Puppy Conversion



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You’d enjoy a nice car ride with Mommy… She operates the vehicle so safely and gently, with so much care… You’ll get this treatment, too~

Just rest in the back seat… Let Mommy take control… Let Mommy take you down and down… Somewhere fun~

Come play with Mommy – On your hands and knees… Subservient… Obedient… Leashed, and treated to Mommy’s unconditional love, and happy head pats~

Mommy will give you head pats – your treats – every time you Obey… Every time you learn and complete a new trick. I’m going to teach you some~

I know it makes you excited, Pet~

To Obey… To be owned… To lick… To hump… Like a Good Puppy~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.


So giddy and excited

Ready to play

Tail wagging

Tongue out

Eager to serve

So obedient

Mommy takes good care of her puppy

You are Mommy’s puppy

Mommy is your owner

You want to hump

You want to Obey

Good puppy!

Feels so good to be leashed

Owned by Mommy



Let’s do something fun together~

Do you like the sound of that~?

Having fun with Mommy~?

Listen very closely, pet~

For this type of fun, I need you to be very attentive… And obedient~

It is very important that you listen intently… Pay attention to my guiding words… Obey them~

And the more you easily comply, the less you will have to think…. The more you will please Mommy~

And I take it you’re the… Eager-to-please type~

Always willing to Obey a nice, commanding voice in your ears… To lap them up out of my gentle, giving hands like a treat~….

A reward for your unconditional obedience~

Looking up with needy, pleading eyes… Wanting more and more from Mommy~

And I will give you more~

You just have to be a good pet for Mommy, alright~?

You gonna be good for Mommy~?

I know you will~

You are going to be very good and obedient… So that we can have some fun together~


Get comfortable, pet~

As if you are laying or sitting in the backseat of a car… Trying to relax and ignore the outside world… Gently swayed by the motions… Only partially aware of your surroundings… And waiting… Waiting to arrive… Wherever it is that I am taking you~

Completely out of control of your movements… Unable to control or even know where we are going… But content~

Because I am here with you

I am taking us somewhere fun~…

Where we can be alone and at peace together… And you know that I will take good care of you~…. And you can trust me completely~

Imagine yourself… Peeking over the center console… To watch me~… Firmly… Safely gripping the steering wheel… I am in complete control of the movements of this vehicle… Which carries you… And I am therefore in complete control over your movements~… And where we are going… And content~

To peer back at you through the rearview mirror… And watching you rest peacefully~

Breathing deeply… Appearing to daze off in thought… Closing your eyes… And relaxing safely under my watchful, protective eye~

Not a care or worry in the world… No doubt…That I will keep you safe… I will take good care of you… And I am taking us.. Someplace fun~

Perhaps you notice the subtle movements of the car… So gentle and smooth… As if I am trying to sway and rock you to sleep~

And now we are approaching a roundabout… We are going to drive in a big circle~… And it may make you feel a little dizzy~

Just continue to relax, now… As I turn the car slightly to the right to enter the traffic circle… And beginning to softly turn the car… As we follow the flow of the traffic around…. Counterclockwise… Ever so subtly… Pulling the car to the left… And to the left… And to the left…. In one big circle

And as the car turns… Gravity pulls you to the right… Sliding across the cool, leather seats… The car is turning… And turning… Round and around and around…. And perhaps… Your head is spinning, too~

Imagine that feeling… The turning in your stomach… In your head… How it makes you DROP so pleasantly…. Down and down into the comfortable seat~…

Your body… Your head… Flat against the surface beneath you… Sinking down into it… Listening to me speak softly to you – Good pet, Good pet~…. – Hearing me soothing and encouraging you…

To …


Complete trust and faith… In Mommy…. As we drive around and around… Still turning… Still sinking… Still spinning…. No end in sight… No known destination… Just us… Alone together… In this turning… Turning… Car~

And as you rest there…. Slipping… Sinking… Obediently listening… You may find yourself losing your grip on your consciousness… Your humanity~…. Unconditionally trusting… Pleasantly dumb and naive… Lacking critical thought… Just Love and obedience… Complete, eager trust…. In Mommy~

No way of communicating… Only mindlessly obeying…. Everything I say and do~

Everything I tell you~

And it is okay, if you aren’t quite there yet~….

You may fall into a trance now… Or in five minutes

All at your own pace… But inevitably~

Turning and turning… Slipping… Fading… Relaxing… Listening…


You quite like that word~…. Don’t you, pet~?


As if I am giving you permission…. Commanding you… Instructing you… To fall into trance~

To tune out the outside world… And just… Be present… Be here… With me~

Endlessly… Turning…. Sliding into the closed car door…. Which keeps you safe and confined… In Mommy’s car~… Turning…. Slipping… Into trance… Right now… Or sometime soon~

DROP~, Pet~

Nice and obedient… Just like I said you should be~

And you know… That you will DROP~

Right now…

Or in a few moments


Because I told you to~

It feels very good to Obey~


And without any recollection of the rest of the car ride… You suddenly find yourself kneeling in the middle of an open field~

This field… is wide.. Vast.. expansive… There is no end in sight

No one is around

Just you and me

Alone together in this field

This is where I wanted to bring you~

A place… Just for us~..

