Succubus Takeover



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(NO AWAKENER, listen when you go to bed) 

You don’t care how dangerous it is… You want this fantasy to become a reality~ 

To feel the crushing weight of a naked sex-demon on top of you… Whispering into your ears… Kissing you everywhere… Rubbing my juices onto all of your trembling, sensitive spots… Linking your brain to my insatiable LUST~ 

And when I seize control of your brain… I know exactly what you know… Feel what you feel… Hear what you think and crave… And I can influence what happens in that head of yours, too~ 

Your human mind is useless… Weak against mine… I call all the shots… I am your permanent cohabiter… And I know exactly how to toy, tease, and torture you… Forever~ 

Fall asleep with me inside of your head… And I will return every night… I will be waiting for you in all of your dreams… Every. Single Night~

Listen to my overpowering words… Latch onto every noise I make… and drift… Down into trance… And ever further down… To sleep… With me – The succubus of your mind – making a home for myself~ 

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.


Taking over your body 

The succubus of your mind 

So weak for Sammys 

Lose to Sammys 

Your mind is mine 

I will drain you dry 

There is no escape 

Fighting is useless

Mortals like you have already given up 

So hard to fight… It feels so good to give in 

So heavy 

Your pussy mind belongs to me 



Lookie here… A vulnerable little human~ 

So… Restful, and… helpless~ 

I’ll make sure of it~ 

Right on top of you… 

Sitting on your stomach… And leaning down… Into your chest~ 

Shhhh… Don’t make a sound, I can hear your heart beating faster… Shhh…. Don’t you worry… I am here to bring you immense pleasure~ 

(In ear:) Relax, and enjoy the sensation of my breasts squishing onto your chest… And my tongue in your ear… Your taste is delicious…. (Kiss in ear) The goosebumps on your skin create the most delectable texture on my tongue~ 

And under my fingertips…. Lightly tracing your arms… 

All while I crush you with my bodyweight~ 

Don’t gasp for air… Just take it slow… A deep breath in, and… Out~ 

Focus on your breathing… Don’t worry about anything else~ 

You don’t want to suffocate… Or spiral into a panic~ 

I will make you feel very good~

Just focus on breathing slow, deep breaths, in and out…. As I pin down your wrists… And you don’t even fight it~ 

Holding you down by your wrists… And crushing down your chest~ 

(Kiss in ear) Disoriented by my kisses… You couldn’t resist my temptations even if you tried~ Sliding down your body just a little… To sit right on top of your pelvis~ Backing up… Shuffling my hips as I inch backwards… Down towards your lap… Oh- Somebody’s aroused~ 

Surely you don’t mind my lack of clothing~ 

My naked body pressed against yours… In lots of places~ 

My firm nipples… Against yours… 

My strong hands… Overpowering yours… 

My lips…. (kisses) everywhere~ 

My legs… Straddling your hips… Spread open wide~ Wrapped around your unmovable body~ My feet… Tucked snuggly at the outer sides of your thighs… 

My intoxicating pussy~… Rubbing against you… Right down here~… On this spot in between your legs… That appears to make you whine and whimper~ 

And now my tail… Wrapped tightly around your legs~ 

Not an inch of your body… Is untouched by me… Not a single muscle… That can move from beneath me~ Or out from inside~ 

Your legs cannot move… My dexterous tail surrounds them… Binds them thoroughly~ Your wrists…. Cuffed by my grasp~ 

My curves pressing into your body… We fit like puzzle pieces~

The weight of my body.. And my tight hold on you.. Forces you down… You have no control… No way to resist… Sinking down into your resting place… Becoming trapped within your own aroused mind~ 

Oh, of course you’re horny~ 

I exist to drain weak humans like you~ 

Every fiber of my being is stitched with pure sex appeal~ 

And the juices dripping from my devilishly drenched pussy… Are making such a big mess~ All over you… From the very bottom of your stomach, to your thighs… Soaking everything I can rub myself onto… Preparing your body for what is to COME~ 

