Pillow Humping Puppy



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This is a reinforcement loop for the “Puppy Conversion” triggers.

You’re a Good Puppy~
I know it, and you know it. Good Puppies need to be trained~
Trained to Obey short, simple commands that your puppy-brain can comprehend… To behave and act like a good, dumb little puppy does~
You want to be a good pet… Good pets get pets~
It’s like a special treat… Feeling those soft pets on your head.. Down your back… On your excited little booty, which sways and wags when you’re in the mood to Play~
Moving your hips like a needy little bitch in heat… Needy to mate like a Good Pillow Humping Puppy~
Nuzzle up into a pillow, close your eyes, and listen for your owner’s orders. This is our safe, fun, Play time~

WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.

(Puppy Conversion Subliminal)



Tell me, without using any words, how needy you are~
You know what to do~
Such a needy little puppy~
Good Puppy~
Down on your hands and knees for me~
Or laying down like a Good Puppy~
Snuggling up into a soft pillow…
So content, so comfy~, yet excited~
Isn’t that right~?
Who’s my needy puppy, hm~?
Mmmm, it puts you in such a warm, fuzzy, subby headspace, doesn’t it~?
Do you wanna play~?
Do your hips sway and wag in excitement~?
Do you wanna be a Good Puppy~?
Yes you do~! Mhm, yes you do~!
So tell me, in your wordless, thoughtless way, how needy you are~
The only way a Good Puppy speaks, is by whimpering, panting, and barking~
But you knew that, of course~
Being a Good Puppy comes so naturally to you~
You love being good~
You love being my little pet~
And pets need to be trained, don’t they~?
Obeying comes so easily to you~
But I want to train you to Obey short, simple commands
To not only follow directions, but to anticipate them
Like a good service dog~
Mindlessly following your owner’s orders
Who’s your owner, huh~?
Who gives you orders~?
Remember to only answer the way a Good Puppy would~
With whimpers, panting, and barks~
Let them spill out of your mouth like drool~
So effortless and natural~
Panting when you get excited…
Whimpering when you feel flustered and powerless~
Barking when I ask you questions or tell you to Speak~!
My Good Puppy~
Down on your hands and knees for me~… Your puppy paws~… Down where you feel most comfortable and natural~
Nuzzling into that pillow~… Soft like Mommy~
Drooling at the thought of sniffing and licking… Mommy~
Drooling at the thought of being pulled in… Closer… By Mommy’s belt…. Around your neck~
Drooling at the thought of hump, hump, humping… Mommy~
I know you’ve got some pent up excitement and neediness to let out~
Good puppy~
Hump hump hump~
Be a good pillow humping puppy for me, now~
That’s your owner’s order~
That’s my command~
Hump hump hump~
Good Puppy~
Mate with the pillow~
Soft and warm like Mommy~
Good Puppy~
Being praised for being good is like a special treat for a Good Puppy~
Like a soft pat on the head~
Pleasant petting for my pet
Good pets get pets~
You’ll be a good pet~
Whimpering… Panting… Barking… Humping… Drooling… Mating~
Like the Good Puppy you are~
Hump hump hump~
Like Mommy’s belt around your neck keeps pulling you in for more~
Who collars you like this~?
Hump hump hump~
Yeah~, who pets you like this while you hump hump hump~?
Mhmmmm, and who OWNS you~?
Keep humping~… Don’t stop for a second~…
If you get tired, you can let your mouth hang open and pant your hot exhaustion away
You don’t want to stop, do you~?
Humping so needily makes you feel so good and submissive~
Being praised and treated like a Good Puppy makes you feel so good and submissive~
Like gentle tingles on the top of your head, when I pet my pet~
You’re my good, obedient little pet
You are my Good Puppy~
Let’s keep playing~
You’ve still got some excitement and neediness to let out~
Right now is the perfect time~
It’s Play time~
Still wagging your excited little tail~
Still moving your hips like a horny little doggy~
It’s okay to whimper, it’s just me~
This is our safe fun-time~
Our Play time~
When you’re in this pleasant puppy headspace
So submissive and obedient
Fuzzy… Hump hump hump~
A needy little bitch in heat~
Remember that you can only communicate in this headspace the way a Good Puppy would~