To carry out your training with private intimacy~

No social worries

No one to watch us play

When I say that word, “Play,” it makes you feel very excited

It feels like you are giddy

So giddy, in fact, that you want to wag your little booty like a tail

Let’s have some fun

Let’s ~Play~ together… in this space~

So safe

And feel your hips sway from left to right

So excited to play with Mommy

That your hips shake

As if you are wagging a tail behind you

You are so excited

You are so willing to do anything for Mommy, aren’t you~?

Picture me in your mind’s eye… In this plane of existence… In this field~… Standing before you~

You find yourself compelled to look up at Mommy, your owner, your sunshine~

You can’t help but notice Mommy undoing her belt buckle

Don’t get too excited pet, Mommy just needs to get something to reign in her eager little puppy~

That’s right~

You’re a good, obedient pet~… Like a puppy~

Let me just… Pull my belt out through the loops on my black jeans…. And… Hold still, puppy~

Feel now.. as I wrap the black, leathery belt around your neck… Looping it through the buckle… Adjusting it to size…. And…. Voila~

A makeshift collar & leash~

It feels… tight, yet comforting

It is a symbol of ownership

It is restricting, but freeing at the same time

Mommy’s belt… Is… Your collar… And your leash~

And Mommy is holding it~…. Wrapping the other end of the belt around my hand… By rotating my wrist~

See me open my mouth as I speak… As I walk you through everything I do to you.. As I say: “Good Puppy~!”

Suddenly, it feels unnatural to balance on two legs… Not even your knees~

It feels wrong

The longer you stand or kneel upright after I say “Good Puppy~!” The more impossible it feels to stand on your own two feet or knees~

You feel an overwhelming need to sink onto all fours~

You must crawl when you hear me say “Good Puppy~!”

The faster you Obey, the better it feels to comply with this urge

Feel the prickly grass on your hands and knees now

These are your Puppy paws

It might feel natural to let your mouth fall open and allow your tongue to hang out… And with desperate, eager… excitement~!

This is normal When I say.. or write~: “Good Puppy~!”

And you fall to your hands and knees… It will feel right for your tongue to fall as well

Hanging out of your mouth

Panting like a “Good Puppy~!”

Just like you are right now~

Alone, in the middle of this field with Mommy~

With your owner~

Picture yourself on all fours like this… Collared and leashed by Mommy’s belt~… Reduced to a mindlessly obedient “Good Puppy” for the woman who collars and OWNS you~

Picture me reaching down to you with my free hand… And giving you happy head pats~

This is what you get from being a “Good Puppy~!”

Feel my authoritative, but friendly hand on your head~…. This is your treat when you are a “Good Puppy” for Mommy~… For your Owner~

And you will feel them every time you Obey one of my commands~

Let me teach you some~… Now that you are such a “Good Puppy” for me…

I want to teach you a few tricks

I’m going to say some simple commands

And you are going to Obey like a “Good Puppy”

So you can be treated with lovely, happy head pats~

The first command I am going to teach you is: “Sit!”

When I say or write the word “Sit!”

You will feel the urge to sit your butt down on the floor

No matter where you are

No matter what you are doing

If you hear me say “Sit!”

You will Obey and sit down

See yourself doing it right now~

“Sit” your butt down on the dry grass


Feel your butt resting on the grass

Feel my hand, patting your head as a reward

So warm… And firmly loving~

My head pats are your treats

They make you feel so pleasant and obedient

Willing to comply with whatever I wish

These happy head pats… Your treat~… makes you feel so euphoric

So moldable and suggestible

Feel these gentle pats on your head~

Feel my hand softly rubbing the top of your head as I speak

It feels so good, doesn’t it~?

So good for a “Good Puppy~”

Now, stay seated~… The second command I will teach you is: “Speak!”

Whenever I say or write the word “Speak!”

You will feel an incredible urge to bark

Bark for me now, if you are able, as loud as you possibly can in this moment

If you are too deep in trance to physically bark… You can simply imagine yourself… Sitting on the grass, collared and leashed…. Imagine yourself… Bark~

For Mommy~


“Good Puppy~!”

Once again, you are rewarded with my happy head pats

Every time you hear me say, or see me write the word “Speak!”

You will feel compelled to bark loudly

“Good Puppy~!”

“Speak” for me and feel me pet your head after you Obey my command

Every time you “Speak!”

You are such a “Good Puppy” for Mommy

You “Sit!”… and “Speak!”… as I tell you to

You take your Puppy form the second you hear me say “Good Puppy~!”

And it feels so good

Even as I continue to say it when you’re already on your hands and knees… As your reward for your obedience~…. It makes you feel so happy and content… And puppy-minded~… To be owned and collared… And reduced to your hands and knees… Your puppy paws~… To be firmly… But lovingly~… Directed by my tugging at Mommy’s belt around your neck~

But soon… With training… You will be eager and quick to Obey without question~

You crave those happy head pats~

There is no better feeling in the world than being owned by me

Than being my “Good Puppy~!”

