna hang out with me, right~? You weren’t like, secretly excited to get closer with someone or something, were you~?
Oh, I’m just teasing you~
We’re all friends here~
Come on, let’s go upstairs, you can put your stuff in my room… Oh- Take your shoes off first… Thanks~
So how was the drive over here? I hope it wasn’t too bad.. ‘Cause we should really hang out more often, girl~
Oh- is that okay? If I call you that? Sorry, I call everyone that, but, like, if it makes you uncomfortable or something…. Yeah? Ok, cool! I was just making sure– I think sometimes it catches people off guard a little
I really don’t mean anything… Weird with it, I dunno, it just rolls off of the tongue, you know?
Ah, you get it, I tend to overexplain myself sometimes… I know you’re not, like, stupid~
But, uh, yeah, here’s my room~…
(Door opens)
You can put your bag wherever… Just make yourself at home, girl~
Let’s get comfy, let’s have some funnnn~!
Oh, and I wanted to ask– Are you okay sleeping in my bed…? I don’t have like, an air mattress or anything…

No, come on, you are not sleeping on the floor~! That is so bad for your back!
No, same issue with the couch…
Come on, I promise it’s not weird… Come here… At least try out the bed~
I won’t even get on with you, just lay down~

Wait wait wait wait– Not in your outside clothes, that’s gross~!

I mean, I guess we might as well get in our pajamas now… We’re gonna end up doing it at some point anyway~
(Clothes shuffling)
Huh? What? What’s wrong?? Geez, you scared me… Why are you freaking out?

What’s so weird about it?
Come on, we’re friends~
Friends change in front of each other all the time~
It’s not weird, see? Look, I’m still wearing underwear, it’s not like you’re actually gonna see anything~
I didn’t know you were such a prude~
Aw, or are you just shy~
Awww, it’s okay~
I promise it’s nothing I haven’t seen before~
Hey, at least it’s just us two~
I can only imagine how embarrassed you’d be with all of the other girls watching you change, too~
Oh, come on, I’m joking~
Okay, sorry, I’ll stop teasing you, I’ll turn around for you~
I promise I won’t peek~
(Clothes shuffling)
Just let me know when you’re ready~
(Clothes shuffling)
Can I turn around now?
Are you sure~~?
Ok cool–
Oh.. Those are…. You look… Comfy…
Oop– Is that your, uh… Underwear… On the, ground there..?
It’s okay, no need to be so embarrassed around me, I really don’t care, girl~
It’s just fabric~
I just thought you might, uh, care..
Hey, it’s okay~
Come here~…
Can I hug you?
I promise it’s okay~… I don’t judge you at all~… We’re friends, okay~? There’s nothing to judge you for~
No, it’s not weird at all to wear pajamas without underwear~
It seems comfy~
Here, I’ll do it too, see~?
(Clothes shuffling)
I just gotta… Take my shorts off first… And then my.. Underwear… And put my, shorts back on… There.
(Clothes shuffling)
See~? There’s nothing embarrassing about my underwear sitting on the floor like that~
It’s just fabric~

Watch this~… I can pick it up with my toes… And fling it across the room~! Wee!
See~? It’s harmless~
It’s just going to sit there… It won’t hurt anyone~
And you don’t think any less of me just because you saw my underwear, do you~?
And now we’re even~

But uh, yeah, anyway~
You should lie down and try out my bed~
Seems like you need a bit of chilling-the-fuck-out~
Hey, I mean it in a nice way~, just lay down already~
Go on~
(Bed shuffling)
Mhmmmm, see~?
Isn’t it such a comfy bed~?

Mhm, I knew it would be enough to persuade you~
The other girls and I share this bed all the time~
It’s so comfy that you won’t even remember to feel awkward~
And… Look… I’m just going to sit on the other end of the bed, okay~?
You feel that~?
You’ll barely even be able to tell I’m there at all~
I promise it’s not weird~
I know this is your first sleepover, at least, with a girl, but this is so normal, you have no idea~
I don’t feel uncomfortable having you in my bed, so you really don’t have to worry~
Mhm, I promise~
Do you feel any better about it now?
Good, I’m so glad~
I just want you to feel happy and comfortable~
We’re gonna have fun~!
Come on, say it with me~
We are going to have fun~!
We are going to have fun~!
Hell, yes, we are~!
Even if the other girls couldn’t make it, we’ve got each other, girl, and this is going to be chill as fuck~

So, is there anything you want to do first?