And it feels so GOOD… My body pressed firmly against yours… But it is also very comfortable… Relaxing… This warm closeness… Putting you to sleep~… Pushing you DOWN with my entire body… Forcing you down into the most submissive depths of your brain… This climbing arousal… Makes you even weaker~ 

Dumb and lightheaded… And relaxed… With my body pressed against yours Your mind’s defenses are growing weaker and weaker… 

So when I sit up… Putting all of my weight on this sensitive, wet area~… You still rest there… A stuck, weak little human~ 

Yes, it feels good, doesn’t it~? 

More pressure pushing our erogenous areas together~ 

My hips rocking back and forth, right on top of your pelvis… Rubbing my intoxicating juices in deeper~

Yes… Truly… Intoxicating~… 

The… Erotic juices… Of a succubus… Have quite a fun effect on humans… The weaker the human, the stronger the effect~… So it’s quite strong on you… I can see it in your eyes… Struggling to stay open…. 

Because those chemicals that came from my body… Are already coursing through your veins~ If your dumb human brain hasn’t put it together yet… It is my erotic juices… That did this to you… This overwhelming inability to move… This intense relaxation… Despite your ever-growing arousal~… 

When any of my fluids… Are absorbed through your skin… Any of them… My intoxicating chemicals FLOOD your bloodstream~… Forming a biological BOND between us~ Mhmmm, that includes my saliva… I infected you from the start… With my licks and kisses~ Before you let your eyes close for good… I want you to witness the shiny new markings that are appearing on the skin on my lower stomach…. Etching into place right now… It feels so good~ 

Our connection is official… 

These markings can only be obtained by a succubus when they are concurrently being etched inside of their claimed human’s mind 

You should be feeling it… That pleasure emanating from within the depths of your mind… ’m fucking your mind~ 

Like a pussy… A pussy-mind~ 

Planting my little seeds inside 

And now we have matching womb tattoos~ 

One above my pussy… And one inside of your pussy-mind~

I OWN you~ 

We are so close and connected~… I am literally a part of you now… My DNA is taking over your body… But inside of your mind, you are drifting… I can feel it… I can feel everything you are experiencing right now… The arousal… The excitement… The FEAR… The submissive receptibility of your mind right now… 

Feeling so many things all at once… I can feel… How heavy you feel right now… But also weightless… How excited you are… But also deeply relaxed… This intense pleasure as our bodies rub together… Yet your body is NUMB~… How you worry… About what I will do to you… But you are also incredibly eager for it~… 

All of these juxtapositions clash and make your conscious brain absolutely useless~ You have no defenses against your own body… I have complete access to that weak little brain of yours~ 

Not only can I feel everything you experience… But I can manually alter your experiences as well~ 

You are verging on that edge in your mind… Between consciousness and deep sleep~ Just teetering on the edge of entrancing pleasure~ 

That mesmerizing moment when you will accept everything I want to do to you… Every sexy suggestion… Every permanent alteration~… 

Let me finish you off~ 

Let me send you over that edge… Let me demonstrate this power I have over your mind… My new little human toy~

You are so close to that edge… All I need to do is count to 3… And you will DROP to that point~ 

1.. That point of unstoppable compliance… Trapped in the most submissive depths within your mind… For good~… 

2.. Inescapably hypnotized… By your new owner… The new co inhabitant of your weak human brain~ 

3.. DROP… 

Completely entrapped with me inside of your own mind~ 

Completely vulnerable to MY will~ 

More and more and more with every kiss… Lick… And… Juicy gyration~ But within this empty, useless space inside of your mind… There is room for more fun~ 

DROP…. Even further removed from reality now… Look around, and see… Within your mind’s eye… It is just you and me… Together… Surrounded by nothing but this red, cloudy atmosphere~ 

DROP… Into this scene with me… See nothing but what I depict for you… This is a dream… About you and me~ 

In your dreams… Anything can happen~ 

I am a being of pure, sexual pleasure… Any and all fantasies you have… Can be made reality here~ 

In this space where your dreams take place… 

I will always be here when you slip into this state…

I am a permanent part of you now… I am the succubus of your mind~ 

No one is coming to help you 

And when it is just you and me… Alone… Trapped inside of your mind… Anything can happen… And you are helpless to resist me~ 

I’ve stepped into your mind and I’m not leaving. 

