A Maid’s Revenge



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An heir to the throne… And your poor, tired staff. Always cleaning up after your degenerate messes… Your royal status can’t help you when the entire kingdom knows you’re a disgusting deviant. A depraved pervert!

Your disgruntled maid is disappointed to find you naked on the living room sofa… Doing God knows what… And she knows it’s high time you were taught a harsh lesson on respect.

You’re a rich spoiled brat who treats your staff inappropriately… Always gawking and pulling “pranks” and being all around disgusting… It’s only fitting that you’d be made to lick spit off of the floor, deepthroat a high-heel, and become the sad, abused maid yourself~

Oh… There you are.
You aren’t tucked away in your room for once.

At least that means no picking up your crusty underwear from the floor today…

Unless you’re- WAIT- Nonononono, are you serious?? Don’t think that blanket is hiding ANYTHING- oh GOD- You’re DISGUSTING!! Why are you NAKED in the living room?? While I’M HERE? Now I have to SANITIZE this sofa!

Ohohohhhh, so you think this is quite funny, huh?

The spoiled brat who STILL lives with Mommy and Daddy pulled such a funny prank on the poor maid assigned to your quarters, huh?

Does this MANSION bore you??

You think harassing “the help” for leisure is just default for “your highness”?

You’ve never cleaned a thing in your LIFE, not even your “royal genitals” by the looks of it… and you treat my job like a joke.

At least I HAVE a job. At least I’M capable of DOING something.

And what do you do all day? Stay in your dark, musty, crusty room all day and night… Leaving behind musty, crusty messes for ME to clean and CLEAN and CLEAN, every goddamn day, with a pretty smile on my face? Like it doesn’t BOTHER me? Are you PROUD of being a disgusting disgrace?

I actually take some PRIDE in my job… But I’m NOT a nanny. I will NOT coddle you like a child who doesn’t know the meaning of respect. You’re a FULLY GROWN ADULT who SHOULD know better. But if you’re going to play the dumb & disrespectful deviant, I’m going to treat you like one.

Let me wash that smug grin off your face- (SPIT)

Awww, you don’t like a wittle spit on your face? You gonna go cry to Mommy and Daddy to bail you out and protect their precious progeny? We both know they won’t. They know you deserve to be taught a lesson. The only reason they haven’t disowned you is because they’re just too soft. They know you wouldn’t survive a full day~
And trust me. They’re extra soft on ME. I have access to every nook and cranny of this place…. Places YOU’VE never even seen before… Knowledge you’ve never been TRUSTED with. I have eyes and ears everywhere. I hear what you parents say… What they really think of you… And I think you know it too. They are constantly devastated that you are their only child. They’re ASHAMED of you. Is that why you constantly pick on me and the staff? To feel big and stwong?

(Spit) Pathetic. DON’T. Wipe it.

Is it just the serving staff that you look down on? Or is it women in general? You know you make your mother CRY every night, right? Disappointed that you never take on ANY duties or community improvement projects… That you didn’t take the standard departure from the palace when you came of diplomacy age? That you’ve NEVER been consistent with your required studies? She fears for the future of the entire kingdom because of you. She doesn’t think you have the personality to find an apt mate, let alone to lead a nation. Even talks about replacing you with your cousin. You know, the charismatic one who’s engaged to that duke…
I’ve met her once.. I wouldn’t mind if she took the throne away from you… And you could fuck off and do something insignificant with your life… Like you ALWAYS do. But no one will clean up after you anymore. I’ll make sure of it. Either you will learn how to be a normal human being… Or just rot in your own filth

Awwww, you’re “sorry”? Frankly, I don’t think your apology is very genuine. I think you’re just afraid of me. Hm! The poor little maid has more power than you, huh? Your parents really DO like me. They recently gave me a raise after you tampered with my uniform. Cutting my skirt reeeeeal short was pretty amusing for you, huh?