OH, WAIT, hold that thought. I am going to be right back. Okay~?
Yeah, you can just stay right here, it’ll literally just be a second
(Bed shuffling)

Okay~… Close your eyes~…
(Bed shuffling)
Keep them closed~~
Okay, so, I got this awesome new skincare set… I was thinking, this could be a really good way to help you relax, and like, I dunno, I think it would be really fun to like, pamper you and stuff
You down~?
Hell yeah, you are~
I’m going to start by putting this headband on you… To keep your hair out of your face…
Okay, and next, I’m gonna use these gentle wipes to clean off your skin
Are you ready~?
I’m just gonna start… I’ll do your nose first, cuz that’s usually where most people have the most oil and stuff, so I wanna make sure most of the cleanser goes here…
Is that a bit cold? … Yeah, I know… But you’ll get used to it, I promise~
Just gently spreading the wet wipe across your skin… Into all of the crevices of your nose… Over the bridge, and around the nostrils… Under your nose… Around your mouth… Along your jaw and a little bit down onto your neck… Now up onto your right cheek, rubbing in nice, firm, circles… Round and around over your cheekbones, right in front of your ear… Then softly under your eye… That area is very sensitive and delicate, so you gotta be gentle~…
Now up onto your temple… And wiping through your eyebrow, too…. And now I can do big circles on your forehead~… Mhm, right up to your hairline…
Do you mind if I guide your head with my other hand~?
Now dragging the wipe in between your eyebrows and through your left eyebrow… Mhm… Over your left temple…. Down onto your left cheek now… And doing the same as I did before on your other cheek…. Almost done~
Relax… I’m wiping under this eye now, just relax~… Okay, and then just the rest of this cheek left… There we go….
All clean~!
Doesn’t it feel so… Cooling, and soothing~? Here, I’ll fan your face to help it dry a bit before the next step…
Uh huh~, that was only the first part~
Shhhh, don’t worry about how many steps there are~
Just relax… Enjoy the process… Pretend like you’re in a spa~
A very professional spa~ Mhm~
Let’s see… It feels pretty dry, so… Next step is… Okay, toner… I’m just gonna put some into my hand and then, like, pat it into your skin, okay?
You might want to close your eyes, just in case…
Okay… Yeah… Some there… There… Just one section at a time so I don’t accidentally do too much…
Okay, yeah… I think you’ve got some everywhere now, so I’m just gonna, gently pat it into your skin now~
Does it feel nice~? Are you feeling soooooo relaxed~?
I’m gonna fan your skin again, just a heads up…
That must feel quite good, actually, I feel like the top floor tends to get really hot this time of year
Yeah, does it feel good~?
Okay… Next step~… Okay, this one comes in a little dropper bottle, so it’s really thin… So, keep your eyes closed, okay~? Okay~
Just a little bit on your forehead… And then your nose… And then on each cheek, and… Your… Chin…
Oop– Gotta rub it in fast or it’ll spill everywhere~
Don’t wanna make a huge mess on my bed this soon into the night~
Oof, your face feels a bit hot~
It’s a good thing it’s time to fan your face a bit more~
Does that feel better~?
Oh yeah~, I bet it does~
I’m kinda jealous of you right now~
Maybe you can do me later~
But right now… Is your time~… Get pampered, bitch~

The set came with one of these roller thingies, I’m not really even sure what they’re supposed to do, but here we go, maybe it’ll feel nice, I dunno~
I’ll like, start from the side of your nose, and then… Roll outward… On your cheek… Towards your ear… Does that feel good…? Just like a, nice, repetitive, facial massage… I’ll try up and down… Side to side… I mean, it looks like it feels nice~
I’ll do it nice and slow, nice and relaxing, very demure… But I don’t know, I feel like I just have better control when I do it with my hands~
Like this… Like, placing my hands right under your jaw, like this, almost like, holding your neck… And then placing each of my thumbs on either side of your nose and then… Rubbing them outwards on your cheeks, towards your ears…~
It feels so good, doesn’t it~?

