Sedation Therapy



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Welcome to the specialist clinic, I’m Doctor Sammys, assisting Doctor Yall Fox, and today we’ll be running a small experiment.

We are interested in the chemicals released in the brain during your more… excitable times, and have devised this experiment to help us… One you signed up for, don’t you remember~?

First we’ll take you deep down, with this nice gentle relaxing gas, just breathe that in – that’s it. Then we’ll be attaching this device, invented by yours truly~! – It’s particularly effective at collecting the … “samples” … we need.

And a quick word from Doctor Fox:
“Just sit back, relax, and I promise this will be a fun experience… for all of us… I do love my job.”


Script & editing: Yall
Additional vocals: Me~!

SFX: beeps and hospital noises

Background talking: …yes it went fairly well actually… we managed to extract a great deal… the patient?… yes a little too much sedative… *laughs*… we’ll run the experiment again once they regain consciousness…

Doctor Sammys: Doctor, the patient seems to be coming around.

(Distance) Oh good, good to hear. Perfect timing actually.

SFX: walking to the bed

Welcome back – well that was quite some experience wouldn’t you say?
Ah of course, the amnesia, I’m sure that will wear off… soon…

I’ll let you come around for a bit, just relax and settle there for a moment for me and I’ll fill you in with the details. Can you just try and focus on me for a while? I know your head may be swimming slightly, but that’s okay, just relax and settle there keeping your focus on me whilst the sedative clears from your system.

I suppose I better reintroduce myself. My name is Doctor Yall Fox, and I’m the lead researcher at this facility, and over here we have Doctor Sammys, our talented anesthesiologist and technical lead.

Doctor Sammys: Hello, again.

We are conducting research on focus, sleep, and the chemicals your brain secretes during your more… exciting dreams. Don’t worry about the intravenous lines, those tubes in your arm just makes it easier to provide you with the sedation and anaesthesia required for our experiment, you may feel a little sleepy and woozy as there’s still some anaesthetic left in your system. Just relax and let that wash over you, just like you’ve had a nice glass of wine and are feeling the slowing down of your thoughts, the relaxing calm that comes with a glass of a good vintage. Can you feel that? Good. You’re doing so well.

Can I just ask, do you remember coming in here? signing the waiver? No?… well I can confirm this is all very much above-board and you are being paid a handsome figure for your time. Doctor Sammys, can you present our patient with the signed documentation?

Doctor Sammys: Here it is, all signed, all boxes checked.

Thank you. There, you see, all agreed. You’ve been here a while now, but we only need to run the experiment a few more times whilst you lay back there and rest, I promise you it will feel amazing. We’re only here for your pleasure after all, and for … the furtherment of the experiment of course.

You are in our brand new, specialist research facility. It’s very new and shiny isn’t it? The white walls, and noises of our advanced monitoring equipment, but notice how dim the lights are, because we really want you to feel like you could just drop, and fall asleep at any time. How does your body feel? Do you notice how relaxed you are on our brand new modern beds? Nicely reclined and so soft, just notice how comfortable you feel now, feel your weight push into the soft surface beneath you.

So let’s have you close your eyes for me, I want to bring you back down ready for the next phase of this experiment. Just relax there for me whilst we prepare a few things here. I’ll be here the whole time, so please know that you can feel reassured and calm, as I will continue to speak to you, in my calm voice, as we progressively bring you down, down and down, to the next level of sedation, for phase one. Doctor Sammys, can you set up the nitrous oxide please?

Doctor Sammys: Yes doctor…

I’m going to place this small mask on your face, the band over the back of your head, just like that… well done… we’re just going to make you feel a little comfier, a little more relaxed, like how you would feel after a day in the warm sunshine, lying on a beach. I want you to feel that warm relaxing feeling as it will help with the next phase of the experiment. The mask is soft and comfortable isn’t it? You can barely feel it at all, only the best for our patients here at the specialist clinic. You really enjoyed this part last time… Doctor Sammys, the patient is ready now I believe.