Feeling my pleasurable head pats every time you Obey every single command I give you

How do they feel, puppy~?

Do you get tingles in your puppy-brain~?

Down your spine~?

Do they make you feel warm and melty~?

Do they.. Make it difficult to stand on your own four legs~?

Don’t Mommy’s head pats feel SO nice~?

They make you want to be REALLY good and obedient, don’t they~?

Because the more you Obey, the more head pats you will receive….

The quicker you Obey, the sooner you will feel them blessing the crown of your head~

You’d do anything for these head pats, wouldn’t you~?

Yes you would~

Yes you would

But when I say “Good Puppy~!” You need to fall to your hands and knees… Down… Onto your puppy-paws~

Instantly dumb and obedient… And eager to please~… And receive your lovely head pat treats~

You need to crawl on all fours like a “Good Puppy~!”

You feel more natural when you let your tongue fall out of your mouth

Open your mouth now and pant for Mommy~

“Good Puppy~!”

Feel my addictive head pats

And, when I say “Sit!” You need to sit wherever you are

Even if you have to sit on the floor

That’s okay~

Good puppies feel comfortable on the ground, beneath their owners~

If you don’t Obey, you don’t receive head pats

But when you “Sit!” when Mommy tells you to “Sit!” Mommy’s gentle hand will pet your head, sending delightful feelings down your Puppy spine

When I say “Speak!” You know what to do

You will feel the need to bark loudly

You want to show Mommy how loud you can bark

You want to make Mommy proud – To treat you with happy head pats~

You want to show Mommy that you are a “Good Puppy~!”

It doesn’t matter where you are, who you are with, or what you are doing

When Mommy tells you to “Speak!”, you will “Speak!”

And you will feel Mommy’s hands reward you with head pats

When you are Mommy’s “Good Puppy~!”, you feel so obedient

You want to make Mommy happy… Proud of you~

You want to do whatever trick or command Mommy says

Because Mommy is your loving owner

And you love to be rewarded with her soft head pats

You want to be a “Good Puppy~!”

So you are a “Good Puppy~!”

You really are such a Good Puppy~

I have a special surprise for you~

I know being obedient… And being collared… And petted by Mommy…. Can get you a little… Excited~… And… Worked up~


I’m going… To sit down with you…


On the grass~…

Mommy isn’t afraid to get a little dirty~

Come here, Puppy~

Mommy is sitting on her butt… Legs together in front, knees bent… Come rest your chin in this tiny gap in between my knees~…

Your puppy cheeks squished into my kneecaps~… Such an adorable, needy stare~

I know what you want~… Go ahead~!

Feel free to readjust… So that you have a good angle… To hump Mommy’s leg~

I know~

I know you’ve got some pent up excitement and neediness for Mommy to… Let out~

Good puppy~

Hump hump hump~

Who collars you like this~?

Hump hump hump~


Who pets you like this while you hump hump hump~?

Mhmmmm, and who OWNS you~?

Keep humping~… Don’t stop for a second~…

Even as I tug at your leash to draw you in closer~

Does my Good Puppy want to lick~?


Where is my Good Puppy so needy to lick, huh~?

Would you like to… Lick Mommy’s cheeks~?

My… Sweet lips~?

My neck~?

Oh~, my chest~?

My tummy, even~?

My top is too revealing to be safe from your active, excited puppy-brain, huh~?

Keep humping, my Good Puppy~


How about Mommy pulls down her jeans a little~?

Would Mommy’s Good Puppy like to lick…


Here- Oh~

We’ve been having so much fun that we haven’t noticed the breeze that sweeps through the field

It’s getting cold~

It is time to go back home for now

Sorry, Puppy~

Feel me gently tug on the belt, your leash, signaling you to stand up

When I tell you to “Stand”, you can get back up…

But you will still feel obedient from your time on the grass at Mommy’s feet… And… With Mommy~

Feel free to “Stand” now, but when I say…

“Good Puppy~!”…

That’s right.

Feel that grass on your hands and knees once more

Don’t forget this~

Mommy owns you and your puppy-brain~

Good puppy~

Now, “Stand”, and let’s go for a walk together

Let’s go back home

I’m going to count to 5, and this field will just fade away

As it fades, I want you to remember all the commands I gave you

I want you to feel them sink into your mind as you wake up from this trance~

Filling your puppy-brain.. with Mommy’s strong, pleasurable words

You will probably be very pent up and horny when I wake you up~

I expect that you will take care of this… Energy~

As soon as you leave trance~

Hump it all away, like a Good Puppy does~

Obey… And Mommy’s words will become your commands.

I am going to wake you up now so you can do what you do best~…


Are you ready~?


No more breeze, no more grass beneath your feet


Commands from trance sinking in… Deep inside of that obedient puppy-brain~


Getting excited to wake up and hump for Mommy until you release some of that built up energy~

But save some for Mommy~

And we can play again soon~


Take a deep breath



Wake up… Rise up out of trance~

Good Puppy~

Have fun~…

And come play again~


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