But uh, let’s move on to the next step~
Mhm~, still more~
If I were you, I’d give up trying to keep track
Just relax~
Let me pamper you~
The less you think about it, the more relaxed and blissful you’ll feel, okay~?
Now… This one is quite a bit thicker than the others
It might feel like a lot of cream on your face, but just trust me, okay~?
I’m just going to dab it in dots all over your face… Two on your forehead… One on your nose… Two on each cheek… One on your chin…
And… I’ll rub it all in with my hands into a nice, even layer… Mhm….
I’ll do more of this facial massage to spread and rub it~… Mhm~…. And I’ll just rub all of the excess down onto your neck~
Now lets let this layer dry…
Are you still feeling comfy? Do you need any extra pillows? How do your arms feel? How do your legs feel? Make sure your jaw is unclenched~
Loosen up, girl~
Relax~… Sink into my soft, soft bed~… Just enjoy yourself, okay~?
Oooo, here, I’ll put some music on to help establish that “spa experience~”

(Music start)
Ooo, don’t fall asleep, yet~
We still have so much more to do before beddy-bye~
I’m really enjoying hanging out with you, this is fun~
Are you having fun, too? Are you feeling good and comfy?

Hmm, the sun is starting to set out there, so the lighting is changing a little bit… I need to readjust and find a better angle….
Ah-ah, don’t move, girl, just stay there~…
You’re the one who’s supposed to be relaxing and getting pampered, remember~? Let me come to you~
Let’s see…. Hmmm… Okay, got it… Don’t freak out, okay~? Can you promise me that you won’t freak out?
Just promise me.
Okay, good, because I need to sit on you~
(Plop, shuffling)
Hey, hey, relax~, you said you’d be cool
Be cool, girl
Just think of me as a… Nice, weighted blanket, or something~
Just, like… Draped across only your… lap…
Oh, yeah~, that is a MUCH better angle~
Now I don’t have to twist my back or my neck, this is perfect~
I’m gonna get you looking all smooth and dewy and winsome like a little porcelain doll~

Okay, next step~…
Let me feel your skin… Great, perfect…
Okay, so, I’m going to apply this one with a sponge, so that I can apply it in a nice, thin layer without putting on too much
Okay? Here we go… Just bouncing this soft, round sponge on your cheeks… Over your nose… Up onto your forehead… Relax your eyelids for me… Good… I’m just gently dabbing it over your general eye area, and using the small side to work it into the smaller areas… Bounce bounce bounce~… Nice and soft~… Around your mouth, now… And your chin… And a little bit down your neck… Just a little…
Great~… Now I’m just going to keep blending all over some more to make sure it’s all even and smooth, okay~?
You should barely feel the product, I really am making it so, so thin… And subtle…
Your skin is looking nice~!
Okay… Now we’re gonna do a, uh, lip.. mask~
Make sure your lips aren’t pursed or like, strained in any way… Let them relax… They might even open a little bit, and that’s okay~
Just let your lips relax now~
And I’m going to paint the mask on with a small brush
This’ll make them feel nice and soft and luscious~
–Oh, sorry, and I breathing on you?
Sorry~, I’m almost done….
Just keep holding still….
This is the last step, I promise~
It’ll be quick… Just a quick… Combing… Through your eyebrows and eyelashes… Since I got them all messed up… And… Voila~!
All done~!
Come, take a loo–
Oh, dear…. I… Got it all over your shirt… Shoot… Uh, don’t worry, don’t worry~
Just let me guide you up, I don’t want you sitting up too fast~…

