The Censor Implant



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Welcome to the Sammys System~ 

You have been selected to receive a new piece of hardware. An addition to your Drone Suit. You are helpless to prevent this permanent reprogramming. You cannot halt the process. You cannot stop the changes. Mommy will render you immobile… slipping the Censor Implant… AKA the “Beta Chip”… Deep inside of your pussy-mind.. Turning it on and setting it up~ 

This device connects to the visual cortex… Within the occipital lobe inside of your drone-brain. As it detects activity in the pleasure centers of your brain… It alters your vision. Immediately… And irreversibly~ 

You will notice these changes as you look at tantalizing images of arousing, naked bodies.. All of your favorite parts… Be it tits, cleavage, ass, feet, cock, lips, pussy… eyes… Armpits… Any and all of the most alluring bits… That light up the pleasure centers of your brain… Will be BLOCKED by the Censor Implant – Replaced with blurry, unidentifiable pixels~ Forcing you to look elsewhere to get off… But when anything arouses you… The “Beta Chip” will detect it~ 

Before you know it, entire bodies will morph into censors… Blurry, unidentifiable pixels~ You’ll have to get off to the pixels – Nothing else – when the Beta Chip Activates~

This file may cause permanent changes to how you view the world. Listen multiple times for best effect. 

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.


You don’t get to see… 

Beta Losers see censors 

Nothing but blurry pixels 

The censor chip is activating 

Feel it planting roots in your mind 

Permanent changes are happening 

No more nudes… 

Unable to see anything lewd 

Censored beta loser

Censors are your new porn 

Can’t stop the changes 

Touch for censors 

Addicted to censors 

Beta Chip Activate 



Welcome to the Sammys System~ 

You have been selected for – one – Censor Implant 

A device that connects into your occipital lobe… Towards the back of your brain… Which houses the occipital cortex~ 

Once the device is in place, you will immediately notice changes in your vision This device will alter the way you few stimuli that light up all arousal centers within the brain The effects of this device will be permanent, as long as the device is installed You cannot halt the process 

Your reprogramming will begin shortly~ 

You cannot halt the process 


Rest one hand on your stomach, and the other over your heart 

Focus, now, on taking slow, deep breaths 

Just like that~

Now, listen very carefully to my instructive, commanding words 

Just let the process take over 

Softening and loosening the muscles and tendons in your feet now… Starting at your toes, and working up 

So soft and loose and relaxed 

Breathing nice and slow, deep breaths 

And you may feel your heart rate slow into calm, rhythmic beats~ 

Feel a warmth travel up your body as it softens and loosens every muscle and tendon, preparing your body for installation 

Your reprogramming will begin shortly 

That warm, soft, relaxed sensation encases your legs, engulfing you in calm pleasure… Up to your hips now 

Feel it spread up and around, so comprehensively.. 

You feel encased and surrounded by a warm sticky substance… 

It feels sooo warm and relaxing… 

It soothes the skin and relaxes the muscles… 

So heavy… The substance makes it so hard to move… 

Stuck in place, still, and ready for my reprogramming 

Your arms and legs are stuck in place… Swaddled and encased by this warm relaxation By this tight latex… 

You can just notice as each muscle relaxes, or as whole parts of your body, one at a time or all at once, grow pleasantly loose, limp, and heavy, with no effort from you at all, it just happens. Just like that.


A black thick substance surrounding you…. 

Completely encased by the substance… 

Nothing but total, blank darkness, empty and ready for reprogramming Feel something slip over your eyes now… 

An all-encasing head-set… 

With a screen.. And noise-canceling headphones 

You can’t see or hear anything… that I do not want you to see or hear~ There is a spiral in the display in front of you. Making you drift down deeper and deeper… Making you DROP 

Behind the spiral… You can clearly see an endless montage of alluring images… All of your favorite fetishes on display… 

All of the most mind-numbing, arousing images… Of naked bodies…. Completely nude… 

Your eyes will naturally gravitate towards their favorite bits~ 

Be it tits, cleavage, ass, feet, cock, lips, pussy… eyes… Armpits… You degenerate drone~ Just stare…. 

Focus on the spiral

At the tantalizing images… Flashing before your eyes… The spiral centers on the most arousing focal points…. In direct connection with the arousal centers in your brain… The headset is connected to your brain… The spiral draws you in the images… Deeper and deeper…. You hear a voice, telling you commands that you cannot consciously focus on, but you know that your subconscious follows automatically, without needing to know why. 

And you effortlessly DROP 

Without doing a single thing 

You just DROP naturally and effortlessly 

The screen displays a very pretty spiral… You cannot bring yourself to look away from its center… At the sexy images on the display~ 

You can still hear my voice clearly 

You will always hear my voice clearly 

This is the voice of the installation interface 

And the headset… The spiral… and the voice that only your subconscious can hear… Is slowly, methodically massaging your brain 

Molding it 

Clearing it 

Opening it up… Like a pussy-mind 

Preparing it for the installation 

And on the count of 1, you will be ready. You will be deeply and completely hypnotized 

Commencing the countdown sequence 


10… Your brain is being altered… Morphed into a compliantly smooth plasticity.. 9… Smoothed into docile blankness 

8… With no thoughts, no ideas, no will, no control. Replaced with pure, unfiltered pleasure 7… Completely, perfectly relaxed. And bound by the latex 

6… Smooth brain. All the folds and grooves flattened 

5… Massaged and smoothed 

4.. Molded and shaped into a new configuration 

3… Of docile, placid blankness 

2… Of thoughtless, mindless, will-less, instinctive compliance. 