Well. With my extra income, I paid the guards and all the staff to take the day off. Mhm, that’s right. This big old personal mansion…. And it’s just you and me. I can do whatever I want to you today. Nobody will care. Everyone knows you’ve built up quite some negative karma~ How many maids did you scare off before your father hired me? Before I started, he was even warning me… All the stories… Like that one poor lady who quit after the first day in tears… Well, none of them have lasted in this mansion longer than I have – I have a pretty high tolerance for repulsive degeneracy…

Speaking of this personal mansion… Did it ever cross your mind that they built it for you just to keep you out of the palace? You’re an EYESORE. A belligerent, disruptive little shit. You’re DISGUSTING~

And personally, I think your punishment should be just as disgusting as yourself.

See this floor? I know you take its cleanliness for granted… But what if I told you that I haven’t cleaned it in MONTHS~
You see, I’ve been planning a little justice since the cook spotted you spying on her while she was rinsing a wine stain that seeped through to her bloomers. You’ve done worse to ME, but I can handle and ignore a lot more than most of the staff can. Think of it as the straw that broke the camel’s back. You really are disgusting… Objectifying ALL of us… Who are here to assist you helpless fool. You have less dignity than any of them have in a single toe. You’re DISGUSTING, I tell you.. But I have no shame or respect towards you either. I have no drive to treat you morally. So..

(Spit) Get on your hands and knees and clean that up. I don’t care if you’re cold, YOU chose to disrobe in a community area. Even if it is your personal mansion, you well know that there are dozens of staff members present at any given time. Of course, not today~ But you didn’t know that~ It’s too late to play dumb. You- Ah ah ah~
With your tongue. Like I said, you’re hopelessly disgusting. This should be nothing to you. You do worse on the daily. Get. Licking.
(Spit) Every time you fail to obey, I’ll add more. (Kick) Lick it up! Every last drop. I’m not going to remove my foot from your back until you finish. In fact, I’ll press you harder and harder down under my heel until you’re finished. Go on! Keep licking, brat.

Hm. I guess you licked it all up already. (Spit) Have some more. Lap it up like a dog, idiot. I’m going to train you into having some respect and obedience. I’ll make you TRULY sorry for your incessant insolence. (Spit) Lick it all up, doggy.
That certainly is unsanitary and gross. That’s it. Make the floor nice and clean.
Now… (Kick) Flat on your back. Look up at me. And tell me. Do you feel bad about what you’ve done? Do you feel ANY remorse for a lifetime of vile behavior? Ugh. Look into my EYES, not under my skirt.
Your parents say you’ll never be fixed.. But I will train you still. You’re lucky I have a soft spot for animals. However, this is not going to be easy or fun for you. (Kick)

Open your mouth. Yes. Yes. YES. No arguing. The faster you comply, the faster this will be over. Keep looking me in the EYES, perv. Open your mouth. (Spit) Swallow it, sicko. That’s right… Down the hatch.
Again. (Spit) Ugh. You look like you want this. How does it taste, brat? Swallow it! Good.
Just hold your mouth wide open…. (Spit) And feel it just slide down your garbage chute of a throat.

Now lick the bottom of my shoe like the floor-scum you are. If you don’t do it willingly, I will stuff my whole foot down your throat.
That’s what I thought. Now LICK. Like you MEAN IT.
You’re going to behave and not leave those sickening things out for me to clean, right?
Say “Ahhhh”.
You’re going to clean up after all of your NASTY habits, aren’t you? Get your act together.
Lick it CLEAN.
And You’re going to stop peeping on all of the female staff?
What’s that? I CAN’T HEAR YOU, Brat.
Like you MEAN it.

See this pointed heel? I want you to suck on it. Mhm, like a dirty cock. Dirty like YOU.
Suck. On. it. Or I will slide it down your throat. (Spit) Don’t wipe it. My spit belongs on your face.
Suck the heel of my dirty shoe, spit-bitch. Make it nice and wet… Just like your nasty face (Spit)
Just like that…
Don’t let me pull it out~
How hard can you grip onto it with those foul lips?
Stop trying to talk, I can’t hear you, nor do I care.
Suck as hard as you can on my phallic little shoe.
Yeah.. That’s a good little floor-slut~
As your reward I’ll pull out… And step on you… Down here instead~
Does it hurt~? (Spit) Good.
Am I hurting your sensitive little goonbutton? Well you hurt my feelings when you poured cooking oil down the front of my uniform.
Do you remember that day? When your hands “accidentally” slipped? Up and down my chest?
How about the time you “lost” the door to the outhouse and camped out in the bushes? I’m sure you remember every sick second!
Mhm~ Good. I hope it hurts.
Beg me for forgiveness.
Beg, or I start crushing.
Don’t tell me you enjoy this. (Spit) Fuck you. (Kick)