Mhm~, sit right here on the edge of the bed~…
Lift your arms
Come on~
We’ve been through this, you don’t need to be embarrassed around me, girl~
Arms up~
Mhm, there we go~… Just let me lift your shirt up and over your head… Making sure not to drag it over your face~… I don’t want to undo any of my hard work~…
Mmm, there we go~!
Awwww, what’s wrong~? What are you trying to cover up, hm~?
I told you, you have nothing to be ashamed of with me~… There’s nothing wrong with your body~…
It’s okay…. Should I go get you a change of clothes~?
Okay~… No problem~…
Let’s see…. All I have left are gowns… Unless… You want to… Switch..? Ah, never mind, I’m sure you don’t want to wear my shorts after I’ve been wearing them without underwear~
Oh god, especially since you’re not wearing any either~! Ahh, that would be so bad~
They are giving me serious camel toe, right now~
Okay, so, gown it is~…
Don’t worry, these are SO comfortable~… You’ll feel right at home in it, I swear~
Come on, arms up~
It’s just fabric~, it’s not much different from your shirt~… Except it’s better~!
Come on, feel this~… This nice, cool satin against your skin~… Who cares if it’s a little frilly~?
You’ll get used to it~

Come on, clothes don’t have gender, and besides…
Would you really prefer to be half-naked in my bed with me~?

That’s what I thought~
You’re so easy to fluster~
It makes you really suggestible, girl~… You’re lucky you’re friends with me, and not someone who would try to peer pressure you into doing like, drugs or something~

Just sit still
I’ll slide the gown on over your head, for you~
You can relax your head down and hide behind closed eyes if you’re really that embarrassed~
I’ll take care of you~
It’s what friends are for~
Now give me your hand~… You can let it be limp if that’s easiest for you~
I’m just going to pull it through the hole where the arm goes~… And slide the dainty little straps up onto your shoulders~
Oh, did that tickle~? You shuddered a bit~
No, no no, it’s super cute~
Other arm~

There you go~… Now you’re all dressed up~
Are you feeling good and comfy?
You wanna come see how you look~?
Come on, yes you do~~, you look really, really nice, actually~
Pink is definitely your color~
Just follow me~
Lean on me, if you have to~
I know I’m asking a lot of you to move when you were just soooo relaxed and restful~
I’ve got you~
We’re just going to take 5 steps… That’s all~
Just 5 more steps towards the full-body mirror right there, in the corner~
Just one step at a time~
Mhm~… 4 more steps~…
I’ll hold you~
3 more steps~
I’ll guide you~
2 more steps~
Are you ready~?
Just one more step~
Now~… Look at yourself~
Don’t you look so cute~??

Oh, here, let me take the headband off, and, mess with your hair a little bit…
Mmm~, you like when I run my fingers through your hair~?
Don’t melt yet~
I’m just gonna… Fluff this up, and direct this bit over your forehead a little, and… Tuck this behind your ear~….

Now look~
Yeah~~~! That’s you~!
Isn’t she pretty~
Your waist looks so snatched in this~, like, when I run my hands down the sides of your body… Yeah…. Yeah~
And oh my god, these straps~… They accentuate your collarbone and your neck sooo nicely~…
And you have such cute shoulders~!
You’re like, a model~

Awwww you’re blushing through your make-up~!
Awwww~… You are so adorable~~
Oh, yeah! I put some on you when we were on the bed, but just a little bit, though… Just bb cream… And… Some lip gloss and gel on your lashes and brows.
I barely put any on, you already have such a naturally pretty face~
That’s all you, girl~
But didn’t it feel nice to get all dolled up~?
You were just so cute, lying on the bed, with your eyes closed~… You looked like a sweet little doll without her face painted on~
I just couldn’t resist getting you all dolled up~

What do you mean?
No, you’re not a boy~
How many times do I have to tell you, girl?
Look at yourself~
You’re too pretty to be a boy~
Don’t call yourself that~… That’s so mean~
Come on, you can be honest~
It’s just us girls~
No one’s around~
You can be yourself when you’re with me~
I told you~… I would never judge a friend~
Especially one of the girls~
Oh, you’ll get used to it~

Here, I’ll get behind you so you can admire yourself~
Watch, I’ll pull the gown back, here behind your waist… And adjust the bust…
See~? Look at that pretty dolly~
Ooo, you know what would make it even better~?
You should take your pants off~

