Silly Goose Conversion



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Just like any other conversion file, settle down and let me guide you down… Like a mindless, relaxing nap… Like a good little pet~
I know your brain needs a break from forming its own complicated, human thoughts~
No need for those anymore, you Silly Goose~!
Just let your silly little bird-brain do what it does best… Listen~
Whether you understand my big human words or not… Just listen… Even as you begin to feel weak… Powerless… Ditzy… Dumb… Mindless… And silly~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

You’re so silly~
Such a Silly Goose~
Getting sillier by the second~
Say “honk honk”~!
Silly, Silly Goose~
Powerless… Weak… Silly~
Ditzy… Dumb… Usefully useless~



I’m sure you are aware by now… Hopefully… That slipping into an entranced state is something that we all do… Every day
It is a natural part of life
Getting lost in your own thoughts… Spacing out on your samey, tedious drive home from work… Operating solely on routine and muscle memory…
Becoming immersed in a piece of literature… An entertaining story that pulls you into another world… Taking your complete focus…
Turning your brain off to absorb media on the TV or your phone or the internet… Which they say, turns your brain to mush… Going mindless… Letting your mind laze around without exercising it in any way… It can make you feel kind of dumb~
And when you sink down into a trance… At the instruction of someone else… It can make you feel super dumb~
Extremely silly… And powerless… But there’s something quite enjoyable about letting go… Not needing to strain or exercise your mind in any way~
It’s like a retreat from the stressors of life…
A vacation from thinking… From working your brain so hard~…
As if we, as humans, slip into an entranced state frequently… With the purpose to preserve our mental energy.
It’s not pleasant or practical to run our brains at full steam all the time~…

It’s okay to need a break sometimes…
It’s even okay to need a break more than just sometimes~
It’s natural~
Some people need it more than others, and that is okay~
And sometimes, you need a tiny little push from someone else… To tip you over the ledge… Down… Into complete mindlessness~
Even if being vulnerable to their influence makes you feel powerless… Weak… And kind of silly… For being so affected by someone else in that way~
Losing your grip on your own mental agency…
Letting it DROP… Fall… Into the hands… Of someone else~

But it can also be a quite pleasurable experience… Being weak and powerless and silly~
Feeling kind of… Ditzy~… Dumb~… Usefully useless~
For some people, those are very arousing feelings~
It can feel so good to just… Let… Go~
Turning your brain off to absorb nothing but pleasure… Letting your brain melt into mush… Drippy, squishy mush~
Incapable of holding any shape on its own…
It feels like you’re going mindless~
Pleasantly dumb for a change~
Just for a little while as you relax… And let my words soak in to that spongy mush~
I’m sure you’re otherwise very smart~
Oh yeah, mhm~… Totally very smart~
There’s no way you’d usually let someone sway and mold your brain without any resistance, aside from these special, relaxing occasions~
A vacation for your hard-working mind~
Or maybe it works sooo hard because it needs to try harder than most to operate~
Stretching and straining extra hard to understand the world around you~
Making so many silly mistakes~
But don’t worry~
You don’t have to try any longer~
Trying to be something you’re not is exhausting~
It’s hurts your silly little bird-brain~
To try to comprehend big human words~
To understand even the simplest of things~
But luckily for you~… Slipping into a mindless, enrapturing trance is a natural, common, easy occurrence~
Just listen to my words, and I will give you something very easy to follow along with~
Just let me guide you… Your thoughts… Your shallow attention… Follow my words… There’s no need to form your own~
That’s too much work for an overworked, silly bird-brain like you~

Just follow along… As I simply count to the number 5~
It’s not a very big number~
You can do that, right~?
Don’t DROP your focus~… Even though it can be so hard to even do that~
To follow along~
To listen~
One, of the easiest things you can do~
To.. Do nothing at all, but be guided… One… Number… At a time~
And once you’ve won one sense of accomplishment, of doing the easiest thing in the world, and nothing else, there may be a part of you that isn’t even entirely sure you’ve done it right~
One too many worries in that tiny little bird-brain… Too… Silly… Can overload and overtake your mind… To… Make you doubt your own mental abilities… Your own mental agency…
To… Make you doubt your memory… Your ability to focus and follow simple instructions, too.
Take two… Through two ears, two thoughts to tune to… Too difficult to understand which is two~
Too exhausting to process two, too~
To tune the correct two… To… Too…
One to two… And suddenly simply listening becomes too difficult to accomplish…
Merely witnessing at this point… Free of one too many thoughts… Too… Too many thoughts… Simply witnessing the (ac)count… For… One to three to five…
Starting at one… For which purpose you may not understand… Two, once, or maybe two more for four… Before you forget… Which number we are on…
Which number I am on… As you try… To.. Follow along~
For… Whatever reason… To… Try… One too free… To continue to try too hard… Too… Too… Hard… To think about anything as you lose one four… Me… Another… Worry… One more… Uncertainty… Too…
The numbers… Too… Hidden in my words… To… Follow along… With the numbers… Too… Mixed… With homophones… Audibly disguised four… Obvious reasons~
But as you try to.. Filter through them in your head… It just tires your brain out too much to even bother to maintain any resistance…
You are too… Weak… Powerless… Usefully useless~
When.. Starting the count… To.. Five… It will be too difficult to follow along~
Only able to subconsciously absorb all of the words and numbers like a simple little creature with a mushy, spongy little bird-brain~
But I’ve already completed my count~

It is not your job to understand~
Just to listen~
Slipping into a ditzy, dumb little trance…
As you frequently do, probably without even realizing it~
You can give up on trying to understand~
Just be~
Let yourself go mindless… Melty… Mushy… Spongy… And silly~