Doctor Sammys: Gas flow rate set to low; 3 Litres per minute Doctor

SFX: gas noise starting
SFX: beeps becoming rhythmic, left ear then right ear

Excellent. Now, as you lie back there comfortably in your bed, notice how you are breathing in a nice slow rhythm, whilst the gas moves in and out of your body. Making you calm, slowing your thoughts, bringing you down into a tranquil and restful state.
And as you relax, let me tell you a little about nitrous oxide. It isn’t just any gas; it’s been part of a fascinating journey – a kind of evolution in helping people unwind and reach deeper levels of comfort and peace. Many years ago, it was known as ‘hypno gas,’ a name inspired by its remarkable ability to calm both the body and the mind, and allow the patient to focus deeply.
Doctor Sammys (quietly): That’s right, keep breathing calmly, slow deep breaths, let it do the work for you. Just let it in.
Back then, the gas was used in settings where individuals needed a little help, a gentle nudge, to relax fully. Over time, people realised that it did more than just relax them. It had a way of unlocking something deeper – a kind of peacefulness, a tranquillity, a focus that felt almost like a warm hug, a safe drift into a place where the usual worries just… faded away. So let them fade now.
Doctor Sammys (quietly): You’re doing so well, just stay calm and relaxed, sleepy and focused.
In those early days, doctors and therapists noticed how nitrous oxide would softly coax even the most resistant minds into a serene, yet focused state. Just by breathing it in, people would feel their thoughts slowing down, as if their minds were floating in a gentle, peaceful fog. It’s unavoidable, some would say; irresistible.
Doctor Sammys (quietly): breathe it in, that’s right, let it in.
Soon, it gained a reputation as a unique, almost magical tool for relaxation, and that’s when people began calling it ‘hypno gas’. I always thought that it really captured its ability to bring a patient into a soothing state, somewhere between awareness and sleep. Can you feel that now? As the gas starts to take hold, moving through your body, into your mind.
Doctor Sammys (quietly): just breathe now, slow gentle breaths.
As you lie there here, you might notice the subtle effects as it builds, layer by layer. It starts with a lightness in your chest, a loosening in your shoulders, perhaps even a soft warmth around your face.
Doctor Sammys: (quietly): just breathe now
Nitrous oxide encourages each breath to be a little slower, a little deeper, inviting you to let go, and drop a little deeper, just a bit more, with every exhale. Can you feel that? The way it nudges your body and mind to relax, inviting every part of you to settle into this soft, cozy calmness. Increase the dose please Doctor Sammys.
Doctor Sammys: Gas oxide flow rate set to medium Doctor; 6 Litres per minute
SFX: gas noise increasing + binaurals + change in beep tone
That’s right, feel it now as the gas works its way deeper, spreading a gentle stillness through every part of you, almost as though time itself is slowing down, does my voice sound slower as you drift there? Almost as if you’re floating on soft clouds of quiet and calm. Each breath bringing you down, down, deeper and down. Down into sleep. Down.
So *sleep for me, *sleep now, *sleep
Drop and fall into this gentle trance as the gas seeps into your mind.
Taking hold, taking you down.
Drop…. And fall. That’s right…
(quietly) Doctor Sammys, increase the dose rate to maximum
Doctor Sammys (whispering): But… are you sure doctor?
(quietly) We will get far higher arousal levels with increased saturation. I understand your concerns but it’s essential we get a good sample this time.

Doctor Sammys (whispering): I’ve set the rate to max Doctor; 9 Litres per minute, but I am worried the patient might drop a little too far
SFX: gas noise increasing + binaurals increasing – change in beep tone
You are doing sooo well… That’s right… breathe in…. And out… let the gas so its work.
The gas is a little strong I know, and you are feeling so deep, but just keep breathing for me, allow this relaxation to spread further and further, allow your focus to stay on my voice, on my words. Let everything just disappear, your thoughts, your mind, everything becoming blank now, all that you know are my words, all that you hear is my voice. Listen to me, focus so strongly on me now. And fall down. Down down down, down into trance, down into the blackness of sleep, down…
*Sleep for me

Perfect… so deep now, every breath taking you deeper and deeper.

Deeper…. And deeper.

And fall.

SFX: gas noise decreasing – sounds quieting


Doctor Sammys, would you please prepare 20cc of Arousathene?
Doctor Sammys: Doctor Fox, for the record I’m not comfortable with this. 20cc could bring arousal levels too high, and leave us with no choice but to…. assist the patient.
I understand your worry Dr Sammys, but we do have the “genstim” to take care of that. Besides, I can always provide some relief from the symptoms by hand if required. I would really like to gain a good sample this time.