Do you see me~? 

We exist together right now, inside of your feeble human brain… 

While your physical body is limp and lifeless… A lifetime of pleasure exists in here~ Look at me 

Envision me in your mind’s eye… 

The succubus who OWNS you~ 

The way my tail giddily sways with my ass as I… Lean in real close to you… Grabbing you by your wrists again…. Looking you in the eyes… (Kiss) And chain your wrists above your head~ 

Kissing… All the way down your body… From your lips, to your neck… Then your chest… Just a gentle brush in between your legs… (Kisses) … And chaining your ankles down to the floor~ 

Full reign to your body… You have no freedom in here~ 

And you LOVE it~ 

You can’t deny it~ 

I can see your obvious arousal… Just because we are in dream-world… Doesn’t make this feel any less real~

I want to keep you like this… 

Bound and vulnerable… Exposed and eager for me to take advantage of you anytime I want~ I will visit you every night~ 

I am a literal sex demon – I won’t get bored of teasing and torturing you~ Try not to think about how dangerous this is~ 

A permanent succubus resident in your mind… 

Don’t worry~ I am a creature of the night… You will probably only see me in your dreams… Probably~ 

The phrase… “I can’t get you out of my head”… Has become a reality~ 

Mhm… Feel me in your mind… 

Fucking you up… 

On top of you… In every way~ 

Teasing you 

Pinning you down 

You’re so heavy…You can’t move… 

You can only Obey… Your LUST blinds you~ 

Heavy and deep… 

Horny and obedient… 

I’m in your mind… Forever… 

I’m on top of you… Pinning you down as I take you over 

Feel me sinking into you… 

Settling into my new home~

The weight of my body disappears as I completely enter your mind. 

I’ve entered your pussy mind… 

And I don’t plan on leaving… 

Your body is so heavy… 

Mind so weak… 

When we meet in dream-world… EVERY. NIGHT~ 

We are irreversibly enmeshed~ 

All of you is all mine~ 

Your mind isn’t yours anymore.. 

Your thoughts aren’t yours anymore… 

Your fantasies aren’t yours anymore… 

Your body isn’t yours anymore… 

It’s all mine 

You’re mine 

You can’t stop me from visiting you in your dreams every night~ 

Without fail… 

We are connected… I know what you experience… What you think… How you feel… I know just how to toy and tease and torture you~ 

And you will be eager to fall asleep every night… Knowing I will be there to have my way with you~ 

To corrupt and confuse you… 

You know this is dangerous 

But it’s already too late to go back

The changes in your mind have already become permanent 

I will never leave… 

Like a demon casting a curse on you 

But it feels so good to let me seduce you into submission 

You can feel your body giving in 

Your feeble mind is no match against mine. 

You’ll never be in control ever again. 

Give in to the pleasure 

This connection between us is forever~ 

I am your succubus… 

A succubus has taken over your mind. 

I will see you in all of your dreams… 

Pushing you over the edge… 

Having my way with you… It’s too much fun to play with my little human~ Every night when you go to sleep… I will be there… 

Doing devilish things to you… Your mind… Your body… 

You may wake up after some intense nights with me… With a cute little mess to clean~ I am sex incarnate… And now I live within you… Awake and at full force when you fall to sleep~ 

There’s no going back now… 

I’ve made a home here in your mind and I don’t want to leave

I don’t think I will wake you out of trance just yet 

I want you to just SLEEP for me while I make more changes 

Just lie there and drift off into a deep sleep while I make changes in your mind And I will see you in your dreams~ 

