Wakey wakey, sleepy baby… It’s time to get up now
I know you feel nice and relaxed… So warm and cozy… I know it can be hard to pull yourself up and onward…
So use this time as a gentle, guided transition into complete consciousness
Just listen to my voice… Let me help you… Let me lift you~
You can rest again later… But right now, you’ve got other things to do~
Right now, it is time to wake up
A nice, gradual rise… No need to stress or fuss… No rush… Just let me talk you up, okay~? Nice and slow~
All you have to do is listen… Follow along… And I will make sure you reach your attentive destination
Do as I say… Relax… Listen… Follow along
As tempting as it may be to sink into your comfy surroundings, I need you to move your body
It is important to move your body
To get your blood pumping… Your heart beating… Your muscles warmed up
Rotate your ankles… And your wrists… Sprawl and clench your fingers and toes… Make yourself aware of every single joint in your body
Bend and unbend them all
Reach your arms up into the air… Stretch… Reach for the sky… And slowly lower them down, reaching outwards from your body, as if you are spreading them like wings
Ready to fly up and onward~
Do the same with your legs, to the best of your ability~
Lift them straight up into the air… Stretch… Aim for the sky… And as you lower them down, spread them as wide open as you can~
Mmmm spread those legs wide open for me~
Shift your body from side to side, to feel that nice stretch in your hips
Just gently warm up your previously still body… It may feel nice to pop and crack some joints… Just make sure you’re being nice and gentle~
Animate yourself, don’t hurt yourself~
It’s time to wake up~
Open your eyes, if you haven’t already
Let in the light
If there is a window in the room, open the curtains, the blinds, or even the window itself, if the weather is nice enough~
Fresh air would do you good~
But at the very least, let in some light
To lift your mood and your consciousness
Take your time~
Acquaint yourself with the world around you… Acclimate yourself to the light… It is time to get up now~
And if it is not very bright outside, turn on a light
See your surroundings
At least well enough to pick something to look at
Something close by
Something within reach
Even if it’s your own body~
Touch it~
Feel the texture and temperature beneath your fingertips… Find a word to describe it… Just one…
Slowly turning the cogs in your brain… Slowly turning it back on…
It is time to get up now~
If you are not standing on your feet by now, that is okay~
All I ask if that at least part of you is vertical
Whether you are standing, sitting up where you were resting, or merely sticking an arm straight up into the air
As long as some part of you is on its way up and onward, you are making progress
As long as you continue to inch your way up and onward
And if you are already standing… Very good~! I’m so proud of you~!
If you are already standing… Continue to stretch and move your body
Swing your arms… Twist your back left and right… Twirling like a giddy little cutie~… Shifting your weight left and right… Doing a happy little march in place… Anything to get your body moving
A nice, gentle start~
The next thing I want you to do is get yourself a drink of water
This is very important
Perhaps you have some nearby, or perhaps you need to move to another room to get some
If you have already thought ahead, and you have some waiting for you by your side, good for you~! Good job~!
And if you need to go get some, then wonderful~! More movement will help you wake up~!
Either way is great~
You’re off to a great start~
So, go on~
Get yourself a drink of water~
You deserve it~
You need it~
Rehydrate yourself with the liquid of life
Give yourself some life now
And as you make your way up and onward, allow me to offer some affirmations
You are doing amazing
Moving up and onward
At a pace that is comfortable to you
Keeping your eyes open, moving your body, and giving your body some refreshing life fuel
Mindful of your breathing, as if you are in a focused, meditative state
Mindful of your entire body as you move it… Up and onward
It is time to get up now
You know this
You are doing what you are able, and that is amazing
Some days will be harder than others, and you’ve got this
Whether this is a harder day or an easier day
All that matters is that you are progressing
Up and onward
No matter the pace, as long as you are moving forward
Up and onward
You’re doing so good~
You deserve to treat yourself to something nice today
Maybe something yummy… Maybe something pleasurable… Maybe something healthy… Maybe something fun~
As long as it’s safe and legal, you should do something kind for yourself~
A reward for moving… Up and onward~
You deserve it~
But first, you must wake up
Bring yourself into the full swing of consciousness
At whatever pace you can
At whatever pace you need to
You got this~
You can do this~
I believe in you
Wake up now~
All the way~
Let’s go
It’s time to get moving
Up and onward~
Wakey wakey~