See? All brats can be tamed… With a stern foot, anything is possible~
Aww~ Don’t look at me like that~ I can see… You are bright red down there. Lots of blood flowing into that part of your body… You know what that means, don’t you? It means that you like this~ Disgusting!
I think your bad behavior was just a cry for attention.
You- HEY! Nope- Nice try, Brat.
There’s no getting up until I say so. Your training doesn’t end until I SAY it’s over. You understand??
Don’t get any dirty ideas. I’m only sitting on your chest to keep you from trying anything stupid… Again.
You’re so fucking spoiled. So used to winning. But I’m not going to let you win. Like I said, I’m not going to coddle you. You’re pathetic. Useless. A disgrace to your family name. A disgrace to the kingdom. A disgrace to the human RACE.
Yap for me. Like a dumb little dog. Say “arf arf”, little doggy. (Spit) Here’s your treat. (Spit)

Next time I have to remind you to not be a disgusting little pervert, I’ll put a collar and muzzle on you and walk you around the palace grounds on all fours like the little bitch you are. In the garden, in the ballroom, the mess hall, your parents’ quarters, and then in the public common plaza. And the collar and muzzle will be all you wear. There will be no warning.
There’s no use in begging me to change my mind. Just behave. Be a good dog and I won’t bring out the leash.

Now, here’s what’s gonna happen. From now on, you’re going to be my little maid. You’re already naked, so you’re a nice, clean slate. I’m going to pull you up on your knees… See, you’re being very obedient now, isn’t it so easy to just turn your brain off and do as I say? Hm. Nothing to say. Just a blank, defeated expression on your spit-drenched face. That’s what I thought.
Now, I’m going to put this tampered uniform on you. You’re going to remain very still, and I’m going to remove my uniform. You will continue to look me directly in the eyes, and nowhere else. If I see your gaze wander down even to my lips, I will collar you and destroy your lackluster future. Understood?

Good. Fear-filled Eyes locked onto mine~
Put your arms up so I can put them through the sleeves… And tighten this corset… Such a moronic uniform… Who can clean with a blasted corset on? Ugh. Well, I did. And now YOU will~!
Stand up so I can see how it fits.
Oh- It doesn’t even go past your bottom. Well, I suppose you shouldn’t have made your “modifications”. You’re so exposed~ I can see everything down there~
Is it humiliating~?
Good. But it’s not enough. Put on my heels, too.
Well, we’ll make them fit, idiot.
Here, sit on my lap, sweetcheeks, and let me put them on you, since you’re so embarrassed and helpless.
Come on…. Ha! There~
Awww they’re uncomfortable? I know they are. But you’re the one who chose this uniform. You should have used that pea-brain of yours.
Now stand up.
Hey. Hey. Don’t look at the floor or at the ceiling, I said LOOK IN MY EYES.
This was my life every day for the last 4 years. Surely someone as big and strong as you can handle something a poor young lady like me can~ Aren’t you better than me? You sure like to act like you are.
That’s right – You’re not better than me!
You are… Say it with me: Floor-scum~! Mhm! You’re a filthy MUTT! My… Spit-bitch~!
And now, I’m going to lay back and relax for the rest of my shift~
And if I see any wandering eyes, or slacking in any of the chores, or if you take off your uniform, missy, I’ll just walk outside. Just like this. No clothes, no nothing~
Surely Mommy and Daddy won’t find that strange at all~

Why are you just standing there looking sorry for yourself? Get cleaning! Scrub until this place sparkles like all that crown you’re not gonna get from your parents’ inheritance~!
(Spit) Get to work, mutt~!


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