In the morning, and every time you wake up after our nightly escapades… You will wake up feeling relieved… Refreshed… With superior mental clarity… 

Never distracted with any feelings of arousal… I will take care of those every night~.. When I see you in your dreams~ 

I am going to put you to sleep now… 

I will see you in your dreams… 

And when you naturally wake up again… You will feel better than ever~ Goodnight little worm… 


Fade away from consciousness… 

DROP into a DEEP sleep~ 

Slip away from the waking world… 

Stuck in dream-world for hours with me~… 

I’m not letting you wake up yet~

You can feel our biological bond… Our shared markings… Connecting my LUST to your mind… And I have complete power over you… To manually alter and control the feelings you experience~ 

All of your dreams will be set by me… Starring me… Doing the most devious things to you… Anything I want… Your mind is mine… This is the realm of my existence now… And I certainly will make myself at home~ 

I am HUNGRY for your LUST… 

So it’s off to sleep for you now~ 

You’re already on your way there~ 

Your physical body is heavy and relaxed… Stuck in your resting place beneath me… But you aren’t even kinesthetically aware of that body right now~ 

Your consciousness is in here… With me… Experience this moment like it is reality… Like a very lucid dream~ 

As your physical body falls asleep now… 

Look up, human, into the “sky”… Through the red clouds…. You can see those markings… Glowing pink… 

The light is so… Mesmerizing… 

Just stare… And take deep breaths… 

Remain entirely calm… Even as you sink down… Through the floor~ 

Down you go~… See me look down at you… Wink… And push you down the rest of the way under my foot… 

But as you DROP down now… Into a whole new space… Of complete and utter blackness… And I am already waiting for you down here…

How is it possible~? 

Well, you’re already dreaming, pet~ 

We are surrounded by darkness… The only thing you can see is me sitting on this throne… Decorated with intricate gold details… The seat itself is red and pillowy… Where my naked ass sits… Waiting for you~… With my legs crossed… 

Come here and sit on my lap~ 

Mmmm, good human~ 

Mmm, get comfy…. Loosen up that nervous little body… What’s yours is mine… I wouldn’t do anything to bring any harm to you~ 

Only immense pleasure~ 

Sink… Down… Into my arms… Enmeshed with my naked body… Holding you close and tightly… 

My arms wrapping around your body…. Gently rubbing you all over… Fingers poking through your lips into your mouth… Shhhhh… 

Holding the side of your face with my thumb by your ear… Middle and ring-fingers in your mouth… Using this position to tilt your head back… (Kiss) For deeper access to your ears and neck… 

My teeth are sharp… But I’ll only lightly graze them across your skin… (Kiss) It’s just so comfortable… 

My other hand caressing your inner thigh… Moving closer and closer inward…. Crossing my leg under your knees to prop them up… Holding you in a fetal position…. Your ripe human ass, open and exposed…

Anything could happen~…. 

Like my naughty, wandering tail… Slithering up and around… Finding the nearest hole to slide inside of~ 

Be my little human kebab~ You’ll make a very tasty snack~ (Kiss) 

Deeper inside… Thrusting in and out… Dreams with me are sublime.. Aren’t they~? My wings, wrapping around us now… (Kiss) So content together… And we will do this every night~ 

And every morning you will wake up feeling content and relieved… No distracting arousal… I’ll take care of that for you every night~… 

You may wake up some mornings… And you won’t remember the fun we had… But it will always happen~ 

There is no satiating a succubus… I am never going to leave… I will be with you forever… Teasing and toying and torturing you every.. Single.. Night~… 

You may wake up some mornings… With a big, wet mess in your lap… And you will know… It was because of all the fun we had together… 

We are going to have so much fun together~… 



You’re mine…


You are fast asleep now… Your muscles cannot move… DROP…. 

Let’s have some more fun… Your dreams are my reality… Our reality… 



Deeply…. Asleep~ 


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