Making You My Locked Up Pet



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(Door opens and closes)
Now… Where were we~?
Chin up~, let me see that sensitive little neck~
Feeling a little dizzy~?
Just lean back against the door~…
Let me mark you with my kisses~
My lipstick.. Smearing all around your neck… Like a choker~
Or a collar~
Left~… To right~…
Now let’s get this shirt off of you~…
Just let me kiss you~
One on this nipple~
And one on this nipple~
And a trail of 3 more under this one~
And a trail of 3 more under this one~
You just hold still~… I’ll do all the dirty work down here… On my knees… Pulling your pants down… Ah-ah, no, no need… I said, don’t move~
Bye-bye pants~
Now you’re all naked and defenseless~… Except for the lipstick you’re wearing so dashingly around your neck~
Look down at me~
Should I kiss you down here, too~?
No surprise there~
Mmmm, but let’s take it nice and slow~
I like the way you squirm when I hover my hands over your skin… Touching only the tips of the upright little hairs, if anything at all~
Mimicking the motions of rubbing your thighs… Petting closer and closer to your…. Ah-ah~, not yet~
I like the way you whimper and whine, too~
Are my warm breaths funneling into all of those sensitive places~?
Kissing you so teasingly where you desperately wish I’d kiss~?
Patience, pet~

Well, then~…
How about we take this to the bedroom~?
Here, take my hand~…
I’ll lead the way~…
Just down this hallway~…
Come, now~
It’s walkie time~
I know it’s dark… Darker and darker the deeper we go~…
It can make the hallway feel like it goes on and on forever~
Just… Crawling… Forward… Endlessly… Deeper… Into the abyss~…
Keep holding on tight~
Follow my voice~
I know where we are~… I know where I’m going~
Trust me, pet~
Keep going… Follow me… Deeper and deeper~
Forward is the only way~… Behind us is a vast darkness you can’t navigate on your own~
You don’t want to get aimlessly lost in the darkness without someone to guide you~
Just a little further~…
We’re going to make our way down some steps, now, okay~?
You’re going to have to trust me~
Step down… Good~… Other foot~… Not bad~
Next one~… Down~… Deeper down the hallway~… Deeper down the stairs… Slowly, but surely~
Come on~… Down~… I’ve got you~
Hold on tight to me~…
We wouldn’t want you to trip and fall, now would we~?
Don’t worry~… I won’t let that happen to you~
As long as you stay with me.. And do as I say~… You’ll make it just fine~
One more step… MhMm~, you got it~
There’s a good pet~
DROP to your hands and knees~
Good Puppy~
Now, come on, we’re not quite there yet~
Since you can’t use those puppy paws to hold my hand anymore, I’ll pull you along by the hair on your head~
Crawling by my side~… At my pace~…
Here, Puppy~
Keep up, and the less it will hurt~
You can’t fight against my pull, Puppy~
I’m going to give you the fun play-time I promised you~
Come on~… Forward is the only way, Pet~
Now… Just keep crawling forward… I’ll push you forward from behind~
More… More~…
Mhm~… The floor is metal there… It might feel cold against your bare hands and knees, but you’ll get used to it~
Keep going… A little more~… Mhm~, Good Puppy~
Welcome to your new home, Pet~

As you feel your way around, you might notice cold, thin, metal rungs in every direction~…
My little cage doesn’t give you much wiggle room, does it~?
Shhhhh… Just relax~… The more you struggle, the tighter the cage will feel~… The more trapped you will become~
Don’t worry, Pet~
We’re still going to Play~
Relax, while I get your toys ready for you~
Ready…. Okay~
Now… Here’s our first little game~
Are you going to be an obedient little pet~?
Now… The rules of this game are simple~
I’m going to poke my toes through the gaps in the cage…
And you’re going to use that cute little nose of yours to sniff them out~
Without your sense of sight, perhaps your sense of smell will truly be enhanced like that of a dog’s~
Mmm, eager, are we~?
You’re cute when you’re frantic to Obey~
Good Puppy~… Sniff deeply and diligently to find your treats~
If you do well enough in this game, we can play another one~
Does that sound good~?
I’ll take the hastened rattling of the cage as a yes~

Come on, sniff, Puppy~
See if you can come find me~
Oh– There you go~
Good Puppy~
Now lick them~
Come on~
Lap it up, Pet~
Make sure to get all in between the toes~
Awww, you really don’t like it when I pull them away, do you~?
You know you can’t follow them through these tiny gaps out of the cage, right~?
Or are you too dumb and puppy-brained to realize~?
DROP, Pet~
Down, Pet~
Allll the way down to the ground…
Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble~…
I’m preparing your next treat~
(Cage rattles)
Okay, Puppy~
I’m sitting on your cage~… Come up and find me~
Sniff, Puppy~… Seek my scent… You’ll know it when you smell it~
Well, that’s my thigh~… But can you find anything else~?

Good Puppy~
Yes, Puppy~… Right there~
Lap it all up~
Let your tongue guide you~…
Lick my pussy through the gaps~… My ass~…
Whatever fetches the attention of your simple Puppy brain~
This is your treat, Pet~
Oh, but I don’t want to spoil you so soon~… I think we should call it quits for now~
(Cage rattle)
I know, I know~… That wasn’t nearly enough for my hungry Puppy~…
But pets don’t always know what’s best for them~
A good owner has to know when to say no to their needy pets~
Even when they plead and whine~…
Mm, you’ve got a lot of howl, for, someone so small~
Save your breath~… We’ll Play again later, but it’s bedtime now~
Do I need to put a muzzle on you to keep you quiet?
Hm, I might as well, just to play it safe~… Puppies can be quite loud on their first night in their new home~

Hold still~…
I’m going to press this tight against your face… And… Securing it tight on the back of your head…

I’m draping a blanket over the cage now… I need you to be good and quiet so I can relax in peace without a whining mutt staring at me all night~

Oh, no, Puppy~
You still need a lot more training before you can sleep on the bed with me~
You’re sleeping in the cage tonight, and every night for the foreseeable future, or, until you can prove to me that you can be good~
I can’t understand you through that muzzle, silly Puppy~
The first trick you need to learn as my pet, is to be quiet when I tell you to~
You can do that, can’t you~?
Well, this is your chance to prove it to me~
You’ve been a pleasure to witness~
But it’s quiet time now, got it?
Good night~


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