Piss Yourself



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This is an exercise in obedience. A measure of how far you are willing to go for me. Perhaps you truly have a piss kink. Maybe. And if so, you will surely enjoy being told to piss yourself~
Or maybe you’re just so wrapped around my finger that you would actually do something so dirty and embarrassing like this~
Making a big mess just because I told you to… Left behind to clean up… To think about the power I have over you… Because what else could have possessed you to do something like this~?
You might be hesitant to listen… But that nervousness only makes it so much more exquisite, for both of us, when you let go… Release… Give me your complete submission… Empty yourself… Piss yourself~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

Piss yourself~
Make a big mess for Mommy~
Empty yourself~
You need to let go



You know what’s about to happen~…

Would you really do anything I ask of you~?
Even something so… Dirty… And… Embarrassing~?
Something that goes against common sense and societal norms~?
Something that your mind might not want to let you do… A command that your body may struggle to submit to~?
There is nothing sexier than acting against your own interests… Betraying your own thoughts… For the sake of obedience… And pleasing me~
Completely submitting to my power and control… My alluring domination… Doing something that brings me entertainment, even if you don’t have any other reason to do it~
Pure submission~
Emptying yourself~
Of your thoughts… Your sense… Your worries… Your doubts and fears… Your senses… Your free will… Even your bladder~

Are you prepared to do that for me~?
Perhaps the thought of pissing yourself makes it a bit hard to… Relax~…
Are you nervous~?
Or are you giddy~?
Or perhaps the thought of soiling yourself… Making a big wet mess… Kind of turns you on~
Maybe it shoves you under… Into subspace~…
The thought of… Pure submission~
Doing whatever I tell you to do~
No matter how you are feeling right now… We’ll take it nice and slow… Okay~?
We’ll take it nice and slow~

Make yourself comfy, do whatever you need to do
In a moment, I’m going to count from one to ten
When I reach ten, I want you point your toes, so that you feel a nice stretch
At that point, I will count to ten again, and I want you to hold that stretch until I reach ten once again
Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it~
Starting at one… You don’t have to do anything yet… Just listen to the numbers and wait for the mark
Two… Listening to my count… Waiting for my mark
Three… To point your toes parallel with your legs
Four… Not now..
Five… Halfway there
Six… Following these simple orders
Seven… Just listening right now
Eight… That’s all you have to do
Nine… Just let it happen
Tense up the muscles in your legs and point your toes straight down
One… Hold it
Two… Keep pointing those toes
Three… You may feel a nice stretch in your shins, or perhaps up in your thighs and glutes
Four… It all depends on the position of your body
Five… It’s ok if you don’t feel much
Six… All that matters to me is that you are following my instructions
Seven… Just Obeying
Eight… That’s all you have to do
Nine… Just let it happen
Relax your legs now
I’m going to count to ten again, and this time, when I reach ten, I want you to rotate your ankles up, so that your feet are flat, as if you are standing up
Starting again at one… Keep your legs relaxed until I reach ten
Two… Listening to my count… Waiting for my mark
Three… To rotate your ankles forward with your feet perpendicular to your legs
Four… Not now..
Five… Halfway there
Six… Following these simple orders
Seven… Just listening right now
Eight… That’s all you have to do
Nine… Just let it happen
Rotate your ankles now, and hold your feet flat
One… Hold it…
Two… You should feel that stretch in your calves now
Three… Perhaps a little bit in your hamstrings
Four… Keep holding that position… We’re halfway done
Five… It’s ok if you don’t feel much
Six… All that matters to me is that you are following my instructions
Seven… Just Obeying
Eight… That’s all you have to do
Nine… Just let it happen
Relax your legs now
Let them return to a limp, comfortable position
Very good~
See how easy it is to Obey when I give you a simple countdown~?
You should feel a little more loose and comfortable now
Just relax~
Just let it happen~