Doctor Sammys: Very well Doctor. Here… 20cc as requested.
Perfect, now, you may feel a little pinch in your upper thigh, it’s important we administer this near your pelvic region for maximum effect. 5….4….3…2…1…. There… all done… It should only take a few moments to take effect.

Arousathene is one of my own formulas you know, I was on the initial research group, back when we were trying to make the perfect focus and compliance drug for the military, I shouldn’t be telling you this – it’s classified, but you are so deep now I feel you won’t remember a word I say anyway. Especially after the sedation…

It’s an interesting formula, you may start to feel a little warm, as the drug works through you. This is perfectly normal, warm and alert. You might notice your focus increasing, your focus on my voice, and on my words, as you lie there in your comfortable sleep. It’s a strange feeling being so relaxed and yet so focused, compliant, docile and amenable, don’t you think?

Many of the test subjects found they were so focused on the voice of the doctors, they could not resist even the most inappropriate commands, but I will not be taking advantage of your state, I just want to measure how effective this dose is, this incredibly high dose. The levels of compliance and focus should be quite high now, are you finding you are so relaxed and focused on my voice, on my words. So empty and compliant, submissive and subservient. “Subs” that’s what we called our patients back then, “subservients”. But it seems the military had no use for the… affects.
Doctor Sammys: Doctor – pulse increasing, levels building as expected.
<// haptics – building waves //>
Oh yes, I really should explain the name we have given this formula, you see, one of the side effects of Arousathene was… quite unexpected. At first the patients would feel warm, relaxed, compliant and focused, but then as the warmth spread it would start to affect other parts of their bodies, as it moved inwards, towards their core.

You may notice this shortly, don’t you worry, the formula attaches itself to the pleasure centres of the brain and starts to, slowly, increase genital sensitivity, arousal and sexual lust. It’s a wonder-drug some might say. Your body is already showing signs of this arousal, can you feel the warmth spreading to your groin? the sensations building down there? Ah yes. I can see very well indeed. An immediate response.
Doctor Sammys: Arousal levels increasing doctor, elevated rate.
That’s right, let your body feel the sensation build now, as your nether regions are flooded with sexual hormones. That’s it, clear signs now. Perfect. Now the dose was particularly high so I can see the effects are coming up slightly quicker than our previous tests, interesting. So interesting, Doctor Sammys’ look at the charts, we’ve not seen them quite like this before!

Please prepare the “genstim” – I think we may need a little help here.
Doctor Sammys: Yes doctor
SFX: rusling with stuff in the background

Now whilst Doctor Sammys gets that ready I may need to intervene here, you see if we don’t address that growing arousal it could get too much for you.

SFX: fitting medical gloves

You are doing so well, it’s okay that those levels are rising, this is as expected, we have you covered, don’t you worry. I’m just warming my hands for you, I don’t want my touch to be too much of a shock for you.
Doctor Sammys: Almost ready Doctor, just a little longer.
<// haptics up-down sensations //>
Let me try and address that issue, here, hands all warmed so it should actually feel quite pleasant. More than pleasant actually, this should feel absolutely fantastic, I’m rather jealous of your… situation.

Feel now as I gently massage the affected area, just like that… slow gentle caresses, I don’t want to rub too hard or it may be a little too intense for you… slow strokes… nice and steady. Oh my, you really are enjoying this aren’t you? I

Let me apply a little extra lubrication for best results, there, slow and steady. I hope you don’t mind me taking on this task personally, I like to make sure my patients get the very best treatment, and what better treatment can I offer than my own, well practiced hands. I really do enjoy my work. I think you can tell…
Doctor Sammys: Doctor, Genstim is ready. I’ve set the power to low
Perfect, let’s get this fitted for you then.