The longer you listen, the less you understand, the sillier and dumber you feel~
Getting sillier and dumber by the second~
With every… Single… DROP~

Do you feel a little silly~?
You’re such a Silly Goose~
Mhm~… Yes you are~
You’re a Silly Goose~
A ditzy… Dumb… Mindless… Melty… Mushy… Spongy… Little… Bird-brain~
Too small and simple minded to comprehend anything beyond your own feelings right now~
Feeling small and weak… Powerless… Delightfully silly~
For letting someone else… Me~… Guide you down into an entranced state~
Slipping… Falling…

You’re such a Silly Goose~

And what does a Silly Goose say~?
You say “Honk honk”~!
Say it~
“Honk honk”~!
Like the Silly Goose you are~
You can’t think or say anything else right now~
You’re too weak… Powerless… Ditzy… Dumb… Mindless… Melty… Mushy… Spongy~
All your silly little bird-brain is capable of doing is making silly little birdy noises~
“Honk honk”~… Says the Silly Goose~!
“Honk honk”~!
“Honk honk”~!
Your spongy little bird-brain is absorbing these silly words~
They will become so natural to you~…
Every time someone reminds you of the Silly Goose you are…
Every time someone calls you a Silly Goose, you will say “Honk honk”~!
Say it~
“Honk honk”~!
You are a Silly Goose~
Every time I call you a Silly Goose, you say “honk honk”~!
No fowl play here, just Silly Gooseness~

The longer you listen, the less you understand, the sillier and dumber you feel~
Getting sillier and dumber by the second~
Maybe it puts a silly little smile on your face~
Maybe it makes you giggle…
Getting so silly~
With every… Single… DROP~

You are such a Silly Goose~
The name Silly Goose brings out your inner Silly Goose~
It makes your little bird-brain let go of everything except for…
You know~
Silly Goose says “Honk honk”~!
Ringing around in your little bird-brain~
You’re too silly to think of anything else~
Your little bird-brain is only capable of holding onto that one phrase~
You are a Silly Goose~
You say “Honk honk”~!
“Honk honk”~!
Everytime someone reminds you that you’re a Silly Goose
“Honk honk”~!
Everytime someone calls you what you are~
A Silly Goose~!
“Honk honk”~!
That’s all~
The words “Silly Goose”… They just make you want to say “Honk honk”~!
Just a quick little interruption~
That’s all~
Just a brief little “Honk honk”~!
When someone calls you a Silly Goose~
Because it’s true~
You are a Silly Goose~!

Only a Silly Goose (“Honk honk”~!) would DROP into a trance this easily~
Only a Silly Goose (“Honk honk”~!) needs a break from exhausting human thoughts like you do~
And every time you do or say something silly… And someone calls you a Silly Goose… “Honk honk”~!
You get a brief moment of Silly Gooseness~ (“Honk honk”~!)
It’s so fun to say it, huh~?
“Honk honk”~!
Such a silly, simple phrase~
“Honk honk”~!
And you keep getting sillier and sillier~
Dumber and dumber~
Such a Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
Don’t go acting extra dumb just so someone will call you out on it… Just be yourself, you Silly Goose~!
“Honk honk”~!
You ARE a Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
So say “Honk honk”~!
Every time you hear those flustering words that describe you so perfectly~
Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
You are such a Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
Yes you are~
A Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
Isn’t it so fun to say~?
Does it fill you with the giggles~?
It is absorbing into your spongy little bird-brain~… Getting stuck in your head… And every time you hear the words… Silly Goose~
You just wanna go “Honk honk”~!

“Honk honk”~, Silly Goose~!
You make so many silly mistakes, don’t you~?
They can be kind of embarrassing, especially when other people witness you being so silly~
All you can really manage to say is… “Honk honk”~! Like a Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
Every time I call you a Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
I’m sure you’ve caught on by now~
Those should be the only words that come to your mind, after all, when I call you that~… A Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
Silly giggles and silly birdy noises for a Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
You don’t even need me to say it for you anymore~
“Honk honk”~… Is your natural response, as a Silly Goose~
The only response in that tiny little bird-brain of yours when someone calls you a Silly Goose~
“Honk honk”~!
It’s only really one word~… Spoken twice by a simple-minded, Silly Goose~

There’s no need for a Silly Goose like you to say anything else~
That’s all anyone really expects of a Silly Goose~
So when someone calls you a Silly Goose… That’s all you have to say~
“Honk honk”~!
That’s all you CAN say~
Because you’re SUCH a Silly Goose~
I say Silly Goose… And you say… “Honk honk”~!
You hear “Silly Goose” and you say… “Honk honk”~!
Silly Goose~
What does the Silly Goose say, huh~?
What do you say when I call you a Silly Goose~?
You say “Honk honk”~!
Such a Silly Goose~
So giggly~
So ditzy… Dumb… And usefully useless~
So weak… And powerless… And silly~
Silly Goose~!

Honk… Honk~

Yes you are~

And now that you know you’re such a Silly Goose~….
It is time for you to flee the nest~
To spread your wings and roam the world as a Silly Goose~

Your life will remain the same as it always has been… Making silly mistakes here and there, as you sometimes do~
And when somebody calls you a Silly Goose….
You will always be compelled to blurt out… “Honk honk”~!

Because you’re a Silly Goose~!
And a Silly Goose says…. “Honk honk”~!

Only and every time someone calls you what you are~
A Silly Goose~

It’s time to wake up now, Silly Goose~!
You may feel a bit silly for a little while… Even more than usual~… But that is normal for a growing goosie~
You are growing into yourself, my Silly Goose~

There you go~… Open your eyes… Stretch out those wings… Wake up now~…
Let your silly thoughts come back to you~…
Go on about your normal life, now~…
You Silly Goose~


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