Allow me to whisk you away from life for a moment… Into a world of my creation… Designed purely to help you relax
Whether your heightened anxiety comes from nervousness or excitement~
Let’s just focus on this right now… For now~
Simply close your eyes, listen to my words, and let your mind do what it wants with them
Let it conjure any images or scenes that my words my evoke
Let it wander… Don’t worry~
If you get lost in thought, I will still be right here… Dripping my words into your psyche~
Drip… Drip… Drip~
Like residual water DROPlets dripping from a delicate little tree branch, into a still pond after a heavy rain shower on a golden summer evening
The air is pleasantly warm… The low-hanging sun tints the world with warm hues of gold, brass, and yellow
It’s warm and pleasant
The tree branch calmly trembles as the water rhythmically rolls down and trickles off of its little limbs
Drip… Drip… Drip~
DROPping onto the surface of the pond… Merely a puddle in the grand scheme of things~
Drip… Drip… Drip~
Ripples spreading out from the point of impact… Perfect, growing circles
Flowing outwards… One after another after another… Forming a mesmerizing, spiraling pattern on the water’s face
Distorting the clear reflection of the aureate sky… Colorful clouds calmly floating by
No worry in the world
Not in this world
Drip… Drip… Drip~
The only sound for miles~
The water… Drip… Drip… Dripping into the pond… Filling it up~
My voice… Drip… Drip… Dripping into your psyche… Filling it up~
One DROP at a time~
This pond is just like your mind
The water… My voice… Filling it up
You might be able to feel the little drips… Rippling across your mind… Tranquil, with a soft, soothing turbulence
Subtle waves spreading from the center… Slowly but surely taking over your psyche
So subtle, but very present
Just like this pond, your mind is gradually becoming occupied… Filled… With these drips
Your skull is simply a porcelain bowl, filled with spiraling liquid
Pleasantly perturbed… Gently gyrating
Drip… Drip… Drip~
And this pond is slowly, so slowly you wouldn’t even notice until it’s already happening, overflowing
Looking to your left, you can see that this pond sits just beside the edge of a cliff
And as this pond fills beyond its maximum capacity, you can see the expanding edges slowly creeping towards the stagnant edge of the cliff
Just watching
That’s all you have to do
Just let it happen
Watch the pond as it swells… Filling up more and more… Approaching the edge… The pond can barely keep the water contained… It won’t be long before it spills over~
Trickling down the side of the cliff, the legs of the mountain~
This pond is just like your mind
As my words drip… Drip… Drip inside… Filling you up… Beyond your maximum capacity
You need to let something go~
This is a very familiar feeling~
Being so full… In desperate need of release… Barely holding it together~
Think about that feeling… When your bladder is so full~… Just like this pond… Just like your head~ That distinct, heavy, uncomfortable feeling~…
Perhaps you are feeling it right now… Or perhaps it will sneak up on you soon… But… You know that feeling~
This swelling, turbulent pond… Represents your head… Your bladder~
So full… Drip… Drip… Drip…
Creeping towards the edge
It wants to pour off the ledge
It wants to be free
It wants to trickle down the cliff… The legs of the mountain~
It’s getting so heavy
Weighing you down
Your head
Your bladder
Just like this overflowing, unstable pond
You need to let something go~
Drip… Drip… DROP~
Submit to me completely
Willing to do anything for me~
DROP~… Your thoughts… Your sense… Your worries… Your doubts and fears… Your senses… Your free will… And everything I ask you to let go of~
You will OBEY… For the sole purpose of Obeying~
Entertaining me
Even if it feels dirty and embarrassing
Especially if it feels dirty and embarrassing~
And so… As this pond fills and approaches the edge… So does your head~
So does your bladder~
Remember how easy it was to Obey when I gave you a simple countdown earlier~?
Just relax~
Just let it happen~
And in a moment… I’m going to count from one to ten~
And when I reach ten… It will be so easy to Obey~…
It will feel so natural to let go… Because you need to let go… So badly… You need to go… So badly~
This pond… Your mind… Your bladder… Your desire to Obey and entertain me… Is so full~
Hold it in for just a bit longer~
Until I reach ten
Then you can let it all go~
Starting at one~
No longer nervous…
Two… Calm… And eager to Obey~…
Three… Warm… Heavy… Full~
Just like the contents of the pond… That so desperately want to be freed from their bounds
Four… Waiting for my mark to let go
Five… I don’t care how it makes you feel~
Six… All that matters to me is that you are following my instructions
Seven… Just Obey
Eight… That’s all you have to do
Nine… Just let it happen
Empty yourself~
That’s all you have to do
Just let it happen
As the contents of the pond creep over the edge of the cliff… Pouring… Starting as a light trickle, and quickly forming a gushing stream… Soaking the legs of the cliff~
The heavy fullness in your head… And your bladder… Trickle… Pour… And gush out… Soaking your legs~
Making such a big, wet mess~
For me~
Pissing yourself for Mommy~
Covering yourself in such golden warmth~
So pleasant… Comforting… And dirty~
It makes your head so empty~
Finally letting go of all of this weight that you’ve been holding onto
Waiting for my mark
My permission
To let it all go~
Emptying your mind and your bladder
It feels so good~
Pure submission~
I’m so proud of you for pissing yourself~

But as nice as it feels… It will start to get cold
So I need you to get up now and clean up, okay~?
I need you to clean yourself, your clothes, your sheets, or whatever you soiled… So I can make you dirty again~
Start by doing some of those legs stretches from before
Tensing your muscles… Point your toes… Rotating your ankles…
Maybe your back and your arms and your neck, too
Forming fists with your hands… Spreading out your fingers…
Until you get your body ready to get up and clean yourself~
Open your eyes if you haven’t already, and look at what you’ve done to yourself~
What I’ve done to you
Look at it~
Look at the mess you’ve made~
Look how obedient and submissive you are for me~
Is it embarrassing~?
Go clean up and think about what just happened~


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