The Genital Stimulator, or GenStim, was one of Doctor Sammys’ own inventions, taking all of the best technology from teledildonics and AI and combining them into this versatile unit. It looks a little strange I know, but it’s designed to perfectly fit any shape and size, and apply the perfect amount of sensation. The motors and sensors are quite unique… now…
You might feel a little tingle… as I attach this…. Here…. Done.
<// haptics build phase – stroking //>
Oh my, look at that. It’s really going to work there. Now we only have this set to low power at the moment as I don’t want to overload your pleasure centres. You will be feeling a nice stroking and vibrating motion at the moment, building up and falling off. This pattern is designed to keep you very much on the edge, we could leave you here all day, but I feel you’d go quite mad. We tried that before and… well…

Doctor Sammys: Doctor – levels rising a little too quickly, increasing unit power
Good idea. That should counter the effect nicely and bring that pleasure up to match the sensations.
I hope that’s not too intense for you, look at it, pumping away down there, I love how “thirsty” this device is, I always think of it as a little robot, designed only for your pleasure. I can see how much you are enjoying that, there’s no hiding your pleasure now. The perspiration, the reddending, your gasps. Doctor, can we provide further audio stimulation from the headphones, I think our patient would… respond well to that.
Doctor Sammys: yes doctor.
SFX: Sexy noises/moans in background – slightly tinny – as if they were being played through shit headphones
Let’s boost the unit now, final collection phase. Thank you
Doctor Sammys: unit set to harvesting mode.
<// haptics cum phase //>
We need to take some fluid samples so I will be instigating an orgastic response. This will also help counter the arousal levels that are growing and growing within you.
Let’s add a little more power now – and ramp up the intensity. I will assist with my hand later to make sure we get a full output. We have already started collecting, you’re so wet down there, it’s amazing how much lubrication the body releases before an orgastic event.
Now I can see the dose is fully absorbed into your system, levels are at maximum saturation, I’m impressed with your results so far but I need you to go a little further now, we need this sample from you, for science of course. I do love to watch the Genstim do its work, the pumping movements, the rotational motions, how the appendages massage all of your erogenous zones, pushing all the right buttons, some would say. It’s just so hypnotic, the way it moves around your body, the way it seems to know exactly what will bring you closer.
You can feel the pressure building now can’t you, the device will be moving to full power soon and there’s no way you will be able to resist it then, so let go at any time. The collection system will take what we need from you, receptacle ready, pumping motions increasing and moving to spherical massage. That’s it, let it go, feel the pressure bursting to release, and you can release at any time you like. Our unit may run for a while longer.
I do enjoy sitting here watching my patients going through these motions. The pleasure on their faces as the device does the work… I bet the combination of the Arousathene and Genstim is quite something. The way the device conforms to your needs, reading your body’s reactions, pulse, and heat. Pushing and pulling, applying just the right amount of suction, vibration, and motion. Pumping away there like a hungry thing, needing to collect all of your juices…
Doctor Sammys: it’s working Doctor, readings are off the chart.
Perfect… If you like I can add some additional sensation with my gloved hands, how does this feel if i provide pressure just…here… that’s it, coming close now, so close to release, and you can release anytime you wish, my hands on you now, the device doing it’s work, pleasuring you in ways you could never have imagined, so much sensation now, all of your nerves on maximum sensitivity, the building is probably too much, but you can release for our sample as soon as you need.
Pumping you, pumping into you, massaging you all over, my hands providing relief, the unit working at full power… it’s time… it’s time now…
Release now
Release and let the genstim collect your sample.
Release for me, release it all.
Perfect, keep it coming.
More, more for me, more for your doctor, let it all out for me. Give me your full sample.
Oh that’s wonderful, so much, so much more than we expected.
<// haptics slow and stop //>
Doctor Sammys: collection complete doctor, we have the sample we needed. Shall I administer the anaesthetic?
Yes please Doctor.
That’s so much better than last time, you probably don’t remember last time, and that’s fine. The formula has an unexpected trait you see. Many of my patients lose consciousness, and short term memory, but that’s no bother for you I’m sure. The anaesthetic will sedate and calm your system, allowing everything to slow down.
Feel it start to slow your breathing, slow your beating heart, slow everything down.
Settle now. Settle and relax, let this all wash from your mind, let the thoughts of this fall away, fall from your memory like the fall of leaves from a large deciduous tree. Remembering distant memories of falling leaves. Rivers and streams, moving away, ever onwards to the ocean, taking your memories with it, to a far off place, far away.
Relax now, and as you feel your body unwind, let your mind fall back into a nice gentle trance for me. Slow down and fall.
The tiredness will seep in, and that’s okay, let it in now.
Fall…. Fall now… sleep.
I’ll be seeing you again soon….
When you wake…

For our next session…


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