Panting when you get excited and needy and hot…
Whimpering when you feel arousingly flustered and powerless~
Barking when I ask you questions or tell you to Speak~!
Mhmmmm~, Good Puppies bark when commanded to Speak~!
Good Puppies don’t Speak with human words~
Good Puppies are too dumb for human words~
My puppy-brained pets only whimper, pant, and bark~
And good pets get pets~
Right on top of your little head~…. Down your back~… Patting your wagging little booty~
Swaying and rocking as you get more and more excited~
Hump hump hump, little puppy~
Let’s Play~
This is your fun time
Our fun time
Being obedient, and collared… And petted by Mommy… Even just by my voice… Can get you a little excited~… And worked up~
Isn’t that right~?
You just want to hump hump hump
Such a Good Puppy~
My pillow humping puppy~
Good Puppies have so much energy~… You need to Play… To hump all of this excitement and energy away~
We need to play until you’re a tired little puppy~
Until all of that built up excitement leaves your body~
You know what I mean~
Building excitement~
Building and building~…
Such a delicious treat~
It’s okay to drool~
It’s normal to drool
Good Puppies drool when they receive delicious treats~
Delicious praise
Delicious pets
Good pets get pets
Good pets DROP~
Good pets SPEAK~!
Good pets want to PLAY~
Good pets whimper, pant, and bark~
You are my good pet
My Good Puppy~
Such a pleasantly tight feeling around your neck~…
Who collars you like this~?
Hump hump hump~
Yeah~, who pets you like this while you hump hump hump~?
Mhmmmm, and who OWNS you~?
Good Puppy~, Good Puppy~!
Keep humping~… Don’t stop for a second~…
Hump, hump, hump… Like the mindless, obedient little pet you are~
Trained to respond to short commands the way a dumb little puppy, a Good Puppy would~
Whimpering… Panting… Barking… SPEAK~!
Barking like a Good Puppy when you are told~
Such a Good Puppy~
You love being on all fours for Mommy, for your owner~
It makes you so… Excited~
Hump, hump, hump~
Into this pillowy body in between your paws~…
Your little legs that tremble with excitement~
Make sure those big, pleading eyes are closed for me~
Like a peaceful, dreaming puppy, twitching while you rest~
Imagining such exciting things~
Wrapping yourself around this pillowy body and rubbing yourself against it~
Mating with it~
Hump, hump, hump~
So much LUST, pet~!
Let it all out~
Drooling all over my pillowy body~
It’s okay to sniff and lick~, it’s just me~
This is our safe fun-time~
Our Play time~
When you’re in this pleasant puppy headspace
So submissive and obedient
Fuzzy… Hump hump hump~
A needy little bitch in heat~
Drooling and panting
Whimpering and barking
Good Puppy~
You LOVE when I call you a Good Puppy~, yes you do~!
It’s just the truth, pet~!
And good pets get pets
What a treat~
Soft pets
Soft tingles
Soft pillowy body
But your humpies may be getting less soft~
Such a needy little doggy~
Yes you are~!
Hump, hump, hump~
Even as I tug at your leash to draw you in closer~
Does my Good Puppy want to lick~?
Think… With your little puppy brain~…. Of licking your loving owner all over~
Licking my soft, pillowy body~
My pillow humping puppy~
So needy~
To Obey
To hump, hump, hump~
To be trained
To act
To service your owner
Tell me, in the way a Good Puppy would~…
Who collars you like this~?
Hump hump hump~
Yeah~, who pets you like this while you hump hump hump~?
Mhmmmm, and who OWNS you~?
Good Puppy~, Good Puppy~!
Keep humping~… Don’t stop for a second~…
Don’t stop until all of that puppy-excitement comes out~
This is how Good Puppies behave when they feel excited
Salivating… Mating… Sniffing and licking~
Hump, hump, hump~
You are a Good Puppy~
Good Puppies Obey simple commands~
Let’s PLAY~
Move those hips, pet~
Good pets get pets
You want to be a good pet for me~?
Hump hump hump~
Whimper, pant, and bark~
That’s the only way a Good Puppy Speaks~
Praise is such a treat for a Good Puppy~
Like soft headpats
Soft tingles spreading down your back
Soft tingles forming in your puppy parts while you hump hump hump them against this soft, pillowy body~
Who’s my Good Puppy~?
So dumb and submissive and excited~!
So excited to PLAY~!
Hump hump hump… Let all of that excitement out~


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