My Wish is Your Command: 1 – The First Wish

It doesn’t seem real, it’s just like how you see it in movies and read it in stories – an old oil lamp with something unusual and exciting under the lid… Calling out to you… Inviting you to rub… To touch… But it’s no trick (at least not yet), it’s very real. And a very […]

Train Tease

You’re sitting quietly in a crowded train, blissfully deaf to the other irrelevant passengers, zoned out and locked onto a tempting sight – aligned perfectly in your line of sight, peeking through the side of a tight, sleeveless shirt… Dancing, swaying, jiggling with the movements of the train – a very surprisingly bare, exposed side-boob~ […]

Mommy’s Toy

It’s a late night, and we are off to bed… But I can’t sleep, and neither can you – your restlessness is obvious. You have something on your mind~ I’ll comfort you with the firm, but soft embrace of my thighs… So warm, dark under the covers, and steamy~ And even after you’re comfortably resting […]

Binge for Mommy

LONG INDUCTION – NO AWAKENER Whether this is your first time trying me out, or if you’ve been hooked for a long time, you will find that my voice, my suggestions, my triggers… Are like a drug to your pleasure-seeking mind. This is a safe space to indulge in some pleasurable fun~ Everyone will react […]

Act Natural

Download and listen on loop! Practice caution and common sense – not everyone will consent to seeing a flustered mess~ You just can’t get enough… You can’t always settle down for an hour to mindlessly trance… You have things to do, places to be, people to see… But you need to hear me. To feel […]

Phantasmic Orgasm

This file has a JOI awakener, which adds extra time to the end of the file to allow for an orgasm. Feel free to listen as long or as little as you need, but it does get progressively more spicy as it goes on~ A mysterious entity visits you as you are resting and vulnerable. […]

Edge Loop

Touch yourself… Pleasure yourself… Masturbate… With Mommy~ I could go all day~… Could you? Well, I know you want to~ Mutual masturbation is intense… It fries your brain… It’s like sex, if not even better~ Think about me… Listen to me… Touch with me… Moan with me… Stroke, rub, tease, ride the pleasure. Edge, DROP, […]

Stamina Help – FULL SERIES

All of the help I have to offer you is here. Listen all at once for a ruthless experience. Accept your sexual stamina in order to become what I desire you to be… Surrender to my control… To the pleasure… And I will show you no mercy~  Endless, easy pleasure… For both of us~  WARNING: […]

Stamina Help: 3 – No Mercy

Just a little more help…. You are making great progress~ Just a little more guidance for you to have the perfect amount of endurance… To have the most fun… The most pleasure~ I will show you. You are doing so well, and I will show you no mercy. I will show you exactly what all […]

Stamina Help: 2 – Surrender

You are ready for more of my help… Ready for me to tell you exactly what you must do in order to obtain the preferable amount of stamina. I will tell you how you should touch yourself from now on… For me… Because of me… And my helpful influence~  You will surrender to my control… […]