Well, look, the waistband is making the gown look all lumpy here… It would look a lot better without it, don’t you agree~?
Awww, what a cute little nod~… Yes you do~
No need to be hesitant around me~… We’re friends, remember~?
I took my shorts off in front of you literally a few minutes ago… And you took your shoes off no problem when I asked you to~… What’s so different about this~?
The gown will still be covering everything above your knees, anyway… There’s literally nothing to be worried about~

You’re so meek~
Do you need me to help you~?
Oh, wow, you do~? I actually… Wasn’t expecting that~
I thought you were gonna be too shy to let me touch you~
Well, you know what I mean~
In that way~
Okay, then… I’ll hike up the dress on the sides here, so you don’t feel “exposed”~… And just… Slip them down your legs~…
Okay, now step out of them~
Oh~~ Clumsy girl~
I got you~

Don’t be such a prude, girl, I have to touch you to catch you~
I can’t exactly be picky about where I grab you when you’re falling~
Mmm, no, I’m going to keep holding you… I don’t know if I can trust you not to Drop again~
You’ll get used to it~

No, yeah, trust me~… It looks so much better without the pants~

What? I can’t understand what you’re saying~
It’s like you’re opening up to me, but also getting shyer~
You’re letting me dress you up like a doll, but you can barely speak to me~
What’s up, dolly~?
What are you trying to say~?
Come on… Let it out~

What~? That’s what you wanted to say~?
Aww… I thought it would be something more… Important~
Every woman has leg hair, shut up, girl~
I like you better when you’re a quiet girl~
Shut, up, girl~
Drop the act~

Here, let’s bring you back to bed, girlie~
Mhm, just cling onto me~
I got you~
Right foot… Left foot… Mhm….
Alright… Down you go~
Good girl~
Are you feeling good and comfy~?
You can close your eyes if you want~
I’m gonna lay down next to you now~

I did good with you~
You are my prettiest one, yet~
Shhhhhh, I said to be quiet, remember~? Shut up, girl~
Don’t resist me~… Stay as still as a doll~
A delicate little doll~
It would be such a shame to break such a pretty thing~…
I just want to cuddle, sweetie~
All girls do this with their friends~
Girls are just so friendly and sweet~
Girls feel good and comfy with each other~
And I just can’t help myself, you know~?
You’re just so pretty~
My pretty little plaything~
My girl~
You are so much better as a girl~

Can I tell you a secret~?
You know how.. I told you all of the other girls canceled..?
Well… They all canceled… When I told them.. you.. were coming…
But hey, hey…. Fuck them.
What you and I have… Is real.
I am your real friend, not like those fake bitches~
Oh, please don’t be sad~… You have me~… And you are more of “one of the girls” than any of them will ever be.
You’re a real friend, you know that~? A real girl’s girl~
A real girl~
My girl~
We just have each other, and, I don’t know about you, but I would do anything for you~
Do you feel the same way~?
Shhhhh, I said to be quiet, remember~? Shut up, girl~
I know you feel the same~
After all… You did let me doll you up~… Pamper you~… Dress you up… Touch you~…
Shhhh, still as a doll, now~… I’m just playing with my doll a little~… It’s just what friends do~… We “play”~
And this satin gown is just… So smooth… So silky… It’s just begging to be rubbed~… All over~…
And this doll is just… So pretty~… So still… So quiet~…. She’s asking for it~… To be rubbed~… All over~
Who could resist playing with a pretty thing like you~?
Well, no one, who can see how special you are~
I see you for who you are~… Girl~
I see you~…
I feel you~…
I’ve got you~!
All wrapped up in my arms and legs~
No one can take my pretty doll away from me, now~
I will never lose my little doll~
It’s just me and my doll~
All we have is each other~
My girl~

My, how time flies when you’re having fun~
You should get some sleep, girl~
Don’t mind me~… I… Move around a lot when I sleep~
Don’t worry about it~…

(Whisper:) Just go to sleep~…

(Soft moans)

(Whisper:) Just go to sleep~…

(Quiet moans)

(Whisper:) Just go to sleep~…

(Heavy breathing)

(Whisper:) Shhh, just go to sleep~…

Quiet and still, now… Just close your eyes, dolly~

Good night… Best friend~…


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