Stuck in Her Web



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You wake up in a sticky substance with no memory of how you got here. A cold, dark, echoey room, with faint hints of an outside world. You can feel that you are not alone.

You hear a voice. A quiet, soothing, somewhat condescending woman… She seems to know you, but you can’t remember anything. She weighs down your silky resting place like a waterbed as she crawls towards you… And you realize the reality of your situation – cradled in a giant web above an effectively bottomless abyss, alone with this woman who promises to help you. What choice do you have~?

Just do exactly as she says, and everything will probably be okay~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

Stuck… Tingly…
Horny and afraid…
You don’t know why~
Obey, if you know what’s good for you~



Oh dear~, look at you~, you went and got yourself stuck all the way up here~
How did you manage that~?
Did you trip and fall in the darkness… Up the smooth walls of this cave~?
You really are such an oblivious clutz~… There’s no way you’ll be able to get back down by yourself~… Why would you put yourself in a situation like this, hmmmm~?
You can’t be trusted to go anywhere on your own, can you~?
You’ve got the survival instincts of a little fly~

You don’t remember me~?
We were together… Just before…
Oh, oh my~, you can’t turn to face me~…. You’re really…. Stuck~
What is this sticky stuff, I wonder~?
Oh, don’t act so disgusted
You never know, the creature who made it might be nearby…. Might be on its way to pounce on its trapped prey
But probably not~
It’s a good thing I found you, hm~?
Nothing will disturb us while I’m here~
I’ll help you~… But you have to calm down, ok~?
Stop squirming~, I won’t bite~
Don’t move, or you might alert the creature who built this big, beautiful… Web~
Ah yes, it’s a complex, intricate web~
Such a magnificent creation, wouldn’t you agree~?
Oh, hush~, you’re not afraid of a little spider, are you~? Relax~, they’re harmless~
But it’s okay, you’re safe with me here~

You really don’t remember anything~? Perhaps you hit your head in your little accident… Tell me, is your head spinning~?
Are any parts of your body tingling~?
Is anything beginning to become… Stiff~?
Maybe I can think of something to help you relax~…
At the very least, a way to keep you from moving, while I work my magic~

Close your eyes~
I know it’s too dark for you to see anyway, so close them… And focus on your other senses…
Do you sense me? Getting closer?
The web, dipping under my weight, as I crawl over to you, pulling your body down on one side?
Like the entire right side of your body is sinking down into the dark, empty space below us?
Do you smell me? Closing in~?
My earthy, natural, sweet pheromones~… Wafting towards you… Carried by the humid draft coming from the entrance of the cave… Smells like it just rained out there.
You must have come in here to get some shelter
I’m a little.. Dirty, too, but you don’t seem to dislike it at all~ Let my smells relax you, knowing how close I am~… I came for you~… I’m coming~… Almost there~…

Do you hear me~? Or rather, the plucky web strands as I pass along them, making my way over to your still, unguarded body~? Sprawled and helplessly stuck to those fibers, with no hope of moving even if you absolutely needed to~? It’s a good thing I found you here, before anything else could~

Mmmm, do you feel me~? Not quite yet… But… My weight… Evenly dispersed around you, at your sides now… Standing over you… Dangling… Inches above you~
Shhhhhh, I need to assess just how stuck you are before I can decide what I can do with you~
Hmmmm, yes…. I know how to calm you down…
Feel me…. Slowly… Gently… Drop down onto you~
Just for now, just until you can calm down~
I can’t help you if you don’t stay calm for me, ok~?
Oh– Is that your face, in between my– Well, I suppose it’s well established that you’re quite the clumsy type~… But perhaps I’ll stay in this position~
It seems to relax you~
It feels good. doesn’t it? Hugging your face with my big, soft breasts… Engulfing your face~… Consuming it~… Sucking it in~… Hugging all of you~
Wrapping all of my limbs around you… It’s very comforting, isn’t it? Almost like I’m giving you multiple hugs~… It’s like I have enough arms and legs to completely wrap you up tight~
So close to you… You can practically…
Taste me…. My inviting smell is so thick and cozy and familiar, you could take a nice, long nap on it~
But seriously, taste me~
I mean it~… It’ll help you calm down~… To just get lost in your focus~… Your senses…. Me~
Taste my sweetness as I squish my breasts into the sides of your face~
The air you breathe is my Earthy, homey scent…
Like there’s no one in the world but us~
No one can interrupt us… No one can hurt us… No one can separate our embrace… No one can pry me off of you~ I’ve got you~