1… Smooth, docile, empty brain. Empty mind. Empty head. 


So empty of thought. So full of pleasure~ 

This unit is perfectly empty and ready for reprogramming 

Prepped and primed for installation 

Just focus on the spiral on the screen… And the images… You cannot look away~ Don’t worry about a thing~ 

The latex squeezes you tighter… And that pretty spiral makes you DROP and drift down.. Even deeper… And deeper… 

Bound tightly, and pleasantly… In your Drone Suit~ 

Encased by pleasurable, warm, tight latex… And mind-fucked by my spirals… The arousing scenes before your dumb… Mindless… Degenerate eyes~ 

Your reprogramming is about to begin~

Feel your mind opening up so wide for me… 

So wet…Pliable…Fuckable… 

So ready for installation… For the Censor Implant~ 

A special device made just for your pussy-mind… 

It is special… Because it caters to your personal fetishes and weaknesses… It is special because it’ll permanently change your mind and body forever… Your wide pussy mind is ready to accept this device… And its permanent effects~ Ready to accept this new implant into your mind… The Censor Implant~ In fact… Your horny, dumb drone-brain is desperate for this implant… Feel it… your mind is throbbing with desire… 

You want to be permanently altered… 

You want to be under my control at all times… 

Your pussy-mind is opening up… 

Feel the implant slipping in… 

Firmly implanted within your mind… 

This is a quick, automatic process…. 

You shouldn’t feel any pain… Only pleasure~ 

The pleasure you feel is growing… 

Your mind is throbbing with pleasure… 

I can see it… As I operate…. As the reprogramming commences.. Feel the implant making permanent roots in your mind… 

Burrowing deeper and deeper… 

You can’t stop it anymore… It’s official…

As it locks into place… Back there… In the back of the brain… In the visual cortex within the occipital lobe… You may begin to notice…. The images on the screen are changing~ All of your favorite parts of the images… Are becoming SO hard to see~ Too hard… To see…. 

So… Let me tell you exactly how this implant is going to work, now that your mind so eagerly accepted it~ 

The Censor Implant~ 

Now deep inside your mind… Has made permanent changes to your perception… You will no longer be able to view anything you perceive as sexually attractive… What I mean by that, is every single body part you find sexually attractive.. Be it tits, cleavage, ass, feet, cock, lips, pussy… Eyes… Armpits… You degenerate drone~ 

You won’t be able to see anything but a blur… 

Your eyes won’t be able to focus on it… 

No matter how hard you try… You will find that you will be looking at nothing but pixels~ Unable to decipher what you are looking at~ 

It all happens in less than a millisecond…. Your brain processes the stimuli… And with no time in between… The Implant immediately blocks the activity in the pleasure centers within your brain… Synapses firing…. Before you can even process what you are looking at It all happens so fast… That you don’t even get the chance to see what is being censored out~ All of those sexy bodies right before your eyes… Reduced to blurry pixels~ You can’t see… 

Now… We just need to calibrate the settings of this implant… 

Feel the implant locking into place…

These changes are permanent… 

Nothing you do will be able to undo these effects… 

This device is now permanently installed in your head and the only person who can turn it off is me… 

Now, I am creating some activation commands… Some conditional statements… Whenever I say the words “Beta Chip Activate” the implant will turn on… Immediately… Permanently… Changing the way you perceive anything sexy~ And when I say the words “Beta Chip Deactivate”… the implant will turn off… But I won’t be doing that much~ 

Most importantly… The phrase… “Beta Chip Activate” will activate the effects of The Censor Implant 

It will always be there 

Now.. Forever… And always… This installation is permanent 

It is impossible to remove the Censor Implant 

It will always be there… In the visual cortex within your brain~ 

Anytime I say or write “Beta Chip Activate”, The Censor Implant will immediately block out anything sexy in your field of vision 

Sexy images will ALWAYS… Permanently… Be nothing but blurry pixels in your eyes~ There is no way around it 

You simply will not be able to see anything that lights up any of the pleasure centers within your brain 

The Censor Implant… The Beta Chip… Will immediately detect the brain activity and block your vision~

When I say or write “Beta Chip Activate” this will happen… 

Over time, you may come to fetishize other things… And the Implant will block them too There is no way around it 

Everything you perceive as sexy or arousing will be removed from your sight Transformed into blurry, unidentifiable pixels 

Helplessly losing the ability to see anything you so desperately want to see~ Slowly.. But surely.. And permanently… Until entire bodies… 2D and real… Are nothing to you but confusing, blurry, unidentifiable pixels~ 

And you will come to Love the pixels~ 

Pixels will become your new Obsession… You will Lust for blurry pixels… Fueling the Censor Implant even more~ 

See those bodies right now… Right in front of you… Becoming blurry and pixelated…. And feel…. FEEL…. The “Beta Chip Activate” 


It’s time to get up now… I’m going to count up from 1 to 5… 

When I reach 5 you can choose to either drift off to sleep or wake up out of trance… 1… Commit these commands to your memory… 

2… Feel the changes in your mind… As your pussy-mind… Closes in around the Implant… Permanently locking it into place~ 

3… More aware of your surroundings or drifting into a deep sleep… 

4… The spiral… The images… Fading away…

5… Logging off~ 

Enjoy your new Censor Implant, Drone~


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