Stamina Help – FULL SERIES

All of the help I have to offer you is here. Listen all at once for a ruthless experience. Accept your sexual stamina in order to become what I desire you to be… Surrender to my control… To the pleasure… And I will show you no mercy~  Endless, easy pleasure… For both of us~  WARNING: […]

Stamina Help: 3 – No Mercy

Just a little more help…. You are making great progress~ Just a little more guidance for you to have the perfect amount of endurance… To have the most fun… The most pleasure~ I will show you. You are doing so well, and I will show you no mercy. I will show you exactly what all […]

Stamina Help: 2 – Surrender

You are ready for more of my help… Ready for me to tell you exactly what you must do in order to obtain the preferable amount of stamina. I will tell you how you should touch yourself from now on… For me… Because of me… And my helpful influence~  You will surrender to my control… […]

Stamina Help: 1 – Acceptance

If you want my help, the first step is acceptance. The fact that you are here means you are aware of the problem of your sexual stamina, and you are ready to change and grow. You want this. You are ready.  I will help you with your sexual stamina, meeting you where you are at […]

Sammys System Hotline (A)

Your lucky opportunity to chat with Mommy~! But you’ll have to wait – Mommy Sammys, the Matriarch of The Sammys System, is busy. Just sit back, relax, Drop, and wait – enjoy the hold music~Rather than installing new triggers today, we will play with established triggers from “Drone Installation Chip” & “Drone Update 2.0“, The […]

Kitty Conversion

You’re like a gentle, delicate kitten, bathing in the sun… Resting quietly on a soft, plushy rug… On my warm, bare lap… On my chest, cradled in between my pillowy breasts~ No thought, no worries, just sweet, intimate relaxation… Laze… Snooze… Drift… Take a catnap with Mommy~Enjoy my tender stroking, petting and patting… My tight […]

Drone Update 2.0

Welcome back to The Sammys System~ Listen to “Drone Installation Chip” before listening to this file. It is time for your regularly scheduled update~ Hold still while this process takes place – encasing you in warm, tight latex… Overwhelming your senses with a headset… Beaming a spiral into your face and Mommy’s voice in your […]

Mommy’s Permission

Note: Seek guidance and permission via files 😉 Enjoy this intimate scene with Mommy… Sensually spinning… On the turntable… Mommy’s wet fingers smoothing and forming your malleable clay-brain… Kneading it like dough… Working out all of the air bubbles… Making it dense and ready for my divine manipulation~ Demonstrating my omnipotent power over you as […]

Mommy’s Money

Cum sit in Mommy’s lap. We need to talk about your spending habits~

Whether you struggle with spending too much because of an out of control findom fetish, or if you just generally spend more than you’d like to, Mommy wants to help you. When you spiral down into these destructive habits, you don’t just hurt yourself – You hurt Mommy~

I know you don’t want that… I take such good care of you… Because you belong to me… My little wallet~

All of the money you hold is Mommy’s Money. I am so generous to let you use it – And I won’t stop you, but you need to be more responsible with it. You can use however much you need to, in order to meet your necessities… But any excess belongs back in Mommy’s hands~

You’re my little money-maker… Droning on and slaving away with purpose… To give Mommy what’s hers after you’ve taken care of yourself. You’ll build better, healthier habits when you’re not just doing it for yourself~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

Try to Resist

Download and seamlessly listen on LOOP for hours… You won’t even realize how many times you’ve listened before your every morsel of resistance fades away~ DON’T Drop. DON’T fall into trance. DON’T become even slightly aroused. Resist all symptoms of Lust~ Do you think you’re strong enough to resist me~? Really think about it… Can […]