Oh dear, you’re heating up~… Such hot skin, despite being in such a cold, sunless cave~
You’re getting all flushed~… Blood, rushing to the surface… And…. A little something~… Poking my tummy~
You’re quite… Ripe~.. But you’ve certainly calmed down~….
I don’t want to crush your excited little friend~, so… Let me turn you over… Slowly…
Pushing your body over your left side, and facing you down on your tummy now
Realize now, our combined weight dipping and sagging down the center of this ornate web~..
Staring down into the face of the dark abyss below us
We sink into this web as the darkness lures us in… Cradled in the hands of this homey hammock
We won’t fall~… Even as it feels like you could Drop at any moment~

Maybe it will help comfort you better if I turn you back around~
Spinning you around… Your body, turning over your left shoulder again…
I have such a tight, clingy grasp on you
Don’t worry, you won’t be going down there…
You won’t fall~… This web is exceptionally strong~… Nothing can break through it~
Just feel my warm breaths on your face~…
Do you feel them~? Hear them~? Smell them~… Taste them~?

You’re definitely quite relaxed now~
But all of your excitement drained down here~… So stiff and full~… Because of me~?
Drop~ … Sink into your feelings~
Focus on me~

Your body is growing weaker~… Yet your erection only seems to be growing stronger~
Perhaps I make you feel really relaxed~…
Or perhaps it’s the toxins in my skin…
Or the venom in my saliva~

Shhhhhhh~, it’s already too late for you, my dear~
Your protests only sound like unintelligible mumbles now~…

Drop~ … Relax and enjoy the time you have left~

Mmmm, let me spin you around again~… Turning over your left shoulder, all the way around this time~

Spinning… Your strength, your consciousness… Falling… Down into that void below us…

Pins and needles… Tingles, spreading through your body now~…
Starting at your lips~
Spinning… Harsh tingles filling your head~….
My unwavering grasp… Rotating your body… You’ll soon feel very disoriented and light~.. Free of all the things that make you feel so heavy right now~
A pretty, empty husk, that won’t weigh down my beautiful web, anymore~
And those tingles have probably spread down to your shoulders by now~…
Everywhere they spread… Everything my venom touches within you… Locks up, unable to move~
When they reach your cock, your erection will stick~
It won’t be able to calm back down~
Turning, turning, turning~
Every time I turn you towards me, I can feel it it rub against me~
Maybe that’s why it’s still so hard~
Surely being my prey isn’t making you so aroused~
Oh~, or maybe it’s the spinning~… Spinning you up in my web~… Wrapping you nice and tight~… Pushing all of that blood down into your delectable worm~

I can see those tingles have spread down into your chest, and they’ve almost taken over your fingertips as well~
It must be getting so hard to breathe~
But your shallow breaths, along with your firm, atrophied arms… Makes it so easy to wrap you up nice and tight~
Binding your arms to your sides… Around and around your chest and tummy, which the tingles have taken over as well~
Just one more taste of the appetizer before I encase your head~….

I know, I’m such a greedy girl~
I normally wouldn’t want to get too full right before a meal, but I want to savor you~… I want to devour you slowly~… Bit by bit~… I want to suck as much as I can out~…
I think I’ll keep you around… Heal you, replenish you, so I can feast again and again, until you run out of things to give me~
There we go~… Your whole head is covered in my lovely webbing~… Don’t they feel so smooth and silky and almost… Wet~… Against your little face~?
Oh~, and I’ll bind your legs together nice and tight, too, as the tingles travel down to your toes~…. Your thighs… Tingles… Your knees… Tingles… Your ankles… Tingles… Your heels… TIngles… Your toes~… Hmmmm~… No more squirming~
The only thing that twitches now is your lively, throbbing cock~
As I spin you.. And spin my webs around you.. Excluding your sensitive, protruding appendage~
You’re completely bound, all except for your full, full cock~
Full of blood~, but that’s not all that wants to come out~
I’m not a picky eater~
Oh~, the tingles are finally filling it as well~
Mmmm, the final area of your body, and you’ll be tingly and stiff all over~~
Stuck like this for me~… Spinning and spinning and spinning~… Losing track of which way is up and down~… Which way is the abyss~?
Is it below you~? Or is it above you~? You’re so deep, like an insect underground~
But you’re not pest to me~
Your worm is… Warm, and… Delicious~
And hard~… And overwhelmed with tingles now~
And now~… Wrapped up in my silky webs, too~
Its own special, protruding section, jutting and pointing out from your body~… Like it’s trying to find me~
Such easy access for when I get thirsty~
Which I always am~
Maybe if I… Wrap some more tight webbing around it~… I can squeeze some delicious juices out~

You’re likely feeling hot and cold waves battling for dominance within you, as these staticky tingles as your body swells up now… Making my webs feel tighter around your entire body~
Squeezing… Spinning… Tighter… Stronger… Tingles… Stuck… Throbbing~
And you know another side effect of my sweet, sweet venom~?
Oh, right~, you can’t move your mouth~… You poor thing~
I don’t mind the desperate, confused, incomprehensible little pleas, though~, fear erections and the beating heart that fuels them with blood~… Mmm~!
Don’t worry too much~
The dosage of venom I gave you isn’t enough to give you permanent effects~… The tingles will wear off… Eventually~….
But that other side effect I was going to tell you about will be permanent, regardless of how much of my toxins you ingest~…
Although, it will happen whether I tell you about it or not~, so… I suppose I don’t really have to tell you what it is~
Oh, what the hell~, you’ll forget it anyway~
Because the side effect is amnesia~
Your body gets so overwhelmed from my arousing, tingling venom, that your brain ceases to form memories for the duration~
When your little Drop of my fluids leaves your system, you’ll be right back where we started – stuck and completely ignorant of everything that happened while my toxin was coursing through your veins and making you feel this way~… Completely empty of all of your recent memories~
It’ll be just like it was when you woke up, stuck in my web~
Maybe I’ll toy with you some more~, I’ve always rather enjoyed playing with my food~

Speaking of~, are you getting close to releasing some of those bitter juices for me~?
Or shall I…. Tighten this silky webbing even more~?
Squeezing~… Pulsating like your arousing little heartbeat~
Shoot your sticky webs for me~
Make me a creamy little snack, and then forget all about me so I can recreate this fearful arousal, all over again~
The more you give me, the longer I’ll keep you around, my little pet~
The more samples of sustenance you have to offer, the more time you have before I’m too hungry to resist the main course~
Can you do that for me~? Can you keep me happy and satisfied~?
Keep me nice and full, dear, and I won’t empty you out~…. Yet~
Feed me your seed and you get to live, little human~~
If not now, then I’ll be back very soon after the venom (and your memories) vanish~, to try again~
But things will be much better for you if you release your orgasm for me NOW~, pet, do you understand what I’m saying~?
Or are you too overwhelmed with dumbing pleasure~?
As I slide the slippery webbing up and down your sensitive shaft~
You’ve made a bit of a mess here~… Drippings of what is to come~! A sweet little sample~…
Oh my~, you like my mouth on it, don’t you~?
You don’t mind my sharp teeth~?
Or…. Maybe you LOVE them~

It feels like it’s going to explode with flavor~
You know what to do~
Cum for me, sweet-tasting human~, and you’ll forget all about this intense fear~
Just give me what I want and everything will be okay~

Mmmmm~ When I tighten the binding~…. Your cock grows plumper… Fuller… In my mouth~

It’s so hot~… My saliva is steaming off of it~
Mmm~, dribble dribble~
Just delectable~, dear~… Don’t be afraid… To give me more~
Let it all out for me now~
Squeezing … Hot… Pulse…. Cute, stupid moans~ … Stroking~…. And~…. Yes, almost there~…
I can feel it~…..

Tighter… Tighter… Pressure~… Building~…
Tingling~… All over~
And… NOW…. BURST with flavor~… Cum~~
So empty already… Already forgetting~…

I’m going to remove your binding, just for now~… I really enjoyed the process of entrapping you~… I just have to do it again~
The tingles will dissipate… Eventually… I may or may not be back for my second helping before you’ve completely recovered, though~
For you, it’ll be your first again~
Feel it all leave you~… The tight binding… Your memory of what just occurred… The tingles… Perhaps even your consciousness~
Perhaps you are so exhausted from lying there~~…
That you just can’t stay awake any longer~
It doesn’t matter to me~
I know it will be just as easy to seduce and drain you~… You won’t know what’s coming~
When you hear my voice again, you won’t know who I am… How you got here… You won’t remember anything~
You already don’t remember most of it~

There, you’re free of your bondage~…
I’ll be coming back for more of you